#the fruits of my labor are a dead pen and likes on the internet
vreuss · 7 months
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tma x oc's cards, finally
after many days of boredom in class it is complete, the full the magnus archives fear entities x my oc's cards! some of these are a definite stretch with how they associate with the fear but hey, its cool and finally done. mostly done in class, enjoy these blurbs of context, not in any particular order:
Elliot O'Rourke: The Dark
One of the oldest fears, the dark has always been fascinating. Its mysteriousness in what it could hide, or simply just the lack of light, has been a topic of fascination for her for as long as she could remember. What could hide in there? Who could hide in there? What is darkness, exactly? All these questions craved answers, and what better way to get them by becoming one with the darkness? 
Micah Lycan: The Buried
The warm embrace of cramped spaces, being hugged by your surroundings, acts almost like a blanket from the outside. The ability to wield a forcefield allows him to enter such spaces without fear of his surroundings collapsing on him, but after finding comfort in the compression he learns he doesn’t need such protections. Being in a place that gives a hug that well just makes him sleepy, as if he could fall asleep in its embrace at any time.
Marshall Woods: The Vast
Anywhere but here is where he wanted to be, and having the ability to manipulate the sky’s air as he sees fit makes him feel closer to the emptiness of sky blue as ever before. He wishes to show others the sereneness of the open, and cant help but find a little fun in doing so. What’s the harm in increasing the breeze just enough to where you feel dizzy with vertigo, eventually making you fall off his precious sky island? It's alright though, the Vast will catch you.
Kima Makarov: The Flesh
Being affiliated with such a fear seems almost ironic as a healer, but her connections lie in how her healing works. When you have a cut, she uses her patron’s mobility to move the flesh around the cut to fuse the torn flesh together, creating an almost perfectly sealed wound. She only asks for you to freak out a little more than you already have by seeing your damaged flesh move about unnaturally as a payment.
Leona von Orii: The Lonely
As the youngest of four siblings, she feels like she has to put her own feelings aside for the sake of others. Being a part of a notorious thieves guild doesn’t help too much either; all you do has to be for the collective, nothing for yourself. This guild prioritized those who had ties to the supernatural, such as her mutant sister, so even when it came to her own family she felt subpar. The one time she was trusted with leading a mission, she got herself and her sister caught. Loss after loss affects you. In the place she was locked up in before her rehabilitation, she had plenty of time to reflect. What else did she have to lose now? Beaten to submission, she now finds loyalty with the Lonely, to have others feel what she felt to feed and repay her patron, who acted more as a supporter than anyone else in her life.
Raquel von Orii: The Web
As a mutant, all she knows is who she isn't. A spider monster fusion which upon completion of the transformation gave her some otherworldly violet eyes that should not exist here, but it also gave her a sense of connection to almost everything around her, especially how locations connect to each other. Sometimes, she wonders what it would be like if she wasn’t ever a mutant, never had creature DNA fused with her own, but sometimes she remembers that’s all she knows. Everything she did in life happened because of that one key moment, and why not embrace the spidery side of her by putting her loyalties to the Web, where she can learn to utilize the connections she feels? It even feels like she was born for this; it seems too perfect. 
Minu Kanara: The Hunt
The thrill of the chase is what keeps her employed. As a member of a prestigious bloodline, reputation is all she has. Why not use it for a cause? Becoming a royal guard was no easy feat, but hey, you can’t help but relish the feeling you get for chasing after a criminal with such a title as yours.
Maxine Clemace: The Spiral
Having the ability to mess with a short period of time as you see fit already has moral issues, but it causes quite the mess mentally too. When you could have sworn you saw that person behind you a second ago, just to glance over and see them in front of you right now, how did they get there? Was it your eyes playing tricks on you, or was it that, somehow, time itself stopped for that one person? You have no idea for how long, and what they did while time is stopped, but you hope that assumption is false, that your eyes are just playing tricks on you. No one should ever have the ability to mess with literal time, or else all you know would be false, right?
Axon Makaia: The End
He has a very interesting relationship with death. He was born on a small island, with a small family, just them against the world. As his mother became sicker and sicker, his family became more distant, afraid they’ll catch what she has and succumb to their inevitable fate sooner, like her. He wondered if this trail of death is what is really against them in the world. He wondered how it would feel to rest like them, to end, to end this cycle of death while, ironically, feeding into it more. Perhaps it would be for the better. 
Eramana Maar: The Slaughter
Being an avid dimension traveler means you see the best and worst of both worlds, the hellish landscape may repulse other visitors, but that is what she liked about it. The calmer weather in the other dimension made it the main one, but it attracted a lot of attention. When the hellish landscape receives more attention than it wants, things can get messy, like the hiring of mercenaries to keep it civil. She couldn’t help having heritage from both locations, but she used both for a cause, to keep the primordial balance between what belongs in one world versus what belongs in the other. 
Austin County: The Eye
Mind reading opens so many doors to knowledge. Who cares about breaching privacy or other morals in order to hear the deepest thoughts and secrets of others? Having the mind be as open as hers makes one wonder how far she is willing to go to fill its open spaces, even if it means using morally questionable methods of doing so. 
Katelyn Lawrence: The Corruption
There’s something comforting about knowing you share blindness with others, even if they fall outside of your species. You don’t always need eyes to see, the presence of others can be good enough guidance already, even if those others are insects.
Melissa Steilahn: The Desolation
When you have been touched by violence since childhood, there will always be some sort of deeper rage desperately trying to crawl out. When the manifestation of fire abilities came early, for example, how else did you expect to use them? By showing others the same pain you were forced to feel as a child, of course, as a sort of revenge. How was it fair that you felt the worst pain of your life, while everyone else was comfortable? It simply isn't fair. 
Chase Woods: The Stranger
Despite having airborne abilities like her brother, she was never one to flaunt them. In fact, she loved using them for deception. Her favorite pastime was seeing how many people she could fool into thinking the mannequin behind them was the source of a gust of wind, or perhaps a whisper that felt like one. Sometimes she will think too hard about the almost human, uncanny nature of them and think how easy it would be for them to be human, if only for the alteration of a few traits. Perhaps, with her new loyalty, she can make that happen. Besides, what’s the difference between a mannequin and a human if both move and act alive? 
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