#the lil batty was so smol and cute
the urge to keep making asks for doodles is strong but I must resist the temptation. mustn’t overuse this privilege
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thecasinowolf · 4 years
And now,,, excitedly talking abt Chro & Hex images bc...
Now I can look at them w/ out panic attacking YEEEAAAA!!! Let’s react to some images, I missed them :> under the cut of course this is long & also jus a lil personal victory 4 me Succ it, abuserz!!
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god hez so pretty Lookit his eyebrowz also that witch hat?? immaculate *chef’s kis*
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The scar!! Omf I thought that was the COOLEST shit back in the day Also the headset badass luv him
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I miss Chro’s lil eye tattoo so much bro it was so cool it was my fav thing to draw on when I cosplayed him but o well,,,
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that’s a solid man rite there also he’s smiling!!!!! happey!!!! *kiss*!!!!
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Okay points off for dragging Cid like that but god,,, th-that shirt *fans self* Mr. Circidas I can see ur tibbies- also the bow’s cute I’ve noticed that in a few drawings he’s jus,,, god he’s so pretty I missed u so goddamn much
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The gays!! Omg Hex’s bat tattoo!! His eyesbrows!! The lil stubble!!!!! The lil hair in his face!! His EYES!! GOOD SHITTT!!
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hhhhh he look so calm This man could look in to my eyes and I’d jus freeze tf up
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Chronos ur not fooling anyone there’s no words in that book Nice cape vest thing tho- wHERES UR GLASSES WAIT-
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His lil smile hhghghghghghghhh his lil batty bat wings,,, my heart,,,, 
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BUFF!! STRONG!! DAD!!! PLEASE CRUSH ME!!1!! HOLU FUK!!! also his lil ponytaill,,, beautiful lookit that curl,,,
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Seth: *Takes off glasses* I can’t see shit also the heartz,,, the hearts on his tail,,, God Chro ur stunning sir,,,,
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HIS HAIR!! IS!! SO!! LONG!! HE’S BEAUTIFUL!!! LOOKIT THAT ARMOR!!! S T U N N I N G!!! wherez ur glasses tho it bothers me when he isn’t wearing them I kno he doesn’t need them but like-
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THIS is the outfit I wanna do when I cosplay Chro He’s making ice cream!! I luv him!!
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God,,,,,,, Hex,,, the way he’s looking at his bf,,, u just know he treats him right,,, *swoonz* Also Chronos looks like he’s plotting some shit please sir chill out *ba-dum-tss*
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A strong man A big boi He means business He’s the teacher I’d let yell at me,,, *hhhh blush blush*
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The hair textureee,,, his hair’s so long,,, I want 2 play w/ it... he’s... so... PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!
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ok this picture kinda scares me why’s he so mad at me I’m sorry what did I do pls don’t bite my ankles ur so smol
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hhhhh *blush blush blush blush heart beatz fast* thank u Mr. Circidas so r u,,, do u wanna,,, u kno,,, hold handz b4 marriage???
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gauges???? GAUGES???? HHHHHGHGHGGHGHGH also Hex’s beard is absolutely amazinf Luv u Mr. Mithras uwu~
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Hhh,,,, muscle man,,, wearing cape,,, sit on chair,,, lemmmeee,,,, sit on ur lap,,,
alrite and that’s all I missed them so much I’m glad those bad memories & events are out of my mind Sure it might take a while before they can make it near the top spots in my fav characters list but it really is a breath of fresh air to calmly type their names and look at them again If u read this far Thamk u for celebrating this personal victory w me! I appreciate u! *Gives u kiss* /p
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