#the freckled bard. (alya)
anthologyoflucas · 1 year
@fvllnbcryl liked for a google translated lyric
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“I like shapes!”
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
@fvllnbcryl continued!
“You’ll love the view of the ocean! The sun reflecting off the waves, and you can see some fish and other marine life. Maybe we can make a sandcastle or something too. We just have to drop off some supplies at the market first then we can explore!”
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anthologyoflucas · 2 years
They made it to Alya’s family’s farm. There were animals out grazing behind the fences and as soon as Alya got close, a couple ran up excitedly to greet her, having missed her when she was gone. Her horse nuzzled against her face making her laugh.
“Aqua, this is the first horse I took care of, World Wide Webster, or Webby for short. He’s nervous about strangers but he’s really sweet. When we settle in I’ll get some treats together and we can feed the animals to show them you’re nice.” The bard smiled petting the horse gently. He had black fur with a white patch on the muzzle and a brown mane and tail. “His son’s around here somewhere.. I took care of him too. I named him Potoooooooos.” Pronounced Potatoes or Pot-Eight-Ohs.
Alya was happy to get to show the farm to her, she missed being home, but was too afraid after everything with Elwin to face her parents. She didn’t want them to be disappointed or worried.
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
Where does your power lie?
The Heart
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your power is steady and driving. your power is fickle, it skips and it races and it bleeds and it burns. your strength is in how much you care, about everything. your strength is cold and it is stone and it is soft and it is on your sleeve. and you love. my god, do you love.
Tagged by: @fcrgottn
Tagging: @abracaxfuckxyou @galaxyinfinitum and anyone else who wants to do it!
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
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Threw together a concept of Alya’s look before she met elwin
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
When I talk about the clan and I mention kids, the clan takes in runaways and kids with no where else to go. Sometimes toddlers, usually teens but there are a lot of young adults. Elwin may be a trash can but he is protective of the younger kids and has rules with dire consequences about how they should be treated.
When Alya was in the clan, she was in charge of caring for the younger kids but now Thyme and Emilia do it in shifts.
Elwin won’t get violent with children. He might snap at them but he will apologize to them for it cause he’s “just stressed” once they’re teens they lose that protection from Elwin’s anger. He won’t directly harm them but he’s not as “nice”
He will hurt the teens if they try to escape the clan especially if they stole supplies. He’s more likely to yell and release them as long as they haven’t stolen from the clan but he might beat them before they go.
The kids fear him but try not to show it and trust Thyme and Emilia to keep them safe.
Thyme plays a motherly figure to them that Alya used to fill while Emilia has that sisterly vibe. She (and Alya) will take blame for something a kid did to keep Elwin from getting pissed off.
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
Fun fact number 4
I’ve had Alya and Emilia’s character arcs planned since before the blog existed. They were characters I made when I was gonna try to play D&D but my attention span made it impossible for me to play so I sidelined them before deciding to write them instead.
Elwin and Thyme’s stories also have been fully planned since before the blog, the only difference being that Thyme was going to bea bit more of an asshole in the D&D campaign (still less than Elwin but they would be more or less okay with his violence) and I mellowed them out and gave them morals and their own plotline to struggle with.
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
“These spirits, pure as light could bring. An endless flow of water, spring, back to places cursed with death and waste.”
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anthologyoflucas · 2 years
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Elwin smirked to himself, twirling the dagger around his fingers as he stared Alya down. She was defensive, watching him cautiously and holding tightly to her flute. He’s too fast for her to fight head on.
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“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to get you alone? Away from any annoyances or possible distractions?” He asked with a fanged grin.
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“We’re not alone. I know you have backup close by. You never fight without support, never had the confidence to.” She spat back, making him growl in anger. His twirling of the dagger stopped, getting a tight grip on the handle.
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“I’m going to make you beg for death.”
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anthologyoflucas · 2 years
Elwin: ah, Sunlight. It’s a shame it came to this.
Alya: *restrained glaring at him*
Elwin: *runs the back of his hand down her cheek/jawline as he talks* I had such high hO- FUCKING SHIT
Alya: *bit two of his fingers that got close to her mouth, breaking finger bones in the process*
Emilia: *pries Alya off of him*
Alya: *spits out some blood and skin* You really need to learn to keep your hands to yourself, Elwin.
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anthologyoflucas · 11 months
So many of my muses are short and thus ammo for national throw short people day
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
28. after a fight, how does your muse go about apologizing/making it up to the other person?
5. what does self-care look like to your muse?
17. what was the best/most thoughtful gift your muse has ever received?
for Alya
28. Alya is someone who doesn't get mad easily and feels bad if she gets in a fight with someone. She'll give them space to calm and then make a meal as a peace offering before apologizing.
5. Self care is a nice quiet night with a book or just sitting in the barn with the animals to relax after a day of work.
17. Definitely her gem of last resort. The gift and woman who gave it to her renewed her faith in herself and it's saved her life a few times with an extra spell slot.
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
“Cold. As she wakes, a bitter ice corrodes the gold. In cages lies unfold..” Alya is practicing her new song with her lyre,
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“Rain, Freezes on her heavy feathers as the storm begins, To bleed on kingdoms come!”
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
Thyme: I need you to swear-
Elwin: Fuck yeah!
Alya: heck?
Thyme: Swear as in promise….
Elwin: Sunlight, that was pathetic…
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
Alya was performing in a tavern, singing as she played her lute for the crowd.
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“Weight of days lost holding you down, You'll look for me, but I wont be found. The blue birds flutter in my chest, Oh, they want to sing, You'll have to break me open to hear anything!”
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
“A dauntless whistle in the air. His wings grew thin, his spirit didn't care.”
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