#the difference is Patchkit Petalkit and Larchkit died
lemonstars-cat-blog · 2 years
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mapleshade au where i kinda swapper her and ashfur’s stories ig? i haven’t thought abt how ashfur’s story would differ, rlly the only thing that started this was “hey what if the fire scene was a flood scene instead” and then i was like “….Mapleshade” soooo uh notes under the cut ig lol
The kits have blurry memories of Thunderclan but a lot of it is eventually forgotten, think a Mistystar and Stonefur situation like they definitely remembered that stuff when they were kits but as they grew up those memories faded. All they knew was that they’re living with their dad now.
The kits have blurry memories of Thunderclan but a lot of it is eventually forgotten, think a Mistystar and Stonefur situation like they definitely remembered that stuff when they were kits but as they grew up those memories faded. All they knew was that they’re living with their dad now.
The kits get new names
Patchkit -> Wildkit -> Wildspot
Larchkit -> Pinekit -> Pinerush
Petalkit -> Morningkit -> Morningblossom
Appledusk is very protective of them during their apprenticeship, never really wanting them to go toward the Thunderclan borders or to gatherings, saying that Thunderclan hated him and he wanted to protect his kits from being treated with aggression because of him. As time goes on and they grow up he slowly gets more comfortable with the thought of Thunderclan cats seeing them, as there’s no way someone who hasn’t seen a baby in a long time would be able to recognise them as a teenager, right?
Frecklewish remembers.
The kits, now midway through their apprenticeship, go to a gathering, where Frecklewish sees them. She musters up her courage and confronts Appledusk, who has no choice but to tell her the truth. She hates him, but after moons of guilt festering in her for how she treated those kits the last time she saw them, after helping raise them then having her perfect image of a family shattered from discovering a lie, for lashing out and saying things she regretted, only to never be able to apologize as those children were later presumed dead… she wanted to make it up to them somehow, even if they didn’t remember her. She strikes up a friendship with the apprentices, meeting them at gatherings and greeting them on border patrols, cheering for them after hearing them become warriors.
Things were going so well for them all… too well. Soon, Ravenwing turns up dead. Everyone is in a panic, who could’ve done such a thing? A lone maple leaf is left at the scene of the crime… and later Frecklewish is found wailing in pain, an adder having bit her. Before she dies, she warns everyone… of Mapleshade.
News travels, Appledusk is terrified. He tries to get his kits to stay in camp, but they’re adults now and believe they can handle themselves. They’re no match for dads ex-girlfriend!!!
One fateful day, a storm comes rolling in. The river floods and appledusk realises with horror that his kits were out on patrol. He runs out into the storm looking for them, finding them trying to cross the river to get back to camp. As they’re crossing, a wave comes and knocks them over, leaving them to scramble to hold onto one another and the stepping stones for dear life. He tries to pull a branch over for them to grab onto, but is quickly tackled from behind. It’s Mapleshade. She laughs at him, saying it’s his turn to watch his kits die in a flood… He realises she’s so blinded by rage that she doesn’t even recognise her own children, that the only way out of this is to tell her the truth…
He tells her, and the kits hear it. Their birth mother is a murderer!? They’re the product of a shameful forbidden relationship!? No, this can’t be true..
Mapleshade is just as shocked, but steps to the side allowing Appledusk to reach the branch to their kits. She walks away, alone. She needs to think. Morningblossom, Wildspot, and Pinerush make it ashore safely, but when Appledusk tries to talk to them, to explain everything, they silence him and walk away, leaving him alone in the pouring rain.
I’m a little fuzzy on what would happen next, but I think it’d be interesting if Mapleshade tries to reconnect with her kits, and eventually to influence them. She tells them how much pain she’s been through because of Thunderclan and Riverclan, and that she’s planning on killing even more cats who wronged her… She wants her kits on her side, and more importantly she wants Appledusk and Reedshine dead. She’d be disappointed to hear her kits don’t agree at all and think she’s a horrible person, leaving her along to plot her vengeance.
I’m even MORE fuzzy on this part. Basically Morningblossom would sneak away during a gathering, finding Mapleshade as she plots to steal Perchpaw away from the group, thinking she’d hardly be noticed in such a big crowd. Appledusk would be sure to look for his apprentice, and Reedshine might go with him. (i’m gonna be honest i just made that up on the spot LMAOO) She reveals her plan to Morningblossom, and says she could make it even easier if she just leads Appledusk and Reedshine away into the brush for Mapleshade to ambush them. She says her daughter could get off easy, saying she could’ve sworn she saw Wildspot walk into the brush only to be ambushed by Mapleshade. MorningBlossom breaks out into a blind rage and kills Mapleshade for killing her friend Frecklewish and endangering the lives of so many cats including her parents. She brings Maple’s corpse to the gathering, dropping it in the middle of the crowd and screaming out in anger as she reveals the secret.
aaaand that’s all i got! i have. no idea what would happen next. BUT IF ANY OF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS FEEL FREE TO SHARE!! if you’ve read through ALL THIS then WOW thanks!! i know i rambled a bit but eh, that’s just what i do lol.
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boltthecat · 4 years
Appleshit/FreckleMaple AU!
When Frecklewish questions Mapleshade about the father of her litter, she confesses what she was going to say. She was going to lie to Frecklewish, that their father was Birchface, not only because she was breaking the Warrior Code by having kits with a Riverclan cat; but because she didn’t want her kits to be discriminated against. Mapleshade then asked for the molly to play along with her lie, Frecklewish, a little upset but knowing Mapleshade trusted her enough to tell her, agreed.
When Oakstar hears the news that Mapleshade’s kits weren’t really his son’s he’s revolted and proceeds to banish Mapleshade out of their territory but is shocked when his daughter, Frecklewish, is at Mapleshade's side and defends the queen. Angry and in disgust, Oakstar offers for Frecklewish to stay within Thunderclan or become banished alongside Mapleshade. Caught between her clan's loyalty and her friend, she chooses to tag along with Mapleshade.
When the two are banished, Frecklewish begins to grow warm feelings towards Mapleshade and her family, confused she doesn’t bring them up but still keeps them in her head.
As the five are about to cross the river, Frecklewish notices the storm and proposes that they should wait it out; it would be safer for Mapleshade’s litter. Frecklewish becomes uneasy when the queen comes off as angry and intimidating, claiming it's their only way to safety. When they all cross the river a giant wave comes crashing down on the five and the two cats lose sight of Larchkit, Petalkit and Patchkit, within the wave.
As Mapleshade opens her eyes and realizes she’s underwater she sees no sign of her kits and grief starts to catch in her throat, until she is suddenly pulled up to the surface by a sunny pelt. It was Frecklewish, and as the molly sat down her tail curled cautiously around three small bundles of fur. As Mapleshade stared, grief catching her throat again, it suddenly washed away when she saw Patchkit’s body wiggle and lift his head up weakly.
The five quickly crossed the river before another wave could sweep them away and they stumbled inside the camp. Although the kits didn’t look well it worried Mapleshade that the clan’s medicine cat didn’t come to their aid, as the queen looked around she spotted Appledusk with Reedshine and left her kits with Frecklewish to confront her mate; but before she could even take a step, Darkstar appeared and question the fives presence. Mapleshade simply explained everything, worried for what would come next.
The clan cats seemed to murmur and whisper to each other, too far for Mapleshade to make out what they were saying. Darkstar spoke to her deputy and came to an agreement.
Darkstar explained to Mapleshade that she would allow her, Frecklewish, and her litter to stay but at the cost of hearing Appledusk’s side of the story. Mapleshade took it as it was and felt that relief leave her as Darkstar called her medicine cat to come to the kit's aid, as well as the two mollys.
Once it came for Appledusk to explain, he told the tale of a heartless molly that only cared for her kits and never let him see them, even once. When Darkstar found out he was lying by Mapleshade’s word, she banished him but at the cost of Reedshine not being able to come along. Even though the tom cheated on Mapleshde with Reedshine, the leader hoped the two could get along and settle on that the events that occurred weren’t either ones fault.
Luckily, all of Mapleshade’s litter was able to survive at the aid of the medicine cat, the queen couldn’t thank them enough and gladly took her kits to the nursery, with Frecklewish following not too far behind.
A few moons after Appledusks banishment, a patrol came upon his deceased body, he looked starved and even sick. He wasn’t buried within their territory but far from it. When Appledusk died he was taken to an unknown Starclan cat that would judge if he could go to Starclan based on his actions, the two went through his memories and he kept telling the same tale he told Darkstar. The Judge, knowing he was clearly lying from the memories that were shown, did not deem him worthy enough for Starclan and took him to the Place Of No Stars. Where he later got attacked by another cat from there and disappeared.
Mapleshade got to watch all three of her kits grow into Riverclan warriors alongside Frecklewish, who was now her new-found mate. When Patchpaw got his warrior name, Patchheart, Mapleshade was ecstatic and so grateful, smothering him as if he was still a kit and grooming his fur. The next days, Larchpaw and Petalpaw got their warrior names as well, Larchsong and Petalblossom, who Mapleshade was also happy for.
It took the clan some time to get used to Mapleshade and the four when they first arrived, but they sooned got used to the cats and even saw them as their own queen and warriors. When Darkstar heard about the news and what almost happened to Mapleshade’s kits, she decided to make it a part of the Warrior Code that “No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.”
When Mapleshade dies she’s also taken to The Judge, who she tells truthly her story as they look through her memories. The Judge, grateful for her honesty and seeing that she learned her lesson, allowed her in Starclan. Where she could watchover Frecklewish, Patchheart, Larchsong, and Petalblossom, until it is their time to join her.
Her family was devastated when she died, especially Patchheart, but with the aid of his clan and remaining family he got through it and never forgot about his mother. The four attended Mapleshade's silent vigil, even Reedshine, who’s kits were apprentices by now. Patchheart and Frecklewish were the ones to bury her right outside of camp, where they think her body could finally be at rest.
I’ll probably add designs. probably.
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stargleam-star · 5 years
Warrior names for cats who died before earning them:
Ravenpaw-> Ravensong or Raventhroat
Sweetpaw->Sweet-tooth or Sweetheart
Snowkit-> Snowstorm or Snowflower
Mistlekit (Snowkit's forgotten sister)-> Mistletoe
Swiftpaw-> Swift-tail, named after his mentor
Lynxkit (Swiftpaw's forgotten littermate)-> Lynxfoot
Gorsepaw-> Gorsefang
Shrewpaw-> Shrewclaw
Smokepaw-> Smokestorm
Mosskit-> Mossheart. I'd like to think she would have been a medicine cat, or maybe a permanent queen
Nightkit(Tigerstar's sister)-> Nightshine
Mistkit(Tigerstar's sister)-> Mistwing
Hopekit-> Hopefang
Wishkit-> Wishcloud. I'd like to imagine she would have become leader one day so she could have the name Wishstar too
Larchkit-> Larchsong
Patchkit-> Patchfur
Petalkit-> Petalshade, after her mother
Dandelionkit-> Dandelionface
Finchkit (Tallstar's littermate)- Finchtail, to match her brother
If I've forgotten anyone feel free to add them in. Or if you feel like a cat deserves a different name please let me know!
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