#the end fight holy shiiiiittttt
just finished watching venom it was pretty good
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pagogotrash · 6 years
My opinons on Voltron Season 7 (even tho no one cares :))
First of all I’d like to say that I will NEVER EVER send hate to the creators or VAs of the show if I don’t like something. It’s childish, rude, and disrespectful. Even though there were a few things that I wasn’t a fan of in this season it doesn’t mean that the creators deserve to be treated like shit or that I’m going to leave the fandom over it. We were told that s7 would be brutal and I genuinely love the show and the characters, so to leave after all the time and effort that I’ve put into it would be dumb. 
NOW, onto the good stuff!!!! ( - = stuff I loved, **- = stuff I didn’t like ---- so that you can skip over some of my negativity if you aren’t a fan)
- Hunk’s development was AMAZING!!! I’m proud of my soft boi
**- can’t believe they killed off Adam after hyping up the fact that Shiro was in a relationship with him and didn’t even give him time to mourn or anything it seemed like a throw away 
- Romelle is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen!!!! AAAAHHH!!!
- Space mice were amazing and adorable as always
- Poor poor Coran, he has gotta learn to be subtle and pick his battles 
- Lance and Keith interactions were GOLD
- Lance saying “like mother like son” made me laugh I love them
**- ok wtf was that Allurance that was just thrown in there like are you kidding me?! If Lance is happy then fine whatever makes him happy, but it’s such an overused and uninteresting trope, hetero or lgbt+. Like WOW ShE DidN’T ReALizE shE LOveD hiM aFTer aLl THiS tiME?! I still love the show and everything, but it just seemed so bland. It was soft, yes, and if Lance is happy then I’ll let it slide
**- Kaxca?! Really?! There was NO build up to that!! Like at least give them some build up or development or something, like there was NO warning wtf, I mean I thought they were gonna be siblings that’s how far off my expectations for that pair were!
- LANCE’S FAMILY HOLY SHIIIIITTTTT!!!!!! “Uncle Lance!” broke me!!!! Also Lance’s nephew saying “you haven’t grown at all” was SAVAGE!!!! I SCREECHED!!
- HUNK’S FAM!!! Made me sad that they weren’t there but I’m glad that he saved them in the end
- Veronica is my new fav character ngl. She was the epitome of bad ass and she was so fucking awesome. I LOVE her! I actually started screaming when I thought that she had been killed. I was SHOOK TO THE CORE!!!
- Keith and his mom are SO CLOSE NOW!!! I love it so much!!! Krolia is such an amazing character like holy hell.
**- kinda upset about all the queer baiting that they put out there. Like teasing us about klance (and there being a reASON FOR EVERYTHING AND THE BONDING MOMENT) and Adashi, it was just kinda disappointing
- Always knew Ezor was into girls!!! CALLED IT!! I actually thought that her and Axca would get together (another reason that *potential* Kaxca shook me) but I do like Zethrid and her together, badass ladies
- Have I already mentioned Cosmo? Yes? Well I’m gonna SAY IT AGAIN I LOVE THAT SPACE WOLF!!
- Allura giving up her tiara for Shiro took me by total surprise, but it really shows how far she’s come like holy crap I’m proud
**- In the feud episode I was so sad that they wrote off Lance as the “dumb” character again. I thought we had moved past this and established that Lance is valid and important and smart. It made me upset that yet again he’s written off as a throw away dumb character 
- loved all the references to previous seasons like keith and lance carrying shiro -> keith and lance carrying Coran; Pidge’s hand motions with Keith-> Lance’s hand motions with keith; Keith and the druid who had hurt his hand 
- Loved the Plance when they were going to interrogate Pidge like I know I don’t really ship it, but I was living for that scene like YES MY SON PROTECT THE PIDGEON!!
- the Langst when they all thought Lance had died gave me chills I loved it, I live for that shit
- the animation and music as usual was impeccable and stunning OH MY LORD!!
- The episode where they were lost in space had me SHOOK. Loved seeing how all of them reacted and loved Hunk’s reactions (both comedic and inspirational); wasn’t a fan of keith and lance fighting, but I saw that as Lance being defensive and hurt and lashing out at keith because he hated that Keith had left them before so KICK
- Will keep shipping klance religiously no matter what, NEVER GIVE UP! KICK!!
- Kaltenecker is an Icon as always
**- The fights at the end kinda got repetitive like save earth, oh no something happened, connect with lions, yay we won, oh no something happened, connect with lions, yay we won, etc.
- BUT the fights had me on the edge of my seat regardless and I legit thought that they were gonna kill the paladins and I was like *GASP* NOOOOO!!
- Cosmo and Veronica?I already said them? Oh well, I LOVE THEM AAAHHH 
- Loved Shiro’s development, so proud of him!
- Loved keith and shiro’s backstory, it was incredible (he learned the jump from shiro I’m crying)
- Soft Klance Looks™
- Lance’s face when he nominated Keith in the feud episode was SOOO CUTE HBSDKBSBSCB
- Colleen and Sam Holt are a badass middle aged couple I LOVE THEM!! Colleen would not take no for an answer YES QUEEN!
- That punk bitch James made me wanna slap his bitch ass face, but he did help save the earth so like I guess he’s alright now
- Shiro’s new arm is like kinda ugly, but I am happy that he got an arm back, ya know?
- Iverson apology to Keith was great and a really awesome development, but I was kinda hoping he’d apologize to Lance too, he did kinda degrade him A LOT
Altogether, I loved the season, it had me on the edge of my seat the whole time and although I was really disappointed in some aspects, I still respect the creators and VA’s and I’m excited to see what comes out in the next season. Still praying for Klance but my faith is slowly slipping (still gonna ship it tho, nothing’s gonna stop me). 
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