#the eps are so short and fast paced but it's SO gay and sweet
kuromi-hoemie · 2 years
Legend of Yunqian is sooo 😭🥰
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pairup-squareup · 5 years
why r u ep 3 thoughts
It hasn’t gotten worse but god I hope we are swiftly moving past the exaggerated over the top comedy fear of being gay. I think we are, but I need it to lighten up on that angle.
very poor directors choice to have Sun creepily watch a passed out Hwahwa. It’s not his character at all, it was clearly not intended, but the image of a dude who has feelings for a person moving slowly closer to them as they are unconscious from alcohol is incredibly predatory.
i do not at all believe that was the intent, but it made me wince.
i will note the pacing in this ep was the best it’s been. there was still some extraneous stuff we didn’t need, but its definitely tightened up.
finally i am getting a hold of fighter and tutor. I’ve got a handle on their characters now. Fighter is bad at everything emotional, and can’t stop escalating instead of pausing and taking a breath. Also, monumentally bad at self reflection.
Tutor? He’s a bit of a bastard, honestly. You get thrown off by Saint’s sweet angel face, but the actual character is fast tempered, and kind of a dick. This is not a bad thing. This makes this combo more interesting to me. I’m not into extreme bully/victim stuff, I need people to be able to stand their ground, or for the bullying to be pigtail pulling, to be a failure of communication of intent, not cruelty.
It feels like, and I may be wrong, but it looks like Fighter hasn’t intentionally gone into a relationship with Hwahwa to use her as a beard. He’s just a reactive dude who wants intimacy with Tutor but doesn’t understand why. A fool, but not a malicious one.
His and Tutor’s kiss scene made me want to start a brawl, lmao. 
Fighter: *kisses Tutor aggressively, without consent*
Me: siiigh, but i understand its a trope
Fighter, with an implied threat: Don’t tell anyone about this
Me: :|
Tutor: * calls Fighter/liking men abnormal, suggests he will out Fighter*
Me: ahh, I see you are also a motherfucker
but throughout this episode, we see Tutor coming to the actual realisation of what is motivating Fighter’s truly weird behaviour, even if Fighter himself hasn’t come to grips with it.
As i was saying to @bloubliette I can get behind bastard idiot/bastard with the capacity for thought and reflection. 
Their end scene was cute, especially Tutor looking at Fighter and having a Kanye moment.
“I hate when I'm on a flight and I wake up with a water bottle next to me like oh great now I gotta be responsible for this water bottle” 
but instead of a water bottle it’s Fighter.
 Saifah and Zon! My boys!
Love that we got to see more of Saifah this week, his character outside of his flirting and being gleefully irritating towards Zon.
He’s just a big puppy. Maybe because the actual actor is baby, he’s 19 (and still growing wtf the absolute size of this boy??) and it’s his first role, but they aren’t making him stretch beyond a more low key natural character, and it’s absolutely a good thing. He’s so goofy, and harmless. Even though the characters are the same age, Tutor was sort of herding him about. It’s cute. He’s lovely.
Again, I don’t feel any malice from him, and that changes everything about this story. Unlike Fighter, who is in a hell of his own making, Saifah isn’t stressed by why he likes getting reactions from Zon, why it makes him happy. And he immediately catches a fuckin clue. Smart puppy.
Zon. My heart. My dear. He’s so good. He is a comedic treasure. His expressions, his comic timing. Love a short boy going through a sexuality crisis in the dumbest way possible. Cannot wait for him and Saifah to start collaborating.
Even though there was as much extra cast as last time, I feel like they made them work much better then the past two episodes. Scenes didn’t feel crowded.
god this is a fucking novel. Alright, plus and minuses
+ zon getting bullied by his friends into doing the song. it made me laugh a lot. shouting high insoles at him? magic. brutal. also of note was him standing while everyone else hunched over or sat so he was tallest.
- homophobic moments with tutor lmao. i hope its a mistranslation but there’s a difference for me between the comedy bl panic and calling liking men ‘abnormal’. it probably won’t happen again, i take comfort in that
+(ish) look at least zol is asking people if they can be in her RPF, and blue was very enthusiastic
- immediately afterwards she is committing BL crimes. its half a step forward, a kilometre back with the RPF novel writing
+ there was this beautiful moment where Saifah looked almost afraid and said “you fall down easily” about Zon, after he caught him. Fear for his wellbeing? Potential jealousy that Zon could be someone elses? Self reflection? I don’t know what it is, but oddly it was the moment of the episode for me.
+ look i liked the dumbass bathroom mistaken sex bit and I won’t apologise. It was stupid and it made me laugh
- boners and the bare inkling of gay awakening aside, uncool of saifah to be like, i will dooo moooore while naked, and Zon feels trapped. i get it, i know the intent behind it, I know it wasn’t a threat, but its because their dynamic is loud Pomerianian has a Golden Retriever puppy fall in love with it, that it unsettled me.
- Sun better pick up his game, and Fighter better be more honest, because HwaHwa is a good kid, who just wants her bff and the boy she likes to get along, and instead she’s being fucked over.
Most coherent episode so far, character development, and the plot moves on, not too fast, or too slow. Almost despite myself, I like this show. It was satisfying. I hope they have more cameos though, I loved those.
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nicesideburns · 7 years
imma post this here ab my 2 cents abt the animu 
srry my text is for ants on this blog heres a link where its more readable
Devilman Crybaby [SPOILERS]
OKAY I JUST WOKE UP AND PROBABLY FORGOT MOST OF THE STUFF BUT LETS DO THIS SHIT So, I personally enjoyed Devilman Crybaby FULLY as I've been one of the many devilman friends that have been dying for material that stay loyal to the material. And surely Crybaby DID deliver. Although some aspects have been translated to a more 'modern' approach opposed to the 80s. I know just about EVERYONE is like where's the SIDEBURNS and as someone who loves sideburns...sorry that trait kind of burned out way back then. So, I can understand what they were doing with the designs because its Modern times. Especially in anime, there's more different hairstyles that are IN right now that hasn't been the classy 80s look. So, it was bound to change in that aspect. My advice, if you can, indulge on the original material crybaby is based off of. Although some warnings because people have been rightfully mad about the portrayal of the women in the source material (which I will try to cover) as it's heavily present back then as well. Go Nagai has been Known about this issue with his series, so it's sad to say that this was also to be expected. Anyway, I'm getting side tracked just a bit. But the source material and modern Adaption are the same yet different. Also to keep in mind that Devilman was NEVER meant to be happy in the end. Just in case people are upset about the ending Crybaby IS, as I've stated before, the modern take of Devilman and because of that factors to the original story itself has been changed up. In my opinion, it's not a huge issue as I've read all of Devilman and even the OVAs, I believed they touched up on each arcs well. Even translating them into episodes despite making some adjustments to it. Personally, as each episode developed I could easily remember that certain arc of the series and be like God this takes me back. They're different, yet they play parallel with the original source material. I also REALLY can't complain about the pacing because Devilman itself did go that fast (with some bits of moments). In fact, it was one of the key things I was worried about with them dragging certain aspects too long and making things worse. Now let's see one of the things I wanted to touch. The explicit horniness of said subject matter? Primarily how 100000x hornier the demons, typically Sirene, get to gain their Raw Energy to fight. Which I thought was very Weird, since it wasn't like that in the original. Mainly it was, if I'm remembering correctly, left with Akira becoming Devilman. It's kind of a like a more Upped the scales puberty hitting him like a bus because his personality DOES change and he DOES get 10000x hornier. I guess they tried to convey that through the normal teenager looking up porn, masturbating, and engaging sexual activities. Not saying it was right to convey it like that or necessarily wrong because in the original Akira HAS made rather crude remarks toward Miki and even groped her. So it's like I guess this is better. I GUESS. But having it contribute to come demons, like Sirene, felt really I don't know off? In my taste. Especially Sirene because she was Amon's lover before Akira took him away and she wanted him back. I felt they just, as CJ puts it, that horny single desperate housewife opposed to the deadly yet beautiful being demons looked up to. IDK I guess what I'm saying is that it felt weird not acknowledging Akira as Not Amon but instead Amon and engaging with him before attempting to kill him. Even though in the past she KNEW Amon was taken from her and even acted out to take Miki from Akira to (imo) 'prove a point' of having a loved one taking from you. Literally her whole arc is focus on murdering Akira to bring Amon back because thats her lover. Not just...I'm horny n miss that sweet demon dick. When it really was, why did a human TAKE the one powerful thing I've loved type of deal. But I still love her... Another thing I wasn't too happy about was the whole Ryo thing. I guess they didn't want to explore to much on him because it was just 10 episodes and little time to cram everything. But Ryo (like prior to like ep 8 n beyond I think), has done some personal exploration on himself and patching things together on himself. I literally wasn't happy myself when they changed the aspect of him being adopted by some doctor in the original material, but instead some dude he found in Peru. It kind of killed his development and mystery in a sense because in the crybaby verse he's famous and well loved by all. When in the original it was different in terms of that (I can't really explain because my memory is hazy), but he does start off as NORMAL like Akira. (TOUCHING ORIG SPOILERS) Had a dad he believed to be his dad and raised based on research until he noticed his father was being strange. That's why he sought Akira because of the outcome of his father and the research he was doing, so he wanted to dig deeper. But of course, way later in the story as we near the apocalypse, Ryo began to patch things on his own to the relation to his father and the way he talked to him. Not heavily specific but I remember the one famous scene old fans remember when his father attempted to murder Ryo and Ryo remembered it as him going 'mad' from the demon. Yet upon later reflection we come to figure out while what happened to the father is TRUE, the father himself grew to knew that something was wrong with Ryo. That Ryo never was his son and was something Else. Hence, the keypoint of us and Ryo realizing that the father was right and Ryo is something else. It was a shame that had to be cut back and adjusted heavily with Peru to explore that aspect. They did touch on this a bit in crybaby with how Akira struggled being Devilman and facing his own demons, Ryo spent his time reflecting and researching to find out what he was. This wasn't explored as much as I would fancy, but again, 10 episodes. But this has been touched on in the manga where a portion of the time it was Akira's dilemma then to Ryo's. It's probably because they wanted to build onto Akira's character as well as the supporting characters to highlight their importance to one another, especially with Akira. Which I can say I was satisfied with because I appreciated being attached to said characters. I can say for sure I enjoyed their approach with the track team and the focus on familial relationships. I would also like to briefly touch on that rapper guy, Koda or something. I didn't like his approach being the token gay man to later join the demons. It felt tasteless in my eyes to make him like that. But I did enjoy his struggles being a devilman and the loss he underwent to see that, like Akira, still have their human heart and experience grief much like Akira. It was a really nice touch. Also, we gotta talk about the big elephant in the room: Ryokira. Crybaby didn't really focus too much on how close the two was in my opinion and only briefly touched it in the beginning half before shifting more on Akira and his relationships with the others. WHICH IS A SHAME... But people are complaining about how they didn't focus on the gay enough and blahblah fujoshi stuff. But it's limited time. But the two have been shown to be Very close to each other and even points where Akira, himself, would stand up for Ryo even if Ryo clearly did something wrong. Which caused tension between him and Miki because he held Ryo at a high standard than anything which can be shown in old material stuff. The same can be said with Ryo because he legit does like Akira in that aspect (coughgay) but its shown in other portion of the Devilman saga and whatnot. but Ryo is KNOWN to actually LOVE Akira to the point he found Miki distasteful (yeah one of Go Nagais token problems) around him and Akira. Espcially with the final episode, with the whole Mad At Myself scene because it highlights his regret killing the one being he truly loved. It was a damn shame their relationship wasn't explored much to gain that depression strings unless, like me and others, are familiar to the original material and very well known about this beforehand. But it was pretty Vague in crybaby imo. ANYWAY I think I've got some of the key points because I'm worn out and tired.There's probably more I'd like to explore and briefly point out especially with how ass and tiddy it is. But to keep it short and simple it's literally has been like that with Go Nagai's materials sadly and one of his many problems. But I can't touch on it much due to me being sick and my foggy memory but im sure there are others that can expand on this. I've overall personally enjoyed Crybaby as it didn't disappoint and I really did enjoy the new approach on some materials and execution. It's not Perfect perfect but at least it doesn't exaggerate too much with the material like the OVAs have done. The OST was good as hell too. Overall Abel score I'd give it...an 8/10 that's what I'm feeling
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A Date With Lena Luthor
I CAVED!! I am so sorry, but I caved! X.X
They have far too much chemistry for one not to ship it... I...I still prefer Superlane, though! And I am writing another superlane fic, don't worry!! But after last ep I could not help myself, Mon-El and Kara just annoy me too much! Argh... he is like a comic relief, not a romance option!
Do comment if you'd like to see the date, please! Ideas wouldn't hurt either =P
Anyways, on to the fic! I hope you enjoy the read =)
Kara kept staring at her computer screen. She didn't know what exactly she felt for Mon-El, but... after her talk with Alex, after seeing how happy Maggie made her sister, she wanted to try to date again. And, well, there'd be no lies with Mon-El. At least not nearly as much as she would have with -
The phone vibrating by her side snapped her out of her thoughts. Without really paying attention to the ID caller, Kara answered the phone.
"Hello?" she said, still absentminded.
"Kara?" the voice on the other end of the line answered, and a chill ran through Kara's spine. Lena.
"Lena! Hi, hello. Ahm, hi." Kara mumbled, almost slapping her forehead with that greeting. Why was it that every time she talked to Lena she'd fumble with words more often than not?
A low, sexy (wait what?) chuckled sounded form the other side.
"Hello, Kara. How are you?" Lena asked her, voice still amused.
"I am good. Very good, yep. Pretty good. Are you?" Kara asked, and this time she couldn't help actually slapping her forehead. What was wrong with her? The laugh on the other end did make her feel a little better though. Lena had been so busy lately, that blushing a bit was a small price to help her friend laugh.
"I am very good as well, Kara." Lena said, voice sweet, and Kara allowed herself to smile, relaxing a bit. "I was wondering, do you have any dinner plans today? I happen to have a free schedule tonight, and I would like some nice company."
Kara's eyes widened a little, but a happy smile appeared on her face.
"I yes!" Another chuckle, and Kara cleared her throat before trying again. "I mean, no I don't have any plans and I'd love to have dinner with you." She managed to say in one smooth phrase. Okay, maybe not that smooth, but at least she didn't stutter!
Another laugh sounded on the other side, before the answer came "Great! I'll pick you up at your apartment at 7?" Lena asked, still sounding amused.
"Yes, 7 is perfection!" Kara stopped and closed her eyes, biting her lips. Perfection?! She pinched the bridge of her nose as she heard Lena coughing - probably to hide yet another laugh.
"Great, it's a date then. I'll see you soon." Lena said quickly, before hanging up.
Ah well, at least she was still gonna see Lena today, which was a vast improvement to how she thought she'd be spending the rest of her day. She had a date with her friend.
"A date?" Kara whispered, eyes widening. Oh Rao, Lena had said a date. She had a date with Lena Luthor.
"Pickuppickuppickuppickup!" Kara muttered, while pacing her apartment. She had asked James to let her off a little bit early so she could prepare for her date/dinner with Lena. She hadn't told James that of course, it'd be awkward after... well, after everything. But now, here she was, with only 30 minutes left to meet Lena, and she had absolutely no idea what to wear. And Alex would not pick the damn pho-
"Kara, hey." Her sister's voice came through.
"Alex! You gotta help me! I'm freaking out!" Kara said, finally stopping in her pacing.
"What? Where are you? Did something happen? I'm on my way!" Alex said all of it in rapid succession, and Kara was shaking her head.
"No, no! Nothing Supergirl related, Alex!" Kara said, impatiently.
"O... kay."
"I... I kinda have a date." Kara said, biting her lip.
"Huh, Mon-El is fast." Alex said, and Kara flinched, interrupting her before anything else could be said.
"It's not... it's not Mon-El."
"Wow... you are fast." Alex said, tone clearly joking though.
"Alex!" Kara couldn't help saying, hearing her sister laugh.
"Okay, okay, sorry. I just didn't know there was anyone else you were interested." Alex explained.
"Well, I just never thought...this person would be interested in me." Kara mumbled, almost giving it away that it was a she.
"Alright, I don't see why you'd think that, but let's have it. Who is it?" Alex asked.
It was Kara's turn to stay silent.
"You're gonna  judge me." Kara said and Alex laughed again.
"I really doubt it."
"Then you're gonna get mad at me." Kara tried again, she was just sure that Alex would not react in a positive way here.
"I promise you I won't, Kara."
Kara took a deep breath. She knew that was a promise Alex would not be able to keep.
"Lena?" Alex questioned. A moment, and then "Luthor?! Lena Luthor?!" Alex exclaimed and Kara flinched again. "You have a date with Lena Luthor?!" She shouted whispered, as Kara heard her moving around wherever it was she was.
"Yes?" Kara said.
"What? You promised not to get mad! And I said it was kind of a date, not a... date exactly." Kara tried; the fact was that she wasn't even sure she knew what it was they were gonna have this evening.
"But it's-" Alex started, but Kara interrupted her.
"Do not say 'it's a Luthor' like that said it all, Alex! A person's name does not define who they are. Actions matter more. Lena has saved every single alien on this planet by putting her own mother in jail. She's using the old LuthorCorp for better means, she is not like the rest of her family." Kara took a deep breath. "Alex, I trust her." She finished quietly.
The line was silent for a few moments. Far too long for Kara, but finally, Alex sighed.
"Kara... I'm not gonna pretend that I trust her. However, I'll admit that you have interacted with her way more than anyone else, so if you really do trust her and want to go on this date, I'm... I'm gonna try and keep an open mind about it. About her. Okay?" Alex asked, voice small, but Kara smiled.
"Yes, of course. You'll see, she's not like anyone else, Alex!" Kara said, and maybe it was a bit too excitedly, because there was a brief pause on the other side, and Kara could basically see her sister raising an eyebrow at her.
"Okay, but what did you mean by kind of a date? How did this happen? And what about Mon-El?" Alex asked.
"Well, when I entered CatCo, I saw Mon-El going out with someone else." Kara started, ignoring Alex's mumble 'ouch', "I was upset, but not because of...well, the reason I should be upset. When you told me those things yesterday, it got me wishing I had someone as well. And Mon-El is... he is a nice person. He is funny, he can be... nice. I said that, didn't I? Well, he's a good friend, and I thought it'd worth a try after all, and it's not like I ever thought Lena would be interested in me, but then she called." Kara answered, trying to keep a steady rhythm so Alex could actually understand her.
"Fair enough." Alex said, apparently trying to understand everything that'd been said. "Okay, then she called you and asked you to a 'kind of date'?" Alex asked, and Kara was sure that if she could her, her sister would be smirking right now.
"She invited me for dinner, because she had free time and wanted some, ahm, nice company." Kara said, blushing when Alex hummed at that. "Then when I agreed she said 'okay, it's a date', and then she hang up! And now I'm-"
"Freaking out, yeah, I got that part." Alex said, chuckling. "Well, date with a Luthor, you really need help then."
"Hey, what do you mean by that?" Kara whined, feeling very much offended. "And it's not 'a Luthor.' It's Lena."
"Well... I gotta say I approve of her more than Mon-El, so..." She heard Alex mumbled. She frowned, but before she could say anything else, her sister continued. "Well, I know someone with a free schedule who'd love to help you out, since I'm still at the DEO."
"What, who?"
"Come in, Maggie..." Kara said, trying, but utterly failing to keep a real smile on her face. This was just so mortifying.
"Aw, don't be like that, little Danvers. How could I refuse to help my girlfriend's sister prep for her first gay date?" Maggie asked, getting inside the house and taking off her jacked.
"Sort of date..." Kara mumbled, adjusting her glasses while she closed the door.
It was many combinations later that both of them were finally pleased with the result.
"Okay, this is... this is nice, right?" Kara asked again as she looked at herself on the mirror. They ended up choosing one of the dresses of the red-K time that Kara Danvers had deemed safe enough to keep. Not all of them were bad, after all.
"Yep, very good, Danvers. I bet Luthor will like it." Maggie said, looking at her with a smile. "I still think you should wear a leather jacket on top, but..." she trailed off shaking the leather jacket in her hands and Kara rolled her eyes.
Before she could answer however, the doorbell rang.
"Oh Rao, she's here." Kara said, suddenly panicking.
Maggie laughed. "Easy, Kara, it'll be alright. You're already friend, right? Be yourself and you'll do great. Trust me." Maggie said, as she walked towards the door with Kara.
"Right." Kara said, giving the smaller woman a small smile. She really did appreciate the pep talk. "Thanks, Maggie."
The other woman waved her off and motioned to the door. Taking a deep breath, Kara opened it, the smile on her face growing (as well as the blush) when she saw Lena. Her deep V-neck white blouse, and black formal trousers left her mind blank for a few seconds.
"Hello, Kara." She said, bright smile in place, making Kara's already speeding heart to beat faster.
"Lena, hi! Ahm, would you like to come in?" She said,  motioning for Lena to enter and cursing herself at how high pitched she sounded. Beside her, Maggie chuckled.
Lena stopped short at the sight of Maggie.
"Oh, I, sorry, am I too early?" Lena said, looking from one to the other, brows a little furrowed, and Kara panicked. In the silence that ensued, with Lena confused, Maggie trying not to laugh and Kara's mind drawing a blank, the atmosphere got a little awkward. Before Kara could regain the ability to speak, though, Maggie started talking - which, as Kara would soon find out- should never have happened.
"No, not at all, Miss Luthor." Maggie said, stepping up and extending one hand towards Lena, who shook it. "I'm Maggie, Alex's girlfriend. You know, Kara's sister. I just came by to get Alex's jacket that she left here yesterday." Maggie said, shaking the jacket on her hands. "Now I gotta go see my girlfriend. Cause I invited her for dinner date tonight. You know, a dinner which obviously is a gay date." She keep going, inching towards the opened door. "So, I gotta gay. Go. I gotta go. You kids have a nice daa-inner." Maggie said, barely keeping from laughing as she turned around. "See you later, little Danvers."
Kara waited a few seconds in the silence of the room, hoping that the universe would be kind enough to make a hole on the floor and transport her to another dimension. Any other. Where was Barry when one needed him?
"So..." Lena started, voice devoid of any emotion. Kara closed her eyes and damned Barry once more before looking up to look at the other woman. To her utter surprise, there was a smirk on her lips, and her eyes shone with mirth. "Is your sister's girlfriend always like this?" Lena asked, voice clearly amused this time.
"Like this?" Kara asked, apprehensive.
"Parading LGBT pride like that." Lena asked and Kara frowned. Had she read the whole thing wrong?
"Oh...why, d-do you h-have a problem w-with that?" Kara asked, trying to nonchalantly lean on the table in front of her.
Lena laughed and Kara's heart stopped.
"Hardly Kara, I just normally tend to reserve such pride to...well, pride. Being in close contact with the kind of people I normally have to meet on a daily basis doesn't allow me to be too blatant about my sexuality. But I am glad to see it around." She said as if it was the most normal thing in the world, and Kara's heart sped up to a racing pace. "Well, shall we? We have a car and reservation waiting for us." Lena asked, a beautiful smile in place, pointing at the door.
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