#the excellent voice acting helps but dear gods the writing is exquisite
asolitaryrose · 7 months
Thronebreaker is such good writing
it would have been easy to portray Meve as this awe-inducing force of nature, badass queen (and don't get me wrong, she is) but it's every time the narrator shows us her moments of weakness - a trembling arm, a shaky breath, tears being blinked back, questioning her decisions - that i truly lose it.
kuddos to the writers for turning me absolutely feral about this woman
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
The Dream (Geralt x Reader)
Do I have other requests I need to write? Yes, however if I didn’t get this off my system I can’t focus on anything else, so here it goes. Enjoy!
T.W This is my interpretation of nymphs, I don’t want to hear if it’s accurate or not.
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Being a Naiads nymph meant to be in tune with nature and water, maintain the peace and harmony with the river, protect it and worship it like it deserved and anyone would pity the man that harmed the rivers and lakes that are protected by them. However the ones that respected it meant that they would in the nymphs good graces, to drink of the water of the naiads river meant to be inspired, madmen, barbs and prophets had told a plethora of stories about the enchanting delicate nymphs.
(Y/n) loved her place in this world, her sisters and the other creatures lived a peaceful life, yet something was missing. A lot of them had witnessed some couples that found sanctuary near the water and had seen them intertwine and let the fiery passion take over them, oh to be in love and worshipped.
“Geralt you might be all indestructible and all but your blood is staining roach”
The lively barb joked loudly enough for the nymphs' to hear. Without even discussing it they all took cover and hid as quickly as they possibly could, of course the humans were aware of the nymphs existence, nonetheless the cruel ones have been known to try and kidnap or harass them.
Geralt was feeling the pain from the wound get more and more intense and it was just his luck that he had just ran out of healing potions, he did not expect that vicious creature to be such a fighter. Dawn was slowly approaching and was hot on their trail, they wouldn’t make it to the next village before dark and thieves could be waiting for them.
“Fine, we stop here”
“Excellent, at least we can wash on the water”
“Don’t even go near, naiads are guarding the water”
“Naiads? What is that?”
“Nymphs fool”
“Nymphs?! Oh it must be my birthday, I heard they are the most beautiful of creatures”
The childlike Jaskier claimed happily, as Geralt got down from his horse and neatly tied it on the tree he wished to have never showed kindness to the annoyingly optimist barb that was calling the nymphs and was taking off his shoes to jump in the crystal clear river. Geralt was just on time to grab him from the collar mid air and pull him back to ground, Jaskier misstopping and falling down on his back with a thud.
“What was that for?”
“You fool, you have to ask them permission and let them show themselves or else they will drown you”
“That’s not very nice of them now isn’t it?”
“Don’t make me throw you in the water Barb”
As nightfall completely took over (y/n) watched them from afar, hiding behind the bushes and half of her face out of it to take a good look at the two men, specifically the white hair muscular man. She could smell his blood, he was severely wounded and tired, her little heart was starting to beat faster every time he spoke with that deep voice
“Sister, get back here, they could be dangerous”
“He respected our river sister, he respects us”
“He is a witcher, he kills creatures”
“Harmful creatures, he protects us from dangerous beasts”
“Don’t tell me you have gotten interested in a mutant”
Her blond hair sister questioned  (y/n). Her sisters were all aware of her desire to fall in love, to be like the couples, she had the chance to marry demi gods yet she raised her nose to them and denied herself, she wanted nothing to do with those stuck up pesky little men.
“He is hurt”
“He will survive it’s what they do... fine, stay here and watch”
And that’s what she did, stayed and watched them slowly drift off to blissful slumber. That is when she got the brilliant idea, she would help him, heal him, he had respected her grounds, saved his mortal friend from punishment, he deserved her help. 
She approached them silently and swiftly through the other side of the river, her breath getting uneven the closer she got to him, he looked so handsome from afar, he was even more perfect when she got next to him. His hand was over his wound on his stomach, a nasty deep slice that looked like it had just stopped bleeding not even moments ago, his face was not peaceful, his brows were furrowed and he would let a groin from time to time, even at his sleep the cut was torturing him
As she gently took his hand off the wound she placed hers over it, feeling the power run through her delicate fingers and to his body.
“Who are-”
“Shhhh, I’m not here to harm you, I mean no harm”
Her voice was like sweet honey to his ears, you can imagine his surprise when he felt a hand to his body and opened his eyes to meet an ethereal creature, her hair fell so effortlessly in her face, yet her eyes pierced his soul, those hues that showed such kindness and purity that lived in her, her sweet smile that made those perfectly shaped lips of hers curl could be the source of the sweetest nectar anyone in this world would ever taste. Her skin glistered under the moonlight, she was an angel sent for him in his dream.
“Rest witcher, you are safe here”
She couldn’t resist anymore, her hand almost acted on its own when she reached to caress his cheek with the back of her fingers, slowly and gently. His hot skin made hers crave more than just a once in a lifetime touch, his flesh was like drug to hers. 
He went to speak when they heard Jaskier start shuffling, a big chance of him waking up startled her. She quickly turned to Geralt and placed a kiss on his Forehead, it could be the last time she ever saw him she had to let him off with some sort of intimacy.
“No wait”
Before he could even move the girl was gone, vanished from thin air and leaving him high and dry, he groaned as he let his head touch the ground once again. It was even a minute before he went back to sleep, wondering what was that creature that had helped him and swooned him with just one look.
Geralt woke up by the defeating voice of the barb. As he opened his eyes a few strands of sunlight hit him in the face, he was almost ready to feel the great pain in his abdomen when he realized the pain never came. 
“Geralt I have to give it to you, I wasn’t sure if you could heal that time of wound. Look at you! All cleaned up and ready to go”
As he sat up he took a look at his stomach, the tear in his clothes was there, yet no scar, no blood, like it was never there. He was healed, just like the girl in his dream said
“You know I was scared, you were talking in your sleep”
“I did?”
“Yes, in a... girly way. You almost fooled me I thought we had company, yet when I woke it was just you”
“The dream”
“What dream now?”
“I saw a girl, an angel"
All that was heard was the laugh of Jaskier, he had grown tired of being the only one that talked about a lady and being met with the dissapointed look of his witcher friend Geralt.
(Y/n) on the other side of the river felt her heart stop when she heard him call her an angel, of course the nymphs were known for their beauty, she had heard compliments that would make any woman blush over the years, still it was different when it came from him. It meant something to her when it came from him
"An angel, you were hallucinating Geralt? Well I don't blame you, that cut was nasty so it probably took all your might to heal it"
"Or just a thank you to your healer"
That sweet voice. Geralt turned his head immediately when he heard it, it was her, the girl that he saw at night, the angel in his dream, she was now in broad daylight approaching him. Jaskier that was standing was now seated, completely stunned by the awfully gorgeous woman that was quickly coming to them.
As she rose from the river Geralt and Jaskier felt her immaculate presence and their eyes fell almost simultaneously to her body, she was covered by a piece of see through white dress, that barely covered what was necessary. Her body was as perfect as the rest of her, it was like a woman out of a painting came to life, as her hair fell in front of her breasts, teasing them.
"Holly.... They weren't lying"
"excuse me?"
"the prophets, the songs, nymphs are really"
"you haven't seen a nymph before?"
She questioned. Her voice was more melodic than anything any bard- especially Jaskier- had ever sung. She stood in front of this men, so graciously that she made them feel uncomfortable by just being around her.
"no no I have not. I'm Jaskier"
"oh yes, the eager barb that wanted to jump in."
It was the first time Geralt had ever seen Jaskier blush, he was thankful of that blush because it made the girl laugh, her laugh was also like the best of music, she was a fairytale to look and be around to.
"It's alright dear, my sisters will allow you to go in. Right sisters?"
As she said that, the men saw other girls letting themselves out of their spots, one by one came closer and some of them giggling at the baffled man.
"this is.... Exquisite, excuse me dear"
As he kissed her hand he was gone in a bling of an eye and in a few seconds you heard the splash he made when his body hit the water.
Geralt had just gotten on his feet, no doubt the other nymphs were pretty as well, gorgeous as one would say, yet he was mesmerized by the one standing in front of him. She was looking over at the river, her profile was all he could see when he made a few steps to come near her
"I thought you were a dream"
"I didn't want to wake you... Geralt"
He had never been more excited to hear his name come out of someone's mouth. The gruff, cold man was now swooning over a female he had only seen once in his life.
"Thank you for healing me"
"you respected us, it was the least we could do"
"is that the only reason?"
She turned to look at him, she wasn't that much shorter than him. If he could be certain no one was watching he would had gotten her on his horse and hit the road with her, what has gotten into him? Just one look from those... Diamond like eyes and he was ready to leave with her. As he kept looking at her he felt a smile forming in his lips, his usual stiff characteristics had soften, all because of her
"Such pretty eyes"
She whispered to him. It was the first time he had received a compliment for his eyes, the color of his eyes was a sign on what he was, of what he did.
"what's your name?"
She introduced herself as she made a step, filling the small space between them. As he felt her skin against his clothes he tried to not show any type of emotion, he was enchanted by her. She once again reached and caressed his face, her skin felt so soft against his, making him relax and enjoy it.
"I've never met someone like you Geralt"
"A witcher?"
"A noble witcher, you are so rare"
Part two
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