#crime raccoon chronicles
messier51 · 1 year
raccoon crime of the night:
making over 3 minutes of raccoon porn on my security camera video feed
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
Leon Kennedy’s wiki page is filled with lies and bullshit
And whoever is running the wiki is so afraid of being told that they’re wrong that editing on it is currently disabled -- so I figured I’d just compile a list of errors on my own.
This isn’t fully comprehensive, because my eyes started to glaze over at a certain point, but. It is color coordinated and fully explained.
If you need to reference Leon’s wiki for any reason, please make sure that you have this post up also as well, so that you’re not pulling bad information. Most of the wiki is fine, but there are some things in here, man. People really do just be going on the internet and telling lies.
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Notice how there's no citation for this. The source that's actually being pulled from is an offhanded comment the RE2 concept artist made in an art book that Capcom released called Capcom Design Works. It was only ever released in Japan.
Concept artists don't have access to the script and aren't involved with the actual creation of the character. Concept artists are given a general description of what a character should look like and what their general demeanor is. The devs told this artist specifically to make Leon look tanned, so the artist wondered if maybe Leon's heritage was from somewhere in southern Europe — maybe Italy?
It is important to know that Leon's character was conceived and had art drawn of him back when Resident Evil 2 had a completely different story. A different version of RE2 reached 80% completion before being scrapped and completely redone from the ground up. The story changed dramatically. Claire Redfield wasn't even in this original version of RE2; it was a different character entirely named Elza Walker. (source one, source two)
Ergo, even if the intention was to give Leon an Italian background originally, that story no longer exists and has nothing to do with the version of Resident Evil 2 that actually released.
This isn't a big deal, but "offered" is a really funny way of saying "threatened into."
Leon also was never in USSTRATCOM. That's a bullshit lie based on an old build of RE4 that never got released and was, in fact, turned into the game Haunting Ground instead. The wiki says that the proof of this is in a file in Darkside Chronicles. No such file exists -- and, even if it did, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi (who's been a producer and writer for RE since the original REmake) said recently that Darkside Chronicles is no longer canon anyway.
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None of this is ever stated in the games. This is pulled from a promotional marketing interview from 1997 — so, before RE2 was even finished or released. There's a decent chance that this interview was done right after 1.5 got thrown out and 2's final story wasn't even fully realized yet.
Capcom has actually given Leon several different backgrounds throughout the years, and none of them have ever made it into the games.
The official Resident Evil 2 novelization has Leon fresh out of college and moving to Raccoon City from New York.
Welcome to Raccoon City wrote that Leon's dad was a cop, and that's how he got into the force, too.
But there's no indication of any of them being true for Leon as he exists in the games. There's no reason to think of the crime background as any more or less canon than the other two, except maybe that someone just likes it better?
In fact, part of that crime backstory is outwardly and explicitly contradicted in Resident Evil 2 itself:
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So take that for what you will.
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The wiki cites "Official GuideBook" as the source for this. No book with that title exists.
What they're actually referring to is The Resident Evil Archives, which is a book that is filled to bursting with factually incorrect information about the games. Here's the full excerpt of the passage containing that backstory:
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Is this really what we're taking as canon fact now? Claire and Sherry being Leon's "single focus" in RE2, with absolutely no mention of Ada at all? Leon being mad about Claire "making her own decisions"?
Here's something else fun from the RE Archives:
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I don't see anything on this wiki page about how Leon willingly gave Sherry up to the US Army, nor anything about him reaching out to the federal government himself in order to willingly join their ranks. It's very interesting how only the "drunk at a motel" part made it in.
Citation needed???? The citation is the Resident Evil 2 Remake. This is something that's actually stated in a game — and the wiki is treating it as fanfiction, listing it as secondary to whatever bullshit the RE Archives book is spouting.
This is also the single only glimpse we have ever gotten into anything Leon was doing prior to the intro of RE2. The games do not go any further back in time to explain anything further about where he's from or what his life was like.
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This is straight-up not true. It's just an out-and-out lie.
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So, Leon and Benford only started working together ten years prior to Benford's death in June of 2013 — making the genesis of that partnership land in 2003. 2002 at the earliest. Neither of those years are 1998, which is the year that Leon was coerced into government custody.
It also makes no sense as to why Leon would like, trust, and respect Benford so much if he was the man responsible for threatening Sherry and ruining his life. It also makes no sense for Benford to be a child-threatening piece of garbage and then also be described as having integrity and being a man of his word.
The only thing that RE6 actually says about who Benford was prior to becoming President was that he was "in the military." 2002 makes sense for Leon and Benford to have met, then, since 2002 was the year of Operation Javier. Leon's status in the government isn't exactly clear during the events of Operation Javier — Leon isn't sent in as a federal LEO; he's sent in with military special forces.
The likeliest explanation is that Adam Benford was the lead commanding officer overseeing Operation Javier — who, upon suspecting he might be dealing with B.O.W.'s, went "Hey, get me the Raccoon City guy. I want him going on this one."
And the rest, as they say, is history.
This is all purely conjecture on my part and cannot be proven or disproven either way — but it, at the very least, makes more sense than just assuming that this one particular file in RE6 got the year of the Raccoon City incident wrong. It also makes more sense than assuming that Leon has some sort of weird Stockholm Syndrome concerning Adam Benford, when he (Leon) is so angry and cynical and jaded in literally every single title after RE4 about his career and about being shackled to the government.
Adam Benford being the guy behind Leon's kidnapping is so beyond the pale and absurd, and the only real basis for it is an advertisement for an airsoft gun, and I'm not joking. I don't know how anyone tries to argue that that ad is more canon than what's both stated and shown in the actual series, but here we are.
This is something that is only true in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Originally, Operation Javier was the first time that Leon and Krauser ever met, per Darkside Chronicles. It is very weird that this detail exists in the wiki, but then the wiki goes on to only describe the DSC version of Operation Javier, with no mention given to the complete overhaul that that story got in RE4make. You wouldn't be able to even asspull a "Krauser only started training Leon after Operation Javier" explanation, either, because in OG RE4, Leon is under the impression that Krauser actually died almost immediately after returning home.
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There's no citation for this, but the source is the box art for the Wii version of RE4. However, no other version of RE4 ever makes mention of what school Ashley was going to. The only hint we have ever gotten in a game as to where Ashley was going to school is actually in RE4make, because the sorority stickers on her phone correspond with a sorority out of New York.
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There's no citation for this, because the source is RE: Umbrella Corps, which has no provable basis in canon.
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This isn't true. Here's the citation that the wiki uses:
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There's no year given there, and there's no indication that this happened at some sort of TerraSave reunion. In fact, them meeting in 2010 makes no sense, because this file establishes that there were no open lines of communication between the US government and the BSAA prior to this moment — so how the fuck would Chris have gotten his hands on Leon's report outlining the events of RE4 back in 2009?
Considering the fact that Lost in Nightmares took place in 2006, and that explicitly involved remnants of Umbrella via Oswell Spencer, chances are that that's probably closer to the time that this meeting between Leon and Chris actually happened.
Or, if you wanted to be cheeky about it, you could say that this happened in 2008 so that Hunnigan's "hadn't seen each other in ten years" thing is actually at least a little bit true — since Leon and Chris actually first spoke back in either late 1998 or early 1999, per Code Veronica and Darkside Chronicles.
But there's really no canonical indication of it either way. You can't even use Benford as a benchmark, because Hunnigan could've been reporting to him as POTUS or as a military officer. There's really no way to know.
So, that’s that. I hope we all learned something today. For future reference, don’t look outside of the actual games or movies for information about the series, because it is constantly being contradicted by either other supplementary material or actual game canon. This is the formula you should be following:
numbered game entries are the most canon. numbered game entries will always have the final say. period.
spinoff games starring the recurring cast* (Revelations, Code Veronica, etc) are the second highest tier canon.
CGI movies starring the main cast are the third highest tier canon.
spinoff games not starring the main cast (Outbreak, Dead Aim, etc) are the fourth highest tier canon.
anything else should be ignored.
*spinoff games that have a story, that is. things like The Mercenaries 3D and RE:Verse clearly don’t count and are there for fun gameplay purposes only.
In an instance where things on the same tier contradict each other, the most recent installment wins out.
So, Sherry’s age in RE2 is 10 because RE6 said so – even though OG RE2’s manual had her age listed as 12. Her age of 10 years was then also reaffirmed in RE2make. So, she was 10.
And Gaiden’s not canon, despite it starring Leon and Barry, because RE4, RE6, and Revelations 2 do not acknowledge it as such.
It is very easy to follow this canon if you follow that recipe. 
I also have an essential canon list already typed up and ready to go. These are the only titles you should ever have to even think about committing to your brainspace.
Please don’t let bad faith actors lead you astray, and stop leaning so hard on the wiki until it fixes its problems.
My inbox is always open for questions.
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theonlyadawong · 1 year
a lot of people tend to think leon is constantly very angry with, or at least frustrated by ada, on account of her lies and manipulation, and while i do believe that feeling of his applies to all of their interactions of re2, i believe this frustration is not that present post re2, and it is in fact is because so many players project their own anger, frustration and even hatred of ada onto leon in the later games, as the more time he spends as a government agent, the more he understands ada and the world she comes from.
leons core tenet is that he wants to help people, so what does he do? he becomes a police officer because he believes cops do the most good (a sentiment that shows he is wearing EXTREMELY rose colored glasses lol), and then he heads to Raccoon City, and while in RC he helps everyone he can. and he is SO good natured that the idea that ada could be lying to him is so far from his mind (NOTE: this is NOT a sign of him being the heavily infantilized man fans make him out to be, and more a sign of general ignorance of the world, as frankly, nobody besides annette has any reason to believe ada would be a spy) because the world of mercenaries and espionage are so far removed from what he believes to be his reality. this is a man who fully believed becoming a police officer was the right way to help people. (and yes im aware of his established backstory where a cop saved him when the rest of his family died due to some crime. this still doesnt make being a cop the right thing to do.)
and so ada strings him along for her own personal gain, and at the end leon learns of her deceit. and the biggest betrayal leon experiences is not from ada, its just that the confrontation scene is the 11 o'clock number for leons half of the game, thus making it stick with us longer, as we the player have also been fooled by her. but no, the biggest betrayal happens when the government decides to cover up the horrors of raccoon city and use sherry as collateral to get him to work for them. and, unfortunately, this is only shown for a few minutes in resident evil darkside chronicles and in the epilogue screens of the original resident evil 3 (re 4 remake might add more to this, but that game hasnt come out as of yet, but heres hoping lol), so we dont fully get to see how he reacted to that outside of these moments and a few other passing thoughts in the series.
but!!! leons entire worldview crumbles after the events of 2, and the next time leon and ada meet in 4, he is wise to the world, and he has seen firsthand the atrocities the united states government is willing to commit under the guise of helping people. and people like ada, people who lie and manipulate and work for evil, greedy organizations (well intentioned or not) are now everywhere. theyre a dime a dozen. they are annette. they are luis. they are krauser. they were his recruiter. they are his boss. they are the president. they are the entire government he was so excited to work for.
ada just has the benefit of being his first introduction to these kinds of people
to be clear, im not saying leon is suddenly okay with her half-truths, but i am saying after he is forced to work for the government, he understands her, or at least, understands people like her, so much more so he knows exactly what to expect. just not when to expect it.
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Saw your post about how hard it is to characterize Ada and I just had some thoughts:
For Ada especially. When going back to OGRE2’s writing there were literally unsubtle exposition that Capcom throws right into the players face with how Ada views herself and her wants as character “I know I’m not capable of caring about anyone, but I don’t want to lose you” to “I really wanted to escape with you Leon, escape from everything”. So I feel like Ada does want to leave the Spy life, but can’t. Hopefully Capcom remembers this and decides to expand on this in a future game.
And with Resident Evil I feel a big part of the game is the concept of scenarios. Obviously there is the “official” canon, but I feel different scenarios are still in the realm of what the characters would do. In OG Leon A/Claire B, in the scenario where she saw a Claire fighting the tyrant she would absolutely help despite not knowing her, so this popular belief she’s the type to only help Leon or anyone for her own gain is false.
The epilogue card of her you get after beating OGRE3 where she cries after what she went through in Raccoon city, who’s to say that not the type of feeling/reaction she still had when they basically still kept Leon’s epilogue. Maybe she still does after every difficult jobs she takes on. “I’m just a Woman who fell in love with you” and “A woman looks at herself in the mirror” Capcom emphasizes a lot of the difference between Ada the woman vs Ada the spy. Even at the end of Separate Ways when her helicopter flies away, she takes off her playful mask she uses with Leon, closes her eyes to let out huge sigh and stares off into the sun with such a melancholic expression. I feel like Ada’s vulnerability has always been on display for people who paid attention.
When she talks about Luis in Separate Ways, “His history betrays an enthusiasm I once shared.” Makes u think about a young version of herself who had an enthusiastic outlook on life, but clearly something she experienced destroyed that. I’m sure she saw a lot of that in Leon when she first met him too, I’d like to think after their experience together it he brought back some of her positive outlook on life.
And I know it’s popular that Ada is super but when she says to Krauser, “I don’t like it when men play rough” I think she totally means it, if anyone is gonna be soft with her it’s gonna be Leon 😂
Even her in Umbrella Chronicles “it is important to remain calm and collected even in the most extreme situations” is why she’s so good at her job. It’s funny bc when I watch playthroughs of RE2R so many people are always like “how is she so calm?!” when she first shows up. She likely does have an initial panicking but can turn it off immediately to focus. Staying calm is such a big part of her section too, once Mr. X arrives, all of a sudden people panic and can’t think straight enough to remember her hacking tool they used less than a minute ago lol
Sorry for all the random thoughts I had to get out, even though this is what I feel I still love seeing other peoples interpretation of Ada, so when you ever do Ada’s POV I’ll be interested to see!
this was long so it took me a while to get to lol
one of the characterizations i don't see often talked about is the fact that it's likely she was forced into a life of crime from a young age and needed it to live. most people who are normal would see this as a form of abuse/trafficking/or just taking advantage of her. i see it as interesting if she choose to use that, to her advantage and using those same organizations that tried to use her. it makes more sense and gives her a sense of agency on why she double crosses people. she does it to whoever she sees is "the lesser of two evils."
and when she comes across people like leon who are genuinely good people, especially in re2 (albeit a bit naive, since leon still was appealing to authority example: chief irons, and how he still works for the government (corrupt) for many years)
I feel like Ada’s vulnerability has always been on display for people who paid attention.
this is literally why i think that people who do not pay attention to ada completely misunderstand her as a character. she's not an easy character to read, and it's so easy to just label her as some dumbed down "spy lady with no feelings" type of stereotype. like genuinely i think ada antis just lack critical thinking skills and media literacy because i've seen the worst takes about ada. and they're always rooted in
they didn't actually pay attention to the story
they didn't even play ada's campaigns
they didn't try to view ada's story from an unbiased perspective
they still think carla is ada in re6
or they're being outwardly misogynistic
or they're being racist
or both or all of the above
if people can't see in re4r that ada has several moments of vulnerability, then i just have no faith in people lol
the characterization of ada in separate ways is so needed for remake separate ways, i just need to see more of what she's like behind the facade of "ada wong, the mercenary." we've always seen glimpses of it because we actually pay attention lmao. but yes we need more
i think to think that she's so detached from her personal self sometimes she even scares herself. she definitely does when she cares for others and cares about leon. she's an incredibly multi-faceted but also flawed character, and we love that. give us women that make mistakes and then have to live with it. have her develop and change. have her self reflect on her choices.
but yeah tysm for this!
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chirikalovesjill · 5 years
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“The people who saved me, Leon and Claire, are the closest friends I've ever had." "They risked their lives for me back in Raccoon City. I guess I'm still just trying to live up to their example- never giving up no matter the odds”
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Planning to start tonight when I’m done with work stuff, but first I’m going to write down basic memories I have of the characters without looking stuff up or clarifying if I’m right: 
Jake, The Leader: Ax calls him “Prince Jake.” All these kids were going through some shit, but he was often the one who had to make the call on tough moral decisions. Had way too many feelings for just one (1) heart. A lot of what I remember about him besides his Heavy Burden Of Being The Leader stuff involved his brother Tom. Everything with Jake and Tom was sad and tense and some very good stuff if I recall. Also, that book where he temporarily got a Yerk in his head was one of my favorites. 
Marco, The Funny One: Source of so much terrible 90s humor. Honestly even as a kid I remember thinking his jokes were kind of cheesy a lot, but he did deliver a line that made me laugh so hard that it stuck in my head for over 20 years and is the title of this blog. He nearly quit early on after a really traumatic experience, (which stuck with me too. I can still remember the image of him crying in the shower after ): ) but came back when he learned his mom was a controller. Joined Jake in the “doin’ it for our family” boat. Honestly I think he used humor to cover his anger a lot. 
Cassie, The Sensitive One: Loves animals. I think her family does wildlife rescue or something? I remember there always being wounded animals around her that she was lovingly tending to. Also sometimes think that she was fighting more for them than the human race, which is valid. Is into biology and zoology and stuff, is also frequently the group’s hookup for access to exotic animals. I think the ethical dilemmas they dealt with were particularly heavy for her? There was one book (another of my favorites) where she got in an argument about the ethics of subjugating one species to help your own and turned into a butterfly as a compromise. Iconic.
Rachel, The Badass Fighter, Except It’s About The Horrors Of War So The Badass Fighter Is A More Complicated Figure, But Also She’s Still A Fucking Kid Give Her A Break: The others called her “Xena, Warrior Princess” (which I assume means she’s gay) I remember this because, if memory serves, they mention it in every single goddamned book. She was pretty and popular and into sports if I recall. Strong queen bee energy. I remember she was frequently accused of enjoying the fight a little too much, which, tfw you’re like 14 or something and your friends keep commenting on your thirst for battle.
Ax, The SPACE FRIEND!!: Little brother of the space prince that gave the others their powers, cannot fucking handle having a mouth and a sense of taste. Lots of good “alien fish out of water” and “alien trying and failing to act like a normal human” moments with this guy. Is kind of a snob at first but comes around, can’t help that his head is full of Andalite propaganda. Fun alien shenanigans aside, a lot of his story has to do with slowly and painfully realizing how much of Andalite society kind of sucks, while also coming to appreciate humanity and develop a friendship with the others. Lives in the woods with Tobias, where they bond over being the best two characters.
Tobias, The Sensitive One 2.0 This One’s A Hawk: TOBIAS!!!! Did I fall in love with characters who have an ambivalent/ relationship with their own humanity because of Tobias, or did my love for this trope make me love him? Either way, Tobias is awesome. Starts out as a Troubled Teen from Circumstances, then immediately got stuck in his hawk morph. A lot of “I don’t even know if I’m a human anymore, what is humanity anyway” stuff. Eventually acquires his own DNA via time travel, and after that there’s the knowledge that he could always change back and live as a normal kid without having to eat mice or commit war crimes, but he chooses to stay. Probably a combination of wanting to help the others and not being 100% sure being a Troubled Teen from Circumstances is better than being a feral hawk. A good listener, too. I remember him playing the group therapist a lot, probably because he has a lot of time to think.
Some particularly memorable stories that come to mind when thinking back:
The One Where Jake Gets Yerked And They Stuff Him In The Shed For A Week
The One Where Ax Eats All The Cinnamon Buns
The One Where Ants Cause Great Trauma
The One Where Rachel Is Allergic To A Crocodile And Goes On TV
The One Where War Crimes Are Contemplated With Maple Flavored Oatmeal
The One Where Shitty All Seeing Aliens Show Them The Future And It Really Really Sucks
The One Where Sharks Get Smart
The One Where There’s A Yerk Chat Room
The One Where Cassie Turns Into A Caterpillar Because She STICKS TO HER PRINCIPLES
The One Where Tobias Learns The Shocking Truth Of His Birth But Forgets How To Look Surprised
The One Where Tobias Almost Gets Eaten By A Fucking Raccoon And It’s The Most Terrifying Thing I Ever Read
The One Where Another Kid Joins And Is Just A Real Shit So They Make Him A Rat And It’s Morally Uncomfortable
The Andalite Chronicles: Where Elfangor Gets Freaked Out By Shoes, Drinks Dr. Pepper and Sees A Man That’s All Pimple Because There Wasn’t Enough Body Horror In This Series Already
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messier51 · 1 year
at this point i think the raccoons are just digging in and knocking over any potted plants i leave accessible overnight out of spite
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
Trying to do research on Leon's background and early life, and all I can find is that mafia, crime bullshit and it's driving me insane
That's all you're going to find. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to look for info, because there's nothing to find.
The earliest in Leon's life that we ever get to see/know/hear about is a Darkside Chronicles file that says he got top marks in police academy and specifically wanted to work in Raccoon City because of the ongoing serial killer investigation there (which wasn't a serial killer at all but rather fucked up shit that Umbrella was doing -- it's the same series of murders that STARS went to go investigate in RE0/1). We know absolutely nothing about his life before that point. That's as far back as it goes, canonically.
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imagitory · 7 years
Hi, everybody! So recently I did a review of Disney’s Zootopia, and in it I mentioned how I would personally love to see a spin-off TV series for the film, as Disney has done with movies like Aladdin, Lilo and Stitch, and so on. I’ve felt that feeling for a while, but after mentioning it recently, I got to thinking and I finally just decided – I’m going to write a treatment for what I have in my head, so y’all can read it. So here is my pitch for Zootopia: The Animated Series!
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Overall summary: Judy Hopps and her new partner Nick Wilde are the newest rising stars at the Zootopia police department. After successfully taking down the corrupt politician Dawn Bellwether, they have more than proven their worth to the city. Unfortunately life is messy, and stopping one criminal does not stop all crime. A new political giant – the ambitious, opportunistic Weelma Hogwash, has replaced Dawn Bellwether as Mayor of Zootopia. Tensions between predator and prey are still on the rise, and anti-predator groups are becoming more prolific and more violent. Worst of all, the ZPD has to examine their own prejudices and reexamining their old “species profiling”-style techniques that prompt suspicion and distrust between officers and regular citizens. Judy and Nick must work together to solve crimes and navigate this dangerous new world they’re in, with help from friends new and old.
Overall rating: PG -- this show would delve into dark, real-world subject matter, but would not depict any actual gore, sex, or violence. The characters and the humor would hopefully alleviate the more “adult” story-lines, but that “adult“ quality should not be shied away from. It’s what made Zootopia work as a film, and is what can make this series so memorable.
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~~Episode Summaries~~
Episode 1: Law and Otter: ZVU
Salutes Law and Order. Reintroduces our central cast – Judy, Nick, Bogo, and Clawhauser. Judy and Nick, now partners, apprehend a possum robbing a bank. They are also introduced to the legal side of the show when a controversial new lawyer, a sleek otter named Kerry Potter, starts getting criminals off the hook by attacking the protocol of the officers arresting them on the stand. Her latest target – newest ZPD officer Nick Wilde and his similarly bending-the-law partner Judy Hopps. By the end Judy and Nick get some vindication when, thanks to some evidence fed to them by old pal Finnick, Potter loses the case and the criminal they arrested is convicted. New characters include Kerry Potter the witty and slick defense attorney and Judge Deerborn the grand, respectable stag judge.
Episode 2: When Pigs Lie
Judy and Nick meet the new Mayor of Zootopia, a pig named Weelma Hogwash – yet another corrupt politician, voted for the quality of their smile rather than their policies. It proves difficult to work with her when she’s determined to take credit for the ZPD's achievements and take shots at their shortcomings. Introduces Judge Deerborn's demure wife, Fawn Deerborn. 
Episode 3: Fantastic Mrs. Fox
Title a play on the Roald Dahl book. Nick-centric episode where Nick’s mother Trixie gets caught up in an investigation at her apartment complex and we learn more about Nick’s background, including how he and Finnick first met. Reintroduces Mrs. Otterton, who has become a part-time 911 operator, and introduces Trixie Wilde, a sassy “furdresser.”
Episode 4: Of Mice and Dens
Officer McHorn arrests a raccoon for breaking-and-entering, but Judy and Nick soon wonder if the raccoon is guilty after meeting with the raccoon's defense attorney – an idealistic and determined mouse named Timothy Smalls. Introduces Timothy Smalls and elephant prosecutor Jim Jumbo. 
Episode 5: The Furner Diaries
Title references the Nazi novel The Turner Diaries. Salutes the Timothy McVeigh case. A bomb goes off in a government building and as the town is gripped by fear Judy, Nick, and the ZPD fight to find the criminal before it's too late. Introduces the "preyist" movement, a movement that promotes the "superiority" of prey over predators, and its supporters, including armadillo criminal Dill Rolo and Uther Fierce, shrew author of "The Furner Diaries" book. 
Episode 6: O.J. Spotson
Salutes the O.J. Simpson trial. A famous and well-liked cheetah athlete gets busted and arrested by Judy and Nick for mauling his girlfriend, but gets off because of his popularity in Zootopia. New characters include O.J. Spotson, "mama bear" prosecutor Rasha Bearnstein and puffed up lion defense attorney Ryan Manello. 
Episode 7:  Benny-on-the-Spot
Clawhauser-centric episode that focuses around why he became a cop – interestingly, the same story also chronicles the start of his and Bogo’s friendship.
Episode 8: Do the Bite Thing
Title references Spike Lee’s famous film Do the Right Thing. Salutes the American Nazi Party's “right to March” case in Skokie, Illinois. The preyist movement tries to March in the Rainforest District, a heavily predator-populated area, and is sent threats by anti-preyists. Now Judy, Nick, and the remainder of the ZPD are put at odds with their own beliefs and the city by having to defend the preyists’ right to free speech from the counter-marchers. As in the original case, the preyists decide in the end to hold their rallies outside the Rainforest District, but only once the courts decide to let them march in city parks. Judy and Nick hate this outcome, but their old friend Judge Deerborn sadly explains it was the only way to both follow the law and keep things from blowing up.
Episode 9: Sahara Square Story 
Salutes West Side Story. Judy and Nick get trapped in the middle of a war between two rival gangs – the Pride (made of lions) and the Pack (hyenas) – all started by an illicit romance between a male lion and a female hyena. Introduces the Pride and the Pack, most notably Lionel the lion and Marina the hyena. For my previously written and more complete post about this idea, click here!
Episode 10: The Horne Identity
Title an obvious pun of The Bourne Identity. Bogo-centric episode, which is focuses around Bogo’s rationale for becoming a police officer and at the end going to see his father, who is in prison. Bogo doesn’t tell anyone where he’s going, and Clawhauser makes sure no one asks him.
Episode 11: Pelter Skelter
Salutes the Charles Manson case. Famous celebrity Gazelle is attacked in her own home, and the evidence points to predators being responsible. But Judy and Nick soon are able to link the crime to sheep conman and serial criminal Ewell Ramson. Introduces Ewell Ramson and his "family" of kidnapped and brainwashed mammals.
Episode 12: Deer Murderer
Season finale. Title references the 1947 crime drama. Deerborn is assassinated, and everyone presumes that the culprit was getting back at him for his strong stance against crime. Judy, who takes his murder very personally, almost railroads Deerborn's most recent convict, the monstrous Ewell Ramson, for the crime. Harboring doubts about the case and worried about his partner, Nick recruits McHorn, Mrs. Otterton, Lionel and the Pride, Marina and the Pack, and defense attorney Smalls to help him catch the real criminal, who ends up being the Judge's own wife Fawn, who solely wanted out of her marriage and thought to take her husband’s life insurance payout rather than just file for divorce. Judy comes to grips with her mistake and comes to appreciate the value that the courts have – if the court hadn’t checked her facts, the wrong man would’ve been convicted and the real criminal would’ve gotten away scot-free. She wouldn’t feel sorry for Ramson being falsely convicted, of course…but justice wouldn’t have been served. She and Nick both visit Deerborn’s grave and pay their respects, before getting back in their car and driving off.
…So yeah! That’s about it. Just a few ideas I had rattling around in my head. *shuffles off*
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thewebofslime · 5 years
Contact Us Subscribe E-Edition (716) 372-3121 Sign Up Log In Facebook Twitter 35° News Sports Obituaries Lifestyle Business Opinion Photos & Videos Classifieds Search Job Listings Autos Marketplace PREV PREVIOUS Gone in a flash: The accident that closed the Coliseum (EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the third in a three-part series on … NEXT NEXT UP Every March weekend is ‘maple weekend’ at Sprague’s PORTVILLE — Western New York’s Maple Weekends are still a co… FEATURED Delevan man pleads guilty to child porn charge Mar 4, 2018 Facebook Twitter Email John P. Cutler Facebook Twitter Email Print Save BUFFALO — A Delevan convicted sex offender has pleaded guilty to federal child pornography charges. John P. Cutler, 35, of Delevan, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Lawrence Vilardo to receipt of child pornography following a prior conviction, the U.S. District Attorney’s Office in Buffalo announced Thursday. The charge carries a mandatory minimum penalty of 15 years in prison. The maximum penalty is 40 years and a fine of $250,000. According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Aaron Mango, who is handling the case, Cutler searched for and downloaded images and videos of child porn online between July of 2016 and Sept. 26, 2016. A forensic examination of Cutler’s laptop computer revealed approximately 1,875 images and 199 videos of child porn. Some of the images and videos depicted prepubescent minors, as well as depictions of violence against the minors, Mango said. More from this section Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison TODAY'S FORECAST: Mostly sunny, high near 32 Grad students bridge military divide with podcast Cutler is a Level 2 sex offender after being convicted in September of 2014 in Cattaraugus County Court of second-degree criminal sexual act, a class D felony. The conviction stemmed from Cutler having “deviant sexual intercourse” with a 8-year-old female, according to the New York State Sex Offender Registry. He was sentenced to six months in Cattaraugus County Jail and 10 years probation for that crime. This recent plea is the result of an investigation by the FBI and the Cattaraugus County Sheriff’s Office. Sentencing is scheduled for 10 a.m. June 11 before Vilardo. Facebook Twitter Email Print Save × 4 remaining of 5 Welcome! We hope that you enjoy our free content. Tags John P. Cutler Criminal Law Law Crime Porn Conviction Aaron Mango Sex Offender Penalty Mandatory Minimum Stephon Clark's Family Reacts To Sacramento DA's Decision Sponsored by Connatix What do you think? Do you agree with President Trump's emergency declaration over the southern border? Yes. Illegal immigration on the southern border is a national crisis. No. Trump is exceeding his authority over a false issue. Border security should be funded, but not with executive order. Not sure. Vote View Results Latest e-Edition Olean Times Herald To view our latest e-Edition click the image on the left. 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messier51 · 1 year
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thinking about updating my porch for future deliveries
[image id: a white powerpoint slide with four images, two showing a large plastic deck box with a lid that can be locked, two with U-shaped baby latches that would hopefully fit the box instead of a lock. the slide has a sam’s club url link to the box as well as the text “anti raccoon package moodboard”]
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messier51 · 1 year
crime raccoon update
so the other day i saw one of the western bluebirds! they’re back! I heard a woodpecker recently too. but the bluebirds are super pretty
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[photo by Kevin Cole from Pacific Coast, USA from wikimedia commons, cc by 2.0 (en:User:Kevinlcole) - Male Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana)]
so i hung up a little birdfeeder with a few sunflower seeds in it.
it’s been less than a year since the raccoons climbed up the pole on my porch, across the rafter, and crashed an empty glass hummingbird feeder to the ground in the middle of a thunderstorm at night, and you would think i would know better
and yet, the lure of the pretty birds is strong
so a pair of raccoons showed up, one of them scaled the porch and shook the bird feeder to the ground, and then they feasted on sunflower seeds.
the next night they came back but there was nothing there for them, no cat food bowls or sunflower seeds to steal. but I do have a nice bit of footage showing that two of them were chilling up in the porch rafters for a little while.
it’s also pretty funny to watch them climb up and down the post.
today, my grocery box was delivered early enough that I could bring it inside before leaving for work, thankfully.
sorry raccoons, today you have been foiled.
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messier51 · 1 year
[video id: zoomed-in footage from a security camera of a raccoon on a porch in the middle of the night, half hidden by double decker cat houses, grabs the empty cat food bowl and takes off with it. there's no sound.]
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messier51 · 11 months
things i have learned: 
1. raccoons are very smart
2. racoons are fucking stupid
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