#the hummingbirds and robins don't seem to be back yet but there's definitely more birds than there were a week ago
messier51 · 2 years
crime raccoon update
so the other day i saw one of the western bluebirds! they’re back! I heard a woodpecker recently too. but the bluebirds are super pretty
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[photo by Kevin Cole from Pacific Coast, USA from wikimedia commons, cc by 2.0 (en:User:Kevinlcole) - Male Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana)]
so i hung up a little birdfeeder with a few sunflower seeds in it.
it’s been less than a year since the raccoons climbed up the pole on my porch, across the rafter, and crashed an empty glass hummingbird feeder to the ground in the middle of a thunderstorm at night, and you would think i would know better
and yet, the lure of the pretty birds is strong
so a pair of raccoons showed up, one of them scaled the porch and shook the bird feeder to the ground, and then they feasted on sunflower seeds.
the next night they came back but there was nothing there for them, no cat food bowls or sunflower seeds to steal. but I do have a nice bit of footage showing that two of them were chilling up in the porch rafters for a little while.
it’s also pretty funny to watch them climb up and down the post.
today, my grocery box was delivered early enough that I could bring it inside before leaving for work, thankfully.
sorry raccoons, today you have been foiled.
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