#the fact that aerith puts her hand on the cheek where cloud had zack's blood just fucking 🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠 my mind yknow
kazumahashimoto · 11 months
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Reunion - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - The Reunion (Previous Chapter)
Rated: T
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Pairing: Zack Fair x Aerith Gainsborough (Zerith)
Summary: Zack and Aerith finally get the reunion they both desperately deserve. (Part 1 of 2)
Aerith fell to her knees and Zack wanted nothing more than to run to her, but of course, Cloud picked a fucking wonderful time to stop supporting his own weight (as little as he could) and sent Zack nearly spiraling face-first into the floor. At the last second, he caught himself on the door frame and reluctantly had to accept that he had to keep Aerith waiting a few moments more so he could set Cloud down somewhere first.
"Hang tight, Spiky. I'm gonna set you down somewhere comfy you can rest." Zack whispered near Cloud's ear. "I'll come back for you, but right now, I gotta go see Aerith - I told you all about her, remember?"
The blonde let out a breathy version of what Zack could discern as his name.
Zack smiled in relief that Cloud's lucidity was coming back (fucking FINALLY) as he gently maneuvered Cloud over to one of the pews that wasn't completely rotting through. Zack lowered Cloud gently onto the wooden seat and made sure he was lying down comfortably before turning to leave.
"D-Don't…go, Z...ack…" Cloud muttered when he pulled away and Zack's heart lurched upon turning back around only to see Cloud shakily reaching out for him.
Pursing his lips, Zack removed his Buster Sword and the leather straps of its holster, laying both down before kneeling next to Cloud. Automatically, Zack took Cloud's shaky outstretched hand, squeezing it gently between both of his.
"I am not leaving you. I would never do that. I'll be just a few feet away..." Zack swallowed down the sudden lump in his throat upon hearing Aerith's sudden cry and knew he needed to get to her now. "…We're safe here and I'll be back, Cloud. I promise."
Cloud looked up at him and Zack choked back a sob when he seen Cloud looking back at him.
A few seconds later, the blonde's hand went slack; he closed his eyes and Zack knew he would soon be sleeping peacefully (he knew from experience given his many wonderful naps he'd taken in Aerith's church as she tended her garden). Laying down Cloud's hand down beside him, Zack brushed his fingers lightly through Cloud's Chocobo tufts before rising to his feet.
A quick internal pep talk later, Zack turned around to the girl he'd unwillingly left behind for way too damn long.
As he approached the huge patch of colorful flowers where Aerith knelt, Zack stopped in his tracks when she suddenly put her hands over her mouth. Even muffled behind her palms, it did nothing to silence the most gut-wrenching sobs he ever heard come out of a person. The fact that it was his Aerith (a girl who hardly ever cried) made his own heart feel as if it was being brutally yanked from his chest with a pair of rusty tongs.
Zack would rather endure four more years of Hojo's torture than ever hear Aerith cry like this again…
"...Aerith…" he whispered, surprised his voice didn't crack as he made it to her, standing a few feet in front of her before slowly kneeling to her level. Carefully, ever so carefully, making sure not to hurt her flowers ('Most people are more careful around flowers, you know' '…I guess I'm not most people'), Zack scooted closer.
Instead of responding, she shook her head as her hands finally fell from her face only so she could hug herself around the middle. Her eyes still were locked on his and the utter agony lacing those red-lined watery green orbs and the tears dripping down her anguished face had his whole body ache.
Zack wanted nothing more in that moment than to grab her and wrap her in the safety of his arms.
To touch her to make sure she was real. Feel the silken softness of her skin against his heavily calloused palms, cradle her petite frame safely against him, press her tear-streaked face into the hollow of his throat and comfort her like she did for him the night his friend and mentor, Angeal, died.
…but Zack was afraid.
Yes, him. A First-Class SOLDIER who was trained and naturally feared nothing, laughed into the face of certain death more times than he could count, was absolutely petrified into stasis. Utterly terrified that if he reached his hand out, that Aerith would reel back or push him away.
…and that would kill him.
If the girlfriend (if she still was considered that at this point) he'd spent the last five years wanting nothing more than to be back in her arms, pushed him away - it would destroy him. Zack was horrified to think that the tears she was currently crying were not from relief from his reappearance but stemming from anger or sadness that he dared come back after leaving her alone and waiting for so fucking long (even if he had no choice in the matter)…
If Aerith rejected him now, Zack truly had no idea what he would do…
Zack imagined her screaming at him to get out, that how dare he come crawling back after leaving her alone for so long (even if he couldn't even recall her even doing so much as raising her voice before). Imagined him sitting in shocked silence but knowing he needed to respect her wishes, he'd nod, grab Cloud, leave back out those doors and never come back if she asked him to. He'd be leaving his tattered, bleeding heart lying at her feet and departing as nothing more than an empty shell but he would…for her.
So, he patiently waited as she finally opened her mouth to speak.
Zack mentally and emotionally prepared himself for anger, bitterness, hatred but instead of telling him to leave or some other horrific statement he'd expected, she finally cried out with the most broken voice he'd ever heard in his life.
"I - are…Am… A-Am I… *sob* …Am I d-dreaming…?"
Zack slowly approached her like one trying not to scare off a skittish animal.
Brilliant emerald eyes were huge with pools of shimmering tears clumped on her thick black eyelashes, cheeks and nose splotchy and red from crying but damn if she still wasn't the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen even in the state she was in. Her soil-coated hands and dirty fingernails, sweat limp hair (must have been hot today), dirt-covered frumpy yellow apron covered in a tacky flower pattern and…wait…
…was that a pink dress like he'd asked her to wear when he saw her again…?
Coincidence probably…but, wait… was that -
…The ribbon…
Aerith was wearing the same worn pink ribbon he'd bought and tied in her hair during their very first date over 7, or was it 8, years ago by now?
It was still there…she was still wearing it even after all this time…
Zack heart lurched and he didn't bother muffling the sudden sob that tore from his throat before finally answering her in a breaking voice, "…If this is a dream, than we both are, Aerith."
Aerith looked him in his eyes; emerald gaze scanning his face for an indeterminate amount of time as she visually traced every inch, every line, every single mark on his face before gazing straight back into his eyes and it was like his entire body and soul was completely bared before her. His skin prickled under her scrutiny - down to the very marrow of his bones - wondering what she was thinking but he didn't have to ponder long.
"...Oh, ZACK!" she abruptly cried, reaching out to him with trembling hands and in a split second, he was only inches from her. Still, he didn't touch her; worried she wouldn't react well to his sudden affections, so he waited as she reached out and touched him first.
Aerith couldn't remember a time when she felt more of a sense of complete despair and utter relief all at once when her fingers finally reached out and touched the fabric covering his chest. Shaking digits and soil-coated skin of her palm experiencing warm cloth with the rock-hard musculature underneath versus the air that she expected.
How this Zack didn't fade into dust but was right here in front of her…
It wasn't like those other times when he'd disappear before reaching out to him…
Because this Zack didn't vanish…
Aerith sobbed loudly as she fully pressed the palm of her hand over his sternum, head fell forward slightly as she felt the frantic pounding of his heart and his chest rising and falling with unsteady breaths under her trembling palm. How absolutely wonderful it all felt.
All those nightmares - the horrific visions of blood, rapid gunfire, cold rain, a bullet-riddled chest and unpreventable death - of Zack fighting until his body physically couldn't hold him up anymore. Watching in utter horror and helplessness as the love of her life was ruthlessly gunned down and left for dead on blood-drenched cliffs. The dark sky opening up to pour sheets of icy rain over his battered, broken body until his heart stopped, breath ceased and all that beautiful life faded forever from his sky blue eyes…
Almost every night it was the same damn dream that felt way too real. All those endless nights she woke up soaked in sweat and tears, sobbing and screaming his name into her pillow, begging for him to come back. To please, just be alive, Zack… In those endless nights, how she would give anything just to be able to see him again.
And, like a long-awaited answer to a faithful prayer, here he was.
…He was back.
Zack kept his promise…
"...Y-You're real…" she whimpered, inwardly in the back of her mind knowing she sounded utterly wretched, but she didn't care when after five years, her Zack was back. "You're here…you're really here…" she uttered tearfully.
"...Yeah, I'm here…" he said with a sad smile and a trembling lower lip. "I'm sorry I took so long…"
Watching breathlessly when he blinked, her eyes following the few crystalline tears that slid down his tanned, sculpted cheekbones and slipping off his sharp jaw and it was like everything inside her broke straight open.
Aerith pushed aside all those fanciful ideas and detailed plans of what she would do upon seeing him again and just threw herself into him.
Not even giving a single thought to the flowers under her knees that were crushed and uprooted in her reckless actions - nothing mattered but Zack.
Clinging tightly to him as close as she could possibly get without outright crawling under his skin, Aerith hugged him. Knuckles and fingers ached as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and frantically gripped the fabric of his shirt and buried her face against his neck. The thrum of his pulse against her cheek and his heart wildly hammering against her breast was the absolutely most wondrous feeling in the entire world. She bit her lip and the sharp pinch of pain informed her instantly that she wasn't dreaming - she was awake - this was real…
And it was like she came alive again.
Zack was really here.
Holding her just like she dreamt he would upon his return…
All those lonely miserable seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years faded into oblivion with the sensation of those wonderfully muscled arms returning her embrace. Big, warm calloused hands dragging and tenderly caressing in comforting circles across her back as he curled his body around hers like a protective barrier until she was completely surrounded by him. His incredible warmth, unsurpassed strength, intoxicating smell… Everything was just like she remembered and she never wanted to be without it again.
"Oh, Zack…I missed you…" she sobbed into his tear-soaked throat.
Zack was taken aback when Aerith abruptly flung herself into his unsuspecting arms.
Instinctively, he immediately accepted her into the circle of his embrace. Slight weight, the feminine softness of her petite body, dainty fingers clenching tightly onto his newly-acquired sweater and warm, teary face burrowing into his throat had him letting out a sudden cry that he didn't even bother stifling. Normally steady hands were shaking as he eagerly ran his thickly calloused hands against the fabric of her pink cotton dress, loose braid, stray wisps of auburn silk kissing his knuckles and sinfully smooth skin of her arms and shoulders.
Zack finally wrapped her up and simply held her like he had been dreaming about for five fucking years…
So much pain melting away with her touch and affections even after so long apart. The agony of his previous hellish torture, pain, aches, fatigue of the battle he somehow survived, and all the damn stress he'd been carrying like an herculean burden for the past half-decade melted away as her arms tightened around him like she refused to let him go.
Zack wouldn't mind if she didn't either…
"Oh, Zack…I missed you…" she wailed into his neck, nose brushing against his pulse point and he let out a huff of a laugh, a few tears trickling down his face as he nuzzled his cheek against her hair.
He sniffled, swallowed back another sob before replying, "I missed you too, Aerith…so much…" Lower lip trembled as he gently brushed his lips against the crown of her head in an imitation of a kiss.
Aerith let out a soft cry at his voice and burrowed her face deeper into his throat, arms tightening around him. In turn, Zack cradled her closer, being so careful to make sure he wasn't hurting her or squeezing to tight. Inhaling deeply and shoulders slumping in abject relief, Zack felt himself relax and muscles completely unwind for the first time in five whole years.
The scent of the garden was a mocking comparison to how Aerith smelt - the earthiness and clean, fertile soil clinging to her clothes and skin, the fruity shampoo she still used wafting from her hair and the distinct smell of lilies that trailed her wherever she went even when she wasn't among her garden.
…For the first time in so damn long, Zack felt safe…
So much so that time itself felt non-consequential in Aerith's thin arms.
For years, Zack was nothing but a jittery bundle of nerves. Whether it was waiting for Hojo to start their torture of himself or Cloud, debilitating anxiety when Cloud screamed but then stopped, eventually even quit responding to the messages he'd scratched into the glass of their Mako tanks. Or just how utterly and terribly alone he'd felt for so damn long. The escape and running and running and running; the constant anxiety and agony of wanting nothing but to be free and away from under Shin-Ra's thumb.
Body and nerves frayed, constantly expecting an attack, an ambush, always running and hiding and fighting just to survive until the next morning… But as Aerith's hands loosened in his sweater, fingertips and short nails dragging pleasantly over his shoulderblades and spine in comforting circles and mindless shapes, that deep ache he assumed would always be present began to fade away…
"...Zack?" Aerith asked, breaking him from his thoughts (he could have easily fallen asleep for a year like that) as her face finally left the hollow of his throat to look up at him with those gorgeous green eyes he'd missed so damn much.
The ex-SOLDIER reluctantly released his tight embrace to look at her properly, "Hmm? What is it? …Is everything alright?"
"It is now," she said with a teary smile, "…but, I just need to know…" Aerith bit her lip before finally asking, "…Where were you, Zack?"
Zack froze.
His cheek twitched and hands started shaking but he forced them still before she could notice (she probably still did though…she was always way too observant when it came to him).
Old but terribly loud demons began screeching within the confines of his head and he pulled back slightly further from Aerith in fear that she could somehow hear the echoes of them. Sephiroth speaking nonsense in a moldy basement surrounded by dusty books (nothing like the stoic proud man he knew before), a town on fire and all those innocent people dead or dying in the blaze. Being thrown like a ragdoll down metal stairs with the masume wound pierced straight through his side, Cloud falling next to him and he couldn't even reach him before it all went black. Waking up in a sterile lab, Cloud's screams of pure blinding-white agony joined by his own, Hojo's demented laugh or even the roar of the horrendous saw that crudely cut his ribs open to get to his organs…
Aerith couldn't know what really happened.
His beautiful flower girl still retained that same innocence even if it was burdened by five years of waiting and difficult slum life - he still saw a brightness in her he never wanted to dim. Would die before ever letting that happen and Zack wouldn't be the one to take that light away from her. It was his burden he refused to share - especially now.
"It's…I…Aerith, I can't, I -" Zack struggled for words, the tremors returned but Aerith's gentle hands returning to caress his shoulder blades had him calm almost instantly and he leaned into her healing touch.
"No, I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have asked," Aerith looked chastised, more tears gathering as she must have seen the horrific memories that etched themselves on his expressive face. Zack had always been easy for her to read; with her, he was sure to carry his heart on his sleeve and it seems five years did nothing to temper that.
"No, Aer. I will. ...I'll tell you someday…but not now…" Zack shook his head, "Hell, maybe not for a really long time. Maybe never, I just..."
"Zack, you don't have to, I'm sorry, I -" Aerith sobbed and Zack gingerly brushed his hand against her cheek as an interruption; she trembled and leaned into his palm.
"...I will when I'm ready - okay?" he decided on.
Aerith bit her bottom lip as it trembled between her teeth and she gazed knowingly into his eyes before finally nodding, "…whenever you're ready..."
The slight break in the intimate moment before was quickly recovered when Aerith leaned forward to rest her head back on his chest. "I'm sorry. It really doesn't matter now...I'm just so happy that you're back...that you're here with me," she admitted against his sternum, hands caressing his back mindlessly.
Zack was relieved when she dropped the subject; uttering a simple, "Yeah. Me too…" against the top of her head. Forcing his heart to calm and remember that he and Cloud were safe now, Zack wrapped his arms loosely over her thin shoulders as his eyes slid closed.
(Link to Chapter 4)
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