#the like last place of the game w/the crystals and heids just there gettin a snack like 'YOU AGAIN!'
cwarscars · 11 months
@rage-reloaded liked for a starter | for vivi.
the streets of treno are a bustle of activity - with everything from the card tournament to the auction house, it's easy to lose oneself in the entertainment of such a place. the city that never sleeps; as it had so aptly been dubbed.
heidegger's stride is brisk one; mini-brahne in hands ( careful not to drop it ). of course, he knows such a curious trinket will be greatly appreciated by those back at the shinra building! hell - he could even display such a magnificent piece atop his desk. all is well, that is - until - he spies the boy. that curious, pointy-hat-wearing creature from before. hell, that was all the way back in alexandria and he had been certain then, that he'd stumbled upon something great. an ancient-!
"y-you!" he points; the figure in hands, almost dropped to the floor. with a furrow of his brow and storm in his step, he presses on toward the lad - glares down at him with a look that roars - 'do not run away again'. instead, heidegger's actual words seem a lot kinder. "so this is where you ran off to. quite the distance. hmph, you must be a world traveller!"
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