#the dog tags were kyranos
tanushakyrano · 2 months
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day 10 of kapril! butch lesbian kayo is a concept I hold close to my heart <3
(+ the lineart bc it has vibes)
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
Sherbet (Bit 2)
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Bit 1 | Bit 2
@flyboytracy​​ could I borrow your ‘young Jeff’ piccy to go with this fic? Cos it would be perfect :D Also, still your fault (and yes, I have a tag for that too :D ).
Anyways, I’ve had a bit of a crappy day, so have a short little scene I wrote at the hairdressers continuing on from the first bit. I’ll get to Parker eventually, I promise. In the meantime, soooo much fluff, so, so much fluff.
I hope you enjoy.
Jeff took the puppy to the locker room. Really, he wasn’t sure what else to do with him. Food and care was needed, but first all the dried sticky mess clogging its fur needed to  be removed.
Also, he had his own pile of grime to work with.
So, two thunderbirds, one shower.
He hadn’t planned it that way, but Sherbet would not let him put him down.
Jeff could be strong and make the decisions needed, but he’d been doing exactly that all day while wading through blood and tears.
He didn’t have the energy.
The little puppy joined him in his shower.
It did the both of them good.
And Jeff discovered that, yes, it was possible to shower with only one hand.
He did get some strange looks from his team.
Thunderbird One had made it back first like she always did and consequently both Scott and Kyrano were dressed in their casual clothes - Scott his usual preferred blue, almost the exact colour of his baldric. He rarely wore any other colour. Kyrano had his usual soft and loose off-white pants and top, complete with that embroidery around the neckline Lucy used to envy every time she saw it.
Probably one of the reasons Kyrano favoured the shirt.
Lee was as dressed in a towel as Jeff was.
Didn’t stop him staring.
“Uh, Dad, what’s with the dog?” In the shower. The smirk on his son’s face was amusement mixed with curiosity.
Kyrano arched an eyebrow and held out a gentle hand to the tiny puppy peering over Jeff’s hand.
Sherbet sniffed tentatively before licking their security specialist’s fingers.
“He wouldn’t let me put him down.” Scott opened his mouth but Jeff cut him off. “Reminds me of a toddler I once knew.”
Scott’s eyes narrowed. “Dirty pool, Dad.”
“We are not on duty at this very moment, so I claim parental torture rights.”
His son rolled his eyes and despite his own weariness, Jeff found himself grinning.
Children were ever a source of amusement.
Kyrano’s voice was inquisitive and as smooth as silk as always. “Do you have a name, Mr Tracy?”
No question of why or if Sherbet was a new member of the family. Just simple acceptance.
No doubt the man would defend the dog with his life now.
“Sherbet. Found him drenched in the stuff.”
Scott was back to staring at the dog. “No owners?”
“Val’s enquiring.”
“You thinking of keeping him?”
Jeff found he was unconsciously scratching Sherbet under the chin. “Maybe.” A pause. “We’ll see.”
“Allie will love him.”
“Of that I have no doubt. Kyrano, could you take him a moment. Showering one handed is one thing, dressing is an entirely different challenge.”
“Of course, Mr Tracy.” He held out his hands.
Jeff awkwardly managed to keep his towel in place and not drop the puppy.
Sherbet squirmed and wriggled, obviously unhappy to be parted from his saviour. “It’s okay, little one, Kyrano is good man, you can trust him.”
“Thank you, Mr Tracy.”
“It’s the truth. C’mon, little one, you have to let me put some clothes on.” He blinked. “Definitely like a toddler I once knew.”
Scott glared at him.
But he finally managed to hand Sherbet to Kyrano, grab his clothes, and get himself dressed.
Sherbet whined the entire time, despite all Kyrano’s attempts to calm him down.
The moment Jeff was dressed, he took Sherbet from his friend’s hands just to kill off the noise.
“It’s been a while since I’ve had to do that.”
Scott turned his back on him with a groan.
Jeff grinned like a loon.
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eirabach · 4 years
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For @gumnut-logic 's FabFiveFeb Challenge
Prompt Two - Gordon
[Can't / No clothes]
Also inspired by Nutty's TAG ages meta, because it gave me *emotions*. I'm super sorry. Added Vance Joy because it’s Gordon.
Under the surface you don't know what you'll find,
Until it's your time.
The night that Jeff Tracy took humanity's first step on the surface of Mars, he had three little boys watching at home. Gordon, he liked to say, was born of the fall out. A child created in a whirlwind of press tours and ticker tape and eventually brought home to that quiet little homestead that would never be truly quiet or homely again. 
By the time Gordon became a Tracy being a Tracy mattered. And sure money's great and influence is better, but Gordon's sixteen years old with sunlight in his hair and his eyes and his soul, and for him, for him the best part of being a Tracy is that no one ever tells you you can't.
Not that Gordon would listen if they did.
Because the other important thing to know about being a Tracy, is that Gordon isn't very good at it.
He's uninterested in physics or engineering or math. He has minimal desire to blow things up or shoot people or study space dust. He likes a party and he loves people, but he's miserable in a cummerbund and he kinda never understood capitalism.
When you're fourth, you gotta find your own way to be first. And all right Scott's a fighter pilot and John's a genius and Virgil's some sort of goddamn savant, but at least Alan can't even tie his shoelaces yet so Gordon's got one up on him. Gordon doesn't even wear shoes. Doesn't wear much of anything at all except teeny weeny trunks splattered red, white and blue.
Gordon won't be a hero, won't have a theory named after him, but what Gordon will have will be his.
Gordon's going for gold.
His muscles burn and his hair turns green and he sweats chlorine into his sheets every night, but that doesn't matter. Nothing matters but the next millisecond, the turn, the cleanness of his touch. He can't care about anything but his coach's thumb hovering over the stopwatch and the crest of his fly because it's coming. Gold. It's coming, and it's everything.
Dad calls on Wednesdays at three. Alan calls at midnight just to hear him swear. He gets weekly updates on daring-do from Scott and a monthly serving of sarcasm and space babble from John.
Virgil calls because they tend to forget.
"You gonna come home, you think? Before?"
Virgil looks different, his floppy black hair cropped short, band shirts exchanged for some weird quasi military uniform. He's still watching Gordon shovel food down his throat with an expression of disgusted awe, though, so some things never change.
"Dunno." Gordon shrugs, mouth full. "Gotta keep training. Four months to go, can't lose form now."
"You should come, there's -- there's a lot changed around here," says Virgil, like that's a reason. Then, when Gordon just chews at him in reply, "Dad built you a pool."
And maybe that's a reason, after all.
Cause sure, his dad's never told him he can't, but Gordon's been gone a long time, and he's not sure he remembers the last time his dad told him he could.
Home's not the farm anymore, or the ranch, or the townhouse in Manhattan. Home is some island a billion miles from anywhere, where huge portraits of his older brothers stare expressionlessly down at him and his shoes squeak on the super shiny floor, humidity making his tracksuit stick to his back. 
Gordon has only really spent a few weeks here, his training all taking place under the eagle eye of Uncle Sam and sponsored entirely by Old Glory, but he doesn't remember it like this. 
The decor is still retro spy movie meets crazy billionaire with paranoia problems, and his bedroom is pretty much as he left it, but nothing else seems familiar at all. He'd left Tracy Two in a great cavernous hanger that would have been overkill even for one of dad's crazy projects, Kyrano had rushed him past huge shadowy behemoths that suggested, pretty damn strongly, that Jeff Tracy is in the midst of another too easily financed midlife crisis.
"Please tell me he isn't planning world domination," Gordon had only half joked as they’d emerged into the brightness of the villa proper. "He'd look awful in lycra."
Kyrano had glared at him, swirled back into the bowels of the island, and left him with Scott.
Scott is wearing lycra.
He's sitting behind their dad's desk, two high points of colour in his cheeks and his eyes bright with something Gordon can't name as he pours over datasets. All he's missing to complete the look is a fluffy white cat and a maniacal laugh.
"Hey. Hey." Nothing. Scott mutters to himself as he sweeps his fingers through warning signs. "Scotty, hey!"
Scott looks up.  Blinks. Blinks again.
"The one and only."
Scott stands, still grossly tall, and moves to ruffle Gordon's hair. It's not as easy as it used to be, there's an actual lift of his hand, and Gordon can't help but feel satisfaction creep into his bones. 
"You grew."
"Hear it happens."
"Got a girlfriend?"
"Got a pillow."
"That's me." Gordon throws his arm across his eyes and flops backwards onto the sofa. "Sacrificing everything in pursuit of a noble goal. Hold tight, beautiful people. Only three more months and I'm yours."
He peeks out from behalf of his elbow to see Scott standing over him, arms folded, lips twisted into something a bit like a fond smile. A bit. 
Something unpleasant settles in Gordon's stomach.
"What are you doing desk work for? I thought you were out there --" He gestures to the cloudless sky beyond the glass wall. "Y'know. Saving the world."
Scott opens his mouth, but then there's a chime from the desk and Alan hollering from the staircase and Grandma crushing him to her chest, and Gordon is left to wonder.
Scott isn't the only thing that's strange.
There's a fish tank in the corner, empty but for a little model sub from that docudrama he and John used to love to watch with Mom, but when he lays his hand on the glass it hums beneath his fingers and makes his teeth ache. 
John's not here, replaced as resident super nerd by some guy they call Brains who makes John look dumb. Dad isn't there, either, but that's okay. Nor is Gordon, really.
He's lived apart from his family for the best part of two years, he shouldn't be surprised that they've changed. That's he's changed. But somehow, it doesn't feel like he has.
Alan's finally learned to tie his laces but still never bothers, Virgil's taken out his piercing, Grandma is being followed by a robot dog, but Gordon is still the same kid with the same dreams and he isn't sure what anybody else's dreams are anymore. Virgil's in a uniform and Scott's out of his and John is gone and Alan's looking at him like he knows stuff.
This is impossible, of course. Alan is an infant. This is the abiding certainty of Gordon's life and he intends to prove it this evening with three rubber spiders and a trapeze but whatever.
It's just that Gordon isn't quite sure where he fits, just like he doesn't know where to sit when holograms of the great and the good appear in his living room. Doesn't quite know what to make of the way their eyes skip over him to rest on Scott, or Virgil, and where the hell is John, anyway?
"Top secret," Alan says, all pre-teen smugness, "can't tell you."
"Dad'll be home soon," Virgil adds, ever the peacekeeper, "I'm sure he'll tell you everything."
Gordon's not so sure and Scott says nothing at all except a vehement 'no!' when Gordon dares to suggest going for a swim. 
So much for the pool, then.
Night is falling and Gordon's already ready for bed when the roar of engines fills the air and the whole family dart for the window, faces pressed against the glass. Gordon hovers behind them, unsure of his place, until Scott grabs him bodily by the elbow and drags him downstairs to where the deck leads down to the pool.
"Come on! You got to see this!"
It's a thing to see, all right. The pool withdraws beneath the villa itself, leaving a great gaping hole in the earth into which a great silver plane descends, jets first. And Gordon remembers the TV-21 and his father's fascination with speed and grace and more speed -- it's the one thing they have in common after all -- but this, this is something else. 
She disappears into the ground, and the pool sweeps over her, only the sway of the water left as evidence. Scott turns to him with an almost hysterical glee.
"Did you see that!?"
Gordon would have pointed out that he'd have to have been dead blind and comatose not to have seen it, but Scott's practically bouncing on his toes, his expression full of what Gordon recognises as real, true love.
"Isn't she beautiful? Come on, come on, Dad's gotta debrief and then --"
"Scott!" They both snap to attention, immediately turning to where their father stands, towering over both of them from the top of the stairs. "Debrief can wait. Let me see your brother."
Scott darts off, probably to hump the shiny thing, and Dad approaches Gordon, his eyes shining, dirt on his cheek.
"What do you think of her, son?"
"I think you've safely guaranteed Scotty won't be bringing you home any surprise grandbabies."
Dad snorts, clapping Gordon on the shoulder and turning him back toward the pool. They head out across the deck together, Gordon barefoot in only his sleep shorts, Jeff in a uniform like Scott's only gently singed.
"I've missed you. How's training?"
Gordon half shrugs. "Wet. Good. Pretty tiring."
Jeff looks him up and down with a critical eye "So I imagine. It looks good on you."
Gordon stretches and grins. "No more noodle arms, right?"
Jeff blinks, and for a moment Gordon almost thinks he sees something like sadness in his eyes, but it's soon gone and his dad's turning him to face the pool again.
"Will it do? I know it's not Olympic standard but we needed some room for the house and --"
"Dad," he says, because his dad is rambling and his dad never rambles. "Dad what's going on?"
Jeff looks down into the pool. The stars flicker into being in his reflection.
"Forest fire. Family home was cut off."
"Your rescue thing. You saved them."
Jeff looks at him, Gordon watches in the water as he schools his features, tightens his jaw. "This time.
"Scott and Virgil?"
"Are involved, yes."
"And John?"
Jeff looks up then, up to the darkening sky, and points. "We built a satellite. It monitors distress calls from all over the world - and beyond."
"Makes sense. Space case."
"Play to your strengths, isn't that what they say?"
"What about Alan?"
"Alan's eleven, Gordon. Even my insanity has its limits."
"And you built me a pool?"
"And I built you a pool. Is it -- " a breath where Gordon wouldn't expect to hear one "is it all right?"
"All right?" Gordon turns to him and grins. "It's perfect."
Because okay, so it's only a short course, and it occasionally has a supersonic plane blasting through it, but it's a pool and it's for him, and that's better than Scotty's super special plane. 
His dad's clapping him on the back again and smiling and that's better than any top secret technology. 
It makes a strange island full of strange things feel a little bit more like home.
Jeff's off again already though, gesturing to the round building above the villa and going on about blast radius and Gordon's content to just watch for a moment, to bask in that feeling for as long as it lasts. Then the subject changes.
"We'll be in Cape Town for the opening ceremony, of course, and I've made arrangements to ensure we can all make your races. I'm sure it won't shock you to hear Alan's made t shirts and John's bringing a banner. I hope it's safe for television."
His eyes snap to his dad's.
"John's coming?"
His dad's eyebrows twitch. "You think he'd miss it? Gordon, none of us will miss this. Not for the world. And as you now know, I mean that quite literally."
Gordon nods, mutely. There's a build up of something in his chest. Lactic acid squeezing his heart. His dad takes pity.
"What about September? Are you still planning on marine biology?"
Gordon scuffs at the tile with his bare heel. This is a conversation he's been avoiding for a long time, now. The after.
"Yeah. UCLA."
Gordon shrugs.
"You don't seem keen? Sydney have an excellent program, do you --" Gordon feels more than hears the shudder in his dad's exhale. "No, no Jeff stop it. You tell me, Gordy. What do you want to do?"
Gordon's voice is never small, but it's as close as it's ever been. "Was thinking WASP."
Both of his dad's eyebrows disappear into his hairline. "The military? You?"
It's not an unexpected reaction. Gordon scoffs. "You wound me, Dad. Maybe I have hidden depths."
"I don't doubt that for a moment," his dad says, then he looks up, right up, to where the milky way swirls and John sits. “You’re not old enough.”
“Yeah, I know, I thought, college first - couple of years of credits and I can join as an officer.”
“You’re my son, you can join as whatever you damn well please.”
"Sorry, sorry.” And his Dad’s looking into space and Gordon’s looking down at the water and it’s kinda always been like this, between them. Gordon suspects his dad hates it even more than he does.”You know I'll support you, if that's what you really want."
Gordon finally follows his gaze, imagines John in the vacuum of space, alone with his books and his stars. He wonders if Dad had had this conversation with him, before sending him up there. "That sounds kinda like a don't do it, Dad, I'm not gonna lie."
"Can I be honest?" Gordon nods, because saying no seems kinda harsh, but his heart is thundering faster than after a sprint. "Gordon, when I designed International Rescue, I designed it for you boys. A legacy, I suppose. I wanted --" he shakes his head. "I'm getting to be a selfish old man."
Gordon scowls. "You're the least selfish man I've ever met. Pretty sure those people whose lives you saved today would agree."
Jeff shakes his head.
"I want you to know," he says, "that there will always be a place for you, here, with us, if you want it. But only if you want it." A twitch of Jeff’s lips. “God knows, I could never make you anyway.”
"Thanks, Dad." Then, a wicked grin pulling at the corner of his mouth, "Race you?"
A splash, a shout, laughter rings out into the night and hell it's cheesy but it's true; for a moment Gordon kinda feels like he's already won.
The Olympics are due to start in June.
May, and his father dies.
Gordon flies home immediately, thirty thousand feet over Cape Town without even looking down.
He can't.
He has a place in a legacy.
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