#the first one and the one with the view of campus out the botany lab windows are my absolute favorites
eulaliasims · 2 years
favorite pics 1/2
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I wanted to join in the 'favorite pics of 2022' thing, which always turns into 'pictures I remember liking and can find' b/c I sort everything into different folders and lack the patience to go through all of them. Here's all the lot & neighborhood type pictures!
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artstartart · 6 years
Artist Spotlight: Jayne Valverde
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Get to know one of our University of Texas San Antonio artists from the September 2018 Sale on ArtStartArt.
To get us started, share more about yourself and your artwork.
Making works in a college setting is a great opportunity but can be really stressful. I recognize that my work is far from where I want it to be. In that realization I have learned to be patient with my growing process as an artist and allow myself to experiment as much as possible in my undergrad. Being patient with yourself and with your work brings much needed peace and clarity when making new works or exploring new ideas.
Tell us about your first experience creating.
I don’t know if I have a ‘first experience’ but I do remember trying to replicate and one up my brothers doodles. He is older than me and was always cooler than me and would leave pieces of paper around the house with little violent doodles. I remember thinking they were so violent but understood the catharsis of the physical act of drawing.
What has been your favorite part of art school so far?
My favorite part of art school so far has been working with unique and creative individuals. It is amazing what you can learn from people who are constantly motivated by ideas and creation. I was apart of a New Media course for 3 semesters and it was, for the most part, directed by the students. It took me out of my comfort zone by performing concepts for an audience and really required that I pull all my resources to make something that can exist in a large format and in 3-dimensional space. That class was wild and I suggest that all art students take a course that makes them a little uncomfortable. The course really pushed the idea of the ‘all encompassing artist’. I am not just a print maker, or a sculpture but, an artist who will utilize any medium that is necessary for the piece.
What are you currently exploring in your work?
Currently I am tackling a broader subject, human emotion. I didn't want to pigeonhole my work into a specific message that I don't feel confident or genuine expressing. Emotions are universal and will allow me to focus on formal design elements as well as unique installations practices. I will be focusing on one emotion at a time and exploring those emotions through color, texture and collage within lithography practices and serigraphy.
What excites you about ArtStartArt?
Being able to share my work and explore the works of my peers in different universities.
If you had to choose another major besides art, what would it be, and why?
For a few years I was studying Botany and Horticulture. I realized too late that it was Horticulture that I loved over Botany. Never did want to sit in a science lab forever. What I really enjoyed was working with my hands and the physical process of growing plants and the magical nature of growth.
Who, or what, is currently inspiring you?
The tragic romanticism of Jean Cocteau, the sad crooning of King Krule and the absurdity of the internet.
What’s your favorite spot on campus and what do you like to do there?
I won’t reveal the location but all the delinquents like to drink coffee and smoke cigarettes there.
Rapid fire questions for Jayne
Next place you’d like to travel: Terlingua, TX
Favorite book(s): Naked Lunch - William S. Burroughs  
Favorite movie(s): The Shining - Stanley Kubrick
Last album you listened to: Prince - Purple Rain 
Last TV show you watched: Sharp Objects
Behind the Scenes with Jayne
We asked Jayne to share some images that encapsulated her and her creative process.
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Please visit Jayne’s Instagram @auntiejanie_
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