#the empathy thing is heavly based on the people I met at my master uni
lau-and-history · 2 years
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Tranquil’s Studyblr Challenge - Days 6&7 / 20.10.2022
- Do you find yourself procrastinating? What are you procrastinating right now? Be honest haha
Sometimes I’d say “procrastination” is my middle name, lol. But I don’t push off a task itself (except for making a GP appointment), it’s more like I start procrastinating while doing the task. I work like 30 mins and then I don’t want to anymore and start doing something else. Mostly looking at my phone, which is a real problem, which I have yet to find a solution for. I get my stuff done, but I’d be faster if I didn’t procrastinate so much. As for right now, I'm rereading something for my PhD and I'm so not in the mood for it and kinda bored so I take a "break" every other page... And I know that if I would sit down properly I'd get it done in 1 - 1.5 hours 😭
- What do you think defines a person's character?
Empathy. For me, I found that if a person is not able to put/ imagine themself in the position of another, they tend to be very self-centered and egoistical. These traits tend to overshadow most of the good qualities these people have, because when it comes down to it, egoism takes center stage and this does not speak of a good character, at least in my opinion. 
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