#the grey one had absorbed her twin in her original design
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Redesigned my old pony oc.
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xxplinkxx · 4 years
Something to remember.
Round 2!: @taiyuu-high-oct The hotel chase as most of it’s idea and small happenings rightfully credited to @gravityechoes  Thistle made them up originally and ily for that. Sorry I just copied most of it. Tsuki rightfully also belongs to @gravityechoes ! Moya belongs to me! I included some snip bits from @astryelle and @scoutdolphin round two’s! AT least the parts that included Moya shjasd,,,  Go check em out they’re all so lovely !! fhjvasd   Ah, the second round. Something that would...probably be happening often every once in a while. Buildings upon buildings of different heights, shapes, and designs lay behind these grand towering gates of Taiyuu's 'sundown zone'. And right in front of those grand gates, were a group of students with two teachers. The kids of all heights in the gym outfits, listening in. As the cloud kid, moya was listening to what the teachers were saying about what would happen in this dainty little test of theirs. As one of the students, he felt pumped! I mean, shouldn't he? With this test, a person with his quirk could be fit to easily win...As you can team up with others too! With their 'collab zone.' As this should be fit for an adrenaline rush, right?! I mean he was just looking at it in silence. Brows raised as his expression was akin to having his mouth dropped by a little. But looking around, eyes darting, it seems some of his classmates had already begun chatting with each other shortly. Things like strategies and how they could work together... He frowned ever so slightly behind the mechanical mask that was provided by the school.
  Knees up to his chest as he held his crossed arms that rested upon his knees. Groaning into his arms, as he thought about that other test and this one, the last round was bad...this one might even be worse!!!! Plus everyone in the class smart enough which they all are. Already knows that moya can hold himself up just fine. He even knew this fact, so why even bother?? Especially with any of them. He sighs as he furrowed his brows, moving his face upwards on his long-sleeved arms of his gym uniform. ‘...Those ten minutes must be over by now huh..’ he though in a thoughtless state. Just his eyes above the bridge of the nose weren't touching the cloth. "...This total disaster..!" He muttered as he leaned to the right. His head touching the stall door as his head clouds turn into a blueish grey. He'll stress out more if the same thing as last time could happen!! It might and probably will! He's like a loose cannon! His quirk was a disaster and so was he! It was a disaster! As moya was currently in the restroom! Before he made a pitiful expression as he looks down at his posture. He's pitying himself. He even made up an excuse to run down here! Usually, he's stress-free himself by yelling out his problems and opinions into a cloud but...the test had to be done right outside the door-! Agh! He sulked as he bit his bottom lip and balled up his hands. The last round's conclusion made him stress out, it's been on his mind. 
  The buzzing was heard, "...you know. You have that mask to prevent all your worries right? 'moya.' " An almost digital yet mechanical voice resounded from the empty bathroom. It made moya furrow his brows even more. Lin. Yeah, lin...the person who resembles twin brother. Is it a coincidence? A hairstyle change? His twin he can't remember the face of, was it this guy? He clicked his tongue, looking up from his bangs and slightly glaring at the digital bee. Making it float back abit. "...ok. Now I know your 'stress' can make you like this. But you need the mask. Put it on. You want to pass right? If so then just stop being a child, you know I care. I know you care. So stop refusing it-" 
  "But if I do then I'd be too powerful!" He shouted in an angry sneer. Punching the stalled wall to his right. ...Silence followed as a sigh came out. "You. No one cares if you're.... powerful. And you shouldn't because if you think your stupid rule of restraining your 100 percent is going to help you, it won't. Wake up you bafoon." The bee stated in a slightly harsh but glitched tone of voice.
  More silence followed. He huffed as he gripped the mask tightly. "...It's not stress. I just..." He balled up his hands as he stood in the stall, neck bent over and leaning as his wild long hair drooped down his shoulder. "I just... don't want to depend too much on this." He said quietly before raising his head and silently taking a long inhale. Exhaling as he blinked, looking up at the ceiling in slightly drooped eyes. His normal school face, usually behind a cloth mask. He exits, walking out with quiet taps. "...you know these people made it. So why would you deny it." A frowning silhouette behind a screen. Showing what was in the empty bathroom, he stated quietly in a slick tone. Seems...angry. The silent bee stated in the empty bathroom. Going back it buzzed, into the sewers it goes as it heads there. This time. Moya had strapped the mask tightly into his neck. 
  Going back on the list of who versus who, it seems moya was going to fight the...moon kid. Wait does he know anything other than the moon kid part? She was a new student of the other class alongside ameko right? If so then that's bound to happen. Researching wasn't the problem as it wasn't his style to just go research. See it for himself? Heck yeah! Wait no! This was a new transfer so researching was impeccable to even start to do! He pities Tsuki for just attending a test after the exam... especially on her first day. As the two stared each other down, this was what was going on in moya's head. But to the present, now here he was. Face to face with the moon girl...Well with the standing gal. He wasn't really on the ground, more on a normal cloud. When the gal blinked after a couple of times it just made him raise an eyebrow and narrow his eyes. Was there something wrong? Or is it the dust that came from the ceilings of these dirt buildings got into her eye? Not that it's his problem... as he takes a quick breath. He didn't even bother putting on the mask. Relying on such things is materialistic. ...A hidden side to the quiet cloud kid who seems to have such a powerful quirk. It was dead silence... not that moya minds. 
  His arms ley one his thighs, as he'd been closing his eyes in concentration and gathering the nearby lingering water vapor from the air. They gathered around his arms in a thin mist, swirling around and such and the swirls of a stormcloud started to appear. Up until a hollow cry resounded, but the moment it did, he started to make his move. With the thin mist gathering itself, faster and quicker, it would head straight for Tsuki. Almost shooting at her as the electricity pops and crackles. It's what he intended, as this would probably give him time to search for the orb and get ahead. But upon seeing Tsuki dodge by hiding behind a plush armchair, he raised both brows. This...what good reflex and quick-witted thinking. As expected, such a quick-witted transfer in taiyuu is only expected. Since the principle' entrance exam...he narrowed his eyes at the memory of his chaotic entrance exam.  
  Upon the cloud hitting the chair, the electricity it held was automatically shattered. Making the chair a conductor-like sponge to the electricity The thundering, booming sounds of it made moya also cover his ears. Loud noises hurt after all. But that didn't impact his mad concentration as he was without his mask. He can work on calming his stress after all, as he bit his lip. Using a hand and straining it harshly as he made a claw-like gesture with his hand. Keeping the focus on the dispersing pieces he stitched them together by balling up his trained hand that showed some of the skeletal on his hand. Able to stitch them up isn't really hard. Just have to bring back the emotion you felt when summoning it and push them together into one certain dotted spot. Though it's weakened due to its normal state is disordered. So the lightning is weaker, as he decides to send it after Tsuki again. But it was a surprise, to see it's weaponized lightning, flash through Tsuki's arm. Instead of landing the hit on Tsuki, it hit and scorched the wall behind Tsuki... More so it seems abit transparent? The awkward silence was there as he inhaled, letting the mild embarrassment take place. It didn't show up on his face but only on his head clouds as they turned a cotton candy pink. Seems like his concentration failed and the cloud disperses, as the surprise attack from Tsuki interrupted his concentration.
  "Sorry it looks like I'm not all there" She stated in the wide grin.  Making Moya narrow his eyes at her, lazy double lidded eyes sleeked down as he frowned. Grinning like that is making him more embarrassed... As she made her move when vaulting over the chair. Swinging and throwing the many pebbles at him and dashing towards him, he grabbed his cloud and dodged when she swung at him. But with the vase shattering and Tsuki getting hurt from it's shattered grounds, he just furrowed his brows. What even was the point of that? It reminded him of Kiru's recklessness and Lyrimon's nature. He just rolled his eyes, just before he spotted, for a few seconds, the orb. It was in the koi fish pond, with a fish just nibbling at it. Though it seems he gave it away to the enemy as his eyes flickered back to Tsuki. 
  Just like that, the two dashed for it just at the same time. Tsuki starting to gain the lead made moya go into alert. Having to make his cloud dash he opens a palm up where the air was wiping past it, he managed to make a medium-small cloud. Lightning, again. As he aimed it at Tsuki' back when she was pulling ahead. He still held the solemn frown even when it landed. He did pity her for having to absorb his attack, but a test is a test. And he's eager to win. As he zipped past her and scooped up the orb, heading to the stairs quickly running off on his dainty little cloud ride. 
  "...That should hold her off. Maybe for a while or not, it doesn't matter." He muttered to himself smirking as the area around him was in a slight semi blur, he was trying to go fast after all. If ameko saw him not going original cloud speed, she'd probably give him a ticket for speeding. He continued his way out and to his goal, sweet sweet victory was right in front of him! If he can keep up the speed he can make it! 
  ...That was how it should be. But to his feelings of demise, there was a girl who jumped out the window yelling a battle. "How original.." He muttered under his breath at the moment he faintly heard glass breaking. But it seems something passed right through him. Making him slightly pause as he felt akin to convulsing and a bad searing flash of dizzy-o'-clock. As he ent over slightly, he looked back up when he felt that the orb wasn't with him anymore. Anxiety is rising as he looked up. The gloves of Tsuki were found, alongside the fact she was sprinting to the goal she was supposed to take the orb to-!!! He narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows as he materialized another stormcloud. Besides the other cloud that was a fiery but crackling one. It's texture and looks akin to magma leaking out of a hardened volcanic floor. Moya was gripping his head since extreme emotions able to bring out another cloud that was bothersome. Adding that stress to the feeling of Tsuki's going through him made his head spin. Migraines of repeating the same emotion cloud were the cause. He can't keep repeat and hold it together with the same emotion every time! As usual, the stormcloud one went over to block and intercept Tsuki like last time, but she detoured.
  By the end of his little recovery, he lost Tsuki. Making him click his tongue and disperse the two power clouds. As he decided to float above to find his opponent. Her goal line was vacant, so she must be hiding. He even thought so! Just seeing her goal vacant gave him ease to his anxiety. He was nearing the collab zone but didn't notice. He's too busy trying to find Tsuki.
All of a sudden.
“Kemuri. I need a favor.”
He perked up in surprise, going to look at the source. He narrowed his brows and eyes.
  Lana. Ah, the very intimidating wait no who said anything about intimidating? Ahaha... well she’s the stoic gargoyle gal who's with the dramatic gakusa and the all-around excited ameko. The usual trio of taiyuu. ...Despite the class tests of which class is better than the other!! He raised both eyebrows as he listened to what she had to say. Besides he's gotta hurry. Tsubame-san heading straight for her goal when he's distracted is something moya doesn't want. He does feel bad though since she's quite remarkable. ..But remarkable people can deal with these things normally. He can't stay for chit chat as he pondered. So he'll try to speed this talk up. Looking around his area when speaking.
 “Could you put cloud coverr overr the field?” 
“I need to catch Tokei.”
  He paused, but just so quickly. Time is ticking after all. He nodded. “Alright,” Moya stated as he took a hefty sigh, using the surrounding water vapor left in the air he focused on turning them into clouds. Thick but not enough to materialize and hold people. This should do. Especially to at least block his opponent' sights from going to their goal, at least for a little. ...That's to say if tsubame was still away from her goal. With Svetlana turning to moya all ear twitchy, she pointed to a tall shopfront hotel. Making him raise both eyebrows, go sharp-eyed, posture himself, and then thank her. He didn't bother saying goodbye and didn't pay attention to her going back to her field. He's sure she did the same because that's Lana.
  Ah. The cover should also block Tsuki's line of sight! Since all she's got is the glowing orb and a quirk that relies on sight, this could be easy to do for a trick!  He gave a small smirk at this, though it was quite naughty of him to do so. As he motioned most of the cloudy cover to go ahead and block the majority of the windows on the storefront. He'll have to thank Lana for this ingenious idea of covering the playing field-! Motioning them as he sat on his cloud abit above and outside the building, he proceeded to either. Dense it till she goes back out or dense it till she goes back out. The clouds were normal after all, so they didn't really hinder his headaches nor cause any. As he was upon his cloud. In an upper position where he can see if they exit out of the roof or emerge from the door or windows. As he's just hovering near Tsuki's goal line! The rows of many window seats on the front or left side. He's maximizing the dense cloudiness, eyes narrowing upwards as its surrounding clouds are turning into more of a shield and thick layer around the building. But he'll have to keep in mind, the clouds and denseness need to always be upheld. Keep that one solemn emotion in check, boy!
  With his very proud work, he decides to head in, as he swore he spotted a figure running up the stairs from the second-floor' windows. He motions his cloud by gripping it, balling up, and making it crash headfirst into the window of the third floor. Relieved that he wasn't harmed, he went to the staircase where he saw the figure running up. Sure enough with the speed from earlier, he managed to catch up and spot Tsuki right in front of him!! As he was flying on his cloud he kept his sharp sights on Tsuki. With her laughing when he reached the barricade, he made a smirk that might've burst into a snicker. But it didn't as he kept it on the down-low as he flew right over it. ..SHe was obviously proud and in hopes, this would stop him. Sadly it didn't, and that was quite pitiful to Moya. He did hide the expression though, per usual. 
  The sharp turn she took and the sound of a door slam made him squint just by a bit. As he furrowed his brows as he looked to see Tsuki's hand clip through the door. Holding and hooking a sign of 'Do Not Disturb' onto the doorknob as he darted near the room. Just staring at the sign for abit he rubbed his temples, this wasn't a game of goose but it's turning into one. He let a small laugh escape as he sighed, even if he denied it this adrenaline rush he was feeling was quite fun to have. Though if she keeps up the twists and turns he's gonna have a bigger migraine. Even so, he still did a small prayer for the door. Especially about what's about to happen. He automatically threw the door open. And there to greet him was the playful words of Tsuki, alongside the fact he saw her holding a pillow up ferociously like a weapon in defense. 
  'Must be shielding the orb though' he thought. Tsuki showed a dismayed expression to him. 
  "Didn't you read the sign?" Tsuki stated in a serious manner.
  This made him let out a surprised bark of laughter. He didn't mean to but is that really what you say when your opponent is back here face to face with you? And about to steal your most precious prize for victory! But a test is a test. And playtime was over, so he lifted a hand to send a cloud over. Was it to retrieve the orb? Yes, yes it was. But upon Tsuki baseballing, it to homerun moya couldn't believe his eyes. What the- he thought and before they can escape his mouth he fell over. The disturbance of one cloud dispersing mid-sentence and colliding to clip his travel cloud was something. As he blinked in a daze, he saw a fluffy white pillow come into contact. Quickly snatching it and still in a slight daze. 
"Pillow fight. Me, you"
  He paused. It was the confusion of course! But with Tsuki crashing out of the window and not showing her quirk out yet..he was still abit paranoid and anxious. Was she hiding it and will continue? He didn't bother learning about her before. So he obliged. Nodding his head by a millimeter he stood up and straightened himself. He didn't really have a problem with this, so he came in swinging! Tsuki's surprised cackle and energetic jumping reminded him of ameko's high-end energy exterior. Though with her added recklessness and gameplay attitude of this whole thing... it made him think of her like a dog. Making him summon a cloud of ice. 
  Why did he think of such disappointing things, having him grow cold? He didn't like how he connected any of the people he thought of. This was the second day and the second test after all. He'll just have to repress them.  As he attached the ice-cold cloud onto his pillow, the two continued to have a pillow fight. With Tsuki's pillow growing colder, he's sure if she kept looking like she is ignoring it, then he can at least immobilize her for abit. Testing how she can handle temperatures in the meantime process too! As she backed against the wall, he got a solid hit in! Making him smile but. That expression turned upside down as he saw her go through the wall. 'Ah..her.. quirk..' He panicked. The cloud cover outside dispersed, as his eyes widened and quickly opened one of the windows from the room he was in on the same wall Tsuki fell through. He scrunched his brows down as he looked down. As he summoned one of the normal and dense ones, sending it straight spiraling down as it did. Angling down and around Tsuki as it caught her. As he was leaning out the wall in a panicked expression, calming and relieved once Tsuki was safely caught. He eased up his strained body and hung his head down for abit. Looking back at Tsuki it seems she was just dangling on the cloud.
  Bringing the cloud up slowly and safely, Tsuki tumbled through the window as moya was a few feet away. Also on the floor. He was sitting with his legs to his chest. Slightly away from each other he was breathless and the terrified expression still lingered on his face. "A...Are you okay? When you fell- I almost had a heart attack. I had no idea..-" He stated in a blunder. Looking at the ground with downward angled brows he put a palm to his forehead. Watching Tsuki roll over and get to her feet, she lay a hand on her chest. Seems she was also frightened... he doesn't even know what to think of this situation as he bit his bottom lip. Before looking back up and darting his eyes to the orb in the corner, Tsuki walking into view and actually giving him the orb. He raised both brows and eyes widened by a little. 
  He was. Speechless to say. He was confused too. I mean who wouldn't be? Just giving your winning ticket to your enemy isn't something easy to do. No. Usually, you just don't hand over the golden goose to your opponent. He just looked at the orb then back at Tsuki. The confusion was easily read on his face because of how he furrowed his brows in a confusing matter. 
"Take it. I. uh." He tilted his head at Tsuki who started to circle a hand in the air. She seemed to have trouble with what to decide on saying. So he just waited patiently for an explanation in his sitting position. 
“You didn’t have to help me. But you did. And, I appreciate that. It was just, well. Incredibly honorable. And sweet. I’m bad with words- just take it?”
He was touched. When people fall or get hurt in the action right in front of him it... makes him uncomfortable, thinking about the aftermaths. After all, they'd suffer. Both in the aftermath and during it. Nonetheless, he was touched.  Making him lean into just more respect for Tsuki.  But he scrunched his brows down by a little. As the concern wasn't fully evaporated after all. He could leave, but then what about the aftermath? He'd be a terrible person if Tsuki was still hurt. Alongside the fact that he'd of left her when she just gave him the golden goose. He straightened himself up and got to his feet, clouds were starting to form as he furrowed his brows in concern.
"...Are you sure you’re okay?” Worry still lingering in that solemn tone of his.
Tsuki waved a hand dismissively. “I will be. I just need a minute. It’ll give you a headstart.”
  Yeah due to Tsuki he's doubting whether he should go easy and let her win or just be the same as the start of this test. He bit his lip since this was such a respectable and strong opponent. Both nice and determined. It makes him almost feel bad for going to go hard on winning. Almost. He gave a small nod before rushing out, the lightly pulsing orb was in his hands and the small hyper adrenaline rush was growing. Kind of exciting. Making him materialize a storm cloud that would follow! As he ran, he summoned a cloud after a few loud thumps going downwards! Surfing his way out and about he would find himself in the kitchen. But before he could continue Tsuki appeared! In shock and surprise, he almost dropped the orb. Giving her the time to roundhouse kick the orb out of Moya's grasp. Well, it did work, and it seems she did it with mitts?? Especially when she threw the mitts off to grab the orb and runoff through the kitchen counter. This was alarming, so grabbing what was around he quickly threw a frying pan into his cloud through it so it could clip Tsuki. Success! Though he's sorry for making her fall and clipping her again with electricity. 
  Snatching the orb he skittered off, booking it yeah. Did he forget he could just ride a cloud? No. In fact, he can't right now because the stormed power cloud actually sucked up all the remaining water vapor. Alongside the fact moya's abit thirsty, he can't make a cloud! Should he have been reckless when running? No. Only in a seeable extreme success for defeat, he will! But with the sudden pan he threw to hinder Tsuki, it seems it'd been there to hinder him also!! Not knowing the fact Tsuki seemed to have thrown it. Dam you frying pan! He cursed in his head, taking back the prayers he did for the items whenever chaotic scuffles happened with the item in it. As he got floored, Tsuki got away with the orb! Booking it as he disperses the storm cloud and reusing the water vapor, he managed to grab himself a normal rideable one! He chases after. But upon seeing the elevator door closing he panicked and yelled.
"Hold the door!" Moya yelled in a panic.
  Seems it was too late as he halted his cloud to a stop. In disbelief, he bit his lip as he looked out the window. Inhaling for a brief moment he facepalmed. Yeah. And Tsuki must be waiting too. He decided to zoom up the staircase. I mean its faster right? So he took no time to head up to the rooftop. Minutes later he made it! Giving a brief but relaxed sigh he stepped out....well now it is not calm because there to greet him was a full-on a fist! Sending him sprawling! Reminding him of his slow reactions and how weak his strength actually was, it was all fine. As he lay there just in a daze there was a panicked voice.
“Oh my gosh, I didn’t mean to hit that hard! I am so sorry, is anything broken?”
  He blinked. This sure was a day for dazing.. he swears he saw stars and everything covered in black and grey dots. Someone was holding his jaw as he squinted abruptly. 'Ah. It was Tsuki? Did she hit me? Is that what happened?' He thought in the recovering daze. But thinking about it more he, internally panicked. Embarrassment and how a woman is touching him, this wasn't supposed to happen!!! ..Not that he likes women of course. Oh no, he's not interested in them in that way. But a person of the opposite gender let alone his opponent was touching his face. It made his head clouds turn a brightly strong sunset pink. Surprise and a mixture of emotions were lingering in them. Because now he's just holding his breath in! 
He gave a slight sigh of relief when Tsuki backed away. Touching his own jaw, of course, wincing even so. As his eyebrows were doing a slight dance.
"Sorry" She kept on repeating that word. "I didn't think that would actually work. Usually, people figure that one out and dodge! What a terrible first impression this has been, huh? Anyway. Uh, sorry about that." 
He didn't really....... 'mind' it. Things happen and things go after all. But he grimaced, stopping his brows from continuing that dance. He tasted blood, swallowing the taste. The test...still needed. to be. continued. He reorganized his jaw, well tried to, though he winced anyway. "...I bit my tongue." He said in a semi daze, rubbing his forehead and temples.
"Are you good?" She seemed to have shifted. As he can hear it. "I mean, you want to keep on going?"
He paused, blinking before covering his face, sighing a huff. Trying to readjust his jaw again he also once again, processed what had happened. Now that he's gone over it he... he's embarrassed. Embarrassed like major embarrassed-! 
Nonetheless..He gathered himself as he uncovered his face and shrugged. "...I mean if you are.?" He stood up and cracked his neck. Readjusting his shoulders he gave a solemn thumbs up.  Clouds summoned behind moya, three of them in fact. As he made his stance in a ready position, so did Tsuki. Them shrugging in return and charging straight at him. Both of the clouds darted and shot at her.
  With this turning into something like dodgeball, it was fun. At least for moya! As it is like dodgeball. But this time you have to watch the front and back! What a specialty! Also with it being on a storefront hotel rooftop. With Tsuki trying to dodge each flying cloud moya keeps throwing. Well, there were only two but he's juggling them and the cover. As he is making the two direct clouds come back every time and much faster as the more he concentrates the more quickly they become... Holding his head he feels like his head might burst..!! A leaking smile was appearing as the overwhelming feeling is there. And growing. He can't let Tsuki go. And he's sure he can't confuse her again because from this shop front' hotel height.. you can see the goals, at least make it out. He can't keep this up. But things took another tide as it seems the orb decided to fly to moya. In surprise and shock, he disperses the clouds he's tried so so hard to keep in contact. This... Tamashi. Tamashi must've done this he thought he subconsciously nodded his head. Before seeing Tsuki in alarm and running towards him, moya immediately jumped backward, and pacing stepped backward. 
  Quickly, away. He can't let her have this as he moves quickly. He neared the ledge of the building! But it seems Tsuki decided to skid against the floor and using her leg to hook her foot around his. As she flew between his legs and pulled him down before rushing back toward the orb. Making him falter unexpectedly on his chest. Closing his eyes because it was all of a sudden and he doesn't enjoy falling. Does anyone? But a cloud was there. Under him and reaching themselves as he hovered above some of the building' rooftop. But the orb wasn't there.. wait it was rolling!! The two paused and watched it fall off the ledge it went as Tsuki darted. So did moya.
 Specifically, he flung himself. Going past Tsuki and spinning he, successfully launched himself off the ledge and pretty quickly. This was the only way to beat a pretty athletic opponent, as in moya's sense. You can also say he's slightly abit cocky in his ability, despite wanting to restrain it. As he spun towards another building across he managed to use the wind rushing past him, for another cloud. Having him sink into it he made a swift chop to the extending cloud and make it go after the orb. As his eyes were locked onto its glow, seems that Tsuki also dived for it. It was almost in her reach too! Before a cloud darted and stuck to it, grabbing it and flying over to moya. The orb sticking like a piece of honey! ALongside moya' weirdly angled yet rectangular cloud bed going flat like a bed, he was laying straight on his stomach now as the cloud dropped the orb to his open palms. As to get to him now, you'll have to walk over and jump off a building! His location in the slight middle of half of the field near Tsuki's goal. This made him look at the orb before looking back down at Tsuki, smirking solemnly. A rare sight for him to smirk. As it indicates him being cocky. The rest of the round ended with moya quickly making his way over to his goal. Keeping himself in the middle of the large field he and Tsuki fought in. Crossing over the line as he made his cloud drop and disperse when he crossed over his line. 
"That's the end of this round! Kemuri Moya is the victor!" 
Shakily sighing, moya just sat down with the orb next to him in his finished line of a goal. The migraine is getting worse... Though. This was, at least, something to remember.
7 notes · View notes
wazafam · 3 years
One thing the Marvel Cinematic Universe is great at is bringing characters from the page to the screen, both in personality and in design. WandaVision is no exception, since the series introduces several new characters and updates the looks of several existing characters as well, to bring them closer to being accurate.
RELATED: WandaVision: Wanda's Best Outfits On The Show, Ranked By Decade Accuracy
However, although they do a good job most of the time, not every character is a perfect adaptation of the character they're based on. So, while the majority of them get pretty similar to the comic book versions, others don't even feel close.
9 Wanda Maximoff
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Wanda Maximoff has gone through several costume upgrades in the MCU, from the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron and then one in Captain America: Civil War that lasted her all the way through Avengers: Endgame. However, aside from the color scheme, none of the designs featured in the movies really resemble her comic book look. In the finale of WandaVision, the Scarlet Witch finally got the closest costume to her classic look after defeating Agatha and absorbing her magic, even getting her iconic crown that fans have been waiting for.
Even though it isn't practical for live-action, the original comic design even gets a reference when Wanda went as a Sokovian fortune teller for Halloween. In terms of physical appearance, Elizabeth Olsen shares the character's green eyes and at 5-foot-6, is only one inch shorter than Wanda, who is 5-foot-7 in the comics. Her hair has also changed, like the character's has in the comics, going from brown in Avengers: Age of Ultron to auburn in Avengers: Infinity War.
8 The Vision
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Unlike his wife, Vision's look has remained largely unchanged since his creation in Avengers: Age of Ultron and for good reason. His MCU design is basically just a modernized version of his comic design, with the green and red skin remaining intact and the only real missing element missing from his green and gold costume being the lack of a pronounced collar.
Like Wanda, Vision also gets a chance to wear his classic costume on Halloween, with it being meant to resemble a wrestler's. Paul Bettany is the exact same height as the character, at 6-foot-3, but the major difference between the two characters is the fact that Paul has blue eyes and, in the comics, Vision has pupilless gold eyes.
7 Monica Rambeau
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Not only is Teyonah Paris a perfect casting of an older version of Akira Akbar, who played a young Monica in Captain Marvel, but they both are also extremely similar to the character from the comics since Teyonah shares both the character's brown eyes and black hair.
RELATED: WandaVision: The Main Characters, Ranked By Likability
In WandaVision, Monica's hair is in many different styles when she's inside the Hex, but outside of it, she wears her hair in curls, which is closer to the style the character had in earlier comic appearances. Paris also happens to be five inches shorter than comic Monica, who is 5-foot-10. Despite those differences and lack of a proper costume, which she'll likely get in Secret Invasion or Captain Marvel 2, the version WandaVision fans see is pretty accurate.
6 Jimmy Woo
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Jimmy Woo is one of several Marvel characters that made their return to the MCU after his first appearance in Ant-Man and the Wasp and he was likely the easiest character from the series for Marvel to adapt.
Randall Park is pretty much a perfect choice for the role, considering he shares the character's brown eyes and black hair. He is also only just one inch taller, at 5-foot-9, than Jimmy is in the comics, and also in the comics, Jimmy doesn't really have a superhero uniform and is mostly seen wearing suits, like he does in the show.
5 Billy Maximoff
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While many of the characters in the series were already featured in other MCU projects, the Maxmimoff twins made their MCU debut in the series. The youngest twin, Billy Maximoff aka Wiccan is played by the child actor, Julian Hillard. Although he is shown wearing a costume that's based on his comic book uniform during the Halloween episode, complete with his red cape and headband, he usually wears regular clothes that are blue and red.
Aside from the obvious height difference, with Billy standing at 5-foot-8 and Julian being 4-foot-5, the two also have different hair colors, with Wiccan's hair being black and Julian's being brown. The main similarity between them is the fact that they both have brown eyes.
4 Tommy Maximoff
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The other Maximoff twin, Tommy aka Speed, is played by Jett Klyne. On account of him still being young, he is pretty far from his character's height of 5-foot-9. He is the only member of his family that doesn't wear their comic-accurate costume during the Halloween episode, however, his wardrobe is a nod to that uniform, with it consisting of mostly green outfits.
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The biggest difference between him and his comic book counterpart is that is in the comics, Tommy actually has white hair like his uncle Pietro, with whom he also shares powers, but in the series, his hair is dark brown. Luckily, seeing as the character will likely be returning in the future of the MCU, Marvel will have another chance to get his look closer to the source material.
3 Agatha Harkness
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Besides the twins, who are still growing into their roles, Kathryn Hahn's Agatha Harkness is the character that looks the most drastically different from her comic book counterpart. In the comics, Agatha appears much older than she does in the show, with her hair color usually grey or completely white, and while it makes sense that it was changed since the version in the series is much younger, it's still a departure since young comic Agatha also had blonde hair instead of brown like she does in the series.
Kathryn Hahn is also significantly shorter than Agatha, who is 5-foot-11 in the comics, and her green eyes differ from the character's blue. The only real element consistent between both versions is the character's signature purple being a part of her wardrobe and the broach that she is often shown wearing in the comics.
2 "Quicksilver"
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Evan Peters appears in episode 5 posing as Wanda's older twin brother, Pietro Maximoff, who is later revealed to be a Westview citizen named Ralph that was under the control of Agatha and sent to spy on her. Despite not being the real Quicksilver, Ralph pulls off a very convincing performance as him, even wearing the speedster's classic costume, a blue outfit with the white lightning bolt across the chest, during the Halloween episode.
While he manages to share the character's iconic white hair, he doesn't have comic Pietro's blue eyes, since his are dark brown. He is also 5-foot-11, making him just a bit shorter than the 6-foot Quiksilver.
1 White Vision
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In addition to playing the regular version of Vision, Paul Bettany also got to play Spectral Vision, which was the original version of the character in the MCU that was brought back to life by SWORD director, Tyler Hayward. While both versions are pretty much identical in terms of silhouette, the major difference seems to be in color with Spectral Vision's white color being similar to how vision looked when he was restored in the comics.
In addition to the fact that his eyes aren't completely white like they are in the comics, the only major difference is that the MCU version has gold accents on the arms, belt, and legs, as well as the fact that he possesses a small orange panel in his forehead where the mind stone used to be.
NEXT: WandaVision: 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)
WandaVision: How Each Major Character Is Supposed To Look (Based On The Comics) from https://ift.tt/2QkCYIg
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