#the man without a plan {miscellaneous | ooc}
soulsunforgiven · 5 years
I know I said I was coming back on here, but shortly after I said that the person who had engagement rings picked out for me and a proposal planned broke up with me because of his mental health needing worked on and his PTSD making him hit the panic button, and now I’m back with my parents and apparently single and he’s staying at another guy’s house for a few weeks and honestly I can barely figure out what the point is in breathing let alone writing so like
hiatus for me sorry
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dhbelzinone · 5 years
𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓯𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓼 (ᴬⁿᵈ ᴬˡˡ ᵀʰᵃᵗ ᴶᵃᶻᶻ)
𝓞𝓞𝓒 𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸 𝓟𝓸𝓼𝓽
Hi hello I’ve never done anything like this before but it looks like there’s a blog specifically for ooc intros so here’s my best. ♡
Hi my name is Sal, I go by they/them/theirs, and I’m a med school reject turned gender studies honors student. I’m currently working on a thesis about sex worker rights so I’m balls deep I can be in the industry without the good money and devoting the rest of my undergrad career to fighting for their right to make theirs. I’m also an artist and run an indie if y'all wanna see more of my muse’s roots. Bel’s been my emotional support muse for a good while and has gone through more character development than I have my entire lifetime, so although she may seem like a big softie compared to the rest of the muse crowd here, here’s hoping she can hold her own!
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Bel Zinone Abridged: Devil’s Highway Vers.
Her mama is an undocumented immigrant who fought tooth and nail for her piece of the American dream. Much of this was due to the help of a vigilante organization that helped her flee from Europe, but her reputation was volatile enough to charm them into seeking out her membership.
Thanks to their international influence, she was able to keep running with the Wallflowers across the continental U. S. She soon settled down with her husband, a high profile (albeit black market) doctor, and raised her two children beneath the protection of the empire they built all the way from the city underbelly up to the high class elite.
Bel and her older brother Beau were relatively spoiled children until he left for the army and the family secrets started to leak. Adolescence was already hard on her, with her elusive sexuality and growing dysphoria yanking her identity chains, but as soon as she discovered her parents’ reign over the criminal underground, Bel doubted the authenticity of her upbringing and fled to the southern inlands with the resolve to make it on her own.
Little did she know that she’d find herself right smack in the middle of a gang war of the very nature she tried to escape. However, this time was going to be different. She wasn’t going to be at their mercy.
They were going to be at hers, for she offered one of the few medical resources in the entire desert that didn’t come with the liability of a paper trail.
In the meantime, she floats between bunny ranches, strip clubs, and the odd burlesque show. When she’s not working, she can be found frequenting bars, on Instagram, streaming her cam, tinkering with her Widowmaker, or looking for a good meatball sub.
Whereas she would’ve used her earnings to run as far away as possible from her past, Bel ironically finds solace in the lucrative lifestyle, calling a cozy studio apartment home and splurging on the occasional odds and ends that make the closeted queer life she embodies just a bit more bearable.
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Relationships for her? I’m not gonna lie: despite the past rancor she’s had for her parent’s occupations, she genuinely wants to help and support people, patching them up so they’re good to go back to whatever they were doing without judgement. Her view of the life’s changed and she’s come to understand the institutions (as well as will) that brings people to commit and run with crime. She’s yet to make peace with her family, but she’s come to terms with the blood she’s from and wants to make a difference in peoples’ lives. That being said: 
Give her your tired, your poor, your horny
A job @ Paradise, maybe? Maybe she could learn about the surrounding gang activity from other dancers / affiliates or Kimi when she applies?
Maybe she could’ve known Esmeray from medical school?
Seeing other muses in the medical field are inspiring some joint black market clinic potential~
Maybe she could’ve known Rodrigo from when he was doing his work, possibly from Backpage before it got shut down?
On this note, maybe Nikki too? (Hello~)
If there are any other queer muses around, maybe they can shine a community light on her? Potentially while she’s yanking a shank out of their shoulder?
If there are any single muses too, I’d love to develop a ride-or-die boo or friend for her.
Last but not least, if we still need prospects and other make characters I’d be game af to have Beau go AWOL and trade his fatigues for a potential patch (maybe through the Mexican border with Nikki, if she’s gonna hate Bel asdkjfnaks). ♡
INTRODUCTION: Sal (24) they/them/theirs ; PST ACTIVITY: I'm in my last year of undergraduate study and will have class three days a week on average. I'll be online at least once a day and will be able to devote most of my week to nitty-gritty writing as well as plotting. PASSCODE: angel wings and/or crown MISCELLANEOUS: I've been running an indie oc rp blog for almost five years (same character @belzinone) and this will be my first group/skeleton/rl fc rp. I'm worried about being ignored/left behind/largely uninvolved in threads and plotting because that has largely been my experience in discord server rp groups, but y'all seem to have good administration going on so I'm not feeling so worried anymore. I look forward to the experience if you'll have me. :)
NAME: Bel Zinone DATE OF BIRTH: (March/08/1991) (28) PLACE OF BIRTH: San Francisco, California GENDER/PRONOUNS: demifemme|she/her/hers AFFILIATION: N/A RANKING: N/A OCCUPATION: freelance sex worker, hitwoman, & black market physician FACE CLAIM: Antonia Thomas
triggers: domestic violence, murder, abuse, misandry, severe burns, sex work Her mother was an undocumented immigrant, fleeing from her orphaned past and domestic abuse in the Italian slums. A headstrong, promiscuous, and violent woman, it wasn't long until she found sisterhood amongst a like-minded gang of vigilante women with international influence called the Wallflowers, well-versed in her infamy and coming to her aid while she was pregnant with her son and escaping prosecution for murdering her husband. Risa Zinone, codenamed La Eglantina, docked in New York city, giving birth to her son Beau Zinone and raising him with the rest of her sorella while continuing her bloodthirsty occupation of murdering abusive men and liberating survivors from their regimes of terror. However, one could only run with the Wallflowers for so long before beginning to challenge their belief system, however righteous it claimed to be. The murderer mother fell in love with the black market doctor who saved her life and once again fled across the country and retired so she could live a peaceful life with him, safe from the constraints and watchful eyes of the sisterhood, but not without heavy cost. She suffered major burns to her entire body by a fire and had to undergo near total facial reconstruction, a miracle performed by the love of her life. In exchange for her life, she'd no longer bear resemblance to her children. Thus Bel Zinone was born on the opposite side of the country as her brother, hilly San Franscisco. She was a wildly rambunctious child, calmed only by the sounds of her brother's guitar strings and a profound interest in her father's work. Little did she know, her living was earned via the illicit means of her parents and their continued association with the country's underbelly. Shambled by the loss of one of their most valuable members, the Wallflowers had undergone a civil war. A near complete overhaul of organizational structure and creed had taken place, leading to an abysmal divide between the matriarchal supremacy of days past and the new order. Enemies of the new regime all around the world were sought out, assassinated, and replaced with a stronger, more diverse membership. During that witch hunt, Risa was reinstated into the Wallflowers with her husband Dmitri and the power couple ruled the pacific branch. The Zinone's hid their criminal affiliations well. Dmitri, a renowned surgeon specializing in the central nervous system, Risa, an uptown socialite who moonlighted cabaret clubs as a jazz singer. Their children had a generous, almost spotless adolescence until Beau graduated high school and joined the military. He was an upstanding, self-righteous man, yet his fatigues all but killed the respect his little sister had for him. As the Zinone siblings grew up, their parents had to try all that much harder to hide their criminal affiliations, often leaving the two with ample bonding time and hiding various criminal survival skills (like how to fight and use firearms among other things) under the guise of "street smarts". Combined with her surfacing struggles with her sexuality and gender identity, Beau's abandonment was very hard on Bel. Her high school antics began to resemble those of her mother during her youth, starting fights, finishing others' fights, and getting dress coded nearly every day. If not for physical altercations, the young lady spent most of her time in the principal's office for getting into arguments with teachers and staff over technicalities in her STEM courses and exposing discrimination in curriculums and attitudes throughout. If not for her parents' powerful influence, she never would've dodged juvie, let alone made it to college. Fortunately, she found her calling and started settling down as soon as her father invited her to his workplace in the hospital. College was a breeze for her, even as a fierce insistence to be independent led to her paying her own tuition. She was no party animal or sorority sister, but the continuing troubles she had with her sexuality and gender identity pushed her towards casual sex work and the porn industry when work-study wasn't enough. Bel was steadily making her way through adult life, planning to devote the rest of it to medicine like her father. However, as she started having to use her special "survival skills" more and more, she slowly began to realize there was more to her parents than she thought. The Wallflowers were growing in influence, and La Eglantina's daughter was growing a bounty on her head as well. By the time she cornered her parents with the truth, she was already well into medical school and bore nods of her mother's pseudonym and her father's occupation on her back. The betrayal she felt when her brother left her resurfaced as she uncovered her parents lies, spurring her to cut her familial ties and live her own life exclusively by her own means. Bel rejected her father's footsteps in favor of sex work, something she pursued entirely of her own volition, and eventually found herself amongst the "bunny ranches" in Las Vegas, where her life in the crossfire between the Sinners and Jokers would begin. CHARACTER QUOTE: "Do no harm but take no shit." CHARACTER ANTHEM: Half God Half Devil|In This Moment
EDIT: Risa Zinone fled from Europe as a result of Romani persecution.
P.S.: I reiterate that this is my first group/skeleton/rl fc rp. This is all pretty overwhelming so please have patience with me and for those of y’all who have a lot of experience with these things, please help me out <3
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soulsunforgiven · 5 years
hello, i live, but who knows for how long and at what cost
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
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biggest mood
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
my brain: create
me: oh good you wanna create something artistic! what should we create?
my brain: create
me: okay but what--
my brain: cREATE
my brain: C R E A T  E
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
hey kids guess what my lonely ass is gonna be listening to every night before i go to bed now
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
i’m in the mood to torture some of my muses or have them go into rages
hit me up if your muse is either in the mood to torture someone or get beaten up thanks
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
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some spam account on facebook is trying to play games 
so we’re playing games
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
hey mates what’s up
i worked 11 hours straight today - the sixth day in a row of work and tomorrow being the seventh - because one of my coworkers was sick and just didn’t show up and they needed me to cover half of his shift but i’m finally home with junk food for my fat ass and liquor for my alcoholic ass and since i downed three monsters and three cups of coffee and one bottle of monster/starbucks mix, i prolly won’t be sleeping for a while so like
who wants to watch something
idfk what i wanna watch, crankthatfrank videos maybe or shameless or fucking markiplier vids or a horror movie or smth idk 
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
what’s up guys i just got back from a nice night watching a gorgeous man singing at a bar but i’m home now and suicidal as fuck
send cute stuff to my dumb idiots til i get wasted and fall asleep please and thanks
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
okay kids
i wrote a poem that i wanna submit to Button Poetry’s video submission contest
but i need feedback from people who know of Button Poetry and the type of poems they do, preferably by tonight so i have time (deadline is the 31st) to edit, memorise, and record my poem so
if anyone’s interested hmu
and just so people will pay attention to this post in the sea of tumblr driftwood have a picture
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
okay kids
i’m gonna go to work now but i’m gonna try and be productive when i get home. yesterday’s birthday went super well, then horribly downhill, then a lil bit better to a stable place and i’ll prolly go more into detail later but for now: work. bc money.
see you all tonight! give my OCs @mindsunmerciful a follow!
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
NICKNAME    :  A lot. Lep (short for Leprechaun), shortened variations of any of my many names, Angel, a variety of Gaelic terminology... GENDER    :  Male. STAR   SIGN    :  Leo Sun, Scorpio Ascendant, Taurus Moon. HEIGHT    :  We don’t discuss this. SEXUALITY    : Pansexual. HOGWARTS   HOUSE    : Slytherin and Hufflepuff. No, really, I’m 50/50 both. FAVORITE   ANIMALS    :  All of them. Especially wolves and cats though. AVERAGE   HOURS   OF   SLEEP    :   3 hours. DOGS   OR   CATS    :  Both. NUMBER   OF   BLANKETS    :  Two. WHERE   I’M   FROM    :  Washington State. DREAM   TRIP    :  The United Kingdom. Conversely: Asgard. WHEN   I   CREATED   THIS   ACCOUNT    :  Uhhh. January 18, 2018. WHY   I   CREATED   THIS   ACCOUNT    :  Because I love writing and test-writing so many characters, and I was running out of the ability to remember 86 email addresses and passwords for single blogs since I am not a fan (personally, as in, during my own writing and blogging) of sideblogs.
tagged   by    :  my darling Bayze who will always be Len to me, @volitardor. tagging    :  you.
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
me: oh this person has a mutual friend, i can friend them back
me, going to their page after friending them back and realising they’re a grindr person i ghosted bc they made me uncomfortable: oh dear god
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
good (bad?) news everyone
i’m adding the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Doctors to my muse list
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soulsunforgiven · 6 years
I told @solaciummeae that I’d give a brief description of all my muses and their sexualities, so I’m gonna be posting a list of that soon! (I said only the queer guys but I might do all of them since most of my kids are queer anyway, but @solaciummeae, I’ll bold the LGBTQA+ men for you! xo)
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