#the highlighted parts are just what make me feel most insane (thumbs up emoji)
ensikerralla · 1 year
A collection of q!Phil quotes from the final rejection
Phil: Forever, I can't. Forever: Why? Phil: I can't- Because you love me for my looks only! I look like your ex! -- Phil: I'm sorry, Forever. It was never going to happen. -- Phil: You know I can't go like, be with you, you know I can't because you don't love me for me. -- Phil: Remember when you just kept trying to gaslight me into thinking that I was Brunim? It's not fucking real, that's not- that's not how fucking things go, dude. -- Forever: I'm trying my best to be happy with you, Philza. Phil: Okay well, it goes both ways. I'm not happy with you when you just fucking think I'm your ex. -- Phil: Why does he keep fucking, like, doing this to himself? Forever: It's love, Philza. You will not understand it. Phil: No, I understand it. This is obsession, there's a difference. -- Forever: Man, please. You reject me already. Why are you doing this? Phil: 'Cause you just tried to fucking die! I care about you but I don't care about you like that. -- Phil: You have to accept it. That people can be nice and not be attracted or like, in love with you. Alright? There's not like, one extreme or the other. -- Phil: As long as you understand. As long as you understand that I can't- I can never accept your love.
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