#the light piping doesn’t work so well in my shelf lol
catcake24 · 4 months
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I’m sure I got the same size class for both toys but WOW does twitch look out of proportion with thrash lol
It isn’t too bad - it’s mostly that Thrash’s head looks a bit small compared to twitch, but I love posing them together anyways 😊😊😊
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taegis-gf · 5 years
A little help from my friend - Part 2
Hiiiii! Part 2, I know this is months apart but I only write when I can!
Part 1 Here!
Word Count - Around 3K
Rated M - warnings: thigh riding,  sex lol
It had only been a day after you and Taehyung had done what you did before he texted you.
It was like he wasn’t even bothered about what you had done and you hadn’t stopped thinking about it, it had consumed your every moment for the past 24 hours, you sighed loudly as you glanced at the text.
Movie night at Namjoons!!! hope ur coming!!
How was he back to being his same old self with you so fast?
After about 5 minutes of staring blankly at your wall, your phone buzzed again. As you looked down it was a text, from Jungkook this time.
hey, hope ur coming to namjoon’s, i want to see u :)
You let out a long groan of frustration, you were going to go to this stupid movie night.
As you arrived at Namjoon’s doorstep you took a deep breath, this didn’t have to be weird if you didn’t make it, right? Nothing had changed between you and Taehyung, at least that’s what you tried to convince yourself as you knocked on Namjoon’s door.
“Y/N!” Namjoon greets you warmly, pulling you in for a hug.
“Hey Namjoon, did I miss the start of the movie?” You asked, knowing your internal debate had caused you to be late.
“No no of course not, you know how we are, we haven’t even picked the damn movie yet.” He laughed as you followed him down to his basement which had been renovated into a small but decent living space where you all liked to hang out from time to time.
As you followed him down the stairs and into the space you quickly glanced around to see the two small couches already being taken up by 5 boys, Namjoon had his own chair that he didn’t let anyone sit on, so there you were standing like an idiot with nowhere to sit. You played it off, going to sit on the ground.
“Woah!” Jimin – you knew him but definitely not as well as Namjoon and Taehyung – started, “I saved you a seat right here Y/N.” he said tapping his lap. You scoffed and rolled your eyes “In your dreams Park.”
“Oh, you are.” He said, smirking at you. Why are men disgusting?
“Hey if there’s anyone’s lap you should be sitting on, it’s Jungkook’s, am I right?” Namjoon chimed in and you could have slapped him then and there.
You glanced at Jungkook who gave you a small smile and you couldn’t help as your eyes glanced to Taehyung for a small second who had his face buried in his phone, typical.
“You mind?” you said looking at Jungkook.
“You want to sit on m-my lap?” He asked stuttering a little, his eyes widening.
“No you idiot,” You scoffed. “I just meant can I sit on the floor where your sitting and lean my back against the couch.”
“So you want to get in between his legs?” Jimin asked, still smirking.
As you sat on the floor you just rolled your eyes, boys were tiring.
Taehyung, however, who was usually the nosiest in any room at any given time, was being eerily quiet, acting like his phone screen was the most interesting thing in the world. You let out a small sigh, you really hoped it wasn’t because of what you had asked of him.
As the boys finally agreed on a movie and turned off the lights you asked Namjoon if he had any snacks.
“There might be some in the kitchen, go up and check.” He said casually. 
Namjoon had said a long time ago that he wasn’t treating anyone that came to his house like guests otherwise he wouldn’t get a moments peace, so if you wanted something you were getting it yourself.
You got up and started walking up the stairs, making your way to the kitchen you didn’t even realise Taehyung had been behind you until you turned only to be a few centimetres away from his face.
“Jesus Taehyung you scared me half to death.” You said after nearly jumping out of your skin.
“Sorry,” he said giving you a small smile, “just decided I wanted something sweet to eat.” And you could have sworn he said it in such a way, you were the something sweet he was referring to.
“Oh.” Was all you said, before turning your back to him, opening a cupboard. You spotted some cookies on the top shelf and decided to reach for them, as suspected you were too short and after a small struggle, you felt Taehyung press behind you, his crotch pushing into your ass for a short second before he grabbed the cookies and moved away from you again. 
“Can you stop that.” You said, your cheeks heating.
“Stop what?” Taehyung asked, feigning innocence. 
“You know exactly what you’re doing Taehyung!” You said, feeling frustrated.
Taehyung walked forward, pinning you against the counter.
“This is so stupid, but… I cannot stop thinking about you. What have you done to me? Do you have a magic pussy?” He asked, breathing heavy.
You could’ve laughed if he hadn’t been standing so close to you, moving in slowly, putting his lips to your neck in short sweet kisses.
“Taehyung, give it a rest…we can’t do this…Jungkook…”
“I don’t mind sharing,” Taehyung said, still working on your neck.
“I know your freaky ass doesn’t, but I doubt Jungkook would be happy about this.”
You could barely concentrate on what you were saying as Taehyung kissed and licked at your neck, pressing his clothed crotch against yours.
“Hmm you are so pure, I can’t stop thinking about how I wrecked you, are you sore?” He asked.
You were a little, Taehyung had made you sure you felt what had happened. 
You gave him a small nod.
“That pretty pussy of yours took me so well, you did amazing for your first time.”
You couldn’t believe how bold Taehyung was being with his words but truth be told, you loved it.
You wanted so bad to egg him on, to have him take you out to his car and fuck you until you couldn’t remember your own name.
Like he was reading your mind, he spoke, “How do you feel about car sex?”
You let out a small moan as he looked at you his pupils blown out.
“Such a pretty sound.” He said.
“Fuck…Tae…I can’t. It was a one-time thing. I did this so I could finally get the courage to fuck Jungkook, remember?”
Taehyung frowned a little.
“I know.” He said sighing a little. “But it was so fucking hot. I didn’t know it was going to be like that.”
You groaned a little.
“Taehyung…we have to go back downstairs people will begin to wonder where we are.”
“Okay okay,” He said, finally moving away from you, but you couldn’t lie, you already missed the feeling of him against you.
You took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself.
As you both walked downstairs you tried to act casual, even pretending to look at your phone as you walked towards where you were sitting.
“What’d you get?” Namjoon asked and you waved the cookies in the air before throwing them to him, you didn’t feel hungry for food anymore.
“Sweet!” He said ripping open the packet like some primal animal.
“Y/N!” You heard Taehyung say. “Come sit on my lap, at least it’s not weird that way.” 
You were going to kill him. If you protested too hard people would wonder why - you and Taehyung had always been comfortable with each other.
You looked behind at Jungkook and he simply shrugged, not seeming too bothered.
You let out a heavy sigh as Namjoon switched the lights off again, trying to find your way over to Taehyung in the darkness, you reached out your hands. Taehyung responded by grabbing them and pulling you down to him. You fell into him awkwardly, grunting in annoyance.
“I don’t know what you’re hoping to gain from this.” You hissed at him, keeping your voice low. Luckily it was dark, and the movie was loud.
Taehyung let you adjust yourself and once you had perched yourself at the edge of his knee, you sighed heavily, this was exhausting.
Before you could even realise what was happening Taehyung began shaking his knee causing you to spread your legs to plant your feet on the floor so you wouldn’t fall. Your core landed directly onto Taehyung’s meaty thigh and you nearly groaned out loud, this boy was smart.
Taehyung leaned forward, “I’m so glad you wore that little skirt, do me a favour and move your panties to the side.”
You took a shallow breath, surely he can’t be serious?
“Do it for me, baby, just shift them over a little.”
You nervously looked around, no one was looking at you.
As if a woman possessed you quickly lifted a little and did what Taehyung had asked, moving the lace to the side so that your core laid bare on Taehyung’s jeans. You quickly retrieved your hand from such an inappropriate place, what the fuck was wrong with you?
Taehyung just watched you, feeling so turned on he nearly came in his boxers.
“Good girl, now use me.” Was all he said.
You hesitated, far too nervous to even do anything let alone grind yourself on his thigh.
Taehyung shifted his thigh and little and felt the full sensation of his thigh against your bare core.
And fuck did it feel good, you moved your hips a little, keeping a slow and steady pace, you could not risk getting caught.
Just a few days before you had never done anything sexual in your life, how did you end up here?
“Come on babe, ride me properly.” 
Jesus Christ, it took everything in your being not to moan.
You picked up the pace a little, you were practically dripping onto Tae’s thigh. 
You needed more, you needed him inside you, this wasn’t enough.
“What’s wrong? Why are you slowing down?” He whispered in your ear.
You were so turned on you didn’t even care how crude you were being when you whispered back.
“I want you- your ya know…” You practically whined.
Taehyung couldn’t get both of you up fast enough and then all eyes were on you both.
You tried your hardest to look normal, but you weren’t sure if it worked.
“Guy’s I’m just going to drive Y/N home then come back, she said she thinks she’s getting a migraine.”
A valid excuse, considering you did get them frequently. Taehyung was a good liar.
“I can drive you home Y/N.” Jungkook piped up and you immediately felt guilt. What the fuck had you been thinking sneaking away with Taehyung? You felt so stupid being blinded by lust, you were better than that.
“Yeah, that would be great Jungkook. Thanks.” You said.
“But-” Taehyung began to protest and you shoved an elbow into his ribs. 
Jungkook smiled at your agreement, standing up and leading you upstairs.
Your phone began to ding and you already knew who it was.
You quickly glanced at your phone, scanning just a few messages.
U know our fuck was gonna be  sooooo good!!!
Cnt believe u left w him THAT horny
Wait…ur not gonna fuck him… r u?????
You nearly laughed out loud, turning your attention away from your phone and focusing on the back of Jungkook’s head. As you followed him out to his car you grew a little frustrated you had basically blue-balled yourself, you had been so close to coming just a few mere minutes ago.
“You okay?” Jungkook asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You quipped.
Horny was an understatement. 
As you got into Jungkook’s car you found yourself unable to keep your eyes off him, watching the veins in his arms as he changed gears, watching the concentration on his face as he kept his eyes forward. He was stunning and you no longer had the fear that was holding you back the last time.
As he pulled up at your apartment you felt insatiable.
“Do you wanna come in?” You asked him casually.
“I thought you had a headache?” He said, his eyebrows furrowing, you noted how cute he looked doing that.
“Yeah, I kind of do, but I still wouldn’t mind some company.” You pouted. “We could watch a movie or something, maybe finish the one that was on in Namjoon’s.”
Jungkook nodded slowly unsure what you were really getting at.
“Yeah sounds good.” He said.
As you led him into your apartment you shut the door and watched him as he settled himself on the couch. He had on jeans this time around, tight around his thighs you noticed how much they accentuated the shape. Fuck was the only thought you could muster. You could still feel the wetness that had gathered at your entrance and you wanted nothing more than to finish what you started, even though it had been Taehyung who had started it.
“So what do you wanna watch?” He asked, he was shifting about a little, he looked almost uncomfortable and you wondered why.
“I don’t know, were you enjoying the movie at Namjoon’s? I’m sorry I dragged you away.” You said as you sat next to him, not too close but close enough so you were nearly touching his side. 
You were being tactile, but you couldn’t help yourself.
“It’s fine, I wasn’t paying any attention to it, for the most part, I was thinking about how jealous I was of Taehyung the whole time.” He said, still looking forward.
Your eyes widened in surprise, you knew he hadn’t seen what you had been doing, but if the mere thought of you with Taehyung had made him jealous…
God you were so turned on it was bordering sinful.
“You know…” You began. “If you wanted me to sit on your lap all you had to do was ask Jungkook.” You said, smiling-what you hoped looked-seductively at him.
It was Jungkook’s turn to look surprised.
You took your chance to straddle him again. You were ready this time and the excitement boiled in your stomach making your core throb. 
Jungkook kept his hands at his side for a moment, a little bit stunned at your actions.
But when you bent your head to kiss him he slowly raised them to your hips once again putting you in the same position you had been in a few nights ago. 
“I’m sorry about the other night.” You said breathily between kisses.
“I didn’t mean to leave things like that, truth be told I just got scared.” You admitted, breaking away a little to see his reaction. 
Jungkook just smiled at you sweetly.
“I’m relieved to hear that, if I’m being honest I thought you’d lost interest after kissing me, I thought you didn’t find me attractive or something…” He trailed off.
God was he serious? You had made someone as beautiful as him feel inferior?
“No god no, are you kidding me? Have you seen you?” You rambled
But Jungkook merely chuckled, more than eager to kiss you again, he closed the space between you once more.
Jungkook kissed you so intensely it made your damn head spin.
You didn’t know what was turning you on more, the feeling of his tongue in your mouth or the fact that his hands how now made their way down to your ass.
As you both found a comfortable rhythm you found yourself getting so worked up you started to grind down on Jungkook’s noticeably hardening cock.
A small moan left your lips as you finally got some relief and Jungkook copied your sound clearly loving the sensation as well.
“God you know how long I’ve been waiting for this?” Jungkook moaned in between kissed.
“Definitely not as long as I have.” You replied, struggling to get your breath back.
You mewled a little, grinding down onto him more, you could not get enough of him.
You slowly pulled away, to pull off your shirt and leave you in your bra, it wasn’t anything fancy but the look on Jungkook’s face could tell you it was more than enough.
“Do you know how sexy you are?” He asked his breathing was heavier now, he looked flushed and a light sheen of sweat was beginning to appear above his brows.
“Hmmmmmmm, I could say the same about you.” You said as you removed yourself from his lap, standing up you began shedding more clothes and started moving towards your bedroom, Jungkook couldn’t get up fast enough, following you whilst shedding his clothes, when you opened your bedroom door you felt him grab at your waist walking with you over to the bed you both lay down Jungkook on top, only in his underwear now and you boldly decided to reach down and palm at his length.
Jungkook let out a moan of relief finally getting some real friction.
You rolled him over and took your place straddling his hips, looking at him you reached down and pulled down his boxers finally freeing him.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” He asked, his chest was heaving as he stared at the image of your hand holding his hard dick.
“Hmmm.” Was all you said as you glided your hand slowly back and forth over him.
 You slid your flimsy underwear to the side and began to slowly lower yourself onto him, gasping at the sensation as you began to have sex for the second time in your life. 
Jungkook let out a low groan as you finally took in his full length.
“Please,” Jungkook whined as he opened his mouth in pleasure.
You slowly began to move, not entirely sure what to do in this new position, rotating your hips for a few seconds to adjust to the pressure, it wasn’t long before Jungkook grabbed your hips and thrust into you.
“Fuck, keep doing that.” You said as he began to piston his hips.
You both got lost in each other as your pleasure began to build, it wasn’t long before Jungkook flipped you over and began fucking you into the bed. You bit down on your lip to keep yourself from being as loud as you wanted to be. 
“I wanna hear you, babe, don’t hold out on me.” He said, panting and smiling.
“Please fuck me harder…feel’s so fucking good.” 
Jungkook let out a groan at the sound of your words happily obliging to your request.
He thrusted harder and faster and you could feel your orgasm approaching.
Jungkook reached his hand down and began rubbing at your clit sloppily but it was enough for you to let out a small yelp, your pleasure intensifying.
“Want you to come for me, please, I’m so close,” Jungkook said.
“Me too, ah fuck- I’m so close too.” You replied through moans.
Jungkook was slowing down but the pressure on your clit grew rougher and you bucked your hips up chasing your orgasm that was about to crash down on you at any moment.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck!” You half yelled as you orgasm washed over you.
You were so lost in the immense pleasure you felt you couldn’t even focus on the feeling of Jungkook pulling out of you only to come all over your stomach you only smiled at the feeling.
As you slowly came back to reality Jungkook spoke first.
“I made such a mess baby I’m sorry.”
“Mmmm, don’t worry, it felt good.” You replied. You slowly reached a finger down and rubbed into on your stomach picking up a little bit before popping your finger into your mouth relishing in the taste.
“Oh fuck.” Was all Jungkook could manage, his breathing still heavy.
You laughed a little, mind fleeting back to Taehyung for a minute you silently thanked him before following Jungkook into the shower.
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Enjoy, @onthecyberseas!
Surprise OnTheCyberSeas!!🎊🎉🎊🎉 I’m your Summer Fest Gifter!!!  I really, really hope you like this LOL 💚💚💚 HUGE HUGE  thanks for the lovely souls Kriszti and Mac for letting me vent and for the Beta work 😁
Lydia plops the plate onto the countertop in front of  Alec, a tense moment of them just eyeing the dessert promptly following. But her steely gaze never falters, a set jaw telling Alec she’s ready to fight him on any critique…of which there is aplenty if there’s anything he has to say about it.
“‘S too much frosting.”
“I like frosting,” Lydia grits out through clenched teeth,  her glower only deepening further, and honest to God Alec wouldn’t be surprised if she just started too stomp her feet and shoved  the pastry straight into his face out of frustration.
“It takes away from the cake itself.”
“Fine,” she snarls. “I’ll scrape it off. Anything else oh great arbiter of baked goods.”
Alec kindly chooses to ignore the snub, and moves to instead pick out a toothpick from the jar sitting precariously atop a shelf over his shoulder, piercing it into the slice of cake before him. “The middle’s too raw.”
“Is not,” Lydia squawks, hands flying to her hips. “You just have some anti raspberry agenda! Admit it!“ She waggles an accusatory finger at him.
“And if I did?”
“Well if I owned this joint, I’d let my hired bakers make whatever they please, and have total and complete faith in their pallets.”
“Good thing ’s not your bakery then,” he snarks back loftily, focusing more on the piping of some hedge  fund banker’s anniversary cake, than on Lydia’s increasingly reddening face—Most probably looking like she might actually start fuming from her ears if you know—this were a Disney cartoon or some shit.
Alec here’s Lydia’s frantic sputtering before the tell tale smack of the kitchen door slamming shut.
“Why is Lydia cursing your name while smashing together a bunch of fresh pastries? Ooo wow the girl’s got some rhyming skills.” Izzy perches atop the stool opposite Alec, looking out of place in the vanilla scented, wet doe splattered kitchen in her pencil skirt and razor tipped red bottom heals.
“She was trying to get me to sell that raspberry concoction again.”
“Hey, I like her raspberry cheesecake,” Izzy defends with pinched lips, a discrete finger scraping across one of the bowls strewn across the counter top before  licking it clean.
“Yeah,” Alec scoffs, spinning the cake to the next side. “Maybe if we were an amateur bakery run by a single mom out of her kitchen.”
Izzy cuffs him on the back of the head. “Rude.”
She sighs through her nose. “You are such a neurotic perfectionist, do you know that?”
“You say that as if it’s news,” he needles with a hiked brow, Izzy’s lips twisting up in exasperated annoyance.
“Fine I’ll tell you something you don’t know loser,” she stretches across the island to smooth her thumb across his forehead consolingly. “IF you don’t learn how to actually relax, you’re gonna start getting premature wrinkles. And we don’t want this pretty face disappearing before ‘s time, do we?”
Alec smacks her away where Izzy’s moved to start pinching his cheek—like they were kids again and she was taunting him about his crush on Mr. Starkweather.
“You’re a pain.”
“You say that as if its news,” she parrots all too smugly, and Alec can’t help but smirk right back.
“Extra! Extra! Hot off the presses!” Max shouts out from where he’s marching through the doorway, ever a little shit.
“What the hell! Do you have to be so loud? It’s like eight in the morning.”
“Oh ho, big brother don’t you give me that attitude now,” Max kisses Izzy’s expecting cheek, leaning besides her. “I’ve got some intel on Code Name Sparkles.”
“Code Name Sparkles?” Izzy deadpans with a decidedly disapproving  glower. “Dios, do you think you guys are actually in the FBI or something?”
“Oy, I’m affronted big sister,” Max grapples for his chest, pained. “The CIA is way more bad ass , and if it were not for the laws of this land, I would have you slain for your insolence.”
Izzy just rolls her eyes before locking her  arm around his neck., and  grinding her knuckles into his scalp.
“Ouch, fuck ouch! Iz! Uncle! Okay! Uncle, uncle! I give up, women are superior in every way! Your prettier than that dumb racist Ariana Whiteclaw from your finance class! You can totally borrow my car whenever you want!” Finally satisfied, Izzy pulls off with a smirk, and readjusts his bangs.
Alec watches the tableau  with a very subdued downturn of his lips.
“Okay, now that you guys are done, Max, you said you had something on Bane?”
“Oh yeah, totally,” Max straightens. “They’re having a huge half off any dozen purchased sale this Saturday at Pandemonium.” He passes over an almost obscenely pink flier.
“You mean the same exact day that we’ve been planning to reveal our brand new cake design for the past three months?” Alec seethes, almost ripping the paper in half with an iron clad grip.
“Ah, I guess—maybe it was a coincidence or something?” Max reasons with a noncommittal shrug, far more interested in the chocolate croissant he’s currently munching down, over any potential calls to arms that Alec’s way too close to declaring. “Dot just told me bout it today.”
With a start, Alec cuts a skewering glower at him, “That better not be a fucking croissant from the enemy Max.”
His lips pinch with a peevish scoff.  . “Hey! Don’t bite my head off, It’s the only way I could flirt her up on a daily basis, Dot said that if I came back a hundred days straight with an original come on, and buying something from Pandemonium,  that she’d let me buy her lunch, and tell me her favorite color. But I can’t miss a day or else I’ll have to start over.”
“She’s dating Maia! You do realize that right? You understand  that she’s just playing you to spend your money there!” Alec feels like he might faint of fatigue over his sibling’s almost blasé attitude over this very real rivalry against everything that has to do with  Magnus Bane and all his stupid hotness—NO! Not hotness! Stupidness—All his stupid stupidness! That’s what Alec meant—he definitely does not find Magnus Bane attractive in the least.. And even if he did, that would not detract from the fact that he is a total assmunch who’s trying to run Heavenly Sweets out of business.
“Oh hush Alec,” Izzy toots, carding a fond hand through Max’s mop of curls. “He’s in love.”
“She’s the enemy! We can’t be fraternizing with the enemy!”
“Doesn’t stop you from checking out Magnus’s ass any chance you get,” Max huffs, with a pointed crossing of the arms.
“That—That is not true! Slanderous! I have never! Nor would I ever! With the enemy? As if!” Izzy starts to cackle, and Max smirks like the cat who’s gotten into the cream. Alec hates them both. This is why Jace is his favorite.
“Jace told me that you were drooling last week when you ran into him headed to his yoga class,” Izzy snorts…And scratch that. Alec hates them all, every single one of them. He’s disowning himself—No better yet, Alec’s gonna fire’m all and pick out his own, personalized siblings. One’s who  don’t tease him about nonexistent crushes, or broad around in his personal life, or eat half the merchandize before they could even get them out on the display to lure in paying customers. Honestly they’re all such blunders, Alec would  be better off just starting with a clean slate.
Izzy just gives him a vapid, unimpressed look, as if she could read Alec’s every thought and is not amused in the least, —)Which actually maybe quite possible considering how she’s a certified, scientific super genius and is only helping out with Heavenly Sweets’ number crunching on her downtime between taking over the world, and going on romantic holidays with Clary. But not the point.
The point is that Bane is a bonafide douchesnozzle supreme, and Alec needs to beat him playing his own game.
“Staff meeting, in ten minutes stat!”
“That’s definitely not how you use the word stat…”
“Not the time Iz! We’re planning full out warfare!”
Max leans close to her ear, “I think our little Alexander has lost a few marbles.”
If he had the time, Alec would point out how he’s got a good five inches on Max—but he doesn’t because Magnus’s stupid face is searing through the paper in his hands and boring into Alec—taunting him, nudging him to do better, be better.
“This means war.”
“More than a few Maxy,” Izzy groans. “more than a few.”
Alec met Magnus for the first time on a Tuesday afternoon.
At first Alec mistook him for a costumer, and he was just this beautiful enigma that Alec couldn’t stop marveling over. All impossible cheekbones, and eyes that flashed molten when they hit the light just right, and a charisma that appeared to enrapture any and every passerby. And then his smile, his fucking smile, just a little, upturn of the lips, but it was so totally disarming.  A small gesture  that promised elicit nights and swept away whispers, and scorching touches on throbbing skin. And Alec just couldn’t reign in the hunger to lick off every rogue spec of frosting that dotted Magnus’s beautiful face…
But then he thrust out his hand, and opened his mouth.
“Hello, I’m the owner of Pandemonium—the bakery right next door.” he gave Alec a deliberate once over, leering in that coquettish way that tells Alec that Bane likes what he sees—And he might be just a tad bit smug that the visceral   attraction is mutual. “sorry if we end up running you out of business cheekbones, you understand ’s just the rules of the jungle. Nothing personal on my end.”
At that, Alec kind of jolts back, affronted. “Put the champagne on ice, why don’t ya?” He scoffs derisively, to which Magnus just fucking beams, as if this is a fun little game he’s amused by—a dog chewing on his favorite toy. (Yiyks, Alec should definitely not imagine Magnus’s mouth doing anything to anything related to a bone…far too dangerous of a picture.)
“You sound doubtful towards my sincere apology,” he noted, rocking back on his heels.
“Ever heard of not counting your chickens before there hatched?” Alec needled with a one eyed squint.
“No, I must admit that particular idiom has never crossed my mind cheekbones.”
“Is that right sparkles—“ Okay, so admittedly a whole hell of a lot less charming than cheekbones, but it’s factual. Magnus’s got on this shimmering gloss, and his jewelry is all bright and shiny—and his personality…It’s just all sparkly and Alec’s always been a man of facts over opinion. It’s a fact that Magnus Bane is an all around sparkly guy.
“Well yes, it’s not necessary to heath that particular  warning if you’re always right, don’t you agree  pretty boy.”
And that was it. Their fate was sealed.
IF Alec was anything, it was competitive. So now it was his fucking duty to not only thrive, but turn the tables and make it so Pandemonium was the one hanging for dear life, and it was Alec offering up his condolences to the dying business.
Oh yeah, it’s so on.
Alec is going to destroy him. It’s law now…Admittedly not a very easy one to follow when Magnus is standing there before him, all haughty smirks and double edged words…But he can’t let a pretty face fuck him over.
“We’ll see about that Sparkles.”
“I welcome the challenge.”
It takes more like fifteen minutes for everyone to meander into the dank break room in the back of Heavenly Sweets, save for Izzy who magnanimously offered to man the register up front. (“Anything to get out of listening to Alec’s insane diatribe  against Bane for the third time this week.” “I heard that Iz.” “You were suppose to loser, and while you’re listening take my advice and finally quench that thirst.” “I’m leaving.” “You know I’m right.”)
She is so wrong. Izzy is so wrong that Alec and all his entire one and a half semesters of law school could not begin to articulate each and every way she is mistaken. Seriously—it’s just a time concern, that’s why he can’t list off the reasons Izzy’s wrong—Alec’s to busy conducting a very important meeting that is not all about lamenting over Bane, and everything he has ever done that proves how awful of a human being he is.
A very important meeting.
“So, hold up,” Jace raises a placating hand after Alec’s finally finished.  “You want us to come up with three brand new flavors to premier on the ninth?”
“Yes, what’s so hard to understand about that,”
“And then we’re gonna have a fifty percent off sale on every transaction—“ Raj tacks on doubtfully.
“Glad to see you’re all literate.,” he sniffs curtly.
“Bro, this wouldn’t have to do with a certain, sexy, owner for the opposing side, and your total rock hard woody for’m. Would it?” Max rolls back his entire head—obviously finding merely his eyes as to tame of a gesture to properly communicate his annoyance.
“I have no clue who you’re talking about,” Alec plays dumb.
“So the date was just a coincidence then?” Lydia challenges, her eyes sharpening,  and looking as if she might just start to give him a lecture about etiquette or how his brash attitude is completely off-putting. (It’s happened before, and yeeesh Alec was properly chastised, but mostly  just mournful for whenever John fucked up.).
“’s not important, this is our agenda for the next month. No questions asked.”
“Alec I love you, you know that right?” Jace’s face goes pained, but Alec just gesticulates with the paper in his hand  for him to continue.  “Don’t you think it’s gone a tad bit far…You know this rivalry thing—Like. both businesses  are pretty well off. THere’s no need to continuously be at each others throats like this.”
“The north never forgets Jace!” Alec flails, very nearly toppling over a whole stack of order forms. “This is full out warfare!”
“A game of baker hats wouldn’t you say?” Max provokes with a shit eating grin.
“Shut up Max.”
“Hey, I’m just saying we better have some bad ass dragons to help us out on the battlefield. Bane ’s pretty fierce, and trust me Dot’s a force to be reckoned with all her own,” he gets heart eyes,  earning a fist bump by Raj, a roll of the eyes by Lydia, and Alec shooting him what he hopes is the most terrifying glare Max has ever been on the receiving end of. (Well there mom is Maryse…So probably not, but it’s the effort that counts.)
“Listen, I’m just saying, the ninth is a big deal for Bane’s crew. That orphanage is locally owned, and they know the owner Catarina really good…and well  they’ve been doing this drive for like the past three years. It means a lot to’m.”
“How do you know it means a lot to them?” Alec spits out to an increasingly reddening Jace. And yeah, his suspicions that Jace’s been seeing that fucking Pandemonium cashier—Sheldon or whatever—on the sly, are being so totally proved as they speak.
NO loyalty, Alec swears, every last one  of them is sleeping with the enemy. Well not him, no, nope,, never Alec. His only intention in life is to destroy Bane, not to sleep with him. He has no interest in seeing all the lithe muscle Magnus oh so inconspicuously hides underneath apparel that makes Izzy green with envy—or to hear the way Magnus moans from being stretched out beneath him—or knowing how his face looks like when Alec is giving him the best fucking blow job  of Magnus’s entire life.
Yeah—none of that.
Alec is a fucking temple of zen—And its definitely not zen getting all heated over the prospect of fucking stupid Magnus and his fucking stupidness and just generally fucking Magnus stupid.
Alec tries drinking some ice water as discretely as possible.
“Look,” Jace tries to temp down his still blazing blush, but to no avail. “I’m just saying, they’re doing a good thing for a charitable cause, we shouldn’t mess around with that.”
“Oh but brother you missed the best part,” Alec leers before presenting them all with the cover photo of the local Animal Humane Society, that he had printed off right before they all ambled in.  “We’ll be donating that other fifty percent of the order to a local animal shelter.”
The room stays silent.
“Please, don’t bother keeping your applause to the end,” Alec snarks, tossing back the sheet of paper.
“So…We’ll essentially be making no money,” Raj deadpans.
“Not the point!” Alec reprimands with a huff. “The point is our name will get out there even more, and Bane won’t get any customers, and we’ll finally win!”
“Yeah, that definitely seems like a totally plausible sequence of events,” Lydia snorts flippantly.
“You guys should just fuck and get rid of the UST,” Max blithely recommends  from where he’s moved to practice balancing a spoon on his nose.
Alec pointedly ignores him.
“Man, I still feel like this ’s a bad idea.”
“Warning noted Jace, but I’m the manager and I say this goes full force ahead.”
“This is gonna end badly,” Lydia jeers with a sing-song sort of voice, helping Max tare off the spoon he’s somehow gotten plastered onto his face.
Again—they’re all such blunders.
With a bit of a start, Alec pivots around to meet a very blotchy faced, and scowling Magnus. curious Hazel eyes piercing into very cross Brown ones.
“Bane, hate to chat, but thankfully I actually work for a living.”
“What the hell is this,” he pounds a finger into the neon flier Alec had commissioned Clary to make, one which advertises the sale, and charity event that  Heavenly Sweets will be holding.
“Paper…I didn’t think you were that daft.”
Magnus’s brows lower even more—Alec had no clue that such a deep vee could mold into the bridge of someone’s nose like that.
“You know what I meant,” he seethes. Alec should probably think it’s ridiculous that none of his staff is even bothering to glance there way, but has long ago been lectured by a very irritated Maia  how they all  have plenty better things to do than be witness to Alec and Magnus’s  little melodramas whenever one gets all huffy and decides to storm the other’s grounds of operation.
Even though  Alec is pretty sure he should still be concerned that one of them yells at the other so often that it no longer deserves even the slightest bit of attention, he always ends up just forgetting about the whole ordeal, unintentionally opting to just get distracted by everything Magnus whenever he so much as steps into a room, instead.
“Oh, you mean the sale we’re having?” Alec perks with a sneer.
“You know that we have our charity event for Loss’s Orphanage every year on that exact date.”
“Oh?” Alec blinks, eyes going owlish. “Is that right?”
“You are such a fucking piece of shit!” He fumes.
“Language Magnus, we’re in a professional setting,” Alec clucks his tongue and awaits the sharp comeback that Magnus always shoots back his way. Something debauched, and cunning and with a pixilated gleam to his eyes all the while. Probably an innuendo, or taunt about going somewhere a bit less professional—his words forever hugged with something this edge of dangerous. And Alec would just clip something back until they’re in the midst of a  full out repertoire that makes Alec feel alive and giddy and just more buoyant than he ever has before. (And then Alec would usually round the day out by shamefully jerking off to the little sparring match in the secure darkness of his loft, where he is never forced to face any unwanted feelings.)
But the thing is, Magnus never opens his mouth to drawl out  one of his artfully precise remarks.  He just stands there for a moment longer, glare deepening, and this look about him.
This look that kind of shakes Alec to his very core—and Alec doesn’t care how fucking pretentious or trite that sounds, the feeling’s factual.  Magnus is looking at him As if he could not believe the gall of Alec, as if Alec has just blazed across  this line they’ve been teetering on ever since they had first met. As if Alec had gone so far past it that Magnus can hardly recognize him. And Alec’s actually tempted to ask what makes this so much worse than all the other slights they’ve doled out to each other throughout the years, but then Magnus just gives a rough shaking to his head, and sashays out of the building without ever looking back, or tossing Alec one last smirk.
And Alec feels hollow for it.
“You’re sulking.”
“Am not.”
“Jace is he sulking?”
“Hmm, well he did just eat an entire bowl of uncooked doe…”
“I did not,” Alec harrumphs, giving each of them a downright mutinous glower, stirring the ingredients with much more force than necessary.
“Well denial is the first step,” Izzy commends with a nudge of her elbow.
“That’s for grief.”
“Yes, and you’re grieving how a certain someone hasn’t bothered to even speak with you since the incident that shall not be named.”
Alec gives her a very flat look. “I have no idea to whom you’re even speaking of,”
“Sure,” she sneers. “So then you don’t want any advice from either of us—you know two people who love you, and  are both in serious, fulfilling relationships themselves.” Jace doesn’t even try to flounder for a way to contend with Izzy, it’s basically common knowledge that he and that cashier have been sucking face for the past six months, no use in trying to deny it.
Alec’s gaze goes steely. “I don’t know why you think I’d want to relate with you and Clary or Jace and Stefan.”
“His name is Simon,” Jace cuffs him on the back of the head irritably.
“And you shouldn’t be sleeping with him in the first place.”
“oh, damn. Point,” they knuckle punch.
“Fine,” Izzy interrupts their little bro moment,  flipping back a lock of her hair facetiously. “I guess I won’t tell you about this major fight me and Clary had way back at the start of our relationship.”
It’s an involuntary  response when Alec strays his gaze to focus on her. and It’s something rote when Alec inclines his head, silently pushing her to continue, as if he were actually at all interested beyond the arbitrary older brother trying to protect his baby sister from the scum of the earth alertness.
Izzy’s smirk tells him she knows she’s caught him, hook line and sinker. “Well it wasn’t anything terribly serious, just about trying to balance our times so that we don’t sacrifice our relationship to all the other shit swarming around us. You know, just trying to get serious.”
“How did, erm,” Alec coughs, and tries to not sound so terse over how Izzy’s squeezed him into admitting how the severe lack of speaking with Magnus has effected him. “How did you guys resolve the issue.”
She beams like the fucking sun. “You’d never guess, it’s a totally retro practice!” Izzy leans closer, as if to divulge to Alec a long hidden cure to all relationship perils. “We spoke to each other, put everything on the table and went from there.”
Alec glares at her, but Izzy’s probably been long ago immune to Alec’s surliness considering they’ve been siblings for her entire life.
“I know, don’t go crazy over the sudden rush of information.”
“I loath you,��� Izzy just pets him like mollifying an upset pug. “Does it actually work? Just talking I mean,” he directs the question to Jace, because again, he loathes Izzy.
Jace gives him a one armed shrug, “Worked last weekend when me and Si were trying to decide between Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars for our movie night.”
“Aww,” Izzy gushes, locking her arms around Jace’s bicep. “You guys are so totally like an old married couple.”
“Yeah, we are,” Jace’s face goes sickeningly fond, and his eyes look like they’re actually shining stars.
Alec’s heart gives a sudden thud when he thinks to how unbelievably happy  his siblings are with their other halves—even fucking Max and his unrequited reverence   over Dot.
Alec’s stomach twists when he pictures the face of the only person who has ever made him remotely that passionate.
He spends the remainder of the day telling himself that he won’t let Izzy or Jace’s words effect him, telling himself that he doesn’t care that he hasn’t spoken with Magnus since the verbal lashing Magnus gave him nearly three weeks ago. He tells himself that he’s fine, and he doesn’t need to see Magnus to alleviate this tension that’s begun filling the wholes that Magnus had once mended over with his megawatt smiles and dancing laughter that use to make Alec want to cocoon himself within it’s warmth.
Nope, he’s fucking the great wall of China, that’s how unmovable he is.
Alec is admittedly a very weak man when it comes to Magnus—and he won’t even bother to psychoanalyze that fact. So it’s unsurprising when later that day he finds himself standing outside of Magnus’s door, a tray of lemon squares in one hand, and hoping that they could convey how sorry he is to Magnus—even if Alec doesn’t know what it’s over.
“Okay Lightwood, you got this,” Alec hypes himself up, sucking in a breath before giving three quick wraps against the wood, holding in a gasp once detecting the subtle puttering of feet striding ever nearer.
Magnus swings open the door, finds Alec standing there, and promptly tries shutting it again.
“Whoe, just hold up,” Alec tries pushing his weight against the force, but fucking hell those bolding muscles are not just for show. Before the door could shut completely, Alec squeezes the lemon square tray to act as a temporary barrier.
“There’s nothing I want to say to you Lightwood,” Magnus growls, just glaring all the more mutinously.
“Okay, fine I’ll leave you alone,” Alec raises his hands up. “But I just don’t get why you’re angry, I mean we’ve always been in competition with each other. I don’t get why you find it so offensive that I bested you this time around.”
At that, Magnus’s pallor goes scarlet, and he moves so that he’s standing close enough that Alec could feel tendrils of Magnus’s warm breath skirting across his lips. “You don’t actually think I’m upset over this shitty rivalry, do you?”
Alec gulps dow a breath he hadn’t known he was holding—he thinks he never really knows what he’s doing where Magnus is concerned. “Well yeah—I mean why else?”
“God cheekbones I didn’t think you were this fucking dense.”
Alec parts his lips to retaliate, but then Magnus’s pressing a finger to his mouth in admonishment, and cutting his gaze to a clock behind him. (One of those posh, grandfather contraptions that only the elderly and people as staunchly fashion forward as Magnus, actually bother to keep in their homes.)
It’s still early, Alec knows that for sure. He had come straight hear after closing shop. It couldn’t be past quarter after three.
“C’mon, let me show you why I have a fucking problem with this shit you’ve pulled.”
Alec knows damn well he’d start spewing a thousand different questions, and would refuse to go anywhere until any of them were answered, if it were not for the fact that Magnus grabs his hand, and Alec kind of loses focus of everything but them, and where they’re interlocked, and how fucking good that looks, and how that’s not something someone should think about their fucking business rival.
Alec doesn’t care, because damn do they look good holding hands like that.
Alec isn’t really surprised when their little promenade through the congested Brooklyn streets ends with them standing outside of Loss’s Orphanage.
“Um, why are we here? I mean it’s not as if i didn’t know what charity you guys were donating to.”
“Just shut up for a while Lightwood,” Magnus bites back before strolling in.
He greets the pretty woman in the front, Catarina, easily, sharing a chemistry only developed between the closest of friends.
“Who’s this Magnus?” Catarina flashes Alec a kind grin after at least ten minutes of them catching up,  and he thinks she might’ve been an angel in another life.
“Cat, this is Alexander Lightwood, cheekbones, this woman deserves nothing but the upmost respect, so cut the bullshit now.”
Alec glares at him, and Cat’s smile goes mischievous. “Oh so this is the James Dean wet dream you couldn’t stop talking about?”
“Oh, woah there Cat, you feeling okay?” Magnus pounces to clamp a hand over her lips, and an arm around her shoulders—Alec just standing there very confused. “Those kids running you so ragged that you’ve started spouting nonsense  again?  
“I like him,” Cat tells Magnus in a stage whisper, ignoring his antics.
“Can’t say I feel the same way about you at the moment my dear.”
Cat’s laughter is something booming and lively. And Alec can definitely see how the pair have become such close friends—both larger than life, and seemingly standing on a pedestal that normal folks could only dream of reaching.
“Testy, testy. Well I’ll go grab Madzie, stay put and don’t do anything I wouldn’t while I’m gone.”
Magnus and Alec burn matching shades of scarlet.
“You were leaving, yes?”
Cat just follies him another smirk before disappearing into the back dormitories.
Alec is jolted back to being a kid, finding Jace in one of these orphanages after his fathers death, and then the elation he felt once the two close friends could finally regard each other as brothers. It’s a strangely bitter sweet sensation, and Alec wonders if any of the kids in here are another family’s future Jace—someone to make them finally feel whole, and complete.
“You’re uncomfortable being in a place like this?”
Alec is thrust back to the present.  “Huh, no…Why would you-?”
“You’v been pretty silent, even for your standards, since we’ve gotten here.”
Alec hadn’t noticed how close Magnus has gotten, his breath hitches with the proximity—the way Alec could take in every shadow that dances across Magnus’s lovely eyes, the way  he smelt like the most darling combination of sunlight and sandalwood—Alec could feel himself losing touch yet again, but he can’t help it. He thinks Magnus is the embodiment of a fucking fire—awing, and beautiful and consuming, but when it’s gone all it leaves in it’s wake is ash and burnt embers—he could most probably destroy Alec if he let him, and the worst part is…Alec would. Alec would let Magnus destroy him over and over and over again, and that’s so fucking dangerous that he gives a harsh shake to his head, and chides himself to focus, all the while ignoring the pang of longing that hits his chest.
“Ah, no. No not uncomfortable,. I guess maybe wistful’d be the best way to describe it?” Magnus kinks his brow in question. “My brother, Jace, he was adopted, and I guess I’m just thinking back to when we first got to call each other brothers. Me, him and Iz all got these weird matching tattoos that were suppose to symbolize thicker than blood or some shit. Even colored one in on Max’s leg when our mom wasn’t looking.”
Magnus laughs, and Alec thinks he could live in that sound for the next eon to come.
“Mangnus! Mangnus!” Before Alec really has time to process it, a little ball of kinetic energy, and thick curls is leaping into Magnus’s waiting arms. She has big brown eyes, and sparkles in her hair, and a smile that could rival the fucking sun.
“Look, look,” Crowing, she smacks a small hand against Magnus’s cheek, using the other to emphatically gesture towards her hair. “S’pose to be just like yours!”
“It’s lovely love, absolutely beautiful. I must have you do my hair one of these days.” The little girl, Madzie, beams.
“My darling, I’d like to introduce you to a new friend. This is Alexander, he’s here to play with us today.”
With all the vitality of a five year old, Madzie whips her head towards Alec—big, cat like eyes brightening ten fold once catching sight of him. “Oooo he’s pretty, just like you Mangnus! ’S he you’re boyfriend?”
Queue another round of awkward blushing.
“You’ve been talking to Catarina for too long,” Magnus mutters morosely, to which Madzie just titters with glee. “No pumpkin he’s just a friend.  Is that alright if he interrupts our playdate, just for today?”
“Hmm,” Madzie kicks against Magnus, wanting to be set down. Then, with assurance in her every step, she saddles up right to Alec, glaring up at him with a terribly adoring grimace. “Mangnus is the best,” she informs him.
“Ah, yes—I think he’s great also,” Alec offers timidly, knowing she wants a response but not knowing how to at the same time.
Madzie starts to rub her thumb against her little chin, assessing Alec—And Alec is really far too worried of what she’ll decide than what should be warranted.
“M’kay,” she finally decrees measuredly, taking his hand in her own, and then doing the same to Magnus. “C’mon, you can color in my unicorn.”
“I’m honored.” Madzie preens, and Alec’s overjoyed that he’s actually said something right.
It’s close to seven when Cat finally steps into the makeshift playroom and tells them that the orphanage will be closing for the night, and that Alec and Magnus have to see their way out.
It’s begun snowing once they finally meander into the open streets, and Alec can’t help but marvel at how the puffs of snow swirl around Magnus in a heavenly glow—It’s not the first time Alec has thought that Magnus is beautiful.
“I can see why you make such a big deal about that promotion at your bakery every year,” Alec shuffles closer to him, basking in the glow of fairy lights, and aroma of hot chocolate clogging the air. “Those children are remarkable.”
Magnus flickers his gaze up at him, a ghost of a smile dancing over his lips.
Alec feels lighter for it.
“Thank you Alexander, but I must admit my intentions are not as pure as merely adoring all the children, and Catarina to the moon and back.” Befuddled, Alec gives him a one eyed squint, hip checking him to continue.  “The little girl we were coloring and playing dress up with today-“
“Yes, Madzie.” Magnus’s gaze turns softer when realizing that Alec actually enjoyed his time today. “You see, I’ve been trying to adopt her-“
Stunned, Alec petrifies right there, in the middle of the sidewalk. “No shit.”
Magnus hikes up both his brows. “Surprised?”
“Yeah, I mean—I guess just a little. Fucking hell, for how long?”
Magnus let’s out a breath through his nose, before continuing his walk a bit more briskly. Alec almost needing to jog to catch up. “Three years.”
“Wholly hell, does it ordinarily take that long?”
“NO,” Magnus shakes his head solemnly. “But I’m a single, bisexual, man…Not exactly prime material for a candidate to adopt a little girl.”
“That’s fucked up, you love her. A fucking monkey from space can see that.”
Magnus let’s out a little huff of a laugh. “Yes, well I did feel an immediate kinship with her—but that really has no room in the logistics of the whole ordeal. I just thought if the lawyers handling the case saw how I was donating, and helping the orphanage, while spending every afternoon with her…”
“That they’d see the potential of you guys being an amazing family. But then I just fucked it all up.”
Magnus just smiles at him consolingly. “Not your fault at all—They’ve been pressuring Catarina to close up the place for a while now. Too many kids and not enough resources, and trust me if you knew Cat you’d know how she’d rather quit eating for a decade than leave one of those munchkins without a toy for the holiday.”
“I fucked it up,” is all Alec could say. Over and over again.
“Alexander, ’s just how the cookie crumbles. I’m sure a nice, two parent, unit will find Madzie and demand to adopt her soon enough—just not me. Now c’mon, there’s a Gelato place a couple blocks down, and you’re not such terrible company.”
Mechanically, Alec follows suit, but knows that he needs to do something, to make a difference.
Izzy practically squeals with delight when Alec explains to her his intentions, and it’s not very hard at all to get the rest of the crew, from both Heavenly Sweets and Pandemonium, to join in on the plan.
The morning of the ninth Alec is leaning against the register of Pandemonium when Magnus pads through the doorway.
“Ah—Alexander, not that it’s not wonderful to start my day off with your pretty face, especially now that I don’t want to scratch your eyes out any more but-“
“Follow me,” Alec doesn’t give him time to shed off his jacket, just snatches Magnus’s hand, mildly notices how his heart still decides to do a gymnastics routine whenever they touch, and leads him into the back kitchen.
“What are you-“ Magnus’s words die on his lips.
The whole crew is piled on top of each other, mixing, and frosting and pulling out of ovens. Simon’s adoringly looking over Jace’s shoulder while the former ices very intricate roses onto a red velvet cake, while Clary, Meliorn,  and Raphael are sketching out their intended creations for later on in the day. Maia,  Izzy, and Lydia are pounding together the base of a particularly large project, with Dot   sitting imperiously on the back counter, instructing them all, and basking in the fawning by Max and raj.
It’s a disarray, but a functional one.
“What, what’s going on?” He looks back up at Alec, as if seeing him for the first time—and yeah, Alec can’t help the swell of pride that comes over him when he sees that look on Magnus’s face.
“We postponed the pet shelter special for the eighteenth,” Alec just shrugs blithely, laughing out loud when Magnus punches him in the arm. “Look Bane, I don’t care what you say, it’s just fact that with us working together you guys will be able to make more goodies to sell out to the public, and get more money for Loss’s Orphanage, and it’ll just be better for all of us.”
Magnus still looks flabbergasted, scanning his gaze around all the faces of everyone that Alec’s wrestled together. “I still don’t get why you would do this for me?”
Alec feels his face heating up. “I wasn’t lying to Madzie when i told her that I think you’re great—I actually think you’re fantastic and brilliant and a bunch of other shit I’m sure a five year old wouldn’t have the patience to listen to.” Magnus laughs again, something light and wonderful. “Oh, by the way I got Cat to bring her and all the other kiddos over here to help us sell—You know using guilt against people and all that jazz.”
For a moment, Magnus just freezes, boring his eyes into Alec’s, and making him feel like his heart is on fire. But before he could try and lighten the mood, Magnus just pushes his head forward, and slants there lips together.
Alec thinks Magnus tastes like lilac skies and warm summer days and promises made to be kept and Alec thinks he loves him. Thinks he’s loved him for longer than he could remember not loving him, and it’s this edge of spectacular.
When they finally pull apart, they both pointedly ignore money being exchanged, for just kissing over again, and again, and again.
They make enough that day to safely say that the orphanage will be up and operational for a long time to come.
They get Lydia’s husband, John, to take on Magnus’s case for adoption, and he wins custody of Madzie six short months later.
On the one year anniversary of them being a family, Alec proposes. Madzie is  the flower girl and couldn’t be happier over her pretty daddies.
Alec and Magnus still banter and jibe like nothing else, but now their words are lilted with fondness, and their feelings are modified by hungry kisses and proud I love yous screamed across any room.
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fanfic-shiz · 8 years
Always You- Kili (Part One)
Pairing: Kili/OC
Prompt: sango-hentaitenshi asked: Can I request a Kili x Reader where Kili thinks she's into Fili and it takes someone pointing it out to him that it's KILI the reader is really crazy for? Bonus points if Fili knows this and uses it to wind Kili up and flirts hella hard with Reader. Thank you!
Warnings: None!
A/N: Okay, this turned into sort of a project lol meaning that it got really, really long. I feel bad for leaving you guys hanging, so I decided to break it into parts until I can finish it. Here’s Part One...Look for the next tomorrow!
Part Two
Nori was poking at the small campfire with a stick, trying to keep the flames alive, while Ori sloshed stew into another bowl. I felt some of my anxiety deflate, just a little. It was quiet nights, like this one, I looked forward to. Even though I knew they would be even fewer and farther between as we grew closer to the Lonely Mountain.
A few of the dwarves had already settled down for the night, curled up on old burlap sacks and snoring softly. I could see Bofur lying on his back, hat covering his eyes. Nearby Gandalf sat smoking a pipe, looking every bit the thoughtful, wizened wizard I knew him to be. As usual, Thorin sat further away from the others. Alone with his eyes turned in the direction of the home he had sworn to take back.
I had grown fond of all of them, enjoying each of their unique personalities. Even Thorin, though it had taken him time to accept me as a member of their company.
There was one dwarf, though, who I had found myself gravitating toward more than the others. One dwarf, who simply magnetized me. At the thought of him, my eyes found Kili. He and his brother were a short ways from the small camp, tending to the ponies. I watched as he smiled at one of the small horses and scratched it behind the ears. I had been witness to the destruction Kili could cause with a bow and arrow, or the swing of a sword. Yet his spirit was gentle, often even a little mischievous. I closed my eyes at night and his smile was often the first thing I thought of. That crooked grin that seemed to light up his entire face, crinkling his eyes at the corners. It was foolish. I was foolish.
Falling for anyone now would only lead to trouble. 
“You sure are looking at something awfully hard.”
I felt heat creeping up my neck, hurriedly tearing my eyes away from the dark haired dwarf. Bilbo had appeared next to me, silent as a mouse. He was wearing a small, knowing smile.
“I’m hopeless, aren’t I?” I murmured, shaking my head. “I came on this quest for adventure, Bilbo. Not to fall head over heels for a dwarf. And an utterly oblivious dwarf at that.”
Bilbo clucked his tongue, and I noticed he was carrying two wooden bowls of steaming stew. “Yes, but you can only control what the heart wants so much, can’t you? And I know I’m not expert on…well, on romance, or love, or anything of that nature…of course I’m not…” he trailed off into a mumble and a smile twitched at my lips. “But maybe it wouldn’t be such a horrible thing? To let yourself love him. And to tell him, of course.”
My stomach tightened unpleasantly at the thought of revealing to Kili just how I felt. I would have almost preferred to face a pack of goblins then speak the truth to him. Even if there were days when I was so sure he felt the same. It was in his eyes when he looked at me, although perhaps that was just the overactive imagination of a daydreamer.
“Oh, I don’t know…I’m not so sure Thorin would approve of me longing after his nephew.” I sighed, allowing my eyes to flicker toward Kili once again. “Besides, there’s no guarantee Kili even returns my feelings.”
“Don’t worry about, Thorin.” Bilbo scoffed. Then he clamped his mouth shut tightly and threw a look over his shoulder, as if expecting the dwarf king to be right there listening. “What I mean is, um, you shouldn’t let that deter you.”
I smiled appreciatively at him, but his words hadn’t entirely convinced me. “Thank you, Bilbo.”
He nodded, standing a little straighter as if pleased he had been able to help me. “In fact,” he handed me both the bowls. “I was just about to take these to Fili and Kili. Why don’t you instead? It’ll be the perfect excuse to speak with him, and maybe..you know, tell him. Or not. Whatever you’d like.”
I looked down at the bowls in my hands and back at Bilbo. He merely smiled at me and traipsed away, hands in his pockets. I was left with butterflies in my stomach, staring at the broad-shouldered dwarf I’d grown so enamored of. 
I sucked in a deep breath and carried the bowls across the short distance, where Kili was sitting on a boulder with his back to the small campfire. He had a pipe in his hand, forearms braced across his thighs. He looked up when he heard me coming, glancing over his shoulder. The corners of his mouth lifted into a grin, and my heart soared a little.
“There you are. Was wondering if you’d checked out for the night already.” He said, scooting over to make room for me.
“Not yet. Though to be honest, I’m not sure I could sleep right now if I tried.” I admitted, handing him one of the bowls. “Is Fili around?” I asked, looking around for his blonde haired brother. Secretly, I was glad for a moment with him and him only. It wasn’t often we found ourselves alone, not with a company of fifteen. And I especially didn’t want his brother around to tease me if I did manage to get the words that were in my heart out into the open.
I sat next to Kili, our shoulders brushing. His smile had turned into a frown as he looked away from his bowl and back toward the vast, sprawling field. “I’m sure he’ll return in just a moment. Did you want me to go search for him?”
I furrowed my eyebrows together, confused by his offer. “No, that’s alright. He’ll just have to eat a cold dinner.”
Some of the tension that had suddenly appeared in his shoulders left, and he relaxed. A peaceful silence blanketed us as he ate his dinner, both of us content to admire the view. Of course, I was entirely too aware of him to relax entirely. His presence seemed to fill me with a nervous energy, my heart too fast and my breathing too shallow. Not enough to be noticed by anyone but myself but there all the same. I snuck a look at him, admiring his profile. He was a collection of strong lines and angles, but it was the warmness and his eyes and his easy smile that drew me to him. Despite all that he had been through, he still had so much light in him.
“I don’t imagine we’ll have many more quiet nights like this one.” He said, breaking the silence as he set his now empty bowl down next to him. “Although with Bombur’s snoring, I suppose we don’t have any quiet nights at all.”
I laughed. “So easy for you to tease when you’ve no idea I’ve been kept awake by your snores as well.”
Kili turned to me, eyebrows raised in mock offense. “You don’t mean it. Your ears must be deceiving you.” His voice had taken on a teasing tone, eyes dancing with mirth. “You must be thinking of Ori, or Bofur.”
I shook my head, grinning. “No, I know what I’m hearing. You, my dwarf prince, are a snorer.”
He bumped his shoulder playfully with mine, making my stomach tumble. “Believe what you must. I know, with absolute certainty, I have never snored a day in my life.”
I laughed, feeling a sense of contentment fall over me. One I hadn’t felt for many years. I had been worried I would regret my decision to join the dwarves. Gandalf turning up on my doorstep had been the last I’d been expecting. While the journey had been long and hard, I found myself grateful I stepped out beyond my front gate. While there was so much evil and ugliness, it was easy to forget that the world could also be a beautiful place.
“I can not wait to see the mountains.” I said after a moment, imagining the high peaks dusted with snow. Like the pictures in my books but grander.
“You will not be letdown.” Kili answered, giving me a sideways smile. “Some find the mountains crude and an eyesore. For me, they are home.”
A wistful tone appeared in his voice, his eyes far away. I knew he was thinking of the Lonely Mountain, the way Thorin did each night. I smiled softly and let my body lean into him, resting my head on his shoulder.
“You’ll have your home again soon.”
He let his cheek rest against the top of my head, making my smile grow. I remembered Bilbo’s words. If there ever was a time, this was it. While we were alone, and while the moment was so calm.
“Kili, there’s something I need to tell you.” I began, hesitating a moment as I worked to gather the rest of my courage. My stomach was tying itself into knots.
“Hm? What’s that?” He asked, his voice mellow, unsuspecting.
I took in a deep breath and let it out.
“I see how it is, leave me to chase after the stray pony while you lounge about with this beauty!” A familiar voice called.
Just like that, the moment was cracked and my courage with it. Yet as I caught sight of Fili coming out of the tall grass to my right, his wide grin made it hard to be angry with him. Disappointed maybe, but it was hard to be bitter with either of the brothers.
“You’re the one who offered, if I remember correctly.” Kili shot back, giving his brother a smirk.
Fili waved his hand at him, shrugging him off, as he dropped down next to me. He slung an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side in one of his tight, friendly squeezes. I felt Kili stiffen next to me.
“Thought you’d be sound asleep by now.”
“Maybe I would be, but I’ve been sitting here waiting to give you your dinner.” I told him, pointing to the wooden bowl resting on shelf of rock next to me. Fili brightened, his arm leaving my shoulder as he reached down and grabbed the bowl. “It’ll be cold now.”
“Hot, cold. Doesn’t matter. Food is food. Especially when brought to you by a beautiful maiden.” Fili winked and I rolled my eyes, laughing.
“Don’t get used to it.” I warned him jokingly.
Kili suddenly stood, brushing the dirt from the back of his pants. The smile had vanished, and his eyes looked troubled. He met my gaze for a fleeting second, before he looked at his brother and back at the ground. “I’ll go check on the ponies.”
“But I just did that!” Fili protested around a mouthful of stew, but Kili was already stalking away with his head down.
I stared after his retreating back with a pain in my chest, his broad shoulders squared. His entire demeanor had changed so suddenly, and I could think of nothing that could’ve done it. Aside from the arrival of Fili, but why would his own brother cause such a shift in mood? They were close, the best of friends.
“Was it something I said?” I murmured, more to myself than Fili.
The blonde dwarf gave me a small smile, eyes twinkling. “Not at all, love. He thinks you fancy me is all.”
My eyes went wide. “He what?”
Fili finished off another spoonful of stew, looking mildly amused at my response. He swallowed then shrugged his shoulders. “It’s obvious, isn’t it? Kili is crazy about you, but for somer reason has it in his head that you prefer me.”
My cheeks grew hot. “He can’t be…can he? About me?”
Fili’s eyes softened as he set down his bowl and looked at me. “I know my brother, Talia. The way he looks at you, he’s never looked at anyone the same.”
I ducked my head, suppressing a smile. My heart was trilling happily inside my chest, though the joy dimmed a bit as the surprise faded and reality reappeared. “Do I…Do I really act like I fancy you instead of him?” I asked.
Fili let out a laugh. “Of course not. Anyone with two working eyes can see you’re just as struck with him as he is with you.” He pointed out. I felt his fingers on my chin as he gently lifted my face to look at him. His smile was kind. “My brother is many things, but observant apparently isn’t one of them. I’m afraid you may have to just tell him plainly.”
My shoulders heaved as I let out a sigh. Fili dropped his hand and resumed his dinner. “I know. Bilbo said the same. That’s actually what I was trying to get to before you showed up…” I admitted, toying with a loose thread on my shirt.
Fili looked at me with a wide grin. “I know…I should also be honest and tell you that I plan on tormenting to living hell out of Kili over this. So the sooner you tell him, the better.” He winked and I let out a groan, smacking his chest with my hand.
“You are mean, Fili.” I chided him.
“We’re brothers, Talia. It’s what I’m meant to do.”
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