#the ep itself made less sense but i remember them sneaking thru a bunch of trailers
danothan · 2 years
i had a dream abt always sunny where rcg were watching an ep that never aired, and they were talking abt why it wasn’t good enough to air, except for rob who seemed kinda quiet abt it. then he made a half-joke of a funny little theory that you can tell he actually believes, smth that would’ve cemented that mac was gay rly early on, and specifically had a crush on dennis
the dream kept switching me back and forth from within the show to real life as a listener to actually being in the room with rcg, and at one point i think i egged rob on to elaborate his theory, and it turns out that he was actually rly proud of that ep, and he pushed for a lot of mac jokes that had callbacks to what are now just floating set-ups in the actual aired episodes, but glenn and charlie ended up convincing him it was too mac-focused and no one was going to want to watch an episode abt his feelings
rob mcelhenny origin story for why he’s like that now i guess
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