#the duke de l'omelette
asexualcloud · 1 year
another writing at nevermore late at night
currently almost 1am. so today i'm adding the origins and names of nevermore characters (the webtoon. if your here for wednesday, wrong post buddy) minor spoilers i.e., what specters characters have, (not lenore or duke dw) pls no spoilers in the comments! TW
Lenore: Lenore, although most ppl think she is from The Raven, shes not, she is from a separate poem, although the two are related. Lenore is abt the death of a woman, and I quote wikipedia "Unlike most of Poe's poems relating to dying women, "Lenore" implies the possibility of meeting in paradise."
Annabel Lee: Annabel Lee, is abt another dead woman. its not known who this is about, though it is commonly thought to be abt Virginia, Poe's late wife. "So that her highborn kinsmen came   And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre   In this kingdom by the sea." so her highborn kinsmen could be her family, taking her away, or angels, taking her to heaven. it is said the angels are jealous of Annabel Lee and the narrator's love for eachother. and that every night, the narrator dreams of her, and lies next her, in her grave by the sea.
Duke: The Duke De L'Omlette, is, in summary, a story of a duke who die while eats an ortolan (hence Duke's last meal thingy), goes to hell, and escapes by cheating the devil at a game of cards. i haven't researched this one a lot, sorry.
Pluto: The Black Cat, in this story, the narrator (gonna call him "N") has many pets, and gets like, rlly angry (and drunk.)and begins mistreating his wife, and the other animals. but spares Pluto (the cat), until one day, he gets home extra drunk and ends up gouging out one of Pluto's eyes with a pen knife (why we see only one of Pluto's, the character's, eyes, in his normal and specter form), so Pluto becomes wary of N, and avoids him. N then hangs Pluto, and that same night N's house burns down. and the next day, there is huge imprint on the wall, of a cat, with a rope around his neck. soon after that, N finds another cat, who holds a great resemblance to Pluto, but with a splash of white on his fur. N and his wife grow fond of this cat, just like they did for the original Pluto. but soon, N begins hating this cat, just like he did to Pluto. an he discovers, that the white splash has taken the shape of a Gallows. N goes to kill the cat, but his wife tries to stop him, so he kills his wife, and puts her body in a wall. after he is done, the cat has disappeared. 4 days later, the police show up, unexpected. N taps on the wall, to show the sturdiness of the house, and then a long, loud scream is heard. the police remove the wall, revealing N's wife's copse, with the cat sitting on its head.
well, its almost 2am, so ill prob add Berenice, Eulalie, and Prospero, in the next few days. and keep going after that. 👋👋👋
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