#the first two about saving a person..... feels pretty damn topical wrt alyxian huh!!
1, 2, 11, 12, 28, 31 for Espen
1. Does your PC believe it’s possible to save someone?
extremely possible (what would be the point of her job, of all her grief, if it were not so?), but never guaranteed. sometimes you can do everything right and still lose them and it isn't your fault (it will feel like it's your fault)
2. What does saving a person involve?
first, the other person must buy in. they, too, must believe it is possible (you will have to convince them of this. this will be the hardest part). then--and this is vital--you look fate in the eye and make it blink first. assess what your capabilities are, and then exceed them. it will likely be an awful affair. if saving a person was easy, then everyone and their mother in exandria would have a tale of heroism about them written into the cobalt soul's library books
11. How does your PC show affection?
acts of service that are not part of her day job. she might offer to waterproof someone's boots in the fall so their feet won't get wet from the snow, or sharpen and polish their weapon after noticing it dulling, or prestidigitate her hands to be cool to soothe an itch instead of leaving them to scratch it. she also tends to tease and return banter if she genuinely likes another person
12. If your PC had to set up a date, what would they plan for it?
take an easy, meandering walk somewhere beautiful (to a meadow of wildflowers, or to the ocean, or through the arts district of a city) with ample time for conversation and enjoying each others company, followed by a nice meal (a picnic, cooking dinner together at home, going to a favorite local restaurant). low pressure but with high potential for connection
28. When your PCs want comfort, what do they seek out?
espen generally seeks solitude or, if that's not an option, a challenging task to keep her occupied. she isolates and self-soothes instead of going to others for comfort, but if someone trusted is around and engages with her, she does like a good hug and a vent session (everyone say "thank you tarsenna for keeping espen sane in bazzoxan")
31. What’s your favorite part of playing your PC?
I love how damn much she cares!! it makes engaging with other characters/plot hooks/the world sooo easy. I've definitely played characters who couldn't give a shit, and because I'm a responsible dnd player I intentionally hunted for reasons to engage and move the story forward, but that's *work*. espen by contrast says "uh yeah this fucking matters obviously" and then goes after it!
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