#the little spikies and button nose!!🥺
hollyhomburg · 7 months
I’m not getting a birthday chapter this weekend by any chance am i??🥺 if not it’s okay i still feel fed but it would be the best to cuddle up with it🥰
oh no :( next weekend! i want to sit with this chapter just a little bit more! if you want a little hint~ i guess i can give you a little line or two~ this is the fluffiest part of the next chapter!!
He sets the gun to the side and pulls you between his legs. “Joonie?” you ask. Your pack alpha wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles forward, rubbing his spiky head across your midriff. Nose nudging the hallow of your belly button and the slight pudge there. Well gotten gains achieved through daily trying. Gotten through industries happy and healthy.
Namjoon will never not be happy that he can see the evidence of the pack’s love on you. Will never not feel proud of you. He nuzzles, and you huff a soft laugh that Namjoon feels against his cheek. Namjoon’s skin is blushing red when he pulls back to look at you in the darkness. corralled in the safe circle of his arms, fingers digging into your hips and squeezing.
“What are you doing alpha?”
Namjoon pulls back, his cheeks warm. “Just thinking- just” Namjoon’s voice gets so much lower in the nighttime. “When all of this is over- I want to go somewhere new.” Namjoon swallows hard. “with you, just the two of us maybe.”
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blackvelvet-main · 4 years
Late Days pt 2.  (Kirishima Eijiro x Reader)
 TW: Slight smut again I’m keeping the real good ish for the next part because I wanna make a part three... There's really nothing else unless you count curse words... If I even put curse words in here lmao I’m kinda dumb.🤷🏽‍♀️  
Word count: 2367
Summary: Tbh, this is just a continuation of last time because.. Lmao I had another concept and I said fuck it why not.
Note: Sorry this took so long to come out lmfao I was busy with art and dealing with some good old fashioned ✨ 𝓌𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓇'𝓈 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀 ✨ I hope yall enjoy nonetheless. I wasn’t expecting part one to blow up like it did 🥺🥺 I’m grateful for that!
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Once again, the art is not mine but I made the cover; ctto
          It'd been a month and half since yours and Eijiro's little game of pleasing yourselves on the phone with each other.
     Granted you felt a little better, you weren't as sad because he wasn't too busy to talk to you. He called you every night after class and he made sure you ate and drank water, with the help of Dadzawa.
     You'd always tell him about your stories, you felt good enough to study and Aizawa let you retake the quiz; you got a B+ on it. Still not the best but it was better than a whole D- so you weren't complaining.
    It was the middle of the night and you were stirring a little, though his voice from your guys's nightly call resonated in your head, his lovely voice reassuring you that he wasn't too busy to talk to you, he do anything to just be tangled in your embrace, his work stories, and helping to console you, telling you how much he loved you before you both hung up for the night.
    He also gifted you with a video call whenever he could; he offered you four video calls and each time he looked more handsome than the last.
    Your soft puffs of air filled the space around you as Kirishima's keys jingled faintly. You didn't notice because you're a heavy sleeper and he didn't tell you he'd be able to come home for the next few weeks. He probably could foreshadow you staying up all night just to see him.
    He smiled as he watched you sleeping, his usually spiky cardinal colored hair resting just above his shoulders, his spikes limp. He loosened up his tie and didn't bother to switch out of the formal white button up, his slacks, and he didn't even take his tie off.
    He unbuttoned a couple of buttons from the top of his shirt and he crawled in the bed behind you, his soothing voice chiming in your ear.     "I'm home, my love," he giggled softly and he kissed around your ear slowly and gently, just admiring your peaceful expression and feeling you squirm around sleepily still not waking up.
    He slipped one of his strong gentle arms under you and pulled you closer, his expression soft and sleepy, his vermillion eyes sparkling, his lips lightly glazed over with some chapstick he'd picked up on his way to you, and his cheeks and the tip of his nose painted a pretty pinkish hue.
    He rested his head next to yours just listening to how peaceful you slept, his hand that was under you traveling up to your head, gently running his fingers through your hair and massaging your body.     You both peacefully slept for a couple of hours until you jolted awake, snapping up immediately, gasping for air, choking to get air down too quick. You gripped your neck and broke down in tears not yet noticing Eijiro laying next to you.
    He woke up after hearing you choking and he looked up at you worriedly, sitting up and placing his hand on your lower back.
    You look at him with wide eyes and jump into his arms immediately melting into a blushing, crying mess and he holds you tight, holding you close to him, giggling softly and rubbing your back.
    "EIJIRO! W-When d-did you come back?!"    "A couple of hours ago," he chimed in that sexy, raspy sleepy voice of his.     "I wanted to surprise you in the morning... You had another nightmare... Did you get those meds that you needed?"
    "Uh... No... I couldn't... They'd make me drowsy in class and we did training a few weeks ago.. I couldn't risk it.." You were semi telling the truth, playing with your hair a little.
    "Aizawa Sensei wouldn't have minded, Pebble," he whispered quietly.     "Besides.. That's never stopped you before... What else is up? Do they make you sick? Depressed? Wha-"
    "I can't afford them," you said, ashamed with your head hanging.
    He lifted your head, cupping both of your cheeks in his muscular hands, his soft skin heating up under your burning cheeks and he kissed your forehead gently.     "Where do you get them? I'll get them for you."
    You checked your phone and your eyes looked even more sleepy.     "Ei, it's 3 in the morning."
    "I didn't ask," he said kindly. "I asked where you get your medication from."
    You looked into his eyes before giving in and you huffed quietly. "There's this pharmacy downtown... Booth 7 all the way at the very end right next to the staff's cafeteria... You look through the pamphlet and you sign off on the thing... It's something fancy but the description next to it says something like... Melatonin spiked... Or something like that.. I c-can't remember..."
    He listened intently, his jaw flexing a little as he did so, hearing your voice making his heart skip many beats, his eyes sparkling with every word you spoke as he lingered onto your voice. "It's okay baby, I remember what your package looks like so I'll go get them at 7 when the pharmacy opens up, okay?"
   "E-Ei.." You started only to be interrupted and shut up with a gentle, tender, passionate kiss from Kirishima, his eyes locked on yours until he slowly closed them and you followed suit.    "Don't Ei me... I'll do anything to make sure my little pebble is happy... AND healthy."
    The sunlight was barely peeking in through the windows as he crawled over you slowly, your eyes a little pleading as he held himself over you, his chest pressing into yours, your breathing shaky as his stayed soft and even. Red shades blanketed his face as he stared down at you, your eyes widening a little as he smiled at you, that sweet, gentle, caring smile. That smile he uses when he's proud but also when he's caring. That smile... That smile that you couldn't get enough of.
    "They don't call you Red Riot for no reason," you joked feeling your stomach turning as you poked his cheeks, his smile only growing as he pressed his hands into your sides.       "I don't mind that too much," he smirked a little as he leaned in, whispering in a hoarse, husky tone against your lips.       "As long as you let me be your hero... Your Red Riot, then I don't care about anybody else, he whispered softly before crushing his words into a deep, passionate kiss.
    You couldn't help but to snake your hand up the nape of his neck, biting his lip gently as he pushed a quiet moan into the kiss, holding your waist and pushing himself closer; you could feel his growing excitement against you as he grinded subtly into you, his eyes opening again, becoming pleading as his skin ached for your touch- any contact he could get he drank up instantly.
     "Please," he whimpered out softly. He continued to grind against you slowly and gently, the sleepiness in his voice and in his eyes reflected yours only you were scared to go back to sleep, even though he was sitting right next to you now, you'd be tangled in his arms, you'd feel his warmth and his muscles pressed against your body that seemed frail in comparison.
    You pulled him closer, loving his whimpering and pleading as you ran your fingers through his hair slowly and gently, his lax, unspiked hair resting just in front of his eyes, your hearts both beating rhythmically as you stared at each other, taking every detail about each other in having been so far away from each other for so long and suddenly you got sad when the realization hit you.
                                     He'd have to leave again soon.
    You teared up a little and just clung to him, your legs wrapping around his waist tightly, your face buried in the crook of his neck, your eyes squeezed shut as you held onto him and listen to his sweet tone chiming in your ears.
    "What is it baby," he said quietly, his muscles flexing ever so slightly as he held you, nuzzling into you, stroking the back of your head as you welled up with emotions.
    You knew how bad he wanted to be a hero, how badly he'd wanted to follow his idol Crimson Riot, how hard he trained, how late he'd stay up training and getting stronger strictly to achieve his dream. How hard he'd studied. How far away from his comfort zone he'd strayed in hopes of becoming a hero... Even if he wasn't number one and you feared that you were getting in the way. You felt that if you weren't in the picture he'd be even farther and you'd be better off by leaving him alone.       "Nothing," you lied and he turned so that you were on top of him, looking into your eyes, sighing softly.    
    "Don't lie to me (y/n). I know you too well."
     His tone, sweet and gentle and loving... It sent you over the edge and you sighed softly, sitting up, straddling his lap and wiping your eyes.     "I just wanna be good enough," you said quietly, holding back tears.
    "What do you mean," he said quietly.     "You're more than good enough.. You're amazing... You're quite possibly the best thing to happen to me thus far," he said softly, kissing your forehead gently as you bury your head in his chest and start crying quietly.
    He doesn't catch on until he feels your tears on his chest and he bites his lip a little, his arms snaking around your waist and pulling you against him more.     "Let's work through it," he said in a soft, caring whisper. He frequently said that when you were overwhelmed, sad, anxious or otherwise and you were about to tune out.
   "I'm sorry.. Ei... I just feel so selfish because I don't want you to go back! I'm so need and dependent on you.. I don't like being apart... I feel like I'm in the way! You work so hard and study so hard and just... You're out here doing hero work and I want to be right beside you all the time! I want to get stronger so I'm not in the way! I want to be right next to you to fight while you continue your progress!"
    It'd been obvious how long you were carrying this burden with you judging by your expression when you sat up and looked down at him, wiping your eyes as you felt him underneath you.
   His eyes widened a little as he stared up at you.    "Pebble," he said softly, sitting up, his back against your headboard as he held you, his strong arms squeezing you a little, one of his hands travelling to the back of your head pulling you into him.    "You're not in the way or weak or anything like that. It's okay to feel dependent on me, I love it actually. I love feeling wanted. Feeling needed by the love of my life. We've been together for awhile now actually," he said quietly.      "I'm never growing tired of you... Never wanting to leave your side. I love you so much, baby," he said quietly as he kissed your temple.
          How genuine he sounded... How lovingly he held you and looked at you. 
          His gentle caresses. You knew in that moment that one day you'd get married and there was nothing you wanted more. Every time something like this happened, he was always there. Always right next to you, working it out.
                  He knew how you felt and didn't invalidate your feelings.
                                   He took such good care of you.
  He always came to you even when he wasn't feeling as manly as he wanted to.
        He always made time for you and made you feel special and worth it.
    You looked up and you saw that precious, closed eye smile he always gave     you, poking his cheeks and smiling at you and your heart skipped a beat.
    "If you're struggling, let me know. I want to help you. We'll be at the top together! We can both be number one!" He gave his soft, adorable, slightly squeaky giggle and you couldn't help but to smile.
     "I just need my meds," you said softly.      "And to be by you... Can I maybe... Go with you next time you leave..."
   He was clearly taken aback by the question, his smile growing wider as he blushed and clung to you, massaging your back gently.     "Yes! I'll help you get the proper paperwork down and we can go together! We can schedule online lessons with Aizawa too! We won't be behind, we'll be doing hero work.... And most importantly, we'd be together," he said softly as he pressed soft kisses into your lips.
    Then two
               Two melted into four
                                                  Four melted into eight
                                                                                 Then he held the ninth kiss, his tongue gently wiping over your bottom lip as you gasp softly.
    You whimpered a little, staring into his eyes before his soft, cherry colored eyes closed and his hands held you at your waist and pulled you closer.
     It was those soft, gently, slight, subtle mannerisms that made you even more in love with him, the way those soft vermillion eyes of his lingered on yours for just a moment too long, the way that he'd always listen to your every word, lagging in response just to hear your voice and really revel in it, the way his muscles flexed around you when he was getting more protective, whether he realized it or not, the way his bangs fell in his face, the way his eyes narrowed out when he was mad; everything about him that he didn't notice about himself really... It drove you insane.
     "I love you, Eijiro," you said quietly as you pulled away from the kiss, your warm breath dancing on his lips gently, his breathing hitching a little as he ran his hands up your back.
  "I love you too, (y/n)," he said in that same tone, resting his head on your chest just listening to your heartbeat.
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