#the curse and it tends to make magic go kinda haywire around her especially if she's actually involved in the ritual etc
ofbloodandbullets · 1 year
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@deficd / 616!Doctor Strange sent a meme.
“You haven’t told me who you are.“
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"Mm." A noncommittal response, at best, allowing herself a few heartbeats time to examine him for herself. "I'm surprised that my reputation hasn't preceded me ... what with the all seeing, all knowing that you and your .... " The tip of her tongue pressed against the back of her teeth for a moment's pause again as she searched for something less offensive than the first turn of phrase that came to mind. "Sect claim to be." She'd never had much patience for those that meddled in the supernatural; in her experience with them they'd rarely proven an exception to the 'power corrupts' theme and when the misuse of such power could lead to the unraveling of time and reality itself?
She didn't like having to be here. She didn't like putting herself in the middle of problems that couldn't be solved with her kind of skills and she didn't like the idea of putting a bullseye on herself. Magic didn't like being around her and it was unpredictable at best when she was around which tended to make team ups with those that practiced it dicey at best. "And you, Strange, can call me Andy."
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