#the life of a multishipper lollll
brokuro · 3 years
How many Ennoshita ships do you have arranged from most to least rare
ooh good question ... hmmm i actually have hardly any ships with him now that i think about it lmao, my love for ennoshita is primarily about HIM, and then the ships are like a fun add-on hahah...
the enno ships i have are ennotana (used to be a total rarepair, myself and a friend were like the flagbearers lol, but its probably the most common ennoshita ship now, and the most common gay tanaka ship), and ennoaka (i think this one is still more rare, since they dont have any interaction in canon after all)... oh ennofuta has mad energy as well ahaha ... i think ennotana and ennoaka are actually like my only two Ships with a capital S for ennoshita ... but i like anyone who i think will mesh with him, if i think they would get along im like cute :)
so from most to least rare would just be ennoaka then ennotana hahaha .... for anyone coming to haikyuu late, they might think im crazy for suggesting ennotana is a rarepair but let me tell u when there was like , 3 fics and 2 artworks . the dark days
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