#the jensen defense squad has not sent in reasonable discourse
laf-outloud · 2 years
"Just a note to all the people sending in asks defending Jensen and saying you'd do the same for Jared; ask yourself, would you even be on our blogs if we were speaking critically of Jared? And before you send in an ask telling me you would, I'm going to want receipts of you actually doing it, because there have certainly been enough people over the years criticizing Jared that you'll have had multiple opportunities to defend him."___ Don't know if it makes any sense, but is it too hard to believe that people can have different perspectives over certain people and certain incidents and even if they don't match with you that might not mean they are wrong? They might be biased in your eyes, your opinion might look biased in certain peoples eyes that you can't understand, so what is the problem in a proper healthy discussion? What is the problem if some people find it is worth to defend Jensen over certain aspect? Why someone have to be a jared hater if they defend Jensen? Why it will be so hard to believe they would do the same for Jared if the table was turned?
I consider myself as a fairly unbiased viewer. I have called out multiple times on Jensen very recently where I found his actions questionable, but at the same time I defend him whenever I think he is wrongly being judged or being scrutinized over silliest things just to make him look like a douche. Maybe I am not right always with my logics, but that doesn't mean I am an AA. And yes I would do the same for Jared. Or for anyone. It's about being logical, it's not about whose fave is better than whose fave for me.
You would ask for receipt for me defending Jared on hellers or AAs blogs I know... But ask yourself, do you think they are equal to you guys? I know Jared gets the worst hates, most of them based on imaginations and nonsense, no truth in them. It's waste of energy to have healthy discussion with the people who writes those thing because they don't know how to interact, it's better to ignore them because their motive is clear to everyone. I don't follow them, don't take them seriously and think that nobody should. But you people are sane, like-minded people whom we follow, whose blog we read and reblog, we are happy to agree with you.. Aren't we allowed to express our disagreements with you guys without being tagged as secret Jared haters?
I don't go to anti blogs to find posts against my fave and defend them to increase my toxicity level- I scroll through the posts from the people followed by me, and I defend or agree wherever I think I need to. I am sure a lot of people do the same thing. So if anyone says they would defend Jared the same way they did for Jensen that can be a like-minded Jared fan who just finds your post not agreeing with them.
I don't know if I would be called an disguised AA after this long rant, but I needed to let it out. Sorry for wasting your time anyways.
I read it, so you didn't waste my time, and I am perfectly fine with people wanting to defend Jensen, but they do it telling me my opinions are wrong. If you want to defend him, share what you love about him (without turning him into a god). I recently had wonderful conversations with people who don't like Gen, but they outlined why they didn't like her and gave their reasons. They didn't try to dictate what I should or shouldn't feel, they didn't try to denigrate me or anyone else in their asks. There's a big difference between defending and simply being rude. AA's, as a whole, tend to fall on the rude side. Just take a look at these recent asks that have come in to me and others "defending" Jensen (which is why I wrote that post in the first place):
Insulting because that's not what I said.
Just plain insulting.
Calling my opinions (not facts, opinions) imaginary, bad-faith, ludicrous, baseless, etc.
Again, calling my opinion not real. It's an opinion, I never said it was fact.
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These are not reasonable discourse. These are not defending Jensen, they're rude.
You ask: "what is the problem in a proper healthy discussion?" Do any of these look like a proper healthy discussion to you? If so, maybe you ought to take a look at my recent #anti gen hate posts to see what healthy discussion and respectful asks look like.
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