#the harrymort is pretty nonexistent in this one
being-luminous · 2 months
seven sentence sunsaturday
Thanks for the tag @purplewitch156!! Here are seven sentences from a fic i'm hoping to post soon
He lands flat on his back in the light, gasping for air that’s too thin. The world is a blur around him, smeared in darkness. Palms flat against cool stone, Sirius tries to rise and is foiled by the same arm that caught him in the void. He blinks some of the gunk free, turns his head to see a shock of black hair, and that face… He’d know that face anywhere, even half blind. “James?” he rasps. That blurry face looks back at him, then away.
Tagging: everyone who sees this! if you decide to post anything, feel free to tag me so i can see it!
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