#the hidden vices of eva blue
Put On Your Raincoats #8 | Vive La (Alpha) France
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Sex Hunting Adventures (also known as Hot and Horny, meaning the film has not one but two extremely unimaginative titles in English) is about a group of upper class friends who convene at a country manor for a weekend of intercourse. (Perhaps I should have thought of a more clever euphemism, but I wished to remain true to the spirit of laziness that inspired its English-language titles.) The first scene has the homeowner getting serviced by her employees, a pair of extremely fetching maids, and a chauffeur whose back we get to see for an extended period of time thanks to the shot selection. Her friends arrive over the course of the scene, and at its conclusion she gives them all a bow. The rest of the scenes tie a bit more strongly into the premise. Characters play poker while getting blown under the table. One of them later rows a boat while also getting blown. Another goes hunting and...gets blown. Okay, there’s a lot of leisurely actively plus getting blown in the movie. The climax is a dinner party, where we watch the cast actually eat dinner for a seemingly interminable amount of time until they start fucking, followed by a game hide and seek. (Or should I say hide and suck?) At one point there’s a gong sound when he character drops his trousers. The biggest problem with this movie is that it’s pretty much just a string of sex scenes with little else to hang on to. None of the characters are defined at all outside of the employer and her servants, by virtue of assigning them the bare minimum of a relationship, and there isn’t any tension to spice up the proceedings. I’d watched this movie for Brigitte Lahaie’s involvement, but while her entrance is announced by wolf-whistles by the maids (an act I don’t condone but understand the motivation behind in this case) and she does show a certain magnetism in her main scene, she’s barely in the movie. The movie also stars an actor who resembles Jim Henson and another who looks like a live action Mario brother, and I can only hope I didn’t ruin The Muppets or Super Mario Bros. for anybody reading this. Still, with a runtime of only an hour or so, this is at least pretty painless.
Of similar length but containing much more incident is The Return of Marilyn, which stars both an actress named Marilyn (Marilyn Jess) and another actress (Olinka) who bears some resemblance to the most famous Marilyn (Marilyn Monroe). Here we start off with a professional motorcyclist and his manager on a long bus ride. The former wants to wait until he meets the right girl. The latter has no problem picking up another passenger with him he engages in the rumpy pumpy (as Roger Ebert once put it...R.I.P.) very loudly at the back of the bus somehow without anyone noticing. When they arrive at their destination, they cross paths with a singer and her friend who moonlight as prostitutes at the behest of a sleazy hotelier. Later that night, the singer performs, and at this point, it’s love at first sight for the motorcyclist, and he spends the rest of the movie trying to win her affections. This involves sort of kidnapping her after his race, her coming up with a plan to escape that somehow turns into an orgy at the house of a widow who lives beside the road, and then everyone deciding that they should leave these two behind to help them fall in love. Now as I describe the plot, this sounds pretty trite and cheesy, but compared to the last movie it has a welcome amount of narrative stakes, and it also helps greatly that this is well acted and executed with a certain amount of style. While the song in musical number is pretty whatever, the camera loves Olinka in this scene and goes a long way in evoking the attraction felt by the motorcyclist character. (It’s also worth noting that she does in fact sing the song, if the end credits can be trusted.) The sex scenes, many of which conclude in the same way but I won’t describe lest I get a little too graphic, are also nicely shot and contain at least one great image (a shot of Marilyn Jess getting pounded from the rear, framed between Olinka’s legs). Good stuff.
Once again running an hour or so is The Hidden Vices of Eva Blue, where a shady private investigator tails a woman as she goes from tryst to tryst, which he secretly records. First there’s an encounter in an apartment, free of dialogue with only soft moaning on the soundtrack. Then there’s a more eventful than usual cab ride, and the first word is spoken more than ten minutes in when the woman picks up a pedestrian. The action moves to a boardroom where, among other things, a croissant gets eaten out of where croissants aren’t normally eaten out of. (Vive la France!) Then there’s a visit to a sex club marked by a distinct sci-fi atmosphere (beeping sounds on the score, a high tech security system) where the girls sport Aladdin Sane makeup, and the detective sheds everything except his hat, sunglasses and cigar so he can blend in. Later he follows her to a pool, and the action here is presented with inspired if clunky use of splitscreen. I won’t spoil how the movie concludes, but even if you guess what happens, I think there’s plenty to enjoy here. The voyeuristic framing device gives the movie a certain tension, and the minimal dialogue gives the material an intimate atmosphere. The visual style places the movie in a sea of blue lighting and shadowy interiors (astutely placing key scenes in underground garages, which are a shortcut to unease in such movies) and captures the action (both in the sex scenes and elsewhere) in largely handheld camerawork, while closeups linger on details (like a character’s wristwatch or the way the heroine’s heels are thrust in the air) that lend tactility to the images. There are elements of camp, like a beeping device that can undo zippers in one scene, as well as the detective’s cheesy outfit and his hilariously conspicuous presence (snapping pictures mid-thrust in the club scene), which bring to mind Antoine Doinel’s short lived career as a shamus in Stolen Kisses. But putting that aside, the movie is genuinely atmospheric and carries a real erotic charge. Highly recommended.
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Water in Eva
This post originally began as some very unrefined thoughts I shared on a Discord server. But I thought on it some more and I asked and y’all voted and now there’s a whole post about it! Putting the rest below the cut.
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In this post I won’t be arguing that water represents one singular cohesive thing in eva. I simply don’t have the time or mental energy for that right now.
Let’s start with the infamous piece of trivia that you’ve probably heard before -- every eva character (except Toji, Kensuke, Hikari, and Kaworu) have surnames derived from the names of battleships from WWII.
Shinji canonically can’t swim. His surname also means “anchor,” paralleling how someone who can’t swim would sink in water, much like an anchor. Shinji’s inability to swim is significant in that it mirrors his inability to cope with reality -- his inability (or rather, unwillingness) to understand others, to find a motivation to pilot, to exist without Gendo’s love. Water is one of the basic requirements for life, after all. So, if Shinji cannot cope (swim) with reality (water), he will be unfulfilled (sink). 
Kaworu’s surname means “of/by the seashore.” Naturally, Kaworu’s introductory scene is on the shore of a lake. Different than the sea, but close enough. Also of note is how Shinji is standing on the shore, but Kaworu is in the lake, albeit on a statue, and not making actual contact with the water.
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Another scene that involves Kaworu and water is, of course, the infamous bath scene in Episode 24. 
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Much like how water is one of humanity’s basic needs, so is love -- an emotion that Kaworu expresses candidly. Yet, Shinji’s surface-level rejection of Kaworu in this scene mirrors Shinji’s propensity for self-sabotage, how he limits himself in his ability to understand and interact with others.
Neither of Asuka’s surnames relate to water in terms of meaning -- “Langley” means “glade” and “Soryu” means “blue dragon.” However, she is heavily associated with water. Her introductory episode (and battle!) take place in the ocean; in eoe, Unit 02 is hidden in a lake. 
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These are both natural bodies of water, which at first were a source of glory, pride and self-esteem (Episode 8) but ultimately end up being grim reminders of the most hated parts of herself and her past (much like how piloting in general ceases to be a source of pride for Asuka as the series progresses). 
However, Asuka’s trouble with water doesn’t begin in eoe. It arguably begins in Episode 9, as some of the initial battle with Israfel takes place in the ocean. 
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Later, in Episode 22, Asuka’s scene where she angrily rants in the bathroom, standing next to a full bathtub parallels her hatred of Rei. 
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Specifically, Rei’s artificiality. Bathtubs are not a natural body of water, after all. Very fitting, then, that in this scene Asuka mentions Rei specifically, even going so far as to call her a “bitch” in the ADV dub. 
Equally fitting is how in the battle against Arael later in the episode, it’s raining outside, and Rei upstages Asuka, only worsening Asuka’s mental state.
Finally, at the beginning of Episode 24, Asuka is laying in an empty bathtub, representing her desperation and the fact that she’s hit rock bottom -- what she once shunned, she has turned to now that there’s nothing left.
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Asuka is thematically associated with the sun -- a heat source. What happens to water when it’s introduced to a heat source? It evaporates. This mirrors how Asuka’s motivation, her pride, and her self-esteem all wither away; a process fueled by her own personality (a reflection of her own trauma and her inability to cope with it), Unit 02 (her mother’s very soul), and the very nature of piloting and being a pilot. Suddenly, Asuka’s strengths become her weaknesses and vice versa, and Asuka (the sun) becomes her own worst enemy, ruining (evaporating) her main source of self-esteem, piloting (water).
Rei’s surname means “twilled waves.” However, “Ayanami” is not a real surname -- very thematically appropriate, since one of the many themes of Rei’s character is artificiality. Similarly, we never once see Rei or Unit 00 interact with a natural body of water. The bodies of water Rei is allowed to access (the entry plug filled with LCL, the glass capsule filled with LCL, swimming pools [Episodes 5 & 10 respectively], bathtubs/showers [implied in Episode 6], etc.) are all artificial. Fitting, since she’s not allowed to live a normal, natural life. Even during scenes when it’s raining outside, Rei is sheltered away from it. In Episode 22, she’s inside Unit 00. In Episode 3, she’s depicted gazing out a window, watching the rain.
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In a similar vein, Rei is thematically connected to the moon. 
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The moon controls the tides, occurring in the ocean, a natural body of water. Yet Rei never interacts with the ocean -- representing again how she is purposely sheltered and isolated as a form of abuse. However, this also gestures at how Rei’s soul was ripped from another being -- Lilith, and placed in a mortal, decaying body, divorced from what was/is “natural.”
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spoiler1001 · 3 years
Confrontations. PT. 1
Dante regretted getting the grandfather clock and putting it in the corner. Trish had left weeks ago, off to find herself. He got it, Dante really understood the need to find one’s own identity. Now the office was quiet. All Dante had was his thoughts.
And nightmares.
The nightmares clawed at him as if that damned weapon of Mundus had seeped into his skin. The infection seemed to be at bay when Dante pulled out the drinks of vice. Different drinks had different effects. Different dreams are caused by different drinks. Sometimes Dante would mix them to see what would happen. Maybe he would have some bourbon, maybe some wine. It all depended on what Dante could stand to go and get,
Dante felt a heavy weight on his chest, pulling at his soul and dragging his mood down. Dante sometimes could just feel himself being pulled down into his seat. The portrait of Eva smiled lovingly at him from its place on his desk, one of the few things to survive the fire and the slaughter.
“It looks like we both just let him slip through our fingers, Mama.” Dante smiled through his self-hatred and tapped the hardwood desk, that he had found on the curb before the trash collector had gotten it.
Dante looked over to where his coat was hanging. The red thing was old and dirty with threads coming loose and fraying. He had it for years since his shop opened.
Lady herself had helped him pick it out, to celebrate him naming it. Lady was in and out of his life at her whim. She helped him get that neon sign above the door, including getting it wired and lit up. She practically owned as much of Devil May Cry as he did, not that either of them will admit it.
Dante took a sip of the bottle that he lovingly placed on his desk and swallowed in the atmosphere of his business. It tasted bitter and stale, so he chased it down with another shot of bourbon.
The clock ticked on and on. It inched closer to nine. The time when most respectable clients would be in bed, meaning that only the truly devilish requests came in.
Mallet happened a little over a year ago, the hinges of the door still stopped the door from closing all of the way, so Dante didn’t bother locking his door. When the clock struck nine, the door opened, screeching as it did so.
Dante… was familiar with the woman that walked in. it helped that the decade that it’s been since he’s seen her was far kinder to her than to most people he’s known for the past ten years. That being said, since it was a solid decade with no contact with her, it did take him a minute to pull her from his memory.
“Don’t you have some poor idiot to deprive of some priceless family heirloom? I still haven’t gotten all of your perfume off of the amulet, and it’s in a different form now.” Dante looked his uninvited visitor over.
She had her back to him, keeping her face hidden, but showing that she wore black pants that were practically a second skin, and a looser top that was shorter in the front than in the back. The back went to her mid-calf, while the front came to right above her belt. Her platinum blonde hair was tied into a near-perfect bun, with the loose hair framing her head like it was done on purpose.
The woman was still quiet but had a siren’s pull towards her. If Dante didn’t know who she was, he’d be pulled in. As it was, he wasn’t attracted to her. Plus her familiarity with his brother acted as a good enough deterrent.
“Do you really want to go there, Mop Boy?” The woman’s voice had a sardonic edge to it, and a bit of a growl underneath, like she had both just gotten up and hadn’t slept in a week. She was looking over his jukebox, which was currently turned off for scratching his favorite record, which was now framed on his wall.
“Well, what kind of fairy tail do you want me to crash?” Dante asked, barely changing the subject.
The woman was quiet for a few tick off the clock. She had yet to face him, just tapping the glass of the jukebox and pulling on the bottom of her, shirt, which he didn’t even need to see to know it was low cut.
Dante was about to stand up, to walk towards her when her voice rang out, barely above a whisper.
“How about the one about the Black Angel.” She asked, the texture in her voice growing before it cracked under the weight of itself. She turned on her heels to face him, her eyes wet.
Dante’s stomach dropped. She was still as beautiful as he remembered, barely looking older than nineteen. She still had the freckles over the bridge on her nose. Her navy blue eyes would have pulled anyone in if she didn’t have half of a smile carved into her face with porcelain-like cracks surrounding it.
Dante’s mouth dropped open. “You know.”
This was not a question so she did not answer it.
“I do not, that’s why we’re having this discussion.” The woman pulled a heavy chair from around the room and dragged it to the front of Dante’s desk so that they were facing each other. She sat down with her legs crossed and looked him in the eye. “What happened.”
“A lot. A lot has happened. And I don’t know most of it.” Dante placed his head in his hands. “I didn’t know anyone knew that he was Vergil.”
“I didn’t. I had a hunch, yes, but you just confirmed it.”
“I couldn’t just ask you ‘Hey, how did he die?’ think Dante.” The woman, Alice, leaned back in her chair. Dante hissed through his teeth and twisted his body closer to Rebellion, which was leaning against the wall behind him.
“So, what, did you come here for some kind of revenge?” Dante raised an eyebrow.
“No, there’s nothing I could do to you that you haven’t already done to yourself.” Alice sighed.
“Harsh.” Dante allowed himself to lean forward.
“Am I wrong?” Alice asked, tilting her head a bit.
“I’m not answering that.”
“I’m sure you’re not.” Alice’s tone was flat. “But what happened to Vergil? What can you tell me?”
“... I killed him.” Dante took a deep breath in through his nose and braced himself for that anger.
The truth was so heavy in the room that it had a taste. They looked at each other for what felt like an eternity but was only a matter of seconds. Alice broke the silence first.
“Fuck.” Alice whispered, tapping her fingers on the armrests of her chair.
“I didn’t know it was him.”
“Did you forget the Temen-ni-gru already? It wouldn’t have mattered.”
“You’re actually really mean, you know that?”
“It’s something that’s kept me alive ‘til now.”
“But, you’re right to a point- I just never wanted him dead.”
“And yet, here we are.”
Dante bit his tongue. He counted to five in his head before asking.
“How did you hear about the messy business with him and the black angel?” Dante asked, gracefully changing the subject.
“When fighting demons, you tend to notice that they can and will gossip about the fall of the demon king and his army.”
“Is that how you got cut?”
Alice touched the scar on her cheek.
“I actually got this a long time ago, it was a consequence of outliving my usefulness.” Alice diverted her eyes from Dante’s face. Her voice had a dry edge to it, like she was mocking something she had heard countless times.
“Vergil didn’t-”
“No. this was the other one. He was aiming for my neck. Vergil wouldn’t have missed.” Alice let her hand fall away from her face. Dante took the opportunity to grab her chin to pull her closer in to inspect the scar.
“I can see where the knife twisted and he lost his grip. This was the creepy cue ball.” He tilted her face to get a better look.
“Yeah, he actually had no idea how to hold a knife. All I had to do to throw off his aim was to flinch when he grabbed me.” Alice agreed.
“Did Vergil know about this?” Dante let go of her face.
Alice shook her head. “I had already left the group before I stopped bleeding, thought it best for my health. I didn't even get to say goodbye.”
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Anjou’s Memory
Smoke curled up from the fine hand rolled Cuban cigar, twisting and dancing in front of the face of Vice Chancellor von Frings. For all the responsibility of the office entrusted to him, he found the job incredibly dull. Every day he had to oversee building projects, record keeping, inventory... But he never really dealt with any objects.
The world of Cassell had become conceptualized in numbers and proposals. Trapped in an office, Fingel found himself in charge, but out of touch with everything.
Still, the ability to sit back, put his feet up and enjoy quiet time in his office was a perk that made up for all the dull aspects.
"Vice Chancellor."
The smooth female voice brought an instant smile to his lips. EVA appeared in front of him, casting a blue light over the room.
"You're getting a call from Meixiu Chu on a secure line."
"Put her through!"
EVAs form vanished and was replaced by the image of a black woman. Her hair was twisted tight in braids that cascaded down her back. It was just her face. She was staring into a cell phone camera.
"Mrs. Chu, you look lovely."
Her lips curled up into a smile. "Thanks. I was just checking up on the newest student. Tom?"
"He's stabilized." Finger shrugged. "We are keeping an eye on him. Are you on your way to the island?"
"Yes. I'm hoping to oversee the production of a new formula for the serum."
"Make room for Tom, just in case..." Finger took a drag of his cigar.
"Of course. I don't want it to come to that. Ru'Yi is fond of him."
"How's Mingfei?"
"Last I talked to him, he's still doing well."
"That bastard..." Finger's mind drifted back into a memory of his friend glaring at him for bringing fried chicken to a fire fight. But that kid hid more than Finger could even fathom. "...what would Anjou think?"
Meixiu frowned. "He was right. And he won. Just not in the way he would have expected."
"The goal was to kill every dragon."
"He said himself... only the Dark King could kill the Dark King. So he should have known his goal was impossible..."
"I'm sure he would have found a way..."
"Maybe so. But isn't this better? In a manner of speaking, the Dark King did defeat the Dark King. And we all got to keep our friend. Anjou's way would have been very painful. I think... If Anjou had his way... I would have hated him."
"And he would have been fine with it..." He blew a curl of smoke at her image. The grey fog muddled the clarity. "He found you fascinating. He wouldn't have wanted you to change at all."
"His death allows me to forgive him for his manipulation of Mingfei Lu and I. In the end we had our way."
"This couldn't have happened without you, though. And he recruited you. I was looking through your records. I found your old 3E exam."
"Why would the College keep a blank sheet of paper?"
The 3E was a Hybrid's introduction to the college, where their blood was put to the test to see how deeply it resonated with Dragon Speech. The sound of the voice of the Dark King triggered a strong vision in their mind and called forth their speech spirit. Meixiu had vision but her paper was blank.
"It's not blank. We tested it. The presence of this blank sheet triggers Longwei."
Longwei, the natural awe people and animals felt in the presence of a Dragon Lord, was a reaction she understood. Her husband, Chu Zihang, had eyes that triggered this awe to the point that he had to carry around sunglasses and colored contacts.
"So you're saying... I didn't write anything but something is written."
"There's a legend of Odin about hidden Runes that would only show themselves to those they deemed worthy. Odin hung himself upside down and stabbed himself with his own spear to see them. Because those runes had the power to change fate."
"I know the story. What's your point?"
"The answer to your question. Why did Anjou keep a blank sheet of paper?"
Meixiu fell silent for a while. "You think he knew?"
"Maybe? Maybe not." Finger shrugged. "He was a guy who believed in miracles. He never discarded anyone as useless. He always planned for the unknown contingency. That was the whole point of his college... To find the secret to ending this war."
She sighed. "You want me to think maybe he didn't want to kill Mingfei?"
Fingel grinned. "I'm giving you the option to think that way. Me? I still think he was a sick bastard."
"Thanks Fingel. I think I'll pick the other option." She gave him a grateful smile.
"Anjou wouldn't have wanted it any other way."
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smileykeijser · 6 years
Skam NL Clip 1 Goedmorgen  Analysis
This is crazy long so it’s under the cut, but it’s broken up into symbolism, the aesthetic, feelings, random stuff and things I want to see this season based on this clip.
Obviously this is speculation, I’m not truly trying to figure out their characters or stories with one clip, and some of this stuff probably wasn’t intentional, but it’s fun to imagine that it was.
We see them both wearing metal necklaces, when I first saw them I thought of chain mail, and then armor. We don’t see Liv putting hers on, but we see Noah putting on his, Liv’s types of additions are more masks than armour. This makes me think that Noah has more recently begun using his playboy status and other parts of his life as protection against himself feeling some sort of trauma, vs Liv who may have this protection as more of a long time solidified sort of protection.
They both wear masks though, Liv puts on makeup, Noah covers up his shirt with 10x the personality of the one that covers it (which strikes me as odd because in so many ways he’s so outspoken with his personality and style)
The second type of symbolism I see is the idea of showing Liv and Noah are cut from the same cloth (this also includes the protection symbolism) but also giving us a way to see their differences. Noah’s rings are chunky and bold, Liv’s is delicate and dainty, Liv’s nails are done in a light colour, and very evenly applied, whereas Noah’s seem much more sloppy in application, he doesn’t paint them all the same colour, let alone paint all his nails in the first place. His nails are also much less manicured than hers. While he slides his sunglasses on as if he doesn’t particularly care, she carefully fluffs her hair and when he just throws on his shirt, we see Liv delicately putting on her bra and socks.
There’s also a section where Noah was rolling a joint and Liv is singing. They’re both at the end of getting ready, so they have their masks on, and then they both do something that everyone expects of them. Noah is known by the fandom as the guy who rolled a joint in the middle of the school, and Liv sang in her first appearance. I think that they’re playing into the whole mask thing by showing things that everyone would expect from them, they’re some of the base level, rudimentary basics about either of them, not like the patterned shirt hidden under Noah’s button down.
Lastly, and this is slightly different than the previous point, the clip is trying to show they are equals. The montage shows this, but there’s a great cross fade between Liv looking into the camera and Noah walking toward her apartment. It’s a long cross fade, and there’s a good five seconds where there’s overlap. As this is happening, it’s panning up on Noah so that by the time it’s entirely his screen, Liv’s head is as high as his, where as when the cross fade started, his head was far above hers.
Then when we get into the actual meat of the clip, the equality is plain and simple, they both give the other the middle finger, and at the point when they each do, they have the upper hand. Liv is behind the shutting doors, Noah is the one on the other side unable to get in. Then Noah is the one who’s surprises Liv by being on the ground level and then by disappearing. 
The Aesthetic:
This clip reminded me of how Skamit uses colours to differentiate their seasons, peach for Eva, blue for Martino. In a similar vein, I think that Skam NL is trying to create an aesthetic palette for each of their seasons. The first half of the clip is basically a mood board, and the mood is one vastly different from Isa’s season. It has a cooler, or less violently colourful palette immediately. Isa’s season was full of warmth , especially in the first half of her season when it was still transitioning into Autumn from Summer. If I was to guess, we’re going to be seeing a lot of white and black, and a lot of colours like deep green, tan, burgundy and blues.
The tone is sensual, delicate, and intimate. Most of the shots are close ups, showing the intimacy of a spray of hairspray, or the couple of freckles near Noah’s nipple, or the sensuality of putting rings on or slipping a sock onto a foot. Beyond the act of getting ready to go, we’re watching two humans get dressed, which means that we get to see the curves of shoulders or a small hint of a lacy bra, or toned chest, and the intimacy is increased by having Liv facing away from us, creating a secret. This contrasts with Isa, because unless Isa was having sex, nothing was like this, because Isa crunched loudly on chips and licked dip off her phone screen. She never had one of these slow motion montages, because Isa wasn’t a slow motion montage type of gal, but Liv is.
We get an abrupt tone shift as soon as Noah arrives, the dreamy atmosphere is gone, and it’s immediate, with the woman hobbling past with her cart and her dog. From then on, the things she handles are treated with absolutely no fantasy, she’s in an elevator, has headphones shoved in her ears and then she fumbles with the key and bikes off on a battered up bike with a canvas bag over her shoulder.
One of my favourite moments is when Liv storms away from Noah and she doesn’t stop walking, but you see her take a steadying breath and close her eyes. Even in season 1 they were doing a great job showing Liv’s feelings via her facial expressions, and this is a step up. We also see at the other end, when Liv strides forward, completely determined to just ignore the absence of Noah, but you see that she can’t find the lock hole on the first try, and then she spends a good chunk of time just looking for him.
The whole middle finger thing is so effing cute, and it’s not the first couple on skamnl to do it, Kes and Isa did it sometimes too, alongside their animal game. And the idiot boy Noah, running down the stairs just to give the middle finger to his crush, what a lovable idiot art hoe.
Random things
- The first words Liv says (or mouths) are song lyrics, I think that shows how important music is going to be.
- There’s a moment when she flips her hair that she breaks the fourth wall and looks right into the camera. I’m not sure the meaning or purpose, but it’s a gorgeous scene.
- “Hello ma’am” is yet another thing to love about Noah
- Both the first clip of last season and this one have people going away on a bike/scooter nice parallel
Things I need from this season based on the clip:
- Noah calling Liv baby or vice versa
- Liv unbuttoning Noah’s shirt.
- Both of them riding off to school on the same, or two separate bikes.
- A parallel to the scene with Liv’s back facing the audience, except she drops her bra and Noah comes up behind her.
- Them painting each other’s nails and swapping rings duh.
- Liv helping Noah put on his necklace.
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demonslayvr · 5 years
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full name.  dante  (  goron  /  eva  / sparda  -  multitudes of last names he’s used over the years  )   |   davina  /  lilith  -  deadnames. pronunciation. dan  ‧  te nicknames.  tony,  tony redgrave,  scum,  r,  d. height. 5′11 - 8′3 age.  42  (  verse dependent but defaulted   ) zodiac. gemini  (   him june baby  ) languages. english and demonic with conversational spanish and latin with partial retention in enochian and ASL.
hair colour.  white eye colour. gray but has a soft golden tinge ��;  becomes fire red when mad and a electric blue when aroused. skin tone.  fair,  partially freckled. body type.  moderate height,  fit,  muscled. accent.  cowboy. dominant hand.  right posture.  mostly straight but does lean back sometimes.  can slouch if bored. scars.  several  ;  half moon’s under pectoral from reassignment surgery,  various sword scarring on arms,  shoulders,  stomach,  left pectoral and back.  gun shot scars on his shoulders,  stomach,  knees and back. tattoos.  devil wings on the back of his neck usually hidden by his hair,  gun totin’ lady like the first dmc sign with red astral swords on his arm then a heart on his wrist with eva’s name usually hidden under his gloves. most noticeable features.   silver hair,  glossy lips,  stature and stubble.
place of birth.  red grave city hometown.  red grave birth weight / height. 7.5 pounds manner of birth.  slight complications but fine otherwise. first words.  yeehaw.  gimmie   –   he was trying to take something from vergil. siblings.  vergil  –  twins. parents.  sparda and eva. parental involvement.  100% involvement up until five - seven years of age when sparda left which became 50% with eva until it dropped to 0% parental involvement after the age of eight after the fire.
occupation.  devil may cry owner,   (   legendary   )   devil hunter,  private investigator current residence.  devil may cry,  red grave. close friends. trish,  morrison,  lady,  nero.  (   kyrie & nico are pals but not  ..   close.   ) relationship status. single   (  verse dependent  ) financial status.  pretty bad.  buried in debt. driver’s license. yes,  but its expired so  no. criminal record.  yes. vices.  executive dysfunction,  alcohol,  binge eating  . .  buying jackets.
sexual orientation.  bisexual  /  demisexual romantic orientation. biromantic  ;  no real preference toward either gender. preferred emotional role.  submissive  |  dominant  | switch  |  unsure preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch  |  sex repulsed libido.  high. turn on’s.  patience,  fore play & aftercare,  hair pulling. turn off’s.  no communication,  assumptions,  over the top dirty talk. love language. touch,  actions,  gifts  (   though gifts are lower spectrum  ) relationship tendencies.  protective,  physical affection,  lowered guard.
character’s theme song.  Subhuman + Devil’s Never Cry - Official (  5 & 3 respectively.  ) hobbies to pass the time.  working on his car in the garage,  cleaning ebony and ivory, baking,  slaying demons,  odd jobs  . .  throwing hands. mental illnesses.  major depressive disorder,  complex post traumatic stress disorder, disassociation disorder,  panic disorder,  chronic insomnia. physical illnesses.  n / a left or right brained. right brained fears. losing those he cares for either by abandonment or death,  killing his twin again by his own hand,  abandonment and failure. he has a partial discomfort with   fire   but it’s not a fear. self confidence level.  moderate.  it fluxes mostly but he’s pretty self confident,  it just starts to slump when he’s in depressive cycles. vulnerabilities. hot headed,  children,  animals,  caring side.  his friends to a degree.
tagged by: /shrug  -  its been in my drafts for a bit dsfgsdfg tagging:  @hellrend​  /  @desuntcetera​  /  @dojiryu​  /  @azureheir​  /  @dyvinitie​ + anyone who owns something purple.
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Put On Your Raincoats - A Leisurely Detour Through Vintage Erotic Cinema
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Fucking. Making Love. Intercourse. Rumpy-Pumpy (R.I.P. Roger Ebert). Doing the Deed. The Horizontal Mambo. These are things people do, sometimes in front of a camera. But once upon a time these acts weren’t just filmed for the contents of our most shameful browser tabs, but for actual motion pictures by people trying to make art.
The Golden Age of Pornography, or the “Porno Chic” era, was a brief period during the ‘70s and ‘80s when hardcore pornography carried a certain amount of mainstream cachet. Deep Throat made a shit-ton of money and was discussed on talk shows. The Devil in Miss Jones was reviewed by respectable critics, and positively (R.I.P. Roger Ebert). I won’t feign to hold much more in-depth knowledge, but will humbly gesture in the direction of The Rialto Report, a podcast that explores these films and filmmakers, some of whom they manage to interview, with an admirable level of enthusiasm.
Given my love of genre cinema, often of the less reputable variety, it was a given that I would be interested in golden age hardcore, and have managed to see a handful over the years. Some of these (*cough*Behind the Green Door*cough*) have been challenges to get through. But others have been quite good: funny (The Opening of Misty Beethoven), stylish (Neon Nights), intense (The Image) and moving (The Devil in Miss Jones... R.I.P. Roger Ebert). Like my Video Nasty project, this is not an exploration that will be undertaken with any level of rigour or serious academic interest, but lazily, with me stumbling across films with no real deadlines or goals other than hopefully getting some non-prurient enjoyment (okay, some prurient enjoyment too) out of them. And like that project, I will likely be hazy with the definitions and tackle some films that fall outside but are adjacent to the movement.
Put on your raincoats, we’re going to the movies.
Films Reviewed:
Memories Within Miss Aggie
Skin Flicks
Naked Came the Stranger
A Woman’s Torment
Her Name Was Lisa
Indecencies 1930
Perversion of a Young Bride
Exquisite Pleasure
Sex Hunting Adventures
The Return of Marilyn
The Hidden Vices of Eva Blue
The Story of Prunella
The Taming of Rebecca
Angel in Distress
Daughters of Discipline
Savage Sadists
Oriental Techniques in Pain and Pleasure
Den of Dominance
Dr. Bizarro
Kamikaze Hearts
Taboo II
The Pink Ladies
The Violation of Claudia
Hot Honey
New Wave Hookers
Black Throat
White Bunbusters
The Devil in Miss Jones 3: A New Beginning
The Devil in Miss Jones 4: The Final Outrage
Trilogy of Lust
Trilogy of Lust II
Cafe Flesh
Dr. Caligari
Nightdreams 3
Party Doll A Go-Go!
For Richer For Poorer
Divine Atrocities
Divine Atrocities 2
Momma’s Boy
True Crimes of Passion
Squalor Motel
Desperate Women
The Young Like it Hot
Sweet Young Foxes
Body Girls
Let’s Get Physical
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