#the inner louis just came for tumblr huh
transsexualhamlet · 3 years
I feel like Louis doesn't get the attention and love he deserves sometimes
And not just in the When Louis Got Character Development And Stopped Wanting To Kill Sherlock Lol he's good, I mean just straight up murderous unapologetic stray cat louis. He's already so great and I am an enthusiastic louis apologist
Like no I wouldn't have wanted him to. Actually Kill Sherlock. yeah. but him wanting to do that was completely rational, tbh, liam was acting like a fucking lovestruck idiot and taking great and unnecessary risk, and doing that has always worked for him in the past.
And look at louis. He's got so much righteous anger and I'm totally with him on with no restraints just being completely fine with killing assholes and being a little shit just because
The man watched his older brother have to kill himself trying to get enough money to survive, all the while with him like Dying Of Some Serious Heart Issue and Being Orphans who get underestimated, ridiculed, and treated terribly by rich people, abled people, adults, just Men in general I dont even know he's totally justified in hating them unconditionally and only wanting to protect and care about his family
He's tired of being overlooked, treated like a servant, disrespected, disregarded, insulted, and he's tired of that happening to his family as well. And I think that it's great that he was able to take that energy and anger and put it to use in what he wanted to do and not wait for the priveleged people to let him. It sucked for him, because he enjoyed and wanted to do household kind of tasks like housework and cooking but he was basically just made to do it for ungrateful bitches throughout his childhood and will now be throwing tea at anyone who doesn't compliment it, as he should
He may look generally hostile, but he genuinely just wants to make a good life and world for his family, be happy and have all of the rest of them be happy, feeling satisfied by providing for them and helping them while being treated as equal.
Side note, I think both liam and louis are actually trans*, I don't know, if i look at a character hard enough they spontaneously turn transgender and Look At Him Why Does This Man Have So Much Hip- but most of it comes from the way he acts and reacts to things. And this could be perfectly explained away by him in like Child Labor plus being young, poor and physically ill gave him much the same Minority experience as a girl in that era, but being afab would only strengthen the reason he's........ Like That? He just really radiates the energy of someone who's experienced misogyny and would rate it -100/10 if anyone percieves me I will end their life
One more thing tho, I don't see why people have a problem with people headcanoning louis as aro/ace? Sorry that I have the sexiest opinions man his colors are literally the ace flag and his favorite dynamic is found family. He clearly does not want to be with anyone ever and yall need to be ok with people thinking that<3
All in all, Louis is completely justified in his actions and I support him stabbing people, not just after going "maturing is realizing MI6". He can be an aggressive, petty, immature gremlin if he wants to, ok?
*on different levels, for louis it's 100 percent a headcanon we've legit seen his birth certificate but for Liam it's kind of a conspiracy theory you cant prove he isn't /hj
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