#the deadline i think for nanako where Naoto calls you and you can hear them scream
nero-vanderwolf · 7 months
“Shinjiro? It’s the middle of the night, what-”
“Ken is missing.”
Fuuka freezes, phone slipping out of her hand. It clatters to the floor, and she can faintly hear Shinjiro’s voice asking if she’s alright.
Ignoring it, she rushes to the drawers by her bed, grabs her Evoker and shoves in its holster, setting it on top of the drawers for tomorrow.
“I’m here. I’m sorry for the wait. There’s nothing we can do right now, but tomorrow I’ll gather everyone and we can discuss matters further. You said the Investigation Team meets at the Junes food court, right?”
Fuuka can almost hear Shinjiro’s nod as he answers.
“Yes. If you can summon everyone there, we’ll be there too.”
It doesn’t take an ace detectice to Shinjiro is referring to himself and Akihiko, but Fuuka wonders vaguely if they’ll allow Goro to accompany them. After all, Ken was younger than Goro when he joined SEES, but this is another matter entirely.
Shinjiro sighs, cutting through Fuuka’s thoughts. “You’ve gotta stop going quiet on me. I keep thinkin’ something’s happened to you too.”
Fuuka winces. “I’m sorry, Shinjiro. I just... I’m thinking. Planning. I’ll gather everyone at 10 tomorrow.”
Shinjiro goes silent this time, but Fuuka can hear background noises. Akihiko’s voice sounds faintly as he shouts.
“Shinji! Where is Ken!?”
“He’s missing, Aki. We’re gonna gather everyone tomorrow and look for him.”
“Tomorrow!? Who knows what could have happened to him by then!”
“There’s a good chance he was another victim of those kidnappings. And every single time, they’ve ended up in the damn TV.”
There’s no more background chatter, and the line suddenly goes dead. Shinjiro has hung up, Fuuka presumes, and closes her phone to end the call on her end too.
Now, to contact the others.
It’s exactly 10:15 when Yu-kun comes rushing up to the food court, tugging his jacket on over his shoulders.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, I had to wait for Nanako to get back so she could watch the house- Is everyone else here already?”
He grabs a seat, settles in with the rest of the cluttered group. Yosuke-kun nods. “Yep, you’re the last one, Partner. Don’t sweat it, though. We understand.”
The Investigation Team all nod, grim looks on their faces.
“However,” says Naoto-kun, “the sooner we discuss our plans, the better. We have a large group here, so that means we could potentially make separate groups to spread out and search for Ken-kun in the TV world. We would have to work out who goes with whom, but that can be decided when we get there. For now, we must check the weather report. We only have a limited number of days to save Ken-kun before he is killed by Shadows. Rise, if you would?”
Rise-chan nods. “It’s going to be sunny all week, but the deadline for rescuing Ken-kun is... The fourth. That’s when the fog will set in on our side, and Ken-kun will be lost forever. That gives us two weeks to get in and rescue him.”
Fuuka feels her blood turn to ice as Naoto-kun and Rise-chan mention the possibility of Ken dying. As she fidgets with the Evoker around her waist, she can only imagine how terrified Shinjiro and Akihiko must be.
Goro speaks up. “One thing about the groups. I’m coming with you all.”
Shinjiro responds immediately. “No, you aren’t.”
Goro holds his ground, standing up. “Yes, I am! That’s my brother in there! I can’t stand by and watch! I have to help!”
Akihiko replies this time, desperation on his face. “You haven’t had the proper training with your Persona yet!”
Goro scowls. “Who says?”
Shinjiro freezes. Fuuka glances at the twins, at Mitsuru and Yukari, at Junpei. At Koromaru. But not at Ken.
The guilty party shrink down into their seats, eyes fixed firmly on the ground and table. The Investigation Team.
“You all let him come with you!?” Akihiko demands, and Rise-chan worries her lip with her teeth, eyes sparkling.
“He has the same power as us... We know how to help-” She begins, but Akihiko cuts her off.
“All of you are children! You don’t know how to properly handle your Personas either!”
He falls silent, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. Shinjiro grabs one, entwines their fingers.
“...You all could have gotten yourselves in serious trouble thus far. Honestly, it’s impressive that you haven’t. The TV world is still dangerous, but you all seem to know what you’re doin’.”
Rise-chan blinks rapidly, teeth sunk into her bottom lip. Shinjiro reaches over, gently places a hand on hers.
“This’ll all be okay. We’ll save Ken before the fog comes. Then, once we do that, we can help you get a bit of a better handle on your powers. There are some neat things you can do with Personas.”
Rise-chan looks up, and nods once. It’s firm, determined. The others share similar expressions, and the old members of SEES bear expressions similar to that of when they were venturing into Tatarus right before a full moon, grim and determined to get stronger.
Faintly, she feels a connection to everyone. She feels a bond forming, tight and strong, bound by everyone’s determination to save Ken and solve the mysteries of Inaba.
Mitsuru is the one who voices Fuuka’s thoughts.
“Something tells me SEES will end up staying in Inaba longer than we anticipated,” she says with a small smile.
Makoto and Kotone sit up a bit straighter, glancing at each other. There is a shared look of bemusement on their faces. Kotone clutches her blouse. Makoto holds his hand on the back of his neck.
“Something the matter, you two?” Mitsuru asks, and Kotone speaks up.
“...When we sealed Nyx away, we sacrificed the powers of our Personas. We used the power of the bonds we formed to finish it once and for all... So we thought we wouldn’t be able to form any more. Or at least, none with power behind them. But this...”
“It’s the same feeling as before. Whenever we formed a powerful new bond, we had this feeling. Kotone’s chest would ache, the hairs on my neck would stand up. This... This is the same feeling,” Makoto adds, voice quiet.
“A new bond...?” Yukari asks, but Yu-kun seems to understand perfectly.
“Whenever I form one, the pit of my stomach drops like I’m on a rollercoaster. I just had that feeling. I think... I think even though I’m the only one who can get any power from this bond, with my wildcard abilities, you two are still experiencing the effects. Were you wildcards?”
They both nod, and Yu hums. “Then that’s why. Your bodies grew accustomed to the feeling, and your hearts, though separated from their powers, still recognise the bond formed. There are some neat things you can do with Personas. Right, Shinjiro-san?”
Shinjiro hesitates, then nods.
A new bond, formed from determination and empathy. One with power unforetold, unbound by rules.
A Social Link, the Finders of the Lost, of the Judgement Arcana, is formed. And with it brings tidings of new fortune.
OH MY GOD SCREAMAMAMMUNNGGGGG ok WE FINALLY HAVE MORE TO KEN'S DISAPPEARANCE!!!! akihiko would definitely be the one to rush into things. his sons in potential danger? GO!!! RUSH IN!!!! IMMEDIATELY!!!! which is honestly a valid reaction. and shinji, while also scared, is there to calm him down. ALSO YU DO NOT LEAVE NANAKO HOME ALONE IM SCARED WE'RE GONNA HAVE A DOUBLE CHILD DISAPPEARANCE ON OUR HANDS!!!!! also kotone and makoto explanation on Nyx... probably not lore accurate but dont give a shit. the fact they still feel when a bonds been formed... and yu's there like "me too." ALSO THE FINDERS OF THE LOST???? THATS SO FUCKING COOL AND IM AGGRHAHAAAHHHHG
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