#the little moments of gender nonconformity in their videos make me happy even if it’s in a bit of a jokey context
dykecubes · 5 months
Is weston trans/queer?
Irl Weston isn’t, in the sinjin drowning videos him and Kalynn call each other sisters instead of siblings or brother and sister and the fans tend to call them sisters too
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somefandomimagines · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could get a haikyuu matchup 🖤
I’m a chaotic 5’2 bi who loves dying my hair bright colors. Right now it’s blue.
My Myers-Briggs personality type is ENFT.
I have adhd, odd, depression, and anxiety. Which is basically means I either give something 1000% in effort, or nothing at all. And sometimes that is determined by someone telling me that I “have/need” to do it. Because I tend to have problems with authority figures and don’t like being told what to do.
I also have a hard time sitting still unless I’m hyper focusing on something (usually reading or going down a research rabbit hole on something that I find interesting). Those episodes only last so long though. Otherwise I like being out and doing things (usually with my dogs). I love traveling to new places and trying new things. I listen to all types of music, but David Bowie and Neil Diamond will always place top in my heart. I love to sing and dance at random. I’m not good at either, but that doesn’t stop me.
Those are my good days though. Some days depression and anxiety get ahold on me and I’ll do a 180. Those days I usually try to stay on my own and read or distract myself with movies and tv.
My favorite genre is horror. I love scary things - books, movies, documentaries, tv shows. Paranormal investigations? Im in! Stephen King’s new release? I already got it preordered.
I love games. I’m not so much into video games, but tabletop and card games are my jam. I’m also pretty good at trivia too (the more useless and random the questions are, the better I am).
I’m also a practicing pagan and witch. I specialize in divination (tarot cards, oracle cards, and tea leaf reading) and have a ridiculously large collection of rocks/crystals, candles (mostly because I like things that smell good) and different tarot and Oracle decks. And random fact; my favorite tarot card and the one I identify with the most is The Fool.
I think that’s all I’ve got at the moment. Thank you in advance 💚🖤💚🖤
So I kinda just skimmed through this but if I get anything wrong please don't be upset :( ALSO IT'S SO COOL THAT YOU'RE A WITCH!! I wanna get into that stuff but I'm too pea brained and can't find anyone to help me lol Anyways I match you with... ASAHI!! - Look, look, I get it, he's a gentle giant kinda guy and you're hyperactive and hated by authority - But opposites attract - He'd be attracted by how strong you are tho - Like you just give off this energy and he can't help himself - You guys meet when you get transferred into one of his classes - Your hair is so cool,,, He likes it - Like he wants to be bold like that too </3 - You guys end up talking somehow - For once... Someones not scared of him??? OMG!!! - You guys get along so well at first too - You're the one to make a move and ask him out on a date tho - You guys go to a simple picnic :0 - He shows you his fashion designs btw- He's super good at that - He also brings the cutest little foods too - Tiny sammiches - anyways you guys have a great time - At some point things get quiet but like- a comforting quiet - You guys have a really cute dynamic tho - You help him get over some of his anxieties and he helps you with yours - ALSO HE'S SO INTERESTED IN YOUR WITCHY STUFF IT'S SO COOL - He could listen to you talk abt it for hours - When you guys study and you can't focus, he'll wrap an arm around you and pull you close - He knows that talking while doing things can help others focus so he tries that? Idk if it works but he finds smth to help - Also you're hyperfixed on smth? RANT TO HIM - Ok if it's horror he might get scared shitless but he'll listen - Poor mans is horrible with horror but finds it cute that you have such an interest in it - He gets you out of trouble with teachers and other school staff somehow - Maybe bc they find him scary or he's a kiss-ass sometimes - When you're having a down day, you've got your big teddy bear there w/ ya - He lets you play with his hair if you want, it really calms you both down - During your down days he'll just quietly cuddle you as you guys watch TV or he'll try and help you get something productive done - Either way, he somehow makes your day better - And then when HE has a down day, you're on his ass in a positive way tryna get him up - He,,, He really likes this one cafe with cat-themed snacks - Anyways gender-nonconforming Asahi ftw - He's a man that likes cute things! What's wrong with that?? - With any gender identity you have, he's fully supportive - Might not understand something clearly at first but he'll learn and do his research! - You're his best source for this info tho - He refuses to let you dye his hair tho - He likes his hair the way it is - PDA? Only small things - Hell even the smallest thing gets him fuckin flustered - You hold his hand? He's blushing - He's not really used to relationships but,,, You help him a lot - He's so happy to have met you - Also if you guys have movie nights and you choose a horror movie? He's holding onto you for dear life - Nishinoya is also someone you hang out with and he'll tease you both a lot - Asahi,,, Poor boy he's so fucking flustered - Tanaka joke flirts with you one day and Asahi puts a protective arm around you,,, It's so out of character that it's obvious - Tanaka loses his shit which makes Asahi embarrassed, but you let your mans know that you find the gesture endearing - Hiking dates are a thing hiking dates are a thing - Asahi loves the views and you love the adventure - He gets along w/ your dogs amazingly btw - Your unpaid dogsitter <3 PLEASEOSUFGHSDIFG
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