#the dynamic of that comic where serizawa asks mob if reigen is gay is like identical to the couple of yuris about women in offices ive read
mariautistic · 2 years
serizawa/reigen is yuri
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saltycharacters · 3 months
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[ID: 6 digital artworks featuring characters from Mob Psycho 100. The 1st has Serizawa sitting down, a transparent, folded umbrella resting between his arms as he observes a light drizzle with a peacful expression on his face. The 2nd image is a stylized doodle of Reigen, doing his signature arm flapping as he grins cockly at the audience. The background has the words "The Greatest Psychic of the 21st Century" framing the change of colors. The next two images are shitpost doodles, the first consisting of the Spirits & Such team dynamics including Tome reflecting Reigen's hand gestures, Reigen looking up "How to explode cockroaches and rowdy teenage employees with mind" on his phone, and Serizawa and Tome discussing Pokemon while not noticing Reigen falling into a fountain. The other image depicts the artist and friend talking during a Discord call, as the artist (in joking distress) exclaims, "My gay boyfriend wouldn't treat me like this!!!!", and the friend asks, "Your what??". The artist, with a casual expression, then emphasizes, "My gay boyfriend". Then, while pointing at a small image of Reigen with the rainbow flag superimposed over it, he reiterates, "My boyfriend that is gay". The next drawing features more doodles, Serizawa and Reigen to the left, both flustered, holding flowers behind their backs as they greet each other. Meanwhile, to the right, there's another shitpost comic where a confused Dimple zooms over to Mob and exclaims, "SHIGEO!! ARE GAY PEOPLE REAL??". Mob, while sporting a rainbow flag pin, holding Teruki Hanazawa's hand, and in an area with various other Mob Psycho 100 characters covered in rainbow memorabilia, responds with, "No Dimple". Dimple, seemingly satisfied with the answer, says "Oh ok" as he flies away and Tome does a skateboard trick. The final image has the artist drawn over the "Keanu Reeves Smoking on the Balcony" meme, with inages of Reigen and Serizawa floating around his head. The caption reads, "Autism Moment? Feels like an Autism Lifetime". End ID]
Autism Fueled Mop Bicycle 100 Art
(Featuring my good friend @stephanos-spaceopera in the 4th drawing)
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