#the kozu ones could all happen in the same timeline whenever basically but caranar is monogamous once he's dedicated I think
carcharsaur · 2 years
cannae fucking sleep so I'm trying to think about my less developed wolnpc ships
kozu and cid - I think in ARR kozu is just kind of a cid fanboy due to the engineering stuff and defecting from garlemald and wanting peace etc. all very admirable to kozu so he's like a living legend, and he wouldn't even attempt to approach him because he'd be too insecure and also kind of panicked about the idea of it considering how his not-quite-a-relationship went with The L'kozu. over time he's quite fond of him and works with him/the ironworks a lot and I think a fucked up insane love triangle but not unrequited with cidnero and kozu is the funniest thing on earth but I don't see it as a serious lasting ship just like. they have fun. kozu shows up for a collaborative project and they have an insane week but finish ahead of deadlines
kozu and stephanivien - fruity elf spotted. also the engineering stuff again and even though kozu wouldn't enjoy mch class as a killing thing they would've still experienced the class plot mostly intact. and I think kozu might actually use mch in SB and later for situations where it's like, yeah I do actually want to kill what I'm fighting instead of him seeking deescalation but it's really context sensitive. stuff like beasts that cant be calmed and sineaters are free game though. (realizes I've gone off track) anyway this is another ship where I'm like he'd visit the steelworks and have a little fling decently often but it's not home for him
kozu and loifa - honestly if I had more material to work with this might be one of the endgame ships for kozu I'm so depressed about job quests I don't like making stuff up about ingame characters... but they are basically narrative foils but they are so... lonely viera boys who dream of making peoples lives better and found redemption in the love of their friends rise up... the homoerotiscm of haima'ing each other... insane to me I miss him every day
kozu and x'ruhn - I have no clue I have to replay the rdm quests . he fucked that old man. x'ruhn is the one who wanders around and kozu waits to see him though
kozu and erenville - this is another one where I need more content to say anything meaningful about it. but what can I say 2 viera men momence. this one fits really well with the "we don't see each other often but when WE DO..." type of vibe I seek out for kozu
I FUCKING FORGOT <- like 5th time editing this
kozu and leofard - tl;dr he turns kozu into a tsundere. at first kozu is like seriously we're working with actual outlaw sky pirates? -_- but over time comes to admire them and their freedom and their engineering as well. and when leofard gets his ass busted to hell kozu is like "you damn idiot" but treats him personally himself. and when it's just the two of them admits his fondess for him and the wings. he doesn't push it beyond that though because he knows leo is in a vulnerable position and just leaves. but after that a switch flips in leofards brain and he starts actively trying to woo kozu and kozu puts up a front of being annoyed about it but semi secretly secretly revels in it. and then they have fun on their own etcetera but idk how often kozu could realistically visit them after mhach raids are done (<- hasnt done 2nd leg of tataru quests yet)
there's more for kozu that I haven't thought of beyond "he'd see what thats about" like the lancer guild guy. the blacksmith guy. even fucking jannequiard or whatever even though kozu learned ast from urianger and didn't do the class quests. almost anyone that's taller than him just on that basis as well (funny enough not haurchefaunt though because he gloms onto the wol/caranar enough the kozu is uninterested in getting involved). all guys also kozu is gay as fuck forever. also beatin is nothing romantic but he's like a father figure to kozu (despite kozu almost undoubtedly being older, it's more that beatin along with miounne are the first ones to make him feel truly at home in gridania) and he finds joy in his eccentricities
caranar and y'shtola - this one only occured to me when I realized the similarities between the wol eryna (who in the joint timeline is caranars wife) and her. powerful no nonsense sorceresses. I haven't thought about it much beyond going "yeah that could happen" though because to me y'shtola has soooo much wlw energy so it feels a little wrong to put her with my lizardman but they would be insane together. caranar and his dead abusive heretic ex baggage on top of y'shtola assumed dead means he would have been COMPLETELY unhinged in HW also. they just keep almost dying for each other back and forth and having mental crises about it idk if this is good for them *closes the box*
caranar and yda/lyse - this is borne of my gridania starter status but idk what to do with the idea at all tbh. I think they'd be good together though because lyse is the never give up always smiling type she could push away the gloomy clouds over caranar. NOT fix him but inspire him to be genuinely better. also after the yda/lyse reveal caranar would internally be like "oh just like kozu" and his fondness with her would increase 100% insantly despite him being testy with kozu so often. actually as I'm writing this out I'm liking it more and more wtf
caranar and yugiri - *pretending auri players dont exist* hed attach to her instantly because of the "another au ra in eorzea" thing although her hiding herself would deal 1 BILLION psychic damage to him he'd never bring it up with her. this is the type of thing where I think he would just be longing from a distance for a looong time thinking it's not okay for him to get closer. but the scene by the riverside in SB... trying to go assassinate zenos together... it's so much to me. I could see him becoming devoted to her
caranar and mikoto - doesn't go anywhere imo but caranar finding someone else with future vision echo makes him feel saner and normaler instead of "LIVING PORTENT OF DOOM AND DISASTER" and so he likes her a lot and enjoys getting to talk with her even though he's not remotely the academic type. gets really protective of her though because of how important all that is to him
sorry caranar for making you a bi king but thinking about your gay ships more until now. at least he has his canon wife
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