#the dinluke comic ive been working on since the show started is still getting done tho
its-kinda-snowy · 3 years
okay now that tbobf is finished I finally feel ready to voice my thots abt this hot mess . . .
(fair warning I have yet to watch the final episode, but based on what I've seen of it, I doubt my opinion will change)
This show is quite possibly some of the most poorly written and produced works I've seen come out of sw, (sequels excluded) and god its just so disappointing to see such a promising show that everyone was excited to see fall flat on its face.
Talking abt the Boba-centric part of the show first, its just so horribly put together, you can clearly see where Morrison placed his input and worked to have proper cultural representation. Because literally everything else is a hot mess. So many characters are under written and have literally no development after they are first introduced. Not to mention the incredible mishandling of the Tuskens after ep 2, killing them off just to further Boba's own development (not going to delve into that can of worms).
And god I am so frustrated that we learn almost nothing abt Fennec, and shes literally the secondary protagonist! She barely had any lines in the show to begin with, and it is just so clear how little show runners care abt these characters and how much it is a disservice to the people of color who worked so hard to make what representation there was correct and meaningful.
and . . . now everyone else. I am still stupefied that they essentially placed Mando season 3 into this show. Effectively ruining both of them with taking Boba out of his own show and preemptively dealing with Grogu before season 3 can actually address it. And the stupid amount of cameos in this show is exhausting and simply unnecessary.
And Luke! The complete and total character assassination they gave him to further both his character in tlj(ugh) and so Din can see Grogu is so cheap. They literally took a character whose core development is using his love and attachment towards his father, to both save him and not compromise who Luke is as a person and a Jedi. And they just threw that away.
God they even fucked Grogu up too, like for the entirety of season 2 it was clear that he wanted to be a Jedi. It was what the finale was all about! So for him to just throw that part of himself away at first opportunity is so poorly written and just peeves me off.
hhhh okay I think thats the long and short of it. I just really needed to write this down or it would just burn a hole in my head. This show will definitely not take away my enjoyment of sw(not for its lack of trying), I am far too stubborn and they will have to pry Luke from my cold gay hands. But I will probably take a break from it for a bit tho, just so I can focus in on the aspects that genuinely make me love the franchise, and not let one bad show take that away from me lol
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