#the length of your citation list is not the height of your high horse & each single citation is not a shining medal of valor
specterris · 6 months
watching hbomberguy sorry
never watched iilluminaughtii but i lost all respect for her as a serious essayist a LONG time before shit hit the fan when i once heard she wanted her writers to use 20+ sources per topic. [you must use x number of sources] is something entry-level professors have students do to TEACH you citation the further you get into academia theyll tell you quality over quantity. if you know how to write & research & youre well-versed in the topic your sources will naturally add up (ive hit 30+ in undergrad) but if youre inexperienced a lot of times youre using a few broad sources (which is ok!) then shoehorning in shit you dont need to reach the source count. point is everything id heard about iilluminaughtii was a HUGE red flag in terms of being a good credible essayist & im not surprised to hear hbomberguy point out any of this
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