#the hardcover was for my director and thesis defense
necromancer-mango · 1 year
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[start image description: 5 digital black and white illustrations, as well as 4 photographs of a thin hardcover book. The first image is a drawing of a railroad grown over, with tree roots sprouting over them. There is text above the image reading: “Met some folks who like to travel along the tracks. They invited me to join them for a meal. Turns out, a couple of them have gone all over the place for the past few years. Selene mentioned that the growth is not as thick in certain places, in others it’s not as noticeable like how it is here. Considering how long it’s taken me to get here, the fact that it could have been possibly easier in other locations is kind of nice to know. This group is pretty nonplussed about how long their travels can take. They seem to be enjoying themselves, living in the moment. After talking some more, we parted ways. I hope we all travel safely.” The second image is a drawing of a fountain, with cattails growing from the water. Vines and flowers bloom around the stones. The third image is a drawing of a tree with no leaves in the branches. The fourth image is of a person sitting on a fence, looking at a sheep that has approached them on the other side. The fourth image is of a person pushing through foliage surrounding a stone wall with a lamp fixed onto it. A bird rests on the person’s shoulders. The photographs are all of the same hardcover book. The color of the cover is a dark green, with the backside of the covers a dark brown. the paper within the book is a cream color, bound to the covers with a coptic stitch. In two of the photos, the book is closed. The other two are opened to demonstrate how it is bound and what the pages look like. /end image description]
I forgot to mention here a few weeks back but I finished my thesis! I might put the whole pdf up on itchio in a bit if people want to look at it.
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