#the jester pulls me in and once I escape its prison it tracks me down and takes me right back
unnamed-proxy · 1 month
What happened in gobb? If u wish to ramble I'm all ears! /gen /nf
AAAAH re-entering fandoms am I right? TvT
OKAAAY OKAY SO WHERE DO I START (spoilers under the cut in case anyone cares)
First off, menu music? Kind of a banger, also the voice actors popped off with this one oh my stars. Especially the lady voicing the safety tapes I love her voice so much
Second off, and this is the most unbelievable part I know, it was actually kind of??? Tense??? Eerie even??? At points which is shocking enough on its own
Oh oh! Syringeon made his debut here too! His voice actor was killing it too, pretty decent model as well imo, I like the stupid eye movements it does
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Anyways Syringeon tells us about his plan to capture Josh in order to defeat sir Dadadoo, and it turns out it’s kinda his fault that Dadadoo has control of everyone right now as he’s the one who gave the queen’s scepter mind control abilities (somehow??? For some reason???) so he’s kinda stupid but it’s okay
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I have nothing of importance to say about these guys I just think their dance moves rocked and their designs are goofy as hell (/aff)
Oh, Uhyeah is here too, he voices this guy. Nice hat dude
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Toadster is back!!!! Banbalena (is that how you spell it? Still don’t know) is corrupted though, L
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He’s still awesome, his VA deserves more recognition I’ll just say it
Bittergiggle’s back!!!!! They look like this now :), chase music also slaps
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Anyways Bittergiggle gets toadsted (fuckign dies)
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Times like these I wish the models were more expressive (and that Toadster didn’t look like that. Ew) because this whole scene is just Ty and Paul popping off for literally no reason
This part’s mainly what my og post was referring to cuz I saw it all over Twitter and it sucked me back into this fever dream 😭
SPEAKING OF FEVER DREAMS (I’m so good at transitions oh em gee)
Y’know that one scene from Penguins of Madagascar where all the penguins are falling out of the plane? Okay now imagine that but it’s stinger Flynn and Banban bickering like an old married couple for the 5th time leading to the plane starting to crash and exploding (worlds tamest stinger-ban interaction)
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“I will stop consuming slop” I say before inevitably consuming more slop once a new banban game comes out /hj
Honestly I think this might’ve been the biggest step up so far! The puzzles were pretty neat, I always liked the color puzzle from the first game and the memory match from this one is just that but better, even had my photographic memory ass struggling at points
Game ends off with Jumbo Josh just… beating the shit out of Sir Dadadoo and his army???? Really easily too. Damn, Josh, didn’t know you were(n’t) chill like that. And he eats the scepter cuz of course he does, good job sir Jumbonious J. Josh
AND BEFORE I FORGET APPARENTLY BANBAN ISN’T EVEN BANBAN???? I THINK???? There’s a whole other banban that’s blue with a yellow beard thing?? And yellow eye lashes?? I reached the image limit so I can’t show you but I promise I’m not making this up I’m so serious
The mural in the end bit has the red banban as a sticker thing overlapping the blue one which you peel off, revealing the blue “original” banban, than Syringeon makes you unconscious. Blue guy is on the cover of the next game so that’s gonna be…. Something.
Btw yes absolutely, always a wild ride rejoining a fandom TvT, like reuniting with a childhood friend every time, a friend you can ramble about (you’re always welcome to do the same @ me if you’d like btw! :D /nf)
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