#the journay of finding yourself
lucywrites02 · 3 years
I have a question but Im kinda scared to make you feel uncomfortable... its just that I saw that you identify as Demi. I was wondering how one can know that they are demi? Bc I would say I'm cis bc I only like men. But then again I don't really understand when people call men hot. Like sure they can be handsome but I don't really think of anything sexual. If I have a crush I fantasize more about cuddling with them and just dreaming about how they would love me for who I am and stuff like that. Thinking about anything physical kinda makes me uncomfortable, yet I wouldnt be opposed to try smth with someone i feel a connection with... you know? Am I just stupid and overthinking it too much? Sorry for this novel of an ask
I'm sorry it took me so long to respond. I am by no means an expert in the field of sexuality so if I said something wrong I would appreciate it if you guys corrected me.
I will try my best to explain it all to you, but if you need some more I will also link some videos that are pretty easy to understand.
First, let’s go over the most important definitions so that it will be easier for you to understand.
Demi means “partially”. I’m demiromantic which means I can only develop romantic feelings for another person when I have a strong emotional connection with them. It’s hard for me to develop a crush on someone. Last time it took me half a year to start developing any kind of romantic feelings towards somebody (it’s my personal experience and everyone is different so sometimes it can take a month, sometimes years. It all depends on the person)
Here’s a video about different types of attraction that may be really helpful:
You said you are Cis which has more to do with gender that sexuality. Cisgender describes a person whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth. If you were assigned female at birth and identify as such then you are Cis. In my bio it says I am a demigirl (although I am questioning that at the moment). This word describes people who were assigned female at birth, but does not fully identify with being a woman. I feel comfortable with being a woman, but I don’t always feel like one.
This video explains the difference between sex and gender
If you like only the opposite gender then you are heterosexual. So if you’re a woman who likes only men or a man who only likes women then you are hetero.
From your story I assume you may be somewhere on the asexual spectrum.
Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to other people or low (or absent) desire for sexual activity.
Asexuality- as I said before- is a spectrum and demisexuality is a part of it. Demisexual people only feel sexually attracted to other people if they have a deep emotional connection with them (Kinda like aromantic people with romance)
You can be straight and demisexual. Omnisexual and aromantic. One thing doesn’t exclude the other. If any kind of sexual activity make you uncomfortable, but you are willing to try it out if you have an emotional connection with someone then I would advise you to do some more research about asexuality. There are many different words to describe people who are on the spectrum and even though they may have similar meanings some labels will suit you better than others (if you don’t want to label yourself that’s good, too!”) I will be more than happy to give you more sources if you need them!
And remember that discovering yourself could be a long process and it’s okay to change labels if you find one that is better for you <3
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handmadecp · 5 years
Viking Pouch..finished.
Hi Guys, here are the build along pics for the Viking Pouch. Firstly, credit for the Pattern goes to Dark Horse Workshop, he makes great Patterns and shares his knowledge of Leather Crafting gained through years in the Business at reasonable prices, why not drop by Youtube and check out his vids.
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Ok let’s get into it. If you are a beginner you could still make this lovely pouch, if you don’t know how to ‘Saddle stitch’ you can use a ‘Running stitch’ which is as easy as it gets.  from his ETSY shop. Obviously this is a pouch made from a created pattern bought from D.H.W. Using the pattern as shown in this pic’ I drew them out onto a 2mm thick veg tan leather and made the marked holes where required.
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Using the picture on the pattern I first wet / cased the leather, not soaked, just want the water to seep about half way down into the leather, then let it sit for about five mins as you don’t want the paper getting soaked, then using a ‘Stylus’ type tool or a pen without ink in it draw over the pattern until it is on your leather as shown here.
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Next I used a Swivel knife to carve the Lines into the leather, for newbies…it just takes lots of practice but if I can do it most others can.don’t give up.
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Using the swivel knife. (note the nifty wrist strap…another easy project for beginners or more experienced alike. )
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Carving all done ready for tooling.
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The B802 Beveler that I mostly use, I do use some smaller ones if in tight areas but if I find a really too tight area I just leave it, because once all the dying and polishing is done you really wouldn’t know that it wasn’t intentional.
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More cutting with the swivel knife, there are good videos on YTube you can watch to learn how to use these, not difficult really, just takes practice.
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Carving done..lightly dampen the leather again, wait until color is almost back to normal then start tooling. As you tool, there should appear a dark brown line, this is made by the water
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Errm..what can I say..except..practice practice practice..on scrap..before trying it on your expensive pieces of leather.
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Next I did the background with a ‘Stippled’ back ground tool, just my personal choice.
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Back ground finished.
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Next I used a small paint brush to ‘paint’ the dye into all the smaller areas of the design background as seen here, then used a bigger brush and a Dauber to fill the bigger area, I did about three coats to get the shade i wanted, remembering that as I add the resolene later it will go a shade darker still.
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I had to use another small paint brush to put resolene on just the design as a ‘resist’ to the dye that was yet to go on so that it wouldn’t stick to the design, I put two coats on at first letting each coat dry completely before adding the next or else it ‘pulls’ off the previous coating. When those were dry I coated the whole thing in one layer of resolene..again ..let it dry. The used a dark brown Gel antique dye to cover everything then ‘imeadiately’ after applying..get off as much as possible from the design itself…this is what the coats of resist were for….so the design stays bright. Then let the antique dry.
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meanwhile I coated the back with resolene to ‘fix’ the dye so it won’t come off.
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Here I’m adding those layers of resolene.
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Using a sponge when it was time to coat the whole thing in resolene..made it quicker.
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I used dividers to score a line around the edge, then I used a stitch line groover to make a sunken line. In the sunken line I then made the holes for stitching.
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I did the same thing to the back section.
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Here I’m using my burnishing machine to burnish the edges of tall the leather to make them smooth and help seal the edges.
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Using the divider again I scored another stitch line either side of the gusset ready to make the stitch holes.
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Using the stitch hole tool on the gusset. the gusset is a piece of quality Kodiak leather…it’s expensive so you can use anything you find thats soft enough.
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Finally I was ready to put it all together, I started by using a ‘Running’ stitch to attach the gusset to the front section. I wanted a ‘Rolled edge so I face the ‘front’ of the gusset to the ‘front’ section of the pouch, stitched them together by going along one side then back along thr other direction to fill the gaps, tying it off inside when finished. Then, when stitched I bent the leather back over the hard edge..creating the ‘Rolled’ edge look.
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Here I’m stitching the gusset to the front section with a running stitch.
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here you see the result, the Kodiak leather is bent back over the hard edge creating a lovely rolled effect.
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Next, attaching the two belt straps using brass rivets.
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Showing the reverse..of the rivets on the inside.
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Getting there.
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The back is looking better already. I love it when the build comes together.
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Fitting a piece of leather lace through the four holes to createthe ‘closure loop’ I then attached two wooden beads for decoration, tied knots and split the lace ends for effect.
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The Closure Loop.
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Then onto connecting the back section with flap by stitching to the gusset, again..a running stitch.
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Using a Dremel I drilled two holes through a Deer Antler tip to use as a closure with the ‘Loop’. Please don’t hold it like I did I advise you to hold the antler tip in a Vice before drilling.  this was my choice and I do not recommend doing it this way. That said…be prepared for a bad smell..Antler stinks when you drill it.
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Finally, stitch the Antler tip to the front edge of the flap using a strong thread. You want the lace to be just enough to twist over the antler tip..like you would on a coat. the legth of lace is really just incase your pouch is so full you can’t bring the flap low enough. Annnd Voila..one Viking pouch. I had a ball doing this one, I hope I’ve encouraged a few of you to give it a go yourself. the archive at Beginners Journay into leather craft’ is full of other interesting projects and shows my journey into this amazing craft, More to come this year, thanks for following and good luck with your projects, till next time..’Stay Crafty’
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evpej · 4 years
Creative Peptalk no. 264
How to find yourself as an artist in the last place you´d think to look
Finding your people is half of the journay of finding yourself. Start getting around people that are a lot like you and if they know who they are they can help you find yourself. Compare yourself with them and find differences that tells you what is unique about you. It yould hepl better understand to yourself.
Split “your people” into groups: 
people thats are perfect example of embodied creativity, people that inspires you the most
people you know or you need to know, those people should be on the same position as you are now
people that are a step behind you, people that might be inspired by you 
people that you don´t know but they are closed to you and you might dont even know they could help you
This help centerd you and where do you need to spend your energy, who do you need to be spending more time with, who do you need to connect with and what are you excited about. Then try maping out who do they know that you don´t know. 
Try find someone or something that could potentionaly help you moove forward in your career. Don´t be scare to spend your money to learn something because it is not wasting, it is isvestment to the future. Even if you will not learn anything, you can still get some new contacts or experiences. 
Kill your ego in the way being the best and try to get yourself on that position where your highest goal is gonna be just enjoying what you are doing.
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winstonsworld · 7 years
celibate 4 weeks
Today marks 4 weeks of being celibate. Am I really celibate now tho ? I like the whole journey of being "celibate " rather then being " celibate " . The journey is were you actually find out the true shit about you . Not this cookie cutter celibate shit . Of course it's easier to go on a fuckin fast if you lock yourself in a room with only water in it . That's that cookie cutter shit I'm talking about . But nah put me in a fuckin buffet , let's really see how much you wana be on a fast . Today I had pussy in my face begging for it to be fucked . And for hours I denied it . Then I got a little to comfortable. It started with letting her rub on my dick . I didn't mind that shit tho because it wasn't bringing me any pleasure . So I figured this shit is nothing , the power was taken out of it . i was numb to it.  The whole time before that she was tryna suck my dick and I wasn't allowing that shit . Then I got to comfortable and allowed it , at first I didn't feel anything either . I thought just like with touching my dick . I'm over this shit I'm numb to it . But then it started to feel good . I wouldn't allow her to make me cum. But when she stopped the first time and I layed back down I allowed her to keep going , I didn't ask tho . It felt good now and I knew this. I still didn't cum tho . I was disappointed in myself . What does this mean am I not celibate no more ? Why didn't I just end it from the get go ? What now do I start over . Or am I still good ? If I lost does that mean I could cum now since I have to start over ? What happens now . Why would I allow someone to do that to me when I had a goal . I had a goal but was it a real life goal , or a bragging goal ? I feel like when ever you are up front with yourself we could talk . I coulda been on my cookie cutter shit . And never put myself in that predicament but what was I proving and to who ? I'm doing this so I'm in the position to where naked bitches around me and it's still no . Not to lock myself up and prevent situations that way It could never happen . I need to be put in situations where it could happen and really see what happens in that moment . I feel like even tho I got my dick sucked for about a minute I still am celibate. After even allowing that I know that next time I won't even allow it to get that far . I was in that situation and I know what I'm about . But then I ask myself if someone with drugs quit what's equivalent to them getting head and does that consider them still drug free ? Same thing with being on a fast what's equivalent to getting head . Now thinking about it I do feel like I broke it . . . I'll think if it more then come with a solution.
30 minutes later If someone is on a fast a chews food but dosn't swallow it does that mean they broke there fast ?
30 minutes later The whole situation actually slipped my mind , that's the thing and it kind of makes me feel better. Even tho this happened I know that I'm on the right track and I know the mission I'm on . The point of this was to take the power away from sex and I think this is excatly what it did . The problem I had was like lets say the half of year passed, I feel I would  run straight back to it and not on some crazy shit but it would be some built up shit to where it was like ahh man i cant wait for this . The fact that some one is throwing me pussy and this was something I use to want alot and I was able to be like nah is something im comfortable with . yeah i know i got my dick sucked for a minute , i knew what i was doing was wrong and i didnt allow myself to fully commit but cumming. this  is not something im going to allow to happen again tho.  Weather this makes me celibate or not it’s not something I care about . Im no longer intrested in being celibate more then i am on the journay of my change .
. . . .am i just lying to myself . 
sex is not something i want to quit for ever. now if this was drugs i would have failed . 
hour later 
nah i feel bad about it . . . but do you really learn without failing ? im a piece of shit , this bitch was stupid 2 . why did i even allow myself to be around her to get in that situation ?
-Winston Brooks 4/28/17
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lucywrites02 · 3 years
Thank you! All of this is just so confusing and overwhelming especially bc no one really talks about stuff like that irl.
For example this is the first time I heard of Demigirl. I don't really think of myself as a girl (i also don't like my name bc of it), for me I kinda just exist. But I guess Im not too bothered to be percieved as one🤷‍♀️ I dunno...
But I get it with the emotional bond. The last time I was interested in someone, it took me more than a year to feel any kind of attraction towards him.
Thanks for listening 💚
You're very welcome!!!
No one in my family ever talked about stuff like that so it took me a very long time to figure out I was bisexual! And I'm still figuring out my gender identity. Thanks to the Internet we can find more information about stuff like that than our parents know.
If you ever want to talk about it more I'm here for you! We will all support you during your journey. Don't hesitate to ask more questions if you want 💖
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