#the lore snippet got a bit long but I'd still appreciate people reading it!!
guardsbian · 2 years
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Iezekiel, a Plague druid and hunter of the Shade. Further lore for her can be found beneath the cut!
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The Stygian Coalition, despite their reputation as "Shade hunters," never aims to fell the monstrous or corrupted until all other options have been exhausted. Their Plague druids' acute command of the flesh has been used to methodically rend Shade from body, while their Light clerics' extensive knowledge of the soul has been used to wholly cleanse Shade from mind. But no method is proven completely effective, and every new case may present a condition too advanced or situation too strange to salvage what was once warped, now long departed.
Iezekiel is among the Coalition's number of genuine hunters, though her speciality in viruses and microorganisms has always defined her role far more than any status as "willing executioner" could. Ask her how such a mild-mannered and studious Tundra came to wield a blade, shotgun, and enchanted gauntlet with such controlled effeciency, and she'd assure you that any member of the Plague clergy must be as well-versed in combat as they are prayer. Ask her why she's no longer a member of that clergy, and she's suddenly far less open to discussion.
Her outward sentimentality, then, is reserved largely for those inevitable ends. After all, she can be trusted to act alone; her judgment is sound, her blows are measured, and her opponents fight honorably and viciously in the hollow halls of whatever bit of ruinous construction they take shelter from the harsh Wasteland sun in.
The miserable, lumbering forms Iezekiel smites in the Plaguebringer's name are the life which proliferates in death, not so far from those revered, diminuitive forms she devotes her studies and magic to. There is a serene stillness in death; a stillness which the Rot-Mother's children riot and raze so vibrantly to combat. The squirming and pestilent things which invade death's stillness are exalted, beautiful, thrilling.
And yet, in the sprawling, hallowed carcasses of forsaken structures, long devoid of such fiercely devout and intoxicating life, Iezekiel must contend with a stillness of her own making.
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bluiex · 1 year
(Ignore the previous ask <3)
Long time no see! I've decided this fandom needs more wlw fics, and i've got a little something cooking. Band AU, but this snippet is before they form any band, high school era. Okay, it's an empires fanfic, but this concept is 2 bands trying to rile each other up for the fun of it all until it is no longer for the fun of it all. It's also a collaborative work for the AU and the lore, but I thought I'd share my Ffic for it, which is how False, Gem and Pearl end up together.
You absolutely want to read Gem being down bad for False the first time she meets her. You know you do.
Gem didn’t dare to peek in the room, just decided to lean against the wall and appreciate the music. The bassist had changed melody and seemed to be copying some famous 60s bass riff—Gem wasn’t well versed in old music to tell from which band it was from.
Eventually, it became silent, and Gem had the brilliant idea to congratulate the musician, after all, some hype never hurt anyone. She opened the door, ready to shower the person in praise, but stuttered in her words at the sight of them.
Blond hair shoulder length, small eyes bulging out of their eye socket at the sight of another person in the room, face still somewhat round despite the lanky body, but looking as ethereal as Galadriel, or maybe Elizabeth Swan. Gem was in awed, jaw dropped.
The person looked to the side, where there was a drum set, and beyond the still opened door, until they cleared their throat.
Oh dear, even their voice was as commanding as a Royal Elf, at least, from what little knowledge Gem had of the movies of The Lord of the Rings, despite the squeak at the end of the question.
Gem blinked and blushed.
“Um, sorry, yeah.” How can someone be as pretty as Elves? Or Elizabeth Swan? She’s too gay for this world. “Just, wanted to say how good you were at the bass.”
She pointed at the instrument, her confident smile failing her when she needed it the most. The bassist blushed, lowered their head, hiding their beautiful face in the process, and bit their lips.
“Thanks,” they murmured.
They stayed in the awkward silence, the bassist strumming the upper string as Gem tried to think of something to say. She had the social skills, unlike her brother, she should be able to get herself out of this awkward situation!
“Sorry,” the blond said, standing up, closing the amp and unplugging their bass, “I should leave, sorry for taking space.”
Gem’s eyes widened. The last thing she wanted was for the stranger to leave.
She placed her hands in front of the high school student to stop them, shaking her head.
“No, wait, don’t go. You play so well and probably one of the few people here who can play bass like it’s nothing. I didn’t mean to judge, I’m judging in a good way, like, admirer way.”
She chuckled nervously, knowing she failed to convince them to continue to play their instrument within the school’s hall. They quirked their eyebrow skeptically, and ducked their head to run pass Gem.
“Yeah, whatever.”
Gem put her hands against the door frame, officially blocking the blonde from leaving the room. She takes a deep breath and looks at the bassist determinedly.
“Let’s jam together, to prove you that I truly believe what I said.”
AAAAH this is AMAZING. GODS I lvoe band aus so much
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