#the idea of season 1 pix's soul being what powered the soul campfire at spawn that changed the weather came to me in the shower
nerdy-valkyrie · 2 years
This is probably gonna be a long one but I've got lots of thoughts so...
Season 1 Pix and Season 2 Pix are narrative opposites
S1!Pix is all about the future. Pixandria is, while ancient, was the most advanced empire to exist at the time. Hell, he even had visions of the future!
S2!Pix is all about the past. His empires is quite literally the past, he is a historian and archeologist, and he has the ability to see visions of the past.
My brain latched onto the idea of S1!Pix being some sort of prophet or old god as soon as a heard it and I've been trying to figure out how to fit something similar into S2!Pix, who seems to have chronic "just a guy" disease
That being said, I think I've got an idea!
What if S1!Pix and S2!Pix are both not just old gods but twin brothers. And, as is common for mythological twins, they are opposites.
S1!Pix represents the future. He is storms and copper and death.
Death may seem odd in this list, but death is not always the end of things and may instead mean the a change. And how are we told to grieve the death of a loved one if not to move forward, to look to the future.
S2!Pix represents the past. He is history and stories and preservation.
Now is were we really get into major headcannon territory!
My headcannon is the S1!Pix and S2!Pix were old minor twin gods around the time were the major gods banded together to seal away Exor with the enderdragon. Being minor gods the twins weren't part of the plan to seal away Exor and thus existed in a post-stags wold with little to no idea of what to do next.
This is where they butted heads.
S2!Pix wanted to preserve the legacy of the gods who gave their lives to seal away Exor and teach the people the history of what had happened.
S1!Pix, however, wished to move forward and not dwell on what had happened, instead wanting to go out into the people and see how the progressed.
The brothers argued before deciding to go their separate ways.
S1!Pix wandered for a while, which is where he got his wandering trader reputation, before finally settling in the dessert and founding the empire of Pixandria, always looking towards progress and the future of his empire.
S2!Pix stayed around Rivendell for a while, possibly even writing some of the books in the old library. Afterwords he also began to wander, before settling in the savanna and starting his museum dedicated to the past.
Eventually, many many years after the brother split from each other, and even many years after the great catastrophe that decimated Eastvale and the surrounding area, S1!Pix realized that he had no future left for himself in Pixandria. The empire was flourishing with little to no management from him and all the friends he had made were either dead or had moved on.
So, S1!Pix appointed a successor and left to try and find his estranged brother, who he found after several decades of searching.
The two were so very glad to see each other, having missed each other dearly. And yet, even being here with his brother, S1!Pix felt tired.
And so, with the last of his power and energy he created a small campfire with 12 chairs positioned around it. He imbued the fire with his spirit and he finally could rest.
And so, as S2!Pix said farewell to his brother, he also began to watch his brother's creation.
For, as any good storytellers know, great things tend to start around a campfire.
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