#the horned elf is Ilia
alaraxia · 2 years
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Divine Topography
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Okay everyone, pay attention as these are the rules i’m setting for this blog.
This is Primarily a RWBY blog.
I do accept crossover prompts, and I will list them further down.
This one is very important. No more than 3 characters per prompt. It’s too much work to do more than three characters, and I’ll lose focus if that’s the case.
Ruby Rose is under age, if you want a prompt for Ruby, either age her up in the ask, or fluff the hell out of the prompt.
Ilia, Saphron, and Terra Cotta are lesbian. There will be no accepted prompts of them being paired up with any male.
If there's a prompt I don't like, I will not write it (this rarely happens, but it needs to be said).
Will write
Fluff: This may be a smut blog, but I will write fluff for days.
Action: I don’t know why, but there’s something appealing to me about a couple having sex in the middle of a shootout.
Grimm on female. I don’t mind doing that ... just so long as we’re not talking about an oversized Grimm.
Tentacles. Oh hell yeah I’ll write that.
Mind break/over-stimulation. All day every day.
Futa on female
Certain amounts of incest (depends if I'm comfortable with it)
Wont write
NTR/Cuckolding. Fuck that shit, there will be none of that on this blog.
Reverse NTR or reverse rape. See above, fuck that.
Scat, piss, vore, gore, ball busting, cunt busting, skull fucking, snuff. That shit is just nasty.
Futa on male.
Characters I will NOT write for
Adam. Eve is okay, but no Adam.
Jaques. No, no, no! No Jaques!
Cardin/Team CRDL
Bakugo. He's an asshole
Mineta. He's creepy
Endevor. Same reason as Jaques
Oscar. He's underage, and no I don't care if Ozpin's spirit is inhabiting his body, he's still underage.
Characters I will write for
Everyone I didn’t list above.
I accept OC’s, however you will either need to submit a character bio to my submission box, or already have the OC’s info somewhere on your page.
OC’s I write for
My OC’s
Ryder Argent: Human. Semblance: Time stop
Wynona Argent: Ryder's twin sister
Willow Wisp: Kitsune Faunus. Semblance: Pheremones
Rouge Crimson: Bear Faunus. Semblance: Weapon summoning
Nox: Dark Elf. Magic adept
Nyx: Dark Elf. Incredible strength
Yukio Nakamura/Whirlwind: Professional Hero
James Woods: Human. Monster Hunter
Wicker Dileon: Crocodile Faunus with a comically oversized tail
Cloak & Lace: Angelic and demonic lovers
Rodderick, Aryn, and Brent Stark: Direwolf Faunus siblings
@jace-the-smut-guy‘s OC’s
Ebony Reznor: Giantess cat Faunus (Futa)
Rivy Aideen/Steele: Dragon Faunus. Important note: Rivy exists in Ryder’s universe using her maiden name Steele.
His various other OC’s 
@just-a-bit-yangry‘s OC’s
Rust Marron: Wolf Faunus
North Wilder: Bear Faunus. Big cuddly teddy bear
@lewd-sinnamon OC's
Mar Marigold: Dragon Faunus. Smol but adorable.
@thelastvoidwalker‘s OC
Ryu/Ryuka: Demi-god/goddess
@beaconfantasies‘s OC
Titania: Succubus. Very sensitive horns
@aren-freya OC's
Sable Lowel: Dog Faunus. Dominant, but loves tummy rubs
Alani Barone: Cat Faunus. Absolute sweetheart
Flora Sinclair: Human, pansexual, the softest being
Roderick Hale: Human, strong as a mountain
@alphabeowolf-ism OC's
Ava: Half Grimm woman
I do crossover prompts for the following series
Panty and Stocking
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Legend of Korra
My Hero Acedemia
Fire Emblem (provided I know the character)
Final fantasy VII and XII
High School DXD
Dark Knight Ingrid
Taimamin Asagi
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wizardsnwookies · 7 years
Campaign Diary- TOD092717
Osborne had a lot to think about on their way to Atland and the Misty Forests. First and foremost was the Green Dragon they would most likely face when they got there, he wasn’t too happy about that. He reached back into his quiver to count his arrows, specifically the two Arrows of Dragonslaying, making sure they were still there. Lotus had the other two, with one more to spare to make five Protanthor gave them before they left. He was hoping they wouldn’t need that many.
Then there was what Lotus did before mounting Lady Ilia for the flight. He had mentioned Osborne’s sister, her predicament, and asked for whatever aid the dragons might offer. Osborne was of mixed feeling about this. On the one hand his opinion of Lotus grew immensely, on the other was the massive guilt that he had not been the one to ask. He hadn’t even thought of it. Why hadn’t he? He still hadn’t forgiven himself for letting her soul become taken to begin with, now he had additional guilt to carry.
The two days passed quicker than expected. Atland was indeed a city in need. The rope bridges and shelters in the trees were battered and hanging by a thread, tent villages lay scattered on the ground at their bases. The smell of defeat was heavy in the air. They were led to the Prince’s tent, whose only real difference from the others in the makeshift village were a pair of exhausted and battle weary guards posted outside.
“Come in, please. Thank you for coming, I would stand to greet you...” Instead of finishing his sentence the elf prince offered instead a pained laugh. He still wore his armor, rent and punctured as it was. His left leg was in a splint, but looking at it Dain wondered if it was doing anything to help the battered limb. His left arm ended in a bloody stump at the elbow, and a large gash traveled down his face, swollen with infection.
Without a word Dain rushed into the tent and began working his healing magic. The prince groaned in relief, the infection leaving his body and the gash sealing itself to leave a jagged scar. Dain stepped back and stared at the missing arm.
“Can’t fix that...yet.”
“Thank you, you have done quite enough. It is greatly appreciated.” The prince sat up some, feeling his pain lessened. “I bid you welcome. I wish you could see our kingdom at it’s grandest, but we have been struggling trying to keep up with the attacks across our realm. My father’s forces have been keeping some of the cult at bay but recently there has been an increase in draconic attacks. They always seem to know where to hit us and how hard. The results have been...devastating.”
“Where are the injured?” Dain stepped back from the Prince but did not break his gaze upon him.
The prince smiled and motioned for one of the guards to lead the healer to the many medical aid tents. Waldorf following quickly behind. Once they were gone Skydancer turned back to the matter at hand.
“So, it’s not just the green dragon then? You mentioned the cult...”
“Yes. The dragon has a rider, garbed in purple robes. I would imagine only a member of the dragon cult would hold such a mount.”
“Was he wearing a mask?”
“Actually...he was.” The prince blinked in thought. “Green. Horned and spines perhaps...it was hard to tell at that distance.”
“A Wyrmspeaker. Do you have any idea where its lair might be? That would be the likeliest place for them to setup shop.”
“Yes, that is actually why I appear the way I do before you now. After the last attack we were able to hold a defensive line and force them into retreat. We had hired a band of mercenaries, dragon slayers, and they tracked it back to it’s lair.” The prince took a pained breath before continuing.
“A waterfall by a great lake. We were about to make our way inside when we were ambushed. It came rushing out from behind the falls...” The prince let his statement trail off and let the silence speak for him.
Skydancer nodded and allowed him to collect himself. She had a rather delicate question coming and didn’t want to press him.
“You said its like they know you’re coming?”
“Yes...and before you ask we have searched for a possible mole. We’ve used both magical means as well as more...traditional means of interrogation. There is not one of us who is a traitor, this I can promise you.”
“That leaves divination.” Barton stepped forward, he had been analyzing the make-shift war room table in the corner. The map was covered in delicately carved wooden tokens. He couldn’t help but notices that many of the knights lay upon their sides, scattered all over the map.
“It is very possible, the rider was a magic user, as well as...”
“ ‘As well as?’” Skydancer perked.
“...the rider was an elf.”
A silent tension filled the air between them. Attacking one’s own people was not a path many elves took.
“Then it’s possible, they are an insider. Villages in the Misty Forest aren’t exactly easy to find unless you know what you are doing.” Osborne offered. “Are there any villages that haven’t yet been touched?”
“Sadly, no. At this time there is not a single inch of my father’s kingdom that hasn’t been ravaged. Most have been razed completely, and those who haven’t been outright slaughtered have been taken captive as slaves.”
Again, a tense silence filled the room. It was assumed that any situation involving a Green Dragon wouldn’t be good, but now things somehow had gained an extra weight about them.
Waldorf and Dain wandered through the maze of medical tents, doing what they could for the wounded. On their way through town they noticed no young men or women, only children and the elderly wandering the streets. Any ages inbetween were found stretched out on makeshift cots or bedrolls with various wounds covering their body. It didn’t take them long to deplete their magical healing abilities, after that, they did what they could to make the wounded comfortable.
Separated from the other tents, Dain and Waldorf found a group of individuals who seemed quite out of place among the elven army, humans and a teifling garbed in battered heavy armor. As they make their way though the group Waldorf notices one of the humans, badly disfigured by what appears to be a Green Dragon’s toxic breath, watching him.
“It’s going to be OK young man.”
Weakly, the human reached out and in pain whisper says, “...pa...pa.”
“Wally???” Waldorf’s eyes widen and panic fills his heart as recognition hits him. “DAIN, DAIN! COME HERE QUICKLY!!! YOU MUST HEAL THIS MAN!”
Hearing Waldorf’s cries Dain rushes up to examine the man. Sorrow washes over his face, he knows the wounds are far beyond anything he can do with his mundane skills and his magical abilities are tapped. 
“Dain, please!! This is my grandson!”
Nodding, with new resolve, Dain tries the only thing he has left available to him. Closing his eyes he takes a deep breath and withdraws into himself. Closing out all sounds, all sensations, all thoughts. Deep within that empty space he finds it, he finds HER. As he becomes one with the divine, a shining aura surrounds the dwarfs head and almost reflexively, he reaches out a single finger and presses it against the burned forehead.
A flash of light fills the tend bright enough to turn night into day, but different somehow. Cooler. Not warm and red like a fire, bluer, like moonlight reflecting off a river. Looking down at his grandson tears fill Waldorf’s eyes, the scarred and dying man before him is now whole, breathing easily, and his boyish face no longer hidden behind boils and burns.
“Dain, Oh Dain thank you!!” Waldorf embraces the exhausted dwarf just before he passes out.
“Guess she thought he was worthy too.”
“What do you think Osborne?”
Skydancer broke into Osborne’s thoughts on the previous day. Divine intervention saved Waldorf the Courageous, grandson of the withered old man that stood next to him now. Where was divine intervention when his sister needed it most?
“Sorry, what?”
“Waldorf’s scry...to find the dragon?”
“Right...” No time for jealousy and lamentation. There were bigger things to worry about now. Using dragon blood found on one of the mercenaries armor, Waldorf the Wonderous was able to scry on the green dragon. Everything was going fine until the scrying censor was discovered by the monster and immediately destroyed. While they were able to confirm that the cult of the dragon were basing themselves out of it’s lair, the element of surprise was gone.
“Yeah, you’ll forgive me if I’m not too happy with the idea of going in there with the entire place knowing that we’re coming.”
“I know.” Skydancer kicked a rock at her feet out of frustration. “But what other choice do we have really? Now that it knows someone is watching them there’s a good chance they’ll come back for another attack.”
“Which leaves me to my second concern. These mercs said that the lair was a few days journey. What happens if we get there only to find that they have gone to make another attack anyways?” Osborne paused to look at the tents of wounded and dying around them. “I’m not sure I could live with myself if we weren’t here.”
“Do your people have a place they can hide?” Skydancer turned to the prince who had joined them for the meeting, his strength was returning to him and he was now able to stand unaided.
“Yes, there are secrets within these woods that only the elves know. However, given that the wyrmspeaker is in fact an elf...”
“Right, unfortunately it’s the best option we have at the moment.” Skydancer turned to Osborne. “That work for you?”
“We’re still going to meet a green dragon that knows we’re coming, it doesn’t  ‘work for me’ but at least the people will be safe.”
“Here.” Dain walked up to the prince and handed him a bundle wrapped in cloth. “Use these to protect your people.”
Unwrapping the cloth the prince found a circlet of blasting and staff of healing nestled inside. He clasped a hand on the dwarfs shoulder and smiled warmly in appreciation. 
“Thank you my friends. My father’s kindom will be forever in debt to you for this.”
“Don’t thank us yet.” Osborne reached behind him to check for the arrows of dragon slaying in his quiver. Still there. Good...he’d be needing them soon.
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alaraxia · 2 years
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Have you seen my OCs? Now you have :)
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