#the irony of being this bigshot hero and in desperate need of saving
prinprime · 1 month
In another world you stopped before the line that cannot be uncrossed. In another world you passed the test of faith, of goodness, of sacrifice. In another world you laid yourself on the alter, rather than accept the role of executioner. killing in its stead the animal inside you that would have thrashed and bucked.
In another world you are charming but cautious, mysterious but alluring. Honest exactly when you least expect it And caught exactly when you can't afford it. In another world you finally earn it- In another world love saves you. You are the hero you wanted to be, and the story is not a tragedy. In another world, in another world
but not this one. Here
he will kill you. And you will deserve it. You will apologize while he does it he will not forgive you.
Wanting was not enough, You cannot overcome the thing they made you, And you cannot be forgiven.
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