#the funny thing is that aegon in f&b is objectively worse in EVERY way
dragonseeds · 3 months
Yeah make it make sense, every day I log in here and see people cursing out Daemon while calling Aegon their silly little guy.
i rarely see this anymore because my dash is so curated and i have half the fandom blocked (i’m trying to be in my lucille bluth i won’t hear it and i won’t respond to it era) but lmfaooo i know what you’re talking about. many people absolutely incapable of being normal about daemon despite continually wishing everyone on team black was on his level!
no one has to like him—and i obviously get why some people wouldn’t—but the difference in the way people talk about him and aegon really is sooo funny because it always comes across to me as like “our sacred canonical rapist who is just a silly boy actually so we’re going to ignore that vs your vile groomer who shouldn’t be around children or on my blog and i WILL bring this up every time i am forced to mention him.” like…. the dissonance? anyway all of these characters are insane and fun and compelling to me. i love them all (rhaenyra alicent dameon most), so i really don’t get it.
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