#the funniest thing about my first project is that i'm using an 8.00mm hook and. OW. exhausting...
uncanny-tranny · 9 months
Some tips I've found which actually help me, as somebody with periodic elbow, shoulder, and finger pain when crocheting:
Choosing smaller projects, or projects that recommend hooks that are 5.00mm, as larger hooks trigger pain
Wearing compression gloves when my hands get too cold to function (stylish! Mine have copper infused in them, but I don't think it's necessary at all)
Figuring out which material in yarn helps with pain and how tiring your craft is
Unfortunately, take breaks
Try being realistic about what you are willing to sacrifice and risk in terms of pain. There will be times where you cannot do something without risk, and being able to weigh out your willingness for risk can be crucial.
(From what I have heard) use pillows to prop up yourself if you're sitting for a project may help reduce some pain
Your enjoyment > anything else
Hand and wrist stretches that are accessible to you
If anybody has things that help them, share it! I limited it to my perspective as somebody who has aches and pains in the arm I crochet with, but this is not limited to either pain nor crochet. Accessibility in crafts is imperative, and we can all help in making resources for people to learn from <3
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