that-local-cryptid · 4 days
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that-local-cryptid · 14 days
Collection of images and memes for anyone who doesn’t know what to draw (edit: I added way more ❤️)
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that-local-cryptid · 14 days
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Compiled some basic information I know about drawing fat characters for beginners since I've been seeing more talk about absence of really basic traits in a lot of art lately.
Morpho Fat and Skin Folds on Archive.org (for free!)
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that-local-cryptid · 22 days
It's so weird talking to people who's view of "here's the way life is for everyone" is shattered as soon as they talk to someone with disabilities (physical, mental illness, any). Like you'll say you'll have a problem and instead of helping you they'll argue with you about how you're not actually facing that problem. Like,
Me: Hey, I'm really struggling to find a job and a part of it is my resume. I was depressed & psychotic during highschool so I didn't do anything to gain skills or achievements to put on my resume. I also don't have anyone to put as a reference. What can I do?
Them: You can add your skills, hobbies, clubs you're in, and different volunteer work you've done! You can also get your teacher as a reference.
Me: I already know what to put on a resume, my issue is that I don't have things that I can use. Also, I'm in my mid 20s so I don't know if I can put my highschool teacher as a reference.
Them: Well if you're a part of a church or an activity group, you could add that. Also, think of any projects you've worked on in the past.
Me: I already know you can put these things on a resume. I'm not looking for suggests of things I've already done, I'm looking for what I can do now if I haven't done anything.
Them: There's no way you didn't do anything during highschool?? What about some odd jobs you definitely did for extra money, like babysitting or mowing the lawn?
Me: I spent all of highschool either in modified classes or in bed doing nothing - not even hobbies, what about that do you not understand?
And then you talk to someone who's also disabled and they're like "Here's a bunch of jobs you can do from home that don't pay much but look good on a resume, here's some free online courses that also look good on a resume, here's how you can be making small amounts of money in the meantime, here's some things you can put besides a professional reference, and here are your rights if your future employer tries to take advantage of your disability - which you probably shouldn't tell them about unless you need accommodations."
And suddenly my will to continue trying returns!
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that-local-cryptid · 28 days
the first sentient robot to realize deceased humans and animals can’t be repaired or backed up on a server is gonna be so devastated
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that-local-cryptid · 1 month
By the way, you can improve your executive function. You can literally build it like a muscle.
Yes, even if you're neurodivergent. I don't have ADHD, but it is allegedly a thing with ADHD as well. And I am autistic, and after a bunch of nerve damage (severe enough that I was basically housebound for 6 months), I had to completely rebuild my ability to get my brain to Do Things from what felt like nearly scratch.
This is specifically from ADDitude magazine, so written specifically for ADHD (and while focused in large part on kids, also definitely includes adults and adult activities):
Here's a link on this for autism (though as an editor wow did that title need an editor lol):
Resources on this aren't great because they're mainly aimed at neurotypical therapists or parents of neurdivergent children. There's worksheets you can do that help a lot too or thought work you can do to sort of build the neuro-infrastructure for tasks.
But a lot of the stuff is just like. fun. Pulling from both the first article and my own experience:
Play games or video games where you have to make a lot of decisions. Literally go make a ton of picrews or do online dress-up dolls if you like. It helped me.
Art, especially forms of art that require patience, planning ahead, or in contrast improvisation
Listening to longform storytelling without visuals, e.g. just listening regularly to audiobooks or narrative podcasts, etc.
Martial arts
Sports in general
Board games like chess or Catan (I actually found a big list of what board games are good for building what executive functioning skills here)
If you're bad at time management play games or video games with a bunch of timers
Things can be easier. You might always have a disability around this (I certainly always will), but it can be easier. You do not have to be this stuck forever.
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that-local-cryptid · 1 month
all i wanna do is eat nectarines and think about aurora borealis st. elmo’s fire gigantic jets ball lightning green flash earthquake lights and will-o-the-wisps
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that-local-cryptid · 2 months
MUSIC ASKS these are actually pretty fucking hard but why not.
1:A song you like with a color in the title
2:A song you like with a number in the title
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
6:A song that makes you want to dance
7:A song to drive to
8:A song about drugs or alcohol
9:A song that makes you happy
10:A song that makes you sad
11:A song that you never get tired of
12:A song from your preteen years
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding
15:A song that is a cover by another artist
16:One of your favorite classical songs
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
18:A song from the year that you were born
19:A song that makes you think about life
20:A song that has many meanings to you
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
22:A song that moves you forward
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
24:A song by a band you wish were still together
25:A song by an artist no longer living
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
27:A song that breaks your heart
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
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that-local-cryptid · 2 months
The BBC is releasing over 16,000 sound effects for free download
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that-local-cryptid · 2 months
Hello, my name is Crit (he/them.) Welcome to my SUBMAS art blog, @critterbitter! It is sfw, but please take care if you are a minor, as I’m Old. Thanks! To reach my main blog, please direct your attention to @proxycrit .
This is a masterpost of all the art and comics I’ve done for the funny train men so far. Feel free to browse and definitely feel free to comment!
(Here’s my kofi as well! If you wish to tip.)
All work can also be found under #myart.
Comics/Art List:
A SUBMAS spotify playlist-- Post Hisui Muppet Council
Emmet and eelektross— you and your dog get sent to feudal japan
Ingo and lady sneasler— you weigh like a bag of grapes
Emmet, meet volo
tynamo and emmet’s first meeting (they become friends instantly)
Litwick and ingo’s first meeting (they become enemies immediately)
Aftermath of training
The starters perform care on full grown men
Committing war crimes on both eel and man
Submas kids— the Snack that smiles back, litwick edition
Box shenanigans (caricatures of the children)
Emmet and litwick come to a deal
The difference in starter relationships boggles the mind
Good morning, litwick (good night, lady sneasler.)
Ingo fights his inner envy demons with the communication stick
Coat flapping
You are Beloved, Lampent. That’s all. 
A jackie at gear station
Tynamo evolution blues (this is funny)
The imposter syndrome sets in (it is no longer funny)
Library blues (elesa should be paid for carrying books)
Sassy night light
Happy eel dog
The joyful ordeal of evolution
Eelektrik boa (a gold standard!)
Lampent discovers discourse. This becomes everybody's problem.
Nimbasa trio walk and talk
Couch party (it's poll time!)
SUBMAS AU: Conventional Starters
Lampent is an umbrella, if you squint
Happy Holidays!
Eel-esa outfit (cause, you know, she dresses like an eel. Get it? Get it?)
Master of manipulation.
They left Lampent in a Deino's Parking Lot
"These are our Exoskeletons, Elesa."
Chance meeting
Forbidden Lore Unlocked
Introducing Elesa, the New Kid from Sinnoh
Elesa and Blitzle
Outside the crowd
Volume Control
COLLAB: Forgiveness is Electric
Volume Control (Reprise)
Food Exchange
Electric starters
Metaphorical and Literal Rat Children
Trouble starters
Snapshots: Route 3
Snapshots: Castelia City
Snapshots: Virbank Complex
Snapshots: Desert Resort
Snapshots: Route 8
Snapshots: Nimbasa City
Snapshots: Celestial Tower
Snapshots: Pinwheel Forest
Snapshots: Route 18
Snapshots: Anville Town
Snapshots: Undella Bay
Snapshots: Flocessy Ranch
Snapshots: Route 10
Snapshots: Driftveil City
Snapshots: Twist Mountain
Snapshots: Relic Passage
Snapshots: Route 6
Snapshots: Opelucid City
Snapshots: Chargestone Cave
Snapshots: Dream Yard
Snapshots: Route 1
Snapshots: Striaton City
Snapshots: Black City
Giratina and Arceus
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that-local-cryptid · 2 months
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colors of the sky.
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that-local-cryptid · 3 months
I love how the search function on this site is absolute garbage. I can look up a post word for word and I will NEVER find it
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that-local-cryptid · 3 months
the problem is whatever we think about Dan and Phil TM the reality of dan and phil is 1000 times worse.
we think “dan thinks blonde phil is hot” reality is dan literally fainted and broke a lamp. we think “phil misses dan while he’s on tour” reality is he had a breakdown and dyed the phouse green. we think “they’ve been together 15 years that’s so aspirational.” dan says god literally put us on this earth to come together just like ranch. and we just have to deal with that.
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that-local-cryptid · 3 months
I am going through stuff involuntarily
Can't wait for my maybe surgery to finally get a moment of peace from studying stress and people stress
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that-local-cryptid · 3 months
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>First, we’ve discovered that about a quarter of all the internet connection in or out of the house were ad related. In a few hours, that’s about 10,000 out of 40,000 processed.
>We also discovered that every link on Twitter was blocked. This was solved by whitelisting the https://t.co domain.
>Once out browsing the Web, everything is loading pretty much instantly. It turns out most of that Page Loading malarkey we’ve been accustomed to is related to sites running auctions to sell Ad space to show you before the page loads. All gone now.
>We then found that the Samsung TV (which I really like) is very fond of yapping all about itself to Samsung HQ. All stopped now. No sign of any breakages in its function, so I’m happy enough with that.
>The primary source of distress came from the habitual Lemmings player in the house, who found they could no longer watch ads to build up their in-app gold. A workaround is being considered for this.
>The next ambition is to advance the Ad blocking so that it seamlessly removed YouTube Ads. This is the subject of ongoing research, and tinkering continues. All in all, a very successful experiment.
>Certainly this exceeds my equivalent childhood project of disassembling and assembling our rotary dial telephone. A project whose only utility was finding out how to make the phone ring when nobody was calling.
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>Update: All4 on the telly appears not to have any ads any more. Goodbye Arnold Clarke!
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>Lemmings problem now solved.
>Can confirm, after small tests, that RTÉ Player ads are now gone and the player on the phone is now just delivering swift, ad free streams at first click.
>Some queries along the lines of “Are you not stealing the internet?” Firstly, this is my network, so I may set it up as I please (or, you know, my son can do it and I can give him a stupid thumbs up in response). But there is a wider question, based on the ads=internet model.
>I’m afraid I passed the You Wouldn’t Download A Car point back when I first installed ad-blocking plug-ins on a browser. But consider my chatty TV. Individual consumer choice is not the method of addressing pervasive commercial surveillance.
>Should I feel morally obliged not to mute the TV when the ads come on? No, this is a standing tension- a clash of interests. But I think my interest in my family not being under intrusive or covert surveillance at home is superior to the ad company’s wish to profile them.
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>Aside: 24 hours of Pi Hole stats suggests that Samsung TVs are very chatty. 14,170 chats a day.
>YouTube blocking seems difficult, as the ads usually come from the same domain as the videos. Haven’t tried it, but all of the content can also be delivered from a no-cookies version of the YouTube domain, which doesn’t have the ads. I have asked my son to poke at that idea.
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that-local-cryptid · 3 months
You know what, since I’m thinking about it anyways, let’s talk formalwear accessories. Most of these are traditionally menswear but a bit of gender fuckery is good for the soul, and frankly most of these are about making your mass-produced clothing fit and lay properly without having to go to the tailor.
Shirt stays: these go around your thighs to hold your shirt down, so that it stays smooth and tucked in. They’re usually elastic, with 1-3 clips, and if you wear skirts frequently this is a GREAT way to make sure your top doesn’t ride up. The clips will be visible if you’re wearing something tight, so loose pants or skirts are where these do best. There’s also an insane version that clips to your socks, but that is for lunatics. If you wanted, you could also use one of these clips to hold up thigh-highs.
These do a great job of smoothing and narrowing the waist area by keeping your shirt from bunching there.
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Sleeve garters: usually metal, leather, elastic, or silk. These are usually worn with button-down shirts to adjust where your cuff falls on the wrist or hand. They’re properly worn on the upper arm, and you pull the fabric of the sleeve above the garter until you cuff is where you want it. Because this creates a puff of sleeve at the bicep, it also broadens the appearance of the shoulders. It’s great if you’re working with your hands or if your sleeves are often too long for your preference.
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Waistband clip or belt adjustment clip/buttons
Three different ways of tightening the waistband of a pair of pants or a skirt. You’re not going to get more than an inch or so tighter without weird bunching, and for most of these you’d want them to be hidden under a shirt or jacket, but they do the job if that’s something you’re having issues with.
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Collar pins: There are so many fun ones out there, both with and without chains. They’re not terribly practical, though the slight weight may help keep your collar where you want it. Also consider collar tips, which pin (surprise) to the very tips of your collar points.
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Sweater clips/guards: meant to hold your sweater or cardigan mostly closed. Great if your cardigan doesn’t button, or if you don’t like it to be buttoned all the way.
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There’s tons of other stuff out there like this–etsy is a great place to find this stuff. A lot of these are old solutions to the very modern problem of mass-maufactured clothes not being as one-size-fits-all as advertised, but they’re also a fun way to put a bit of personality into businesswear.
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that-local-cryptid · 3 months
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