#the continuation of the scratchy lines god that was SO fun i love adding extra scratchy lines
ria-starstruck · 1 year
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attack against @udog's thom!
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monstablaq · 6 years
Noona, You’re So Pretty (with Wonho of Monsta X)
Details: One Shot, Smut (18+), Monsta X story Characters: Wonho, Monsta X members, unnamed noona (older woman) Synopsis:  Minhyuk has found Monsta X the perfect noona. She cleans when they're away on tour, plays video games with them, drinks with them and just is a ton of fun. Every member enjoys her company, except one. Wonho always tries to get her attention but the other members always seem to get it first. Will he finally be able to get her to notice him?
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Chapter 1
"Hey can you help me with this?" Minhyuk called, trying to blow up a balloon.
"Heh, what's all this for?" Wonho asked, taking the balloon. With a quick strong breath he filled it the whole way.
"Did you already forget? It's Noona's birthday!"
"Ah..." Wonho looked surprised. "Yeah..I forgot."
Noona had been hanging around now for about a year. Minhyuk became friends with her by frequenting the coffee shop where spent most of her time studying. She was living abroad and teaching English, but would spend her free time writing down Korean words and practicing speaking to those that would listen. Soon they became best friends, always exchanging words and sharing sweet treats along with their coffees. One day he brought her to the dorm and everything changed. The other members often started to hang out with her, so much so the manager just accepted her as the group's unofficial housemate. She'd show up when they were away on tour and would clean for when they came back. She'd often be called over to play video games with I.M or cook with Kihyun; she just became a close friend. She was a bit older than everyone, so they looked up to her in a certain way. That was everyone, except Wonho.
She sparked something in Wonho that couldn't be explained. Her matured, curvaceous body was always tempting him. She'd always wear low cut shirts and bend just the right way, revealing all she had to offer. She'd hang out late at night and fall asleep on his lap without realizing the frustration she was causing. Yet anytime he'd make a witty pick up line and wink, she'd be completely oblivious or possibly ignoring it. He couldn't be sure. She always seemed to pay the others more attention and it drove him crazy.
"Where is everyone else?" Wonho looked around the room.
"Mmm..Kihyun and Jooheon went to pick up groceries, Shownu is picking up the cake, Hyungwon is getting more decorations and I asked I.M to grab the gift I ordered from the Post Office and then pick her up."
"Why are we having the party here?" he whined a bit.
"I wanted to take her out to the club but she said she rather just be around friends. Besides we can drink and not worry about traveling. It will be fun!" Minhyuk set up the table and hung up a large 'Happy Birthday' sign. "Could you do me a favor and pick up in the living room?"
"I guess so," he reluctantly responded.
Over the next hour or so they finished decorating. Hyungwon came and made some finishing touches, adding glitter to just about everything. Kihyun returned and led the cooking while Jooheon acted as his sous chef. Eventually Shownu came back with the cake and a half eaten pastry that he couldn't resist. They waited patiently for I.M to return with their guest of honor. Finally, their buzzer rang. Minhyuk quickly grabbed the door.
"Noona!!" he excitedly hugged her.
"Hey!" she giggled at his excitement. He took a step back to let her move into the room. Everyone's eyes were ogling her. "Sorry if you were waiting long...my roommate gave me a makeover for my birthday."
"Ahh..I can see that," Jooheon winked. "Noona is sexy." The rest nodded in agreement, even Shownu giving an approving smile. Wonho's jaw dropped to the floor.
She stood there in a rose colored miniskirt and fishnet stockings. Her mesh jet black hung loosely accompanying a black bralette and revealing an almost risque amount of cleavage. She wore a choker to fit the theme and a pair of silver dangly earrings. She slipped off her short black boots and looked down at her feet, feeling embarrassed from all the compliments.
"You're sorta like.. sexy vampire style," Hyungwon commented.
"Yeah I told her that on the way over," I.M laughed.
"Wow your makeup is really on point," Kihyun gave her a thumbs up.
She brushed her brown hair back and looked up. Behind her thick glasses, her silver eyeliner was almost as fierce as her red lips. Wonho's extreme expression caught her eye for a moment. He swiftly looked away.
"It's like she knows she's torturing me," he thought.
"Wow, you did all of this for me??!?" Her eyes sparkled as she glanced around the room. Streamers and balloons lined the outsides of the living room. She could smell the delicious food from the kitchen and see the large cake on the counter.
"Well of course!" Minhyuk pleasantly responded. "It's my best friend's birthday." She squeezed his hand gently.
"Uh.. we should probably eat soon," Shownu's stomach rumbled softly. Minhyuk led her to the living room table as everyone besides Wonho headed to the kitchen. He set down a pillow for her to sit on. She carefully lifted her miniskirt as to not reveal anymore of her skin as she sat.
"Ah, I need to grab something," Minhyuk ran off. Wonho was the only one left standing in the room. She smiled up at him.
"Hoseokie!" She waved. She always called him that. He both despised it and loved it.
"Yeah?" His throat got a bit scratchy. He tried to stand there and look tough.
"Come sit by me." She patted the ground beside her. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."
It was partially true. He'd hit the gym when she came over. That was the only way he could work out his frustration. Sitting close to her would be a dangerous feat. Still, it was her birthday, so he had to oblige. He reluctantly took the seat beside her. She wrapped herself around his right arm. It took him aback.
"Omo you were always strong but you got even buffer lately." She admired his hard work.
"Well I uh.." he smirked a bit, "I've been you know..preparing for our tour." He could feel her breasts pressed against his arm and a chill rode up his spine. This skinship was already too much. He flexed while trying to sneak from her grasp. Suddenly Minhyuk reappeared and popped down to her other side.
"Birthday girl needs a birthday tiara." He playfully accessorized her.
"Mmm.. I'll only wear it for you," she played along.
Everyone began carrying out the food. A variety of side dishes were placed around the table, including three types of kimchi, bean sprouts, seasoned tofu, and her personal favorite, baked sweet potatoes. Jooheon placed a bowl of rice for each person as Shownu followed along already starting on his bowl. I.M brought out a few bottles of soju as Hyungwon followed with a pitcher of water. Kihyun carefully brought out his pride and joy, the main course, marinated short ribs. He set it right in the middle and found his spot next to Shownu. The aroma filled the air and excited everyone's taste buds. Kihyun sharply nudged Shownu to stop picking at his rice so they could say a prayer. They bowed their heads for a short moment, then jumped right into the feast. Minhyuk quickly served her first, giving her a healthy helping of everything.
"This all looks so good," she complimented. Kihyun anxiously watched as everyone tried his food. She made a lettuce wrap with the meat and finally tasted his efforts. It was amazing. She lit up. "Oh my God, this is so good." He took a sigh of relief. Her sincerity was all too real.
"Ah, good." The rest of the members nodded and piled up their plates.
"Here I'll get yours noona." Minhyuk was being extra affectionate. He grabbed her plate and loaded it with her favorite side dishes. Wonho stuffed his face with meat while glaring at Minhyuk in jealousy. "He always spoils her," he thought. He reached for the bottle of soju to pour for her but I.M beat him too it.
"Ah, the soju." I.M shook the bottle then popped off the cap. He poured her shot first then continued around the table.
"I'm so happy you're hanging out with us for your birthday," Jooheon commented.
"Kihyun cooks better when you're here," Shownu joked. Kihyun smacked him.
"We should have a toast," Hyungwon suggested. They all raised their shot glasses.
"To the most amazing noona in the world," Minhyuk smiled. Wonho scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Cheers!" They all finished their drink.
They continued to eat, drink, and enjoy each other's company. Everytime Minhyuk spoke to her, Wonho tried interjecting. He'd laugh loudly and make a comment, but her attention would always end up back on Minhyuk. Eventually he gave up and went back to eating.
"Ah, I forgot I got your favorite wine," Minhyuk said. He got up and headed to the kitchen, At that moment, she looked at Wonho and poked his side to say hello.
"Sorry about that," she apologized. "We had a lot to catch up on."
"It's no problem," he responded cooly. "So, I meant to tell you earl-"
"Here we go!" Minhyuk interrupted, pouring her a glass of wine. Wonho sat there blankly.
"Oh thank you!" She said. "Uh, sorry Hoseokie, what were you saying?"
He pouted a bit. "It's nothing." His eyes were like darts shooting at Minhyuk.
"Ah...okay," she awkwardly looked away. Wonho sighed.
Eventually, all the food was finished. The empty bowls sat on the table as the seven members each waited for someone to clean them up. After a quick round of rock-paper-scissors, Minhyuk and Hyungwon cleaned as Kihyun went to get the cake. I.M happily covered it with candles and lit the fire as Jooheon grabbed ice cream. They sang a rather energetic rendition of 'Happy Birthday' then she blew out the candles. Kihyun dispersed the cake and it was enjoyed by all. After the dessert was finished, Minhyuk grabbed a large wrapped present from his closet. She opened it and revealed a large brown teddy bear. She gave it a hug then set it beside her as she opened the other presents. Wonho sat with his arms crossed the whole time, feeling guilt ridden he was the only one that didn't give her a gift.
"Hyung, where's yours?" I.M asked. Wonho shrugged.
"I uh.."
"He forgot it was her birthday today," Minhyuk quietly said. Wonho looked down.
"It's okay," she reassured him. "I feel so spoiled by everyone today.. I'm just really happy you're here." She patted his hand. He couldn't just leave things this way.
"I got you something, don't worry," he lied. "I just can't give it to you yet."
Everyone sat there in awkward silence for a minute. Quickly, I.M grabbed the video game he gave as a present.
"Noona, let's go play Mario Party." He helped her up and dragged her to the living room. Jooheon and Shownu quickly followed. The other three started cleaning again as Wonho sat in silence. He felt as if he missed his chance. He poured himself a glass of wine from the already opened bottle and drank it all in one gulp. He watched as she played video games with the members. She seemed so happy with everyone else. He poured another glass and drank it just as quickly. He knew he couldn't just sit back. He observed the sitting arrangements, trying to find a way next to her. She sat right in between Shownu and I.M; he knew the easier target. As the round wrapped up, he swiftly made his way in, pulling I.M out of the way.
"Yah you should let your elders sit," he teased. I.M smacked him with a pillow but found a spot on the floor.
Wonho wanted her to notice but her focus was on the game. He sighed again. "I need a drink," he said, mostly to himself.
"Hmm that's an interesting idea," Jooheon responded. "What if everytime someone loses a mini game, they need to take a shot?"
"Yeah!" They all said in unison. He grabbed a few more bottles of soju and readied the glasses. Wonho snuck a bottle for himself. He uncapped it and started drinking from it, hiding it under the couch pillow. He watched as they continued the game.
With shots on the line, each of them took the rounds more seriously. The rules changed as they continued, sometime doubling the amount of shots being taken. Noona seemed to purposely be playing worse than the others, giggling each time she lost. It was apparent the punishment of liquor was all she wanted. Each time she took a shot, Wonho secretly took a shot of his own.  With each passing drink, he gained confidence. He'd shift just a bit closer and she didn't seem to mind, moving into the new crease of the couch cushion. As she became more inebriated, she leaned on him to regain her balance.
"I got you," he said, putting his arm around her waist. She gently held onto him.
"You're so sweet," she blushed, hiding her face.
"You can call me Wonhoney," he laughed drunkenly, feeling his own face blushing. She suddenly kissed his cheek and his heart felt as if it had stopped.
"It's your turn noona," Jooheon called. Her attention quickly turned back to the game as Wonho's face went blank. He tried to process what was going on. He looked back at her, watching as she took her turn. She suddenly became even more beautiful than before. His eyes would barely blink as he didn't want to miss a moment. She finished her turn and looked back at him; her eyes meeting his. She still smiled, unaware of his thoughts. He had to taken this opportunity. Slowly, he leaned in for a kiss when-
"Noona!!" Minhyuk suddenly wrapped his arms around her from behind the couch. He just finished cleaning and was oblivious to the situation. "Are you enjoying your birthday?"
"Uh.." her mind went blank. "Yeah..it's the best."
Wonho was shook. His drunkenness seemed to instantly melt away. He couldn't take it anymore. He immediately stood up and grabbed her hand.
"I have to see her alone," he boldly stated. Minhyuk let go.
"Oh, okay," he seemed a bit surprised. "Be careful, she seems a bit drunk."
She shook her head. "I'm fine." She stood up and passed on the controller. "Can you play for me?" she said. Minhyuk nodded. She brushed off herself then let Wonho lead her to his room. He locked the door behind him. She glanced around the room.
“I’m not in here much,” she said. “Usually Minhyukie takes me to his room.” Wonho scowled.
“Yahh what is Minhyuk to you?” He got frustrated. “Hmm?” she fixed up Hyungwon’s bed. “Are you and Minhyuk dating..” He muttered. “Ah, no. He’s just my friend,” she smiled. “He does get a bit clingy but I think it’s cute.” “So…” Wonho scratched his head. “Just friends?” “Just friends. Why do you ask?” She sat down on the edge of his bed. Her legs spread just enough to reveal her panties. Wonho began to sweat. “As long as that’s true,” he deviously smirked, “then..”
He stood in front of her, his eyes, ready to devour. She smiled innocently, seemingly unaware of his dirty thoughts. “Are you giving me my present?” she joked a bit. “Present?” he thought. “Ahh… well.. If you want it to be.” He stripped his black t-shirt off. Her eyes lit up. “Oh my God, birthday striptease is the best present!” She got so excited. He laughed.
He put his hands on her shoulder and rolled his body. She bit her lip and rubbed his chest. He slid between her legs, rolling her skirt up a bit and danced for her. He dropped to his knees and slowly rose up, keeping his eyes on hers. She seemed to love the show. “Hoseokie, you’re so sexy,” she egged him on. He felt himself become braver. He wrapped her legs around his hips and pushed her further onto the bed. Her hands moved up around his neck as she laid back. He kneeled over her, his hands holding him up plank style above her. His black hair dangling in his face. “You’re really dedicated to this performance aren’t you,” she teased. “Thank you for the present.” “Present?” He felt a little disappointed. “You think I’m just doing this for your birthday?” “What do you mean?” She looked puzzled. “This was you wanted to give me right? I see why you couldn’t give me this earlier.” “Ah..that,” he remembered. “Aish, what do I have to do to make you notice me?” “Notice?” She sat up a bit and played with his hair. “I do notice you.” “I’m sick of the other guys always stealing your attention. Now I can finally have you to myself.” Her eyes widened. “To yourself?” He took off her glasses, looked deep into her eyes, and he couldn’t hold back. He slammed his lips against hers, kissing her passionately. Her head landed against his pillow as he slipped his tongue inside and danced it around in her mouth. He separated to take a breath and noticed her stunned face. He sat up, feeling like a major mistake. She finally smirked up at him. “So that’s what you meant,” she giggled. Her eyes were becoming as fierce as his. She reached for his shoulders and pulled him back down. This time she kissed just as aggressively; her tongue slipping into his mouth as well. He sucked on her lower lip then began kissing down her jawline. Her chest heaved in and out as she felt her body getting hot underneath him. Her fingertips dug into his shoulders as he continued his lips down her neck. He smirked as she already began making little moans.
“I haven’t even started,” he smirked. “You’re already excited aren’t you.” She nodded, biting her lip.
His right hand fondled her left breast as he traced his lips along her collarbone. He played with her breast through the mesh shirt and bralette, trapping her nipple between his middle and ring fingers. He worked his other hand to her other breast, exposing her breast out of the bralette. His tongue danced around her nipple, licking through the mesh material as he began sucking on it. She fidgeted, trying to shift the fabric off of her but couldn’t budge. His eyes staring straight up at her as he sucked harder. “My poor shirt,” she whined, tugging at his hair. “I’ll take it off for you.” He popped her nipple out of his mouth. “You look hot like this,” he responded, then went back to work. He pinched the other side, feeling it getting as erect. He fully slipped off her bralette now exposing both breasts through the mesh. He began sucking this side as his fingers massaged the other. She giggled and began tracing his nipples, pinching them playfully. He gasped, surprised by the feeling. “You’re sensitive too,” she teased. He pinned her arms over her head. “Noona, I’m in charge,” he smirked. He let go and continued kissing down her tummy. She kept her arms up and gripped the headboard. He unzipped her miniskirt and slid it off her curves onto the floor. He admired her body only being covered by a mesh shirt, some fishnets, and a black pair of panties. He pulled her hips closer and kissed her again.
“Why is noona so sexy,” he whined, spreading her legs and massaging her lady bits through the cloth. She moaned at his touch. She couldn’t stand her top anymore and stripped it off along with the bralette. It excited him more. “Fuck,” he breathed out, devouring her breasts again with his tongue. He nipped at both nipples again, biting ever so lightly making her arch her back in pleasure. He could feel her wetness seeping through her panties. He couldn’t to play.
“How expensive were these tights?” he asked, slipping his fingers through the holes. “Mm..” she thought, “about 15 dollars?” “Ah..I’ll buy you new ones.” He ripped them right at the crotch and slid her panties to the side, exposing her pussy. He licked his lips and smirked. “Let’s see how noona tastes.” He moved further down the bed to position himself to play. He slowly grazed his tongue up her opening, making eye contact the entire way. He wanted her to know her Hoseokie was the one making her tremble. Her hands gripped the headboard tighter as he flicked his tongue against her clit. She moaned louder as he spread her opening and slid his middle finger in. “You’re already soaked noona,” he chuckled, covering his finger in her wetness. He slipped in another finger. “Don’t tease me,” she whined, throwing her legs on her broad shoulders. Her thighs gripped his head as he sucked her clit. Another finger entered as he slid in deeper, wanting to make her cum from foreplay. His fingertips running along her most intimate parts, making her body become more sensitive. Her knees became weak and slid off his shoulders. His tongue took the place of his fingers as he licked every bit of her opening. She tugged his hair hard as he tongue fucked her. “Ah..Hoseokie,” she moaned, begging for him more. He was pleased, feeling her pussy pulse around him. “You taste amazing,” he smirked, licking deeper. Her body started to fight against him. “This isn’t fair,” she pouted, closing her legs a bit. “What’s wrong?” he asked worriedly. She sat up. “Why am I the only naked one?” He laughed. “Ah I see.” He stood up and unbuttoned his belt. She crawled over to him. “Nononono, I’ll do it.” She quickly unzipped his pants. “You seem so… restricted.” She stared at his huge bulge. He blushed. “It’s because you’ve been driving me crazy all night. It always makes me jealous when the others get your attention.” “It’s not my fault everyone wants to spend time with me,” she teased. “I’m sure Minhyuk is wondering what I’m doing.” “Well he can stay annoyed,” he sneered. “I want to be the one touching you that much for now on.” “Eh..?” she looked up. “You heard me.” He kissed her, pushing her back onto the bed. He stripped his pants the rest of the way off and kneeled in his boxers. She tugged at the waistband with her toes, begging for him to continue. He loved watching her yearn for him. “You’ll only let me do this to you right?” She anxiously nodded. “Good.” He took off his boxers, revealing a huge hard cock. Her eyes widened at the size. “Omo.. you’re bigger than I thought,” she blushed. “Aish, I’m afraid to ask what you thought before,” he said, nervously scratching his head. She crawled towards him and playfully licked the tip. He gasped. “Noona..” he stuttered. “It’s still your birthday so let me do all the pleasuring tonight.” He reached in his drawer for a condom and slowly slipped it on. She shifted so her ass was in front of him and that she was on all fours. She spread her legs a bit to make the access easier. “Ah..so this is your style.” He kneeled and guided his cock to her opening, poking the tip inside just a bit. Her sensitive pussy already reacting to his touch. “Are you ready?” he asked, rubbing her back. “Yes..” she breathily responded. Enjoying every bit, he slowly inched his entire cock inside her. She let out a squeak. He gripped her hips and started thrusting in and out, increasing his pace each time. Her walls tightening around him giving him a euphoria he hadn’t felt before. He leaned down more, wrapping his hands around to squeeze her breasts as he nibbled he back of her neck. His hot breaths making her moan louder as he pounded her hard. “You’re so tight noona,” he whispered in her ear, feeling his cock already seeping. She twisted her neck to bite his lower lip and beg for kisses. Her knees began to shake and made her lose her balance. He quickly supported by pulling her hips closer to his lap. As he continue to slam his cock into her, their moans both got louder. The pace of their breaths began to match each other as they continued to connect. She felt so amazing he could barely take it any longer. “How close are you, noona?” he begged for an answer. “Ah..” she tried to speak but only moans escaped her mouth. “I..” Her body was out of her control has her orgasm took everything over. She was louder than ever as her pussy squeezed his cock. As he tried to reposition to reach his own limit, there was a sudden series of knocks at the door. Panic struck. “Nooonnnaaaa…” they could hear a drunken Minhyuk calling. She shoved her face into a pillow to stifle her moans.
“Yes?” she weakly responded. “Whatcha doin?” He leaned against the door. “I uh..” she squeaked. “Hoseokie and I are playing together.” Wonho winced, trying not to cum. “Aww…” he whined. “I.M finally went to bed so we can play the Switch now.” She squeaked again. “Oh...kay. Let’s do it another time.” She couldn’t stay like this anymore. “Okay..” he sadly responded and walked away. Wonho quickly came. He moaned hard as he slid out of her. Her juices dripping out as she fully collapsed on the bed. He took off the condom, tying the end then laid down beside her. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her soft kisses, from her forehead to her lips. He leaned on his arm and admired her beauty as her body still tingled with sensations. She nuzzled into his chest.
“Hoseokie,” she giggled. She felt so cozy beside him. “I hope you know that I always liked you.” His heart fluttered as he held her. “I always thought I was your least favorite,” he remarked. He kissed her forehead again. “I’m happy I finally get to spend alone time with you.”
She snuggled into her arms until she fell asleep. All the liquor and passionate sex hit her all at once and wore her out. He snuck around to find one of his old t-shirts and slipped it over her head. He covered her up then dressed himself and unlocked the door. He walked to the living room and found his roommates both passed out on the floor. He felt a bit bad for hogging the room. He saw Minhyuk sitting at the kitchen table, half falling asleep. He glanced at Wonho. “Is noona still awake?” he asked, yawning after his words. Wonho shook his head. “She fell asleep in my bed.” He tried to hide his smile. “Well, I happy you two are getting along finally.” He stretched out his limbs. “You didn’t seem too excited before when I said she was coming.” Wonho laughed. “Don’t worry. I think we’re closer than we’ve ever been before now.”
Click here for Chapter 2
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