#the hobbit cut situation is making me emotionally fragile so heres this instead <3
tidalcreek · 3 years
okay i AM going to talk about my silmarillion adaptation concept and you all get to listen <333 i actually have read jolkien’s long ass letter summarizing the whole book so i do Sort Of know what im talking about. i also dont think the silm actually needs to be adapted bc who cares but in the inevitability of hollywood capitalism this is how it should be done
okay first thing i want is to frame it as a story bilbo is telling to a very young frodo (+ maybe sam and some other hobbit kids)!! i will concede that much of a connection to peter jackson’s cinematic universe and it would actually be fun i think! its very reasonable that bilbo wld have learned all these stories in rivendell. martin freeman can be bilbo since we can’t have ian holm and this bilbo should be younger than ian’s anyway
aside from those scenes the actual silm story should be 2D ANIMATED !!!!!!! i am so passionate about this. it’s a big picture mythological creation story with one billion characters spanning thousands and thousands of years and it is soooo boring to do that in live action like what is an actor gonna do with that. how are you gonna show that world. animation
for this im picturing something between cartoon saloon (the secret of kells/song of the sea), the three brothers animation from h*rry p*tter, and the counselors in pixar’s soul. we want smooth movement and visually interesting settings and hugely varying color palettes with lots of jewel tones and ABOVE ALL actually interesting creature designnnnn if i have to look at emotionless white people elves one more time i will cry. elves CAN and SHOULD look a little fucked up and sinister and more humanoid than human and you can still treat them as you would human characters i promise
also i think gradually changing the animation style and color palettes as the story progresses would be super cool to show the transitions through the first and second ages and growing closer to the third age. im picturing starting out with really vibrant jewel tones and more abstract character design for the ainur and the valar and then as we get towards the end with mordor and isildur it’ll have transitioned to a darker palette and slightly more realistic/human-appearing characters so it’s a little closer to the lotr movies in tone and style (especially since they do cover that story in the og trilogy). thats as much as i have i think someone should hire me for this though
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