#the cute moments in this bitchass drama are so cute but so many of the bad things could have avoided
seokmattchuus · 1 month
So you're telling me you finally get to live your best y/n life with the idol who saved your life not once bUT T W I C E and you ghost the man to go die????
And then for it go in vain since he showed up anywAYS ?????? AND DIED YET AGAIN FOR YOU?!
Lee Shieun we got BEEF
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lexasami · 6 years
Sense8 season 2 episode 11:
I want to cry. I want to call the police. Whoever screwed this show over is a damn mess. This felt like a fucking movie, man, and no other show can compete with this kinda quality. It’s usually always the same car chase, but the characters being Sensates and working together the way that they do… Nah, man. Nothing can compete with this.
Joong-Ki really is a spineless, soulless piece of shit. It takes a real sociopath to talk about his father and sister like that in front of all those people, and then tell them to trust him. Mun kept his word and tried to help Sun, and the moment her brother shot him, the veins POPPED out of my head, man. I was so mad. She was supposed to get a happy fucking ending with this cheesy man, whose scenes looked like they came right out of a Korean drama. He’s really pushing it, oh MAN is he pushing it. But I like how he didn’t die and Capheus just had to jump to conclusions and stress everyone out. “He killed Mun!” They didn’t know that at the time, dude 😂
The garage scene was beautiful. I feel like Lito and Nomi should’ve sat that one out. The two most innocent babies, scrambling against the car and yelling, lmao. KALA! My girl ✊ I didn’t think I’d ever see her with a gun, but there she goes, shooting everything aimlessly 😅 She just plucked Sun’s lighter right out of her bra and lit that gas line. This is the second time she made something blow up, I’m so proud.
Noms, Neets, and Bug hacking the fucking grid, Capheus being the getaway driver, and Wolfie being the muscle and directly handicapping Joong-Ki is better than anything I could’ve asked for. Look at this damn team. But heart like a baby bird Sun couldn’t pull through and execute him. I don’t know if I can say that I’m disappointed. Even Sun was questioning herself. Who is she? This is one hell of a cliffhanger though, and I’m so sad we won’t get to see all their storylines play out the way they were originally intended to. 2 hours isn’t enough for everything.
Can we talk about how they all crowded around and encased her? It wouldn’t have made that big of a difference since she’s the only one physically present, but that was the sweetest thing. They wanted to make sure she’d be okay 😢
NOMANITA 😭😭 I accidentally caught a glimpse of the proposal in a gifset, so I wasn’t as surprised as I could’ve been, but I didn’t see who proposed! THAT’S SO FUCKING GAY THEY BOTH PROPOSED AT THE SAME TIME. Lesbian culture in full force 🌈👭🌈
I love how the anxiety of telling Rajan what’s going on has been eating Kala up for two seasons, and then that happens. How will he take it? Do I tell him about Wolfgang? How do I go about telling him that I need to leave the country? Should I bring up the divorce now or later? All these worries, and then he just straight up tells her that their marriage may not last, that it might be his fault, it’s okay, and then he tells her to leave the country. That’s hilarious.
I can’t believe that STD was their rescue. But it’s cute seeing Riley and Sun make faces at each other and break his toes to shut him up 😅 Mun is alive! Oh her brother is so fucked. He’s not gonna let him walk free.
387. 387 Sensates, all connected to him. That’s insane. Can you imagine seeing that colossal battle ensue? A global clusterfuck sens-orgy? And another Sensate appears. There’s so fucking many of them.
I just want Kala and Wolfie to be happy. They were gonna go to Paris and finally meet probably start another orgy, and they all could’ve been happy. I’m not even in the mood to call her stupid evil Sensate lady. She really is a bitch. It takes one genuinely fucked up person to do what she did. She royally fucked herself, though. The moment they get Wolfie out, she’s number one on his hitlist.
I had a fucking stroke when I saw them all making their way to London. Their first meeting wasn’t shown, but holy damn that was exciting. NEETS CAME ALONG! She truly is the ninth Sensate. She’s a part of their family ❤
Scene #231 of Milton talking shit before showing how much of a wuss he is. Monologuing how he’s gonna kill everyone in the cluster before promptly getting the shit beat out of him. Nobody gets to see the wizard, cause the wizard’s a pussy. Oh how easily he started begging for help.
A part of Nomanita’s crew are Capheus and Sun. He finally met Jean Claude Korean Lady in person. I would’ve loved to see that. Smart of them to bring some muscle. They were in charge of bringing Jonas who showed his bitchass while Kala, Will, and Riley were in charge of bringing Milton’s bony ass. Now the war begins.
A small detail I loved was how determined and judge-y Neets looked in the van. Like she had to imagine all the encounters Noms experienced, and apart from helping the Sensates with hacking, this is the first time she’s seen this kind of action. She’s incredible 😅 but I hope she can take it.
And finally, the things I want in the finale:
- Nomanita wedding
- Sun/Mun conclusion
- Wolfie and Kala in Paris
- Capheus, Zakia, and his mother being a family
- Domestic cluster with Hernando and Dani cooking for them
- Blueski.. not doing drugs?
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