#the father figure is J COREL but I knew in my heart that he was going to have a kid
jadeowl19 · 5 years
that FAN kid who’s cursed
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Right, so here is that cursed child that Tumblr gobbled up last night 😇😇✊️✊️
His name is Lyxander Coreloius but everyone calls him Lyx (Lynx) and NO Sal nor J corel married or had kids. He came from a idea I had for sometime ago? J corel (future auror) saves a child while working? And I guess it became true 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ there’s more info about him under the cut!!
He is adopted, and he was raised by both the Corel siblings (like Anne of Green gables). They weren’t exactly like parents to them, they were more like guardians? Lyx calls them Sal and Jacob. However there was no doubt J corel was like a father figure to him. Sal was like an aunt? Or a really older big sister.
Okay I know what people think about the Corels but they raised him well. They taught him the basic stuff and all the manners and most of all they wanted him to be someone who had a free life ahead of him with no boundaries.
It was a surprise for them that he got in Slytherin (Actually his real parents were deatheaters so……)
I’m still thinking about him and developing his character with some family drama but here are some details about him that I’ll list off!!
He is a big flirt and he is attracted to a lot of things but mostly interesting people. If he sets his eyes on someone his mind goes to 1. I want to go out with her or 2. I want to befriend them?
As for the outcomes of his attraction, He is seen as annoying, irritable and very consistent. However it’s just really hard to hate him. He WILL and he CAN befriend anyone to his interest. You just keep on finding him wherever you go and before you know it, you get used to him
When he has eyes for a girl, he shows it. Everyone can just know who he exactly likes. He will get a guitar and pull a Nick Jonas (camp rock) or a Heath ledger on 10 things I hate about you. Even though the girl may be skeptical he really doesn’t seem to give up on her. Also he acts like he means it and he tries so hard? so believe it or not, it’s only a matter of time before he ends up with that person (Jcorel: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️)
He definitely has that play boy attittude but he doesn’t like two people at the same time. He STICKS with that ONE person. Currently he’s head over heels with @cinnamonriko ’s fankid Valerie Haywood and god bless her art. Currently speaking Lyx is busy serenading her outside of the Gryffindor common room.(Im very sorry Gryffindor fankids 😔😔))
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He is sassy, snarky and on top of that he has a bad boy reputation. He didn’t make it for himself though 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ but his dating history kinda helps the rumors go around that he goes around breaking hearts and causing trouble. (( Also the fact that he totally looks like one doesn’t help at all))
However if you get to know him he’s actually very nice and kind? Also he’s very sincere about helping others. 
But dont be fooled. It’s just one of his many sides. He’s… like an Onion? He has layers and layers of different sides to him so you cant seem to figure out what kind of person he really is. You know it, we all know it, he’s a Corel. 
He is certainly adopted but he was raised by the Corels? So he has those “Coreloius genes”. Summarization. He is reckless, he doesn’t care shit and he is heartless
The only problem with him is that he doesn’t know that he IS in fact, heartless? A heartless romantic, yes I KNOW. Everything he is attracted to, it’s actually just his mind deciding that he likes it? When actually his heart is stone cold. The fact that he is this way is also the main reason that his love life always ends quickly. He really does try his best to uphold the relationship but… well.
He doesn’t look like he studies a lot but he is smart, and he also plays quidditch. I personally want him to be a keeper?
I have TONS of ideas, but for now this is what I’ve come up with him 😌😌
God I know it’s sudden but everyone had such cool kids?? And I really had to ellaborate him so I could hang out with all the awesome children 😂😂😂 I really hope you guys find him interesting!!!
Here are some art of him featuring @sketchbunnyplus ’s Sunday, @no53472 ’s Javi leone @aemdraws ’s Vivian and @guakamaya ’s RITCHIE
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