#the gentlemen thieves || steeplechase verse
abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
“Oh, good. You’re finally waking up,” Montrose said, tilting his head to the side with a smile. His mask was nowhere in sight and the aperture that housed the prism for it was missing from his person as well. It wasn’t certain if Hank had the same control over hard light that Emerich possessed. If that was the case, better safe than sorry. It was prudent to keep in control of his own actions in this delicate affair.
“Now, Mr. Hart, you have made an insurmountable transgression against me and mine. And for that I’d like to have a little pay back. It only seems fair,” he said, his smile turning sinister.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@dreamsofalife from X
Montrose frowned, the mask mimicking his expression. “Maybe you can go spend some time in the back? I can cover the stand for you. You guys have covered for me quite a bit so it’s only kind to return the favor..
Granted he didn’t know how long this person was going to stay here or even who she was. But if getting Shy off the sales floor was any help than he would try.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
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That voice, that murmur in his head, was slowly getting louder and easier to understand. But he didn’t like what it was telling him. He kept trying to ignore it, but it was pushy. Insistent. For a moment he simply put his hands over his ears as if that would drown out the sound.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
@dreamsofalife || from X
"Yes, yes, the irony is not wasted on me," he said, watching the sharp shift in her mood. It sent him into his own defensive mood. Clearly this wasn't something recently brought on. He knew she tended to bottle everything up but he hadn't seen what happened when that bottle finally erupted yet.
"Sure I've been more reckless than should be warranted, but that does mean you should do the same! I'm a terrible example to follow so don't pull the shit I did!"
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@dreamsofalife || from X
He carefully uncocks the pistol and holsters it again. Even with his knowledge and having used it before, he would never want to actually shoot another person unless his life or the lives of others were in danger.
“You seem to attract men like bees to a flower field. Actually no, that’s an insult to bees,” he said with a laugh. “Are you alright at least? He didn’t put his hands on you?”
Honestly he knew full well if that man had, he’d be clocked and out cold on the floor. Shy was a force not to be trifled with.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
What does she have there? Why, it's a photo of Montrose in the Infinite Jessie costume. And she's not letting it go. "This is the cutest goddamn thing I've ever seen. You make a lovely spectra fairy."
"I mean I do look good in just about anything," he said with a smirk. Granted it did look a tad awkward since it was sized for Carla, but still, it was quite flattering. "I will say I do look better in my Hawkblade outfit. But I make a damn good spectra fairy."
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
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“I’m tellin’ you lot I didn’t do it! What would I gain from killing a potential client?! You all believe me, right?”
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@dreamsofalife from X
“I mean I suppose we are actually technically getting paid because we’re at work, but still. Though I don’t mind the tips some of the older women slip me~” he said, mostly joking. There were some that enjoyed the mystery of his hidden face and liked to hit on him at times, even slipping him a suite once in a while.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
Montrose is laying curled up on his side near the edge of the bed. A small trashcan has been moved to sit right near him. For some reason he woke up feeling dizzier than usual and terribly nauseous. His head was aching, his eyes shut tight to try and stop the world from spinning.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
Shy was a naturally jumpy woman. It was widely known that she was alert to any sound, any little change in atmosphere or people's voices; it was useful in very delicate situations, occasionally, though it was tiresome most times. However, today she was being far, far more than just jumpy. Shy kept looking over her shoulder, ducking down, even yelping at her own shadow coming too close.
It was bad enough that even Emerich noticed.
As someone who was usually on the other end of this scenario, Montrose could tell something was obviously wrong. It was a hyper vigilance that rivaled his own when he was having a bad episode.
He approached from in front of her, posture open and docile, his hands visible. It definitely wasn't his usual confident body language, but he hoped it would be enough not to spook her too much.
"Is everything alright?" he asked softly. "You're jumpier than a frog in a hot tub."
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
"What the fizzity uck was that?" (For Montrose, ty!!)
Can't remember the meme || no longer accepting
"I'm sorry did you just say "fizzity uck" instead of fuck?"
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
@dreamsofalife || from X
Montrose looked up and gave her a small smile. It was honestly a relief to him too. He still didn't quite have much of an appetite or stamina but it was a marked improvement. Staying awake a couple hours or more at a time and able to do simple things made him feel much better mentally.
"Oh, hey, Shy," he said, setting the book aside for the moment. "It's called Lady Friday. It's part of a series I was telling Emerich about a while ago."
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@dreamsofalife || from X
He chewed thoughtfully on another bite before speaking again. “Covering for me with the boys would be good. Not that I think they’ll mind too much of course. I mean aside from me going off on my own again.”
For a moment he considered taking up the offer about Gravel but shook his head. The idea of a Barrister showing up was heavy in the back of his mind. Although he didn’t really think he needed someone to bodyguard him.
“I should be alright on my own. Besides I can always find help if something happens.”
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
There are fewer ways better to celebrate a heist successfully completed than making out with your boyfriend in the backroom of an arcade where nobody is willing to bother you. Having your arms wrapped around him, fists grasping at the back of his shirt while you press him against a busted arcade game to kiss him harder than he's ever been is, at least in Shy's opinion, one of the nicest ways to spend a late afternoon after close.
Breaking away for a moment to suck in a breath, Shy cupped Montrose's cheek, grinning up in satisfaction at him; he was always cute, but this was especially adorable. "You are enchanting, you know that? Simply the cutest man I've ever lain eyes on, and I'm lucky you're all mine."
He was blushing like a total school boy. She had taken the lead on this and guided him, where to put his hands, how to hold each other. Of course she was the dominant one in this scenario. He'd never really done this before. He hadn't had a relationship before this...
Part of him wanted to pull his mask back on to hide his face as she praised him. He had been squirming a bit, pinned between her and the arcade machine.
"That's some mighty flattering words, Shy," he said, not quite looking her in the eye, a bit out of breath.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
Precious little thing. I'll put you in a glass case where I can look at you every day like the precious doll you are. I'll even let you pick out different outfits for special occasions!
Send my muse creepy messages on anon! Scare the shit out of them! || Accepting!
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"Now I may prefer the company of robots and hardlight to humans, but I am no one's doll or plaything. I like my freedom too much for that."
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
So, uh, I got some headcanons for Montrose and they do be a little messed up. This is entirely based on my headcanons for him (specifically for this roleplay blog and my interpretation of him so please take this with a grain of salt) and my need to make everything dramatic and heartwrenching. Some things are based on out of character lines from the podcast.
It’s going under the cut for various triggers including mental health issues, substance abuse, survivor’s guilt, ptsd, loss, death of family members
As a kid/teen, he was in a pretty well off family. They were able to afford stuff like trips to Steeplechase where he first saw The Future Is You. But he lost everything when his family was killed (not quite sure how yet). He lost his parents, his grandfather, and his brother and sister. He was the oldest of the three. The home was lost too and basically he was left with nothing. So he did what he had to to survive.
He developed a schizo-affective disorder (based on the ambiguity of whether or not Montrose is having actual conversations with his TFIS family or it’s just in his head) out of the trauma of losing his family. It landed him in the hospital a few times and had run away from several foster homes until he aged out of the system. He learned a lot about how to efficiently steal things like food, medicine (struggled with some substance abuse for a while), clothes, etc. He was on medication from a recent hospitalization and was improving when he was picked up by the first gang he was in. They were really only interested in how they could benefit from him.
When his mental health got to be too much of a burden they basically discarded him. Some time later he ended up working for Dentonic and was placed in Ustaben where he met Lindon and Emerich. He found out they had their own criminal goals and he was quick to offer his skills to help. At first to him, as long as he was useful to them he would be satisfied. Then he realized quickly that they had all become friends and not just partners in crime.
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