#the inclusion of dojima and wakaba makes so much sense i dont know why i hadnt thought of it before
Hmm, now I'm picturing Wakaba as the lead researcher, since she's implied to experiment on people... And, as a side note, I dunno if you had plans to include him, but all this time I've kinda been imagining Dojima as Adachi's boss, because. yeah. And, while him wanting to kill Mookie hurts my Dojiruki heart a little, the idea of him having a homoerotic obsession with capturing him really gets to me sadsfdghjg
As for something more self-indulgent.... Do you think Mookie has scars from the capturing and experimenting incident? Scars that Adachi could, I dunno, kiss better? Though I doubt Adachi would want to do that lol, but maybe he could do it while he thinks Mookie is asleep and no one is watching... :3
Wakaba WOULD be the lead researcher. It honestly fits her really well - I could see her researching about merfolk for days on end and when she finally decides she wants to find some to experiment on, everyone’s like “Oh, but merfolk aren’t real!” or “Those things are just legends.” and so on and so forth, but when she manages to actually find some her research team’s absolutely baffled by it.
Also… Perhaps… Dojima’s homoerotic obsession with capturing Maruki could be due to Wakaba’s experiments as well…?
I’m half joking here, but also I kind of like the idea. After Rumi and Maruki get released, Wakaba wants more merfolk to experiment on because there’s still more she wants to learn, so she hires Dojima and his crew to get more for her? They could be well known for their fruitful hunting, and he probably just doesn’t recognize Maruki as the merman she’d previously experimented on. Or he does and realizes how valuable it might be to bring him back to her, seeing as she could learn more about the magic without Rumi posing as a threat to everyone’s lives.
There’s also just him hunting for them because of their rarity and value, but… I’m really liking the other idea more lol…
ALSO ADACHI KISSING MARUKI’S SCARS……. OOHNYYHFGyhgjghhyfhtugh…………. Please please pleeeeaaaaaaase I NEED IT
It could lead to a wholesome moment honestly… Adachi realizes Maruki’s more down in the dumps than usual, he’s staring at his scars, just getting reminded of painful memories. Adachi feels bad that he’s so upset, and also that he hasn’t done much in return ever since Maruki saved his life… So he just… Traces the scars gently… Kisses them… Maruki asks what he’s doing and Adachi says its his own sort of magic kiss, or the closest thing to it, and he probably internally cringes while saying it… But he tells Maruki that despite the scars and the memories attached to them that he’s still pretty… That they don’t define him and that they show just how strong and resilient he is… Anything to make Mookie feel better… And I bet Mookie would feel so grateful and cuddly afterwards… Ohhh god I love these two so much.
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